If he left alone, he would be found easily. He had to hide in the crowd to avoid being discovered.

About five minutes later, the passengers in the first class started to leave. George fixed his eyes on a plump woman.

After she stood up, George quickly jumped up, and then said pitifully, "Excuse me, my mommy and I got lost, and I just sprained my ankle. Can you help me?"

As he spoke, he blinked his eyes with his face full of bewilderment. George inherited the advantages of both of Melissa and Aaron, he had a handsome face since childhood.

Such a cute child begged you. Which woman had the heart to refuse? Especially for this kind of middle-aged, once the maternal nature overflowed, it would be impossible to bring back ten cattle.

The woman fell in love with George as soon as she saw his face. She nodded repeatedly and said happily, "Of course, sweetie... How about this? I'll take you out of the airport. If you see your mommy, tell me and I'll put you down, okay? "

Things went on smoothly. George couldn't wait to climb into the woman's arms, and then put his head on her chest, looking like a lovely bird. No one could feel that it was George who did it.

But it was also because of this that George successfully avoided everyone's eyes. When he got off the plane, George casually said that he had seen his mother. After prevaricating with the gentle woman, he ran out in a hurry.

This was the first time he came to A city by himself. Facing the heavy traffic, George didn't feel uncomfortable at all. He walked out of the airport, hailed a taxi and told the police the destination.

"Police station? Which police station?"

The driver didn't know whether to cry or to laugh. He turned to look at George in the back seat and waved his hand, "Kid, this is not a place for you to play. Go back quickly. So many police station in A city. You must give me a name, right?"

George was stunned for a while, and then habitually reached out his hand to wipe his pocket. "I don't know which police station, but if you take me to the police station where Melissa is."

Fortunately, he took out a lot of money. Althou

g for him to live with other men all the time.

Aaron arrived at the police station first. After greeting the policeman at the door, he walked in directly. In the past two days, he came here as frequently as he went back to his own home. The police officer was used to his actions, so they didn't stop Aaron too much.

Five minutes later, George arrived. It had to be said that although the driver made a detour, his speed was very fast, which was completely unnoticeable.

If it weren't for the fact that they lived here all year round, they wouldn't have felt it. It was not easy for a driver to cultivate such strength in a short time.

With a flattering smile, the driver turned to look at George and reminded him, "Well, we have arrived. Just give me the two bills in your hands!"

But George was very vigilant. He put away the two bills and said tentatively, "I have to make sure whether Melissa is inside or not. If you can take me in, I will give you the money."

His words were very euphemistic. He didn't say no, nor did he want to give it directly. It wouldn't be too much for a passenger to ask for confirmation.

Fortunately, the driver didn't feel guilty and agreed immediately. But he didn't know how easy it was to go in and see Melissa.

What's more, George's biological father was still inside. He was also a person that not easy to deal with, but it was too late for the driver to understand this.

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