Technology Bigshot

Chapter 515: : Mute mining to make a fortune]

"In six months to one year, we have completed the creation of a super large space star orbit platform of more than 5,000 tons, and another "super project" in China was born! "China Speed" once again shocked the world!" "Beijing Times"

"The new round of space competition in the new century is pushed to new heights with the entry of the player from Lous, which deserves to be the title of'heavyweight player'!'Tiangong Ring Star Harbor' shocked the world!" "Daily Mail"

"Los company is attacking, and the global space exploration field may usher in a new pattern!" "AFP"

After the press conference was over, all major media newspapers around the world reported in succession, which not only caused a sensation among the people, but also vibrated the global scientific community, especially in the field of astronomy. Among them, the "sentinel mission" was a sensation among astronomers.

The domestic media reported the news even more vigorously. In the golden 30 minutes of CCTV news in the evening, nearly 4 minutes of the news were focused on the news. This kind of news was reported by the domestic official media particularly vividly, which was very useful for stimulating The strong sense of national pride and honor and national cohesion are particularly eye-catching, and the guidance of mainstream media is even more heart-warming.

Every time Matrix Technology announces new news, it is a "freakish" "fan" process. This time, countless people have become fans of Matrix Technology. After the news was announced, the folks on the Internet began to imagine what the future "Tiangong Ring Star Harbor Platform" would be like, and the enthusiasm for discussions among the people was extremely hot.

On the other hand, shortly after Matrix Technology announced the "Gemini Project", NASA Nasa quickly announced an important news that attracted widespread media attention. The news announced by NASA claims that the announced extension of the "Mars Project" has entered a critical stage, and the Mars landing plan will be implemented in the near future. Nasa confidently announces that the United States will take the lead in the competition and become the first man after the first moon landing. , Once again became the first country to send humans to Mars.

The message announced by nasa has obvious implications. Matrix Technology and China have made a splash in the world because of the "Twin Project". Nasa can't stand it anymore. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that this is about the establishment of Matrix Technology and the Air China Administration." "China Matrix" hit back.

The news released by nasa brought the outside world back to their senses. NASA, which originally pulled out traditional affairs, has been silently implementing the "Mars Landing" plan. If it were not for the birth of the "Gemini Project", Nasa might This news will not be announced. There is no doubt that this is forced to announce the plan. As the world's largest space power, the United States is now so prominent in the field of space exploration, how can Nasa give it a little response? An explanation from the local people.

After nasa announced the latest news, Ren Hong, Liu Yuliang and others also focused on discussion and analysis.

"It seems a bit unrealistic that we want to be the first American to land on Mars." Liu Yuliang said helplessly during the seminar. This is a flawed problem, there is no way, the Republic started late in the field of space exploration. The Americans’ Mars landing plan has been prepared for decades. It was originally expected to be implemented around 2020. If the plan was not delayed due to the impact of the Terminator asteroid on Mars, the Americans might have landed on Mars.

Now that so many years have passed, Mars has returned to tranquility. Nasa's sudden announcement of the plan is unexpected and logical.

Ren Hong, who was sitting in the conference room, didn’t care, and smiled: “We are hard-working people. The purpose of going to Mars is very clear. It is for the'purple spar' on Mars. Nasa’s plan to land on Mars is more with It has a strong political color, and spent tens of billions of dollars in sky-high funds just to get the title of'the first country to land on Mars.' Is it a profit or a loss... Haha!"

When everyone heard the words, they all smiled at each other. When it comes to the title of No. 1 in the world, the Republic has already gotten the first place. The most important thing is whether it can get actual benefits.

Ren Hong opened the map of Mars and said: "If you want me to say, the news recently announced by Nasa should be good news for us."

"Good news?" Liu Yuliang said curiously.

"Here!" Ren Hong pointed to the Mars landscape displayed on the concentrating screen, and said: "The landing point chosen by Nasa is this relatively special area of ​​Mavos Valley. Of course, the current Mavos Valley is definitely not such a landscape. After the "Terminator" asteroid hit Mars, not only did the "Mount Olympus" disappear, it also changed the landform characteristics of the entire planet."

Having said this, Ren Hong retracted his hand pointing at the screen, looked at Liu Yuliang and other attendees, and said: "The 600-kilometer-long Mavos Valley is one of the largest valleys on the surface of Mars and is located in the southern highlands of Mars. Between the northern lowlands and the northern lowlands, scientists say that this place may have been livable for life 3.6 billion years ago."

With that said, Ren Hong called up a new picture and said: "This image comes from the European Space Agency’s announcement. It is a high-resolution image of the Mars Express launched back to Earth. This picture is from 10 Edited from images, Marvos Valley is considered to be the most complex surface structure on Mars. It is more efficient and cost-effective for exploring Mars, which means that a large amount of data and information can be obtained in one area. It is reported that Marvos Valley exists A large amount of layered silicate materials, these light-colored structures are weathered clay minerals, which means that the black capstone structure formed by the residual material of liquid water and volcanic ash may preserve some ancient organisms in the clay layer. The way of microbe activity."

Ren Hong looked at Liu Yuliang and other scholars, UU Reading said: “The above data shows that this is the best landing place and research object, and the latest news from Nasa shows that the landing point is indeed set up in Mawo. Sigu."

Ren Hong then smiled and said: "The reason why this is good news is because they did not rush to the Ziyuanjing at the location of'Olympus'. This allows us to get a lot of news."

He stretched out a finger: "First, it can indirectly prove that the Americans do not know the purpose and concept of Ziyuanjing; second, the Americans did not act on this, which is great for us. News, isn’t it? Third, the appeals show that the Americans don’t know anything about Ziyuanjing, let alone how to use it. As long as we cover up the news well, we can be far ahead of them, and not Speaking of the difficulty of mining on Mars, even if they were given a purple stone, they could only be used as purple brick decorations. Two extremely complex energy output equations. I am confident that the Americans have gone for at least ten years!"

The reason for being so confident is because of the existence of Liya. Regardless of how quickly Ren Hong has mastered Ziyuanjing’s high-purity energy controllable and stable output technology, the difficulty of this technology is no less than that of controlled nuclear fusion, and the difficulty can be imagined. And I know, only by himself, even if he is regarded as an almighty genius by the outside world, Ren Hong cannot be so smooth.

Speaking of this, Ren Hong leaned back in his seat and smiled with a lazy look: "Let's make a fortune by muffled voice, and make a lot of money by mining. Let the Americans slowly study and explore life on Mars. Go ahead with these lofty problems of evolution and extinction!"


"Well, we don't care about what the Americans do. The next focus is the flight test of the Arc Eagle 1." After a smile, Ren Hong and the others began to discuss related matters.

(To be continued.) (To be continued.)

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