Immediately send a secret message, the location of the super aircraft carrier…

As the fishing boats get closer.

Sure enough, a small island suddenly appeared.

From the outside, it looks so unremarkable.

But at this moment, this island is collapsing!

All the crew members swallowed their saliva in unison, and Captain Jiang Leshan immediately ordered:

“Be ready for communication, and report any situation at any time!”

At this moment, he understood that Captain Haimo’s decision was right.


Finally, the island collapsed.

The crew members looked at the billowing smoke and dust, and their hearts beat rapidly.

In the smoke and dust, a huge creature suddenly appeared!

“Then… what is that?”

“The island has become a spirit?!”

“It’s a big-headed ghost. Look carefully, it looks like a ship.”

“What? A boat? Have you ever seen anything like that? A big ship?”

“Captain, what should I do?”

Jiang Leshan stared straight ahead.


The smoke and dust were blown away by the sea breeze, and the giant mountain-like super aircraft carrier instantly overwhelmed everyone!


“Report immediately!”

“American super aircraft carrier found, location…”

Suddenly, a huge wave came over like a tsunami.

Jiang Leshan couldn’t hold himself any longer. The super aircraft carrier was just activated and immediately set off a huge wave!

“The location is…”


“What’s wrong?”

“I…can’t send it…”

Jiang Leshan was unusually calm at the moment.

“Captain, you must succeed!”


“You…are you serious?”

Xu Tiegern opened his eyes wide with an expression of disbelief.

Su Chen patted his shoulder. “Of course it’s true!”

Commander Nan was also deeply impressed by the naive-looking soldier in front of him.

“You did very well in the previous military region competition!”

Xu Tiegen scratched the back of his head with his hand, “It’s all… thanks to Su… Commander Su.”

“I’m just… ….This is the tail end of the crane in our military region.”

Commander Nan punched him in the chest, and then burst out laughing.

“I didn’t see it, you guys can tell me!”

“All the crane tails in our military region have won first-class merit.”

“Doesn’t that mean that everyone in our military region has received first-class merit!”

Xu Tiegen blushed. , “That’s all thanks to Commander Su…”

Su Chen shook his head and said,


Xu Tiegen looked into Su Chen’s eyes.

“Tie Gen, remember!”

“Weapons are just weapons after all.”

“At any time, warriors are the decisive factor on the battlefield!”

Finally, Su Chen pointed to the sky.

“That one shot of yours killed the opponent’s pilot.”

“Really handsome!”

Xu Tiegen’s heart lit up with fire.

In his life, he had never believed in himself as much as at this moment.



Su Chen said firmly, and Commander Nan also nodded.

Behind him, the squad leader and comrades were all shouting, “Come on!”


Xu Tiegen turned around and walked towards the mecha with firm steps!

When he approached, the mecha opened automatically, and after entering, the mecha closed again automatically.

Immediately, the two eyes of the mecha suddenly lit up.

An intimidating aura emanated from the mecha.

Some soldiers couldn’t help but take a few steps back before calming down.

Everyone felt their scalps numb.

Is this… really the ugly mecha exoskeleton from before?

It’s basically two dimensions, okay?

Su Chen had previously upgraded the laser weapons in the northern theater to practical levels.

This time, the exoskeleton has been upgraded to a level that can truly be called a mecha!

This man!

It’s simply too scary!

Under the control of Xu Tiegen, the mecha began to walk.

On the originally thick cement floor, spider web-like cracks began to appear around the mecha’s feet.

And Xu Tiegen inside the mecha was even more surprised!

This mecha does not require him to manually control it at all. The helmet on his head can collect his brain waves.

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At this moment, he was controlling it with his mind, and the man and the mecha seemed to be one!

Even the feeling of your feet on the ground is so real.

After taking a few steps, Xu Tiegen exerted force.

The concrete floor beneath my feet cracked with a “sudden bang”, and a deep pit suddenly appeared!

At this moment, Xu Tiegen felt that he was capable of anything.

The scene in front of them really frightened everyone.

