Chapter 65 Showdown, I don’t pretend!!




Enthusiastic cheers resounded in the long sky.

It was in the audience, and the cheerleaders of the Chengcheng tennis club were shouting. And around them, there are also a lot of to.

Sometimes, momentum can also affect the outcome of a battle.

“Tsk, Chengcheng came to this set again, and it is not honorable to win.”

“But to be honest, I’m still quite envious, this is ~ the treatment of rich people.”

However, a shout broke out immediately after, directly covering all the surrounding sounds.

“Victory belongs to the Ice Emperor!”

“Victory belongs to the Ice Emperor!”

“Victory belongs to the Ice Emperor!”

Both men, women and children were chanting the slogan of the Ice Emperor excitedly.

In the midst of such enthusiastic cheers, the Ministry of Traces came with the Ice Emperor Selections. Conspicuous purple-gray short hair, draped over the ice emperor floating in the wind on his body. That noble temperament that can’t be hidden, coupled with the embellishment of tear moles at the corners of the eyes, directly makes female fans crazy.

“Ahhh!! Lord Jibu is so handsome! ”

Behind the traces, in order, Tezuka, Yakuzu, and Fuji. According to the order of strength, as a queue order.

Eight regular candidates and four substitutes all entered.

Until I met with the students of Chengcheng and watched them change out of their tuxedos and change into martial arts clothes, the sun was blinded.

“What the hell? Are they here to compete, or are they for drag shows? ”

“Also, does taekwondo not have its own event? Tennis too? ”

Keigo Jibe was very calm.

In any case, this is the world of tennis kings, and tennis is the mainstream.

Taekwondo, kendo, and other martial arts are more or less all for tennis.

You can also integrate various martial arts into tennis and develop stronger ball skills. The main choice of Josei Gakuen is all taekwondo masters.

With moves integrated into taekwondo, the overall strength is very strong.

Although there is no strong enough leader, the weakest are all Kanto class.

If there is a national pinnacle sitting in the town, Chengcheng really has hope and fights for the national championship.

“Decide on the list of people who will participate in this competition.”

The organizer’s broadcast was repeated three times throughout the audience.

The Ministry of Traces has become the head of the hand, and Tezuka, as the deputy minister, of course has to stand up. Chengcheng Gakuen, and people also walked out immediately.

Chapter: Cheng, confirmed that the list of participants is correct.

“Doubles Two: Himawari Takeshi, Shinobu Yushi.”

“Doubles one: Takashi Kawamura, Takahiro Kachi.”

“Singles three: no two weeks help.”

“Singles Two: Yakuzuhito.”

“Singles one: Kunimitsu Tezuka.”

Keigo Jibe, continue the salted fish mode.

The fundamental reason is that Josei Gakuen is too weak, and the Ministry of Traces feels that it is a waste of time. The weakest Kanto class, sounds very intimidating.

But three wins in five games, you are so average, and there are no leader-level players.

Tezuka, Fuji, Yakuzu’s three singles matches, have already booked the Ice Emperor victory in advance.

Whether the doubles can be won or not, it doesn’t matter at all.

To put it mildly, Chengcheng Academy does not even have the qualifications to serve as a stepping stone for the Ice Emperor.

“It’s all true, right?”

“Then next, the final begins.”

“Ice Emperor Academy, vs. Chengcheng Academy!”

After repeated confirmations, the referee shouted.

“Chengcheng is the strongest, and it will definitely win!”

“Beat the Ice Emperor and take down the tickets to the competition!”

“Josei! Chengcheng! ”

The cheerleaders of Chengcheng Academy suddenly burst into waves of cheers. I have been learning taekwondo all year round, shouting loudly, and can last for a long time.

“Victory belongs to the Ice Emperor!”

“Lord Jibu will win!”

“What kind of thing is Chengcheng, dare to say that it can win the Ice Emperor? Blast them! ”

Just an avid fan of the tracks, there are more of them.

The cheering sound directly frightened the cheerleaders of Chengcheng Academy.

“The first match, the doubles two match, please invite players from both sides.”

The referee’s voice sounded.

The Ice Emperor’s doubles, Shizu Yushi, walked towards the court towards the Riyue people. Josei’s doubles, Noluda, and Migamimoto, followed.

“The Ice Emperor gets the starting game, and the game begins!”

Guess the end first, the referee announced loudly.

The doubles of the Ice Emperor and Chengcheng have already stood in accordance with the standard doubles formation.

“Yue people, cheer up, you can’t be careless, they are very strong.”

The practice of shinobi Yushi warned the people of Xiangyue.

“Don’t worry, bear with me, it must be us to win.”

“No matter what, I will not disappoint the minister!”

The people of Himawari are relaxed and confident.

Since joining the Ice Emperor, the intensity of training really makes people feel very hard. But where you give, you get what you gain.

This hard work has made Xiangyue people improve a lot.

The tacit understanding with the shinobi has also improved more than a little. If the opponent is the peak of the Kanto region, the people of Himawari will be a little worried. It’s just that when I first entered Kanto, I was on a level with myself.

Then there is nothing to worry about.



Shinobu was in charge of serving, carefully examining the Josei doubles at the bottom line.

“That’s you.”

His eyes flashed a sharp light, and he couldn’t help but stare at Ye Lutian.


Without hesitation, he threw a tennis ball high, leaned his body back sharply, and then swung and smashed down.


