Technology companies: starting from the release of the Kunpeng mobile phone

Chapter 138 Fruit 6 Plus mobile phone has quality problems

At this time, Cook was being troubled by the directors of the fruit company.

After all, due to Cook's boast, the Fruit 6 series of mobile phones will sell 5 million units within 12 hours.

As a result, the sales of the Fruit 6 series of mobile phones directly taught Cook how to behave.

The subsequent chain reaction was that the stock price of the fruit company fell, and then Cook was troubled by the directors of his company.

Although Cook is the head of the fruit company, he holds less than 0.5% of the shares.

Cook is similar to a corporate manager.

Cook's mastery of the company comes from the support of shareholders and directors of fruit companies.

Now that the stock price of the fruit company has fallen, the shareholders and directors of the fruit company must of course hold Cook accountable.

Cook is not like Shen Fangnan. After all, Shen Fangnan is the boss of Kunpeng Technology Company, the real boss, and he holds all the shares of the entire company.

That's why Kunpeng Technology can continuously invest money in research and development.


Kunpeng Technology purchased the Guoguo 6 series mobile phone and came back to test it.

Why buy a mobile phone and come back to test it!

One is to learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses. The emergence of each mobile phone has its advantages and disadvantages.

Of course, Kunpeng Technology Company will purchase a batch of new machines, and then analyze the various configurations and designs of other manufacturers.

The most important thing is to be able to absorb experience from the new aircraft of friends.

After all, building a car behind closed doors is not conducive to the development of one's own company.

And the most important point is the disadvantage of finding friends.

This is what every mobile phone manufacturer does.

It is not only Kunpeng Technology Company that does it.

If you really find out the defects of the new machine of the friends, then this is the most important means of attacking the friends.

Inside Kunpeng Technology Company, this kind of thing is called "traditional troubles with friends and businessmen".

And Shen Fangnan knows that the Fruit 6 series mobile phones have various problems.

That's right, that's the Crooked Door incident.

Due to the large screen size of the fruit 6plus mobile phone, the body is too long.

And the fruit 6plus mobile phone has become thinner than in the past, resulting in a decrease in the firmness of the body, so it is prone to bending and deformation.

There are also fruit 6plus mobile phones that are more prone to crashes and restarts.

And this kind of crash and restart phenomenon has a high probability of appearing in the 128GB version of the fruit 6plus mobile phone.

The appearance of this situation is caused by the defect of the IC quality controlled by the AND Flash inside the fruit 6plus mobile phone.

Although the storage capacity of TLC's NAND memory is larger, the read/write speed is slower.

The reason why the fruit company uses TLC's NAND memory is to save costs.

This has led to a high probability of crashes and restarts in the Fruit 6 series mobile phones.

And Shen Fangnan asked his company's laboratory to evaluate this aspect.

After the fruit 6plus mobile phone was sent to Kunpeng Technology Company, the engineers in the company's laboratory began to evaluate it non-stop.

And the final effect is just as Shen Fangnan said.

Originally, the engineers of Kunpeng Technology Company thought that this kind of problem would only happen to very few Fruit 6plus phones.

As a result, several fruit 6plus mobile phones have tested this problem.

Then the engineer in the laboratory reported the evaluation results of the fruit 6plus mobile phone to Shen Fangnan.

"Knock knock knock!"

After Lu Weibing knocked on the door, he walked into Shen Fangnan's office.

"Boss Shen!"

Shen Fangnan then motioned for Lu Weibing to sit down and talk.

Shen Fangnan handed the evaluation report of the fruit 6plus mobile phone in his hand to Lu Weibing.

At this time, Lu Weibing was puzzled.

But he still took the evaluation report from Shen Fangnan.

"Boss Shen, what is this?"

Lu Weibing asked suspiciously.

"Old Lu, you look first."

Lu Weibing slowly opened the evaluation file with doubts in his mind.

Lu Weibing was puzzled from the beginning to shocked at the end.

"Boss Shen, this..."

Lu Weibing's excited speech is a little knotted now.

"Yes, as you can see."

"Based on the evaluation results in the company's laboratory, I didn't expect that the fruit 6plus mobile phone actually has a problem, and it's not a small problem."

Shen Fangnan said with a smile.

If the problem of the Guoguo 6plus mobile phone continues to ferment on mainstream websites such as Bibo and Twitter, it will deal a huge blow to the Guoguo company.

And Kunpeng Technology Company can reap a lot.

After all, its own opponent, the Fruit 6plus, has quality problems, so the Kunpeng 4 mobile phone, which is the opponent of the Fruit 6plus, can kill all parties.

Of course, there will definitely be loyal fans of the fruit phone who will still insist on using the fruit phone.

"Old Lu, you should know how to do it."

Shen Fangnan showed a tricky smile.

"No problem, leave this matter to me, and I will do it beautifully."

Of course Lu Weibing knew how to do it.

Shortly afterwards, the laboratories of the two authoritative organizations each issued an inspection report.

One is an inspection report issued by Yanguo's mobile phone evaluation and research laboratory.

The other is an inspection report issued by a mobile phone evaluation agency in the beautiful country.

The machine inspection reports issued by the two are very similar, both of which show that the fruit 6plus mobile phone has bending phenomenon, and there are also crashes and restarts.

Immediately, the Internet at home and abroad directly "exploded the pot".

Many netizens did not expect the fruit 6plus mobile phone to overturn?

Subsequently, consumers who bought the Fruit 6plus mobile phone also responded one after another. The 128GB Fruit 6plus mobile phone they bought appeared to crash and restart.

And some consumers reported that their fruit 6plus mobile phones were also bent.

Shortly thereafter, two quality problems about the fruit 6 plus mobile phone appeared on the hot search lists of mainstream websites such as Bibo and Twitter.

And the quality problem of the fruit 6plus mobile phone directly rushed to the top of the hot search list of the bib.

Of course, this is fueled by Kunpeng Technology Company.

And a lot of other mobile phone manufacturers are also making efforts.

After all, there is a problem with the fruit 6plus mobile phone. As a friend of the fruit company, it must arrange a hot search list for the other party.

As the saying goes: the wall falls and everyone pushes it!

A group of mobile phone manufacturers are in charge of whether there are quality problems with the fruit 6plus mobile phone.

Anyway, now that the laboratory of the authoritative evaluation organization has issued an experimental report to prove that you have quality problems, the mobile phone manufacturers will certainly not let go of such a good opportunity.

If the fruit 6plus mobile phone really has such quality problems, it will be a good thing for other mobile phone manufacturers!

One less competitor!

Pretty Country Fruit Company.

At this time, Cook's face was very ugly.

He has received a report from his own staff about the quality problems of the fruit 6plus mobile phone.

At this moment, Cook was thinking about how to break the current situation.

After all, the fruit 6plus mobile phone has quality problems now. If it is not resolved, it will definitely have a huge impact on the sales of the fruit 6plus mobile phone.

Then Cook immediately held a high-level meeting of the fruit company.

Now Cook's mind is blank.

Shortly thereafter, all the executives of the fruit company gathered in the meeting room.

As Cook slowly walked into the meeting room, this high-level meeting on the fruit 6 plus mobile phone officially started.

"What do you think about the quality problems of our company's fruit 6plus mobile phone that is reported on the Internet?"

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