It would be great if Liam was willing to cooperate. But if he continued to hold on, he also had means to find out the whereabouts of Scorpion, but it would take him a lot of time.

Seeing that Aaron had withdrawn the topic again, Liam felt helpless.

He shrugged and shook the handcuffs on his hands before continuing the topic, "What benefit can I get from helping you? If you are willing to bail me out, I can think about it. But even if you agree, it's impossible for the police to do that, right? "

As for Scorpion, even if Aaron didn't pursue it, he would find it out. Even he would be depressed if he was framed for no reason.

After glancing at the time on his phone, Aaron put it into his pocket with a big smile and said, "Okay. Then there is no need for us to continue our conversation. By the way, those people will come here in the afternoon. It depends on if you have the chance to get even with Scorpion. "

Scorpion is very cunning. Many things have been planned for a long time, and even put you into a trap without letting you know. It was not easy to defeat such a man.

Liam remained silent, as if he was measuring something. But in the end, Aaron took the lead in taking action before he got the answer.

The door creaked open. It turned out that Jay came with Aunt Seven and Angus.

Jay threw the two men on the ground quickly. He clapped his hands and looked at Aaron, explaining, "Mr. Aaron. I've brought them to you. I've brought the director of gynecology who has something to do with Gina here. What are you going to do next? "

"There's nothing else for the time being. You help me watch outside. If anyone wants to approach or eavesdrop, you know what to do, right?"

Jay nodded and then turned to the door. "Well, I see, Mr. Aaron. By the way. Judith and Lily helped me pull this man out. This man must be the one who had been with Gina before. We should be able to get some information from him. I broke his legs, so he won't move. "

"Okay," said Aaron. Then he fixed his eyes on them.

Aunt Seven had never been to prison before, nor had she had the chance to talk to Aaron face to face like this. Under all

d be very obvious, right? You even have to suffer from something you didn't do. "

Liam, who had been wavering in his heart, was even more tempted at the moment. If he disdained when Aaron said Scorpion was going to betray him at the beginning, then he was uneasy now.

What had happened recently had clearly indicated that Scorpion wanted to burn the bridge after crossing it. He was not a stupid person, and he knew what he should do to help him.

After a few seconds of silence, Liam closed his eyes and sighed, "I know. Just do as you said. But I really don't know where Melissa is. I've been staying here these days. There's nothing I can use to keep in touch with the outside world. If you hadn't come here, I'm afraid I wouldn't know anything. "

After listening to the conversation between the two people, Angus, who was originally at their mercy, began to panic. Enduring the pain on his body, he struggled to get up, hugged his thigh and shook it, explaining, "No... Liam. I'm your man! How can you deny me! I'm really your subordinate! "

His voice was trembling, but Aaron ignored it. He lifted his foot and kicked Angus away without saying a word. Aunt Seven shrank her body and didn't dare to say a word for a long time.

What on earth did Aaron want to do? Did he bring the two of them here to do such a boring thing? And logically speaking, it was enough for Aaron to make trouble for Angus. Why did she get involved?

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