Technology Bigshot

Chapter 429: : Will they come back? 】

"What just happened? How did the ruins suddenly work? We didn't mess around with anything at all." Professor Liang asked.

The scene that suddenly appeared before really frightened them, thinking that the existence of prehistoric civilization activated the instrument and even resurrected them.

"I have new discoveries. You have to come over and take a look. You will definitely be interested." Ren Hong looked at the scholars, and saw that he once again walked toward the core of the core. After taking a step, he turned around and said: "Basically It can be determined that this is a scientific research station of a prehistoric civilization or is similar to a research base, rather than a military site."

Ren Hong led a group of scholars back to one of the core areas of the three channels. He came to the wall again, and Professor Liang behind him heard a voice, "Mr. Ren, what are you going to show us?"

"About... the past of this civilization! Their history!" Ren Hong said. Seeing him floating on the edge of the high and huge ring platform, he suddenly found a very embarrassing question.

How to start?

"Yes!" Ren Hong's eyes lit up, and he flew to stand on the round stage again, "Sakura, simulate the previous recording screen in real time."

After a while, a scene from dozens of minutes ago appeared in his field of view. Professor Liang and others watched Ren Hongfei wearing a combat armor go up to the balcony. He re-demonstrated his previous actions on it, exactly the same. The foot is in the key position again.

After a while, the scene reappeared.

"This way of opening? It's too weird!" Linguist Dr. Yang Kuang raised his eyes and opened his mouth slightly to stare at Ren Hong.

Simply incomprehensible.

Ren Hongyi couldn't help but smiled, they obviously misunderstood, and said: "In fact, the ruins were accidentally activated, so I let the accident repeat it again."

"Look at it first, everyone!" he said.

Everyone looked at the changed world before them.

"Historical accident, or technological inevitability? The two civilizations have amazing similarities, and it is not even a coincidence." Ren Hong looked at the panoramic simulation in front of him, "As far as panoramic vision technology is concerned, my company's technology is undoubted It represents the highest achievement of mankind in this field, but their panoramic visual effects technology is more advanced than our company. I can't see any related auxiliary equipment around, which means they can be used in any environment."

"This is the Earth before Ordovician?" A scholar looked back at Ren Hong in shock.

Under the existing cognition of mankind and the most authoritatively certified scientific system, the first biological explosion on the earth began in the Ordovician era more than 540 million years ago, but eyes show that it was nearly 200 million years before this era. In time, the first major development era of the biological explosion began.

This undoubtedly subverted the cognition and common sense of all scholars.

"A brilliant era of life is also the first glorious era of life on earth that we have forgotten." Professor Liang said in amazement, and a group of scholars watched the scene intently.

The ancestors of prehistoric civilizations first originated from the ocean. Over 130 million years of evolutionary history, they split evolutionary branches one after another in the middle, and finally one branch became the creator of civilization. Scholars saw the splendid water civilization, tribal civilization, the birth of order, and the development of science and technology, everything made them feel dreamlike.

Finally, when the scene came to an end, Professor Liang and others saw the shocking doomsday scene for the first time.

When the picture disappeared and the pattern inside the ruins once again reflected in everyone's eyes, everyone was still immersed in the boundless shock.

"Dear scholars, some giants seem to have escaped from the solar system." Captain Huo was the first to break the silence. He looked at the headed Ren Hong and others and said, "Will they come back?"

Captain Huo's voice echoed in the minds of the scholars, and one of the scholars suddenly woke up, "Yes, will the giant come back?"

Everyone looked at each other and could see the doubts and the same worries in each other's hearts. This is a very serious topic, and everyone understands what the other person is thinking.

If the prehistoric civilization that fled its homeland returns to the earth, how should the human beings now face it? How do you deal with it? What is the attitude of the giant returning to earth?

The expressions of Professor Liang and others became more dignified, and even the worried expressions were engraved on their faces, and they all thought of the same conclusion.

That is the issue of the ownership of the earth! And this may detonate the dispute between the two civilizations. The most important thing is, can mankind win a war?

"More than 600 million years have passed..." With a group of scientists condensed and silent, Ren Hong's voice suddenly sounded, and everyone looked at him, Ren Hong lightly from the ring stage. Jumping down lightly, looking around the entire ruins, "What is the concept of 600 million years? To what extent will the blue water giants develop? As far as we humans are concerned, in our eyes they have long become a higher civilization that we cannot defeat. Up."

He turned around and looked at Professor Liang and the others: "In the eyes of human beings, they may be like gods."

"Yes, that's right, compared to our ethnic group's total history of less than 10 million years, 600 million years have passed since their stellar civilization to today." Ren Hong walked back and forth and said, "So basically we can draw some conclusions. In conclusion, we are worrying about nothing."

"Let me finish first." Ren Hong stopped and looked at the scholar who was about to speak. He added: "If they want to come back, they should have come back long ago. Who believes that they have not mastered the space jump technology for 600 million years. They obviously knew the specific coordinates of the solar system in the universe, but they did not come back. Or, after all, they still failed to escape the final bad news and died on the way to escape."

"Their first batch of fugitives was 55 years before the supernova exploded. How far can the speed mastered by the stellar civilization help them go in 55 years? After all, they are faster than the speed of light. I am more willing to believe them or Failing to escape the bad luck, they are all dead! Died at most at the beginning of the Great Escape for no more than 100 Because their maximum speed can only be so fast, even if they have walked for decades, from After the light from the supernova explosion reaches the solar system, it can catch up with them and kill them in the next few months or even less!"

"I suddenly felt lucky. I don't think that being a giant will do us any good." Professor Liang said with a dry smile, he did feel relieved.

"Anything can happen." Ren Hong said: "The blue water giant will not threaten us, maybe it will. But now even a larger asteroid is enough to destroy us, so let's worry about the immediate problem first. ."

"The tragedy of the blue water giant tells us..." Ren Hong muttered: "...We are really small, and the universe deserves our awe."

"So we have to break through the planetary barriers quickly and let human civilization enter the stellar level. Our civilization is in the transitional stage of planetary civilization and stellar civilization." Ren Hong looked around, "and the remains of the blue water giants are left behind. Inheritance, this is an opportunity for us to quickly enter the stellar civilization."

"Assimilate the giant's heritage as soon as possible!" Ren Hong finally said.

(To be continued) (To be continued.)

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