Chapter 57 Victory belongs to the Ice Emperor!!

“It’s just a joke.”

“If you can’t win, you can’t win at all.”

“Are we all freaks? The speed of this strength improvement is simply a rocket. ”

On the court of the Ice Emperor Tennis Club, there was a constant bitter noise.

The onlookers were still gloating, but soon they couldn’t laugh. After all, no one wants to be a regular player all the time.

However, among their ordinary players, the top ones go to challenge the main selection. Until now, even substitutes like Takashi Kawamura and Takinosuke Taki couldn’t beat.

Not to mention Ryo Shishito, a good choice like Shinobu Yushi.

Even the eight main selections, the connection was challenged, there was no rest.

There was still no ordinary member, and the existing regular candidates and substitutes were banned. However, the trainees who failed in the challenge did not beat themselves up.

Instead, he clenched his fists and threw himself into active training again. They accept failure, but not weakness.

Strengthen your belief in becoming stronger, strengthen yourself, and wait for the next day to fight again. This is the concept that the Ministry of Traces wants to spread in the Ice Emperor.

Self-improvement, life does not stop!

As long as you are not dead, then you will practice in death. One day, efforts will bear fruit!

But if you give up, you won’t have a chance.

This has become the motto of almost every Ice Emperor Tennis Club Academy, and it is taken to heart.


Yakuzu’s match with Fuji is over. Both of them seem to be consuming a lot.

However, Yakuzu’s spirit is obviously better than that of Fuji.

“What is the winner?”

Tezuka, who is only 12 years old, can’t help but be curious.

“I lost.”

Fuji Wen 30 and smiled, admitting his failure.

“It wasn’t easy for me to win.”

Yakuzu explained.

“Losing is losing, winning is winning, I’m fine.”

Fuji squinted his eyes and said generously.

“It’s good if you’re happy.”

With a faint glance, Yakuzu chose to shut up. If you say you can’t win, then don’t say it.

“Okay, go clean up.”

“Yes, Minister!”

Yakuzu, Fuji quickly entered the special bathhouse of the tennis club to rinse. The Ice Emperor Tennis Club after the renovation of the Trail Department has everything.

Isn’t that a must-have for the tennis club?

You can’t walk on the road in sweaty clothes. The first internal challenge is over.

The candidates have improved a lot and kept their position.

The ordinary academy is not without any gains, and two have stepped into the Kanto level.

“Everyone disbanded, Zhengxuan stayed, I have something to arrange.”

“The training plan will change a little in the future, and I will inform you on the bulletin board at that time.”

“In addition, those who fail to challenge today will be punished for cleaning the stadium for a week.”

“Yes, Minister!”

The response of more than two hundred people shook the long sky. Everyone thinks that the punishment of the Ministry of Traces is deserved. There is a reward, how can there be no punishment? Instead of winning, you can become the main choice.

Lose, just clean and clean, this price is very light.

Until the ordinary players were disbanded, Himawari and Shinobu waited for the main election, quietly waiting for the next instructions from the Ministry of Traces.

“Don’t be so nervous.”

Jibe smiled.

“I’m glad you all defended your position.”

“It shows that there is no slack during this time, and there is a good effort to improve yourself.”

“But always keep this pressure in mind and don’t make it too easy.”

“Maybe just when you think about it, just take a break, someone will catch up.”

“So, in order to make you better promoted.”

“I went through a lot of materials with Vice Minister Tezuka, compared them, and rearranged a training plan for you.”

“The qualifiers are about to start, and it’s only a dozen days.”

“We, the Ice Emperor, as a seed school, are actually qualified to directly participate in the Kanto Competition.”

“But as a new tennis club after the reform, I intend to take you step by step from the regional qualifiers.”

“Finally, win the national competition.”

Such a winning gold content is representative enough.

It is also more helpful for the track department to overturn the rotten rules of the neon tennis world.

“Confident of winning the final victory?”

Trace low drink.

“Victory belongs to the Ice Emperor!”

“Victory belongs to the Ice Emperor!”

“Victory belongs to the Ice Emperor!”

The people of Xiangyue were the first to shout, followed by the other team members. The blood exploded, and the sound shook the long sky.

“Go and pack yourself up, and then assemble at Indoor Court No. 1.”


Waving his hand, Keigo opened his mouth to order.

Looking at the energetic Ice Emperor Zhengxuan, a meaningful smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

When I see those things, I hope to be so motivated.

Training ground No. 1.

The Ice Emperor is cleaning up quickly.

Standing in front of some strange machines, Jibu asked Hinatsu curiously.

“Minister, where did you get this new technology?”

Jibu didn’t explain, Tezuka spoke.

“This is a newly developed training machine by a technology company under the Ministry of Traces Foundation.”

“Because the cost is extremely high, the production is extremely low.”

“Of the 500 units sold worldwide, only four of them are available at the U17, and we have 30 here.”

Tezuka said as he began to turn on the device and introduce the members to the tutorial.