The tennis ball was very fast, and it instantly pressed the bottom line of Noluda’s side. At the same time, Shinobu ran to the vicinity of the net at a very fast speed.

“To the double avant-garde?”

Noluda couldn’t help but exclaim, but the movement of his hand was not slow. The serve that smashed in the corner of the bottom line was easily knocked back.

It’s just that before Noluda relaxed, the Hinatsu people directly became trapeze.

“Endure, it’s really the same as you think.”

Himawatake people have super flexibility and explosiveness, and stunt tennis is stronger than Kikumaru.

The whole person is like paper ‘floating’ in the sky.


Noruda also thought that Himawari was going to smash the ball, but it turned out to be a half-volley in the air. Bang!

With a crisp sound, the tennis ball just smashed on the back of Noluda and Migamimoto, and scored easily.


“Code, induce, plus super aerial stunts.”

“The doubles combination of Himawari and Shinobi is like a treasure, the more you dig, the more you have.”

Keigo Jibe admired the performance of Himawari and Shinobu.

The exquisite doubles technique made Noluda and Migamimoto unable to react at all.

“Yue Ren, continue!”

“No problem!”

Speaking loudly, Himawari continued to communicate with Shinobu behind his back. Bang!


Under the crisp sound, the sun, the tacit cooperation of patience, continue to score easily.

“Ice Emperor Academy leads, 30-0!”

“That’s right, that’s it, blow up the city!”

Taki Nosuke couldn’t help but shout excitedly.

Chengcheng Academy can be said to be the strongest person the Ice Emperor has encountered at present. Only by continuing to push sideways can the influence of the Ice Emperor be maximized! However, neither Jibe nor Tezuka spoke.

He is also a Kanto class and has participated in regular competitions more than once.

Even if it is not as good as the tacit understanding between Himawa and forbearance, it is impossible to fight back at all.

The truth is similar to what the Ministry of Traces guessed.

The tennis ball tears through the sky at bullet-like speed, imprinting on the boundary of the bottom line.

Xiangri, who couldn’t react for a while, watched the tennis ball sweep out of the bottom line.


“Sure enough, I didn’t show all my strength at the beginning.”

Shinobu’s expression was extremely solemn, and Himawari also frowned. Bang!



“Josei Gakuen leads, 30-40!”

From the beginning of scoring, Josei doubles scored consecutive points.

In fact, their ball skills are not complicated, it is simply and rudely pursuing fastball.

Tennis, which is almost at a certain limit, is just a short board to endure the sun. Josei Gakuen is aimed at the weakness exposed by the shinobi heel and wins with speed.

Mind your so many bells and whistles, induce. As long as I’m fast enough, you can’t catch the ball.

“If you lose carelessly, just wait to be kicked out of the main election.”

Yakuzu’s indifferent voice exploded in Himawa’s ears.

“Well, I still haven’t hidden it.”

Himawari looked at Yakuzu in fear and began to roll up his sleeves and pull on his trouser cuffs. Eight heavy sandbags were piled on the edge of the pitch when piled up.

Everyone was stunned.

“God, what’s going on?”

“These two guys of the Ice Emperor, playing with sandbags tied?”

“See the number of kilograms on the sandbag? 5KG? ”

“Everyone is 20KG strapped to their bodies, can they still burst out so fast?”

“What, the good ice emperors are all newcomers, they are all first-grade, good bullying, is this called good bullying?”

Bear the sun, bear 20 kilograms, and the speed can be so fast. Now, having unloaded the load, wouldn’t it take off?

The city is a double, and if he wants to burst the idea of Himawa and Shinobu with speed, he may have to lift a stone and drop it on his own foot.

“Bastard, even wearing a weight to fight us?”

“Is this deliberately teasing us?”

Watching Himawari and Shinobu unload their loads, both Norota and Migami were furious.

Noruda was very violent in the team.

If it weren’t for the match now, he would have to have a free fight with Himawa and Shinobu!

“Yelu, no matter what, we can’t lose to these two first-graders!”

It is the dull character of the god Ben, and his eyes are angry at this time.

“Doubles, we really haven’t lost yet!”


Noruda roared with Migamimoto, and Shinobu didn’t care at all. This kind of hard-mouthed person was the last one who was affiliated with the Jindai Middle School. The result?

It’s not a straight 6-0 clean sheet yet.

Shinobu’s serve is very common, just a simple high-speed serve.

The tennis ball quickly skimmed the net and landed on the right half of the doubles area.

Migami Hon plays more steadily and explosively than Noluda.

The tennis ball had just been printed on the ground, and the moment it was ejected, Migamimoto’s racket was already swinging.

Subconsciously looking up, Migamimoto saw that the shinobi Yushi had launched a double avant-garde tactic again.


“This time, I won’t be fooled again!”


Not a mid-range hang, not a pump.

The moment the Migami hits the tennis ball, the racket is sent downwards.

In the form of a half-volley straight ball, the ball was deliberately hit in front of Shinobu.

“Very sharp reflexes.”

Shinoba’s pupils shrank slightly, and he immediately stopped swinging the racket. The racket sinks and cuts, and the short volley flies the tennis ball.


Noluda couldn’t help but be excited.

Run fast, straighten your arms, and directly hit the tennis ball with a diagonal pump.

The tennis ball flew at high speed and smashed into the soil of the right half of the front court of the heel heel.

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