Jack yawned lazily and then slowly stood up. He picked up Sunny from the ground and shook her slightly. Then he said irritably, "I said the game is over. Let's go. It's time to take you back to the place you should have been. I have something to do and have no time to continue playing with you."

He had been gentle, but now he seemed to have changed into another person. It was too fast for Sunny to react.

Just now, she was sure that she did feel the man's reaction, but now he suddenly turned against her. Was it because he was shy that he reacted like this?

In order to confirm whether Jack's words were true or not, Sunny took the initiative to put her hand on his collarbone, gently stroking it, and then moved down, smiling and asking, "Are you kidding?"

Unfortunately, Sunny didn't have the chance to go down. Jack grabbed her wrist and broke it before Sunny could react. The sound of fracture was clear and loud.

Sunny's scream instantly swept across the quiet night, alerting many crows resting in the forest. Sunny was in a cold sweat because of the pain.

However, it seemed that Jack didn't want to let go of her. He continued to put down and move, which made Sunny cry in a low voice. She kept begging for mercy, begging Jack not to go on.

Tears streamed down Sunny's face. She pleaded pitifully, "I know I was wrong. I won't act rashly to lure you. Please let me go! Please, I won't do anything to hurt you. I just want to live a peaceful life now, that's why I want to escape from here. "

This time, she didn't lie. After staying in that kind of place for a long time, Sunny began to become numb, and at the same time, she understood a lot of things.

If she continued to live that kind of life, she would definitely get sick sooner or later, and every time she would be so passive to do that kind of shameful thing with the person she did not like.

Now even she just have a thought of it, she felt sick. She really couldn't stand living such a dark life every day! She could give up money and dignity. She just wanted to leave A city and married a man who had a decent life. She really didn't want anything else now.

It was a pity that although her words were pl

ound city, there were a large line of men kneeling down. The number of them was definitely not less than twenty-five. What happened?

Detaining Sunny, Jack got out of the car. He glanced at the men in work clothes at his feet and then asked the lobby manager on duty today, "What's going on?"

Obviously, the man also knew the identity of Jack. As soon as he saw him, he immediately put away his poker face and fawned over him with a smile. "Oh, it's Jack. Here is the thing. They are in charge of the mother and daughter today. But now that such a thing has happened, they must be responsible for it. If there is no severe punishment, how can they lose face? What about Mr. Aaron? It's good enough that we don't kill them directly! "

Hearing the man had said so, Jack nodded in confusion. Then he quickly walked inside with Sunny in his hand.

Jack found Jill's room and threw Sunny into it. Then, with a cold face, Jack said, "You'd better stay here quietly and don't walk around. Otherwise, if something happens later, it won't be as simple as losing your life."

After saying that, he slammed the door and strode to the entrance on the other end. He asked the receptionist for a room and then slipped in.

Without saying a word, he went straight to the bathroom to wash up. When he went on a mission before, he didn't have a chance to have a good rest. At this moment, the most comfortable thing for him was to stay in the bathtub and have a good rest.

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