Technology Treasure King

Chapter 2253: The most advanced water of life

The website where He Ming shared the content of the light curtain was the former official website of Abdomen, but it is now firmly controlled by the joint consortium. Especially for this kind of content, Abdomen is fair and open and has no copyright, but do we want copyright? If you dare to reprint, you are very dangerous. Any way, any money will not work, you can only see our website.

It doesn’t matter to countless netizens. Anyway, the official website of Abdomen is also the most famous website portal on the planet, and there is no problem, there will be no very backward, low-level and ridiculous advertising pop-ups or large-scale column advertisements, just full of arrogance and prejudice. Publish countless articles and video information about the top emperor of the universe at every turn. It can be understood as the "news broadcast" in countless universes of this era.

large and luxurious.

Especially proud.

The transaction list is already very interesting, especially since the observation angles that belong to me are all different, so the second brother-in-law’s family, or the media that cooperates with the second brother-in-law’s family, and the media that have already smashed the astronomical number, will concentrate on shooting He Ming’s angle, which is The content of the transaction list in the eyes of the abs.

This is indeed very interesting, such as indicating in advance who has great value, what value, and what company it is, the joint consortium of certain top industries or the various new and very important raw materials of Estee Lauder's love.

The value must be stated, so that exchange is possible. Traders in countless universes, powerful, prosperous and advanced universes have basically understood He Ming's trading methods.

Otherwise, the gadgets you need can't be bought at market prices, and there is no possibility of exchange.

One of He Ming’s treasure is a Boeing airplane, and you need hundreds of millions of pairs of jeans to change it. You can’t do it if you lack millions of pairs of pants, or maybe you owe a pair of pants. Because other **** have tens of billions of pants that you equal, there is naturally "that pair of pants."

This is also the reason why the transaction party desperately seized the position near He Ming.

He Ming, who just watched the transaction of the Treasure of the Universe this time, is still an eye-opener, but the first few copies are not worth mentioning, or are not needed at all for him, although he emphasizes that some characters want it, but He Ming It's not about those characters. After repeated observations, he only has one transaction item that he needs more, which is the highest technology life water at the level of 95 yuan. There is no explanation for the manufacturing and formula. Or only He Ming also knows that it is a simple introduction that is nonsense and not. Manufacturing instructions, but for the earth human beings, it is not one of the best and still very profitable enjoyment products.

Human beings on the earth are aquatic creatures and long for the best and best drinking water. The water of life, although there are many famous brands or top beverages in the top drinking water market of the local universe in this era, you have to buy them in RMB, and a bottle is also very expensive. Of course, the merchants try to explain that the cost is still very precious of. So it is worth the price.

However, the 95 yuan level of life water is definitely not something that ordinary super rich humans can enjoy. Its specific value is as high as a single-sided gold of about 45, but don’t look at such a high level, but it is still easy to understand in the introduction. He Ming also knows that if a 95 yuan-level life body is to extract water from the life essence, etc., all right. You can use the water of life of 95 yuan.

In short, it can only be the best drink that is of great benefit, but nothing more than 95 yuan drinking water.

He Ming fell in love with this item. His fat loli didn't realize it, but they would definitely like it.

He Ming clicked and bought it immediately, and other people can also buy it. As long as you have the capital and prove that this is a huge transaction that mainly faces the abdominal muscles, but anyone can participate. It is also a classic perfect abs deal.

"Dad, did you buy the best drinking water again?"

"It's delicious!"

There are only 300 bottles of this kind of drinking water. The largest is the largest one dedicated to me, the size of a small bucket, and the others are the size of a milk powder tank, which is very beautiful. However, He Mingquan came over privately with a bottle and used the technology that can be used, so that the children have a try, although it is basically impossible to have such a beautiful energy that can potentially harm about 100 yuan of power. The fat boy and fat loli.

The second generation of Abdominal Muscle is very enjoyable, but He Ming emphasized that he can only drink one mouthful at a time, because one pill of this kind of water is equivalent to the introduction and the advertising slogan. A drop of water is an ocean the size of a star! It is best to drink the greatest water!

In other words, is the density or something amazing? Well, the energy point of the water of life reaches the exploding index.

However, He Ming sniffed and drank every bottle of water before, and found that they were all very delicious, and even made him enjoy the delicious taste of drinking water when he was thirsty. This feeling is so worth that money, because in empathy, He Ming knows that children don't understand the "precious" but he definitely does not want the mortal feelings that children have.

"Bring my youngest child here."

He Ming also brought the youngest fat boy among the happiest babysitters over. He must like to drink this kind of thing. The best thing is not one of the best, so he still has to let the fat boy enjoy it immediately, otherwise he will have to treat himself again. The howling continued.

He knows the fat boy's character very well.

The unexpected joy was immediately wrapped up by the sheet. He fell asleep in a mess. He Ming gently patted his fat face and said: "Wake up baby, there is something you love to drink!"

After waking the fat boy, the fat boy opened his very delicate eyelids but his mouth slumped in advance and said, "Wake me to sleep! If I am not satisfied, I will cry!"

But just after drinking that kind of water, he suddenly exclaimed with great satisfaction: "Drinks of water! Oranges! It's my favorite water! Is it yours for this big one? Do you want to steal it? You? The ones are mine too!"

He took a few bottles of and snatched He Ming's bottle of water, hugged them all together, and then quickly went into sleep mode with a bottle of water.

He seemed very satisfied with the interruption this time.

Other water was snatched up in a short time. He Ming just got a bottle to try, because this is also the best raw material, or make-up water, or the fat and fat loli give pets a drop to enjoy Another drop, put such a drop in very large water, and you can get a very delicious water.

So it can be explained that this is a kind of pure and delicious drinking water with high energy.

If you believe in the essence of the 95-yuan life, you really are a fool? Give you benefits for nothing?

The specific life energy explains everything.

He Ming is also very satisfied with the number of 300, which is a...very meaningful number.

PS: Third more.

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