When the machine started, looking at the cute mouse pattern on it, Xiangyue people were suddenly blinded.

“What? Is this the new high-tech? ”



Tezuka didn’t respond to Higatake’s exclamation, but just threw a tennis ball and fired it directly.

The tennis ball happened to hit the machine screen, and the cute mouse that appeared suddenly sounded sound.


At the same time, the number 0 at the top of the machine screen jumped to the number 1. Immediately after, Tezuka continued.

“Like Himawari said, this is indeed whack-a-mole.”

“The machine has been specially developed, no matter how you fight, it will not be damaged.”

Now, even Yakuzu didn’t understand.

Is it difficult to just get a tennis ball to hit the gopher accurately?

It doesn’t take two and a half years to practice tennis, you can easily complete it, right?

Their weakest are half-step Kanto level, this kind of training game, is simply pediatric.

“Do you think this training method is very small?”

Jibe chuckled, as if he had seen through Yakuzu, and continued.

“It’s useless to talk too much, who wants to come up and try it?”


The people of Xiangyue directly volunteered.

“Minister, I just think I’ve trained well recently, let you see how fast my strength has improved now!”

Natsutake was very confident, holding a tennis racket and standing half a court away from the machine.


Tezuka turned on the device, and the cute mouse began to emerge from the machine screen.


The Himawari hit the ball easily and hit the cute mouse.

“It’s so easy!”

As soon as the people cheered here, two cute mouse patterns immediately popped out of the machine.

“Game failed.”

Xiangyue people were all blinded: “And? ”

The Ice Emperor Zhengxuan laughed loudly.

Only after everyone finished laughing did the Ministry of Traces speak.

“Actually, don’t think it’s just an ordinary whack-a-mole.”

“Ten big levels built-in, each big level has thirty small levels.”

“The difficulty of each level increases dramatically.”

“The number of cute mouse patterns that appear has also doubled.”

“The goal of your training is to hit the more cute mouse patterns at the same time, the better.”

“And there is a time limit, do you still think it is simple?”

The Ministry of Traces looked around at everyone, and no one spoke, and then continued.

“I’ll give you time to get used to it.”

“Before five o’clock in the afternoon, I want everyone to pass at least the first five levels of the first level.”

“Before the qualifiers start, you have to pass the first ten levels of the first level.”

After understanding the function of this special machine, and hearing the request of the Ministry of Traces, he directly put on the pain mask to the Higatake people.

The simpler the training method, the stronger the comprehensive ability actually required. If you want to do it in half a day and pass the first five levels, the lower limit of strength is the Kanto level.

The Kanto class is not enough, reflexes, speed, explosive power, all are indispensable.



Thirty machines are enough for the Ice Emperor Zhengxuan to train at the same time. Tezuka showed his strong side at such times.

Easily passed the first five levels and scored five points.

Not to be outdone, Yakuzu and Fuji also quickly passed the first five levels.

The strength of the first five levels, as long as you reach the Kanto level, have a certain control over your own ability, and you can easily achieve it.

Watching the three giants show their own magical powers, Shizu Yushi and others also gritted their teeth to keep up.

Half an hour later.

“Tezuka didn’t practice secretly, did he? This result, almost every level of evaluation is perfect. ”

“The deputy ministers are so powerful, how strong will the ministers be?”

Shinobu Yushi and the others couldn’t bear the high-intensity consumption, and they all began to rest. As a result, Tezuka, Yakuzu, and the three giants of the second rank are still rushing the pass.

Even if the three people are already sweating like rain, their eyes are very bright and full of spirit.

I don’t know if there is a mentality of competition, anyway, you chase me and catch up, and do not give in to each other.

It’s all national, and it’s really very competitive. Jibu stood by and watched everyone’s performance.

To be honest, Tezuka is still stronger than Kia Kuzu and Fuji Shusuke.

When he first entered the national level, the degree of achievement is almost reaching the critical point of the national elite level.

With a full calculation, Tezuka stepped into the national level, and it was only a month.

This speed of progress is worthy of the demonic genius that the ‘son of God’ Yukimura and the ’emperor’ Sanada can suppress.

“Tezuka, try the second mode?”

Jibu inquired.

The second mode is no different from the first.

However, the number of cute mouse patterns that appear at the same time will be greatly increased. In the first mode, the gopher pattern just appears faster and more frequently. But almost all of them come out one after the other.

But the second mode, on the basis of the first, increases the number of cute mouse patterns that appear at the same time.

The main thing is to see.

Tezuka in the limit state can hit several cute mouse patterns at the same time. The main reason is that U17 has a similar test in this regard.

A player who can accurately hit 8 balls at the same time is a beginner in the national level.

If you can’t do it to this extent, you will be swept away by U17 directly.

When Echizen Ryoma joined the U17, he barely reached the threshold of accurate return shots at the same time.

It took a while of training before Kananda hit 10 goals with precision.

At that time, the strength of Echizen Ryoma was far less simple than when he first entered the national level.

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