Temptation Of The CEO

Chapter 139 Defeat The Enemy

The hairs rose in an instance, and Melissa's movements were frozen in midair.

The man's speed was so amazing!

Nobody noticed Melissa when she was going to leave, and Liam was dozens of steps away from her. How could she turn around and the man...

Liam didn't withdraw his hand for a while as if he felt that the back of Melissa's hand was a little soft.

Liam didn't stop until he saw how pale Melissa's face was. "Why don't we go back and have a rest? You are pregnant, of course I will be more considerate. Besides, I need to take you back to finish the task. "

These words showed his attitude, without doubt, it was nonnegotiable!

Disappointed, Melissa loosened her grip. But when she tried to pull her hand back, she found that a great force was pulling at her, making her hand couldn't come back.

Liam observed Melissa discreetly. After thinking for a long time, he held Melissa's chin and forced her to look at him. Then he said with a smile, "I find that you are more interesting than I thought. If you weren't targeted by those people, I would have kept you by my side."

In spite of his entanglement with Lawrence, Aaron kicked him away. The poor guy flew away straight like a kite without a string. He hit against a wall and passed out at once.

With a gloomy face, Aaron strode up to Liam and put his hands on his shoulders. Then he said in a cold voice, "Let go of her!"

In the face of Aaron's warning, Liam was not afraid at all. Instead, he reached out and directly held Melissa into his arms, as if declaring that she was Liam's.

Liam smiled playfully and started provoking Aaron. "Aaron, what if I don't let her go? I have promised you, if you give this woman to me, I promise you will be fine. It's just a woman. Or, Aaron, have you fallen in love with her? "

He had only heard rumors about Aaron, but he hadn't really contacted this man. It surprised Liam that Aaron was more indecisive than he thought. She was just a woman, but she managed to make him fall in love with her.

Ridiculous! People who followed this path could do whatever they wanted, but if they gave their heart to another person, the flaws would appear!

Facing the challenge of Liam, the expression on Aaron's face became numb and possessive.

He stared

eemed to be so tired a few days ago. I think she should be carefully examined. Otherwise... "

Although Aaron was in a rage, he couldn't lose his mind.

He turned his head and saw the pale looking of Melissa. A sudden heartache seized him.

Aaron gently touched Melissa's head and pressed her head against his chest to comfort her. "Don't worry. That's all right. I'll take Lawrence away first and then go to the hospital with you. Or do you plan... " Do you plan to go to the hospital with Sean?

Before he finished the last sentence, Melissa nodded and held the hand of Aaron tightly, admitting the first sentence he said.

Just now, Aaron even sacrificed his life. The mere thought of this was enough to let the tears burst out of Melissa's eyes. What else should she beg for since she had such a man?

The moment Aaron felt Melissa's will, he was much happier.

Aaron moved his head a little. As he moved, Melissa heard some harsh noises around his neck.

On the other hand, Aaron didn't seem to have any feelings about this, but he schemed and looked at Sean, "Well, it's not that I don't want to, but that I have reached an agreement with Melissa. You can go back first. If you don't want to continue this mess, you'd better listen to me."

Besides, before he left, he needed to deal with Director Liu!

The man even messed up at this critical moment. It seemed that it was more appropriate to change the chief of the police station! It was just a waste of resources to keep such a useless man.

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