The terrifying destructive power of this mecha is truly terrifying.

Once on the battlefield, it’s hard to imagine anything that can resist its pace.

Su Chen was the only one in the audience who looked unusually calm.

He designed this himself, and he knew very well the capabilities of the mecha.

However, there was one thing that really surprised him.

That was Xu Tiegen’s ability to control the mecha, which was simply beyond his expectation.

I am afraid that at this moment, Xu Tiegen’s integration with the mecha has reached a rare level of over 80%.

The higher the degree of fusion, the more thoroughly the performance of the mecha can be exerted.

And this requires the controller to have amazing will control.

Obviously, Xu Tiegen, who has always been the tail of the crane, has been tempered for many years.

With the mecha, he is about to be reborn!

Suddenly, Su Chen ordered:

“Tie Gen!”

“You can take the next step!”

Pacific Ocean.

When the super aircraft carrier approached, the new captain Jiang Leshan felt a sense of despair!

Not to myself.

When Captain Heimer was knocked unconscious, he had already put life and death away.

In other words, every time they go to sea, they have entrusted their lives to God.

What makes him desperate is that this aircraft carrier is about to go to his motherland.

There, you have your own compatriots and your own family!

At this moment, he was helpless.

If he had the ability, he would be willing to use his own life to sink into the sea with this behemoth.

But he can’t do it!

He and his ten crew members, and their broken fishing boat.

In front of this monster, he is like a speck of smoke floating on the sea.

The super aircraft carrier stopped. Such a huge thing stopped in an instant!

Before the fishing boat capsized, Jiang Leshan and the crew members prayed in their hearts.


Must win.

God, must bless the Dragon Army!

In the command room.

The adjutant said: “General, why do you want to fish them out?”

General James snorted coldly. “Dragon Kingdom flaunts benevolence and righteousness, these untouchables are useful.”

The adjutant suddenly realized. “We still have 2,000 people in the hands of the Dragon Kingdom.”

“These eleven people are the chips we exchanged!”

James stood up and walked to the deck.

“Hmph! Those useless trash should have been killed before they were caught!”

Jiang Leshan and the crew did not show any fear.

At this moment, what they were thinking was that it would be better to die than to be caught.

In this case, we will not become a burden to our motherland.

As soon as James appeared, a crew member yelled.

“Fxxk you!”

All the crew members looked at him, and his eyes widened.

“What are you looking at? Are you looking down on my elementary school English?”

The others were amused, “What did you learn in elementary school?”

James frowned. These Longguo people didn’t take him seriously at all.

The American soldiers on the deck couldn’t stand it any longer. Dozens of soldiers loaded their bullets at the same time, and the dark muzzles of their guns were pressed against the heads of the crew!

At this moment, the crew members still showed no fear, but could not help but curl their mouths.

“Wait a minute!”

James walked up to Jiang Leshan, drew his military boots in an arc, and kicked Jiang Leshan on the head. Blood immediately spurted out.

“You want to die?!”

James saw through the thoughts of these ugly Longguo people.

“It’s not that easy!”

The crew members were angry. Regardless of the guns on their heads, they turned their heads and shot an American soldier in the calf!

The American soldier jumped to his feet and was about to shoot.

“Didn’t you hear my order?” James sneered, “You can’t even watch a dog, so you deserve to be bitten.”

The soldier was so angry that he smashed the butt of his gun directly at the crew member’s face, stained with blood. Teeth popped out.

The rest was swallowed by the crew along with blood.

“The bones are pretty strong!” James grinned, “But the signal you sent has been intercepted by us.”

Jiang Leshan was stunned.

Obviously, his eyes showed despair.

James finally burst out laughing, “The self-righteous spirit of sacrifice is simply ridiculous!” “There is

an old saying in your Dragon Kingdom, ants regret big trees. I’m right.”

James turned around, “Wait until we suddenly appear in front of the Dragon Army. ”

“That scene must be very exciting!”

another part of the Pacific Ocean.

Hemmer’s first words after being rescued.


“Secret message immediately, the location of the super aircraft carrier…”

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