Chapter 197: Two Talent Monsters, A New Round of Battle!!

“World-class ball skills are on the way to the shattered ice sword!”

In the face of countless lights, the traces burst out.


Under the shocked expressions of countless people, the track department slashed the racket like a battle axe.

The ice crystals exploded, and winter came.

Cang Bend cracked a huge opening, and a giant ice sword appeared.

Everyone experienced what it was to be completely cold.

It is as if the soul is about to be frozen, and life and death are only between the thoughts of the traces.


The ultimate rainbow is wrapped in a cold coldness, which makes people shiver.

It was not dust that erupted, but hard ice crystal fragments.

The tennis ball smashed through the court in front of Kataoka, creating a bottomless hole the size of a tennis ball.

In addition to bringing violent vibrations, there was not the slightest overflow of power.

This made Taeshima incredulous.


Keigo Jibu, who started the figurine, only cares what Kintaro thinks.

“It doesn’t seem to fit me.”

“But still…”

Kintaro smiled mischievously.

There is a sample, almost the same serve action as the track 30.

The movement is much smaller than the traces, and there is no such bone-chilling cold.

Instead, it was a fiery breath that spread in all directions.


The tennis ball with a hot flame smashed through the ground, very powerful.

“Oh my God, what the hell did I see?”

“People are more than people, it’s really easy to be angry.”

The tennis player at Deer High School couldn’t believe what was in front of him.

Just now it was the Kanto level, and now it is the national level.

And learn other people’s skills, just look at it.

The power is not maximized, and that is also related to the level of the eastern peak.

“These two outsiders are unexpected talent monsters.”

Taejima’s talent is strange, compared to Jibu and Kintaro, he thinks that he is inferior.

It’s too far off.

It’s no secret that Keigo Jibe teaches something, and Taeshima will too.

It’s just that no matter from any point of view, he is not comparable to the Jibu, nor is he comparable to Kintaro.

For the first time, in terms of talent, someone had frustrated Taneshima.

Especially when two appeared at once.

If given time to grow, Taeshima believes.

Both Jibu and Kintaro have their potential far above their own.

Don’t think it’s easy for Kintaro to break through three small stages in a row.

Fools think simple.

Taeshima entered the professional level, and his horizons were much broadened.

Whether it is Jibu or Kintaro, the talent is at the top of the U17 group of talent monsters.

Perhaps, Byodoin will be able to compete with Kintaro.

However, if the Ministry of Traces is concerned, it will be above the Byodo-in-a-de-a-de-se-in-a-de-situ

It’s outrageous.

It can be said that Taeshima even sees the future.

Seeing Kintaro sitting firmly in NO·1, no one in the country is invincible.

This is not an exaggeration.

Keigo Jibe doesn’t care what others think, he is quite satisfied anyway.

Kintaro, however, is a supernova.

For him to spend more time, Jibu does not feel wasteful.

By any measure, Kintaro will become the absolute leader of the next generation of the Ice Emperor.

Within ten years, the Ice Emperor dominated the national middle school tennis tournament, and there was no problem.

All taught to this step, if Kintaro still can’t get up.

That can only be said that I saw the wrong person…

“Damn, I’m sad, okay?”

Facing the trace, Kataoka Toshiwa was extremely aggrieved.

The national elite, being used as teaching props, is too miserable.

I’m Toshikazu Kataoka, and I also want to face.

Didn’t you see so many onlookers?

“I’m sorry, senior.”

Keigo Jibe opened his mouth and said, Kataoka Toshiwa is really miserable, he can’t refute it.

“As compensation, I offer seniors the opportunity to travel anywhere in the world once.”

“The time limit is not limited, and I cover all the costs.”

Katafuze Toshiwa is honest, and he doesn’t particularly believe Jibu’s words.

“You’re not kidding me, are you?”

“How much does it cost to travel anywhere in the world? There is no time limit yet, that’s a lot of money. ”

Jibu smiled, and was just about to speak, when someone else took a step ahead.

“What he said is true.”

“If you know the Jibu Foundation, you won’t doubt his commitment.”

“Kataoka, you’re really lucky to get a promise like Keigo Jibe.”

It’s Taeshima, speaking and standing in front of Jibu.

After looking at Kataoka, the spirit of Taeshima is concentrated in the tracks.

“Jibu-kun, you don’t mind if I rob you, do you?”


If you plant the island, it will make it seem like it has exploded in all directions.

Even Kataoka Toshikazu and Takuya Abe couldn’t believe it.

“Ice Emperor, Keigo Jibu?”

“A top genius who reached the professional level at the age of twelve, led the Ice Emperor to sweep the Ice Emperor Trail Department of the King Lihai University?”

“Oh my God, is it really him?”

In today’s neon, too many people know the Ministry of Traces.

Not because of his status as a consortium heir, but because of his unique tennis talent.

If you know a little about tennis, you must know what Keigo Jibe represents.

In the first year of junior high school, you are eligible to join the terrifying existence of Neon U17.

Throughout the neon tennis world, the track department is also unique.

“I’ll just say it.”

“If it’s the Ice Emperor Trail Department, everything makes sense.”

“The Ice Emperor who can lead the reconstruction, all the way from the rookie competition to the Piercing Competition, and then win the championship of the Kanto region with an absolute advantage.”

“The three giants under his command are already standing on the ceiling of the middle school students of the neon country.”

People who know more about the Ministry of Traces have said more information.

It also made everyone more shocked by the strength of the Ministry of Traces.

This is the strongest genius Neon has ever had, an even more terrifying existence than Echizen Minamijiro.

No wonder it is so clear about the essence of the national level, the essence of the professional level.

“I think I’m lucky to meet you here.”

“Anyway, I want to play tennis with you, how?”

No matter what others thought, anyway, Taeshima looked at the Ministry of Traces and posed a challenge.

Neon is the strongest genius ever, and no one can resist the enthusiasm to challenge him.

Some people may say that Taeshima is bullying the small with the big.

Taeshima doesn’t think so.

With the strength of the Ministry of Traces, there will even be an advantage over Shangchang Island.

Age has long been out of the scope of the measurement of traces.

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