Technology Bigshot

Chapter 238: : Sitting on the Board of Directors]

[Chapter 238: Sitting on the Board of Directors]

At this moment, Hiroyuki Ito was very excited, but he also forcibly resisted the excitement. As the head of a company, he must have some self-cultivation.

There is no doubt that CRYPTON will be able to sail to the "deep sea" and enter a broader stage with it on the giant sail of Matrix Technology.

At this time, Li Bingwei said: "Any subsidiary of Matrix Technology will not choose to go public, so if CRYPTON merges into Matrix Technology, it will definitely choose to delist. By then, Matrix Technology will account for 75% of CRYPTON. Mr. Hirobumi Ito currently holds 41% of the shares. Matrix Technology will repurchase 30% of your shares at a premium of 80% of the current market value. You will account for 11% of CRYPTON's shares, which is still the largest Individual shareholders, while continuing to control CRYPTON. The basic structure of the stock price of CRYPTON after the merger will be that Matrix Technology will account for 75%, you will account for 11%, and the other veteran members of CRYPTON will account for 4% unchanged, and the remaining 10 % Will be used as an option pool for equity incentives."

"Does Hiroyuki Ito have any comments on this allocation?"

"No comment! No!" Ito Hiroyuki said without hesitation.

The two parties shook hands again, which indicates that this M&A transaction has reached a preliminary consensus, only a final written agreement. Although Hiroyuki Ito’s control of CRYPTON’s shares has changed from 41% to 11%, this is the price of gaining a larger stage and better resources. Nevertheless, CRYPTON has thus obtained unprecedented opportunities, and 11% of the shares will also be worth in the future. To far exceed the original 41%.

Capital mergers and acquisitions should be like this. This is the price and compromise that founders must pay. As founders, compared to wealth, they are more focused on whether they can continue to control their own company and whether they have autonomy. Matrix Technology These rights were given to Ito Hiroyuki.

Hiroyuki Ito said: "So, Jun Li, CRYPTON will hold a general meeting of shareholders tomorrow. You still need to stay here for a while. Americans have a lot of shares, but it should be fine."

"This is okay, I will stay in Japan for three days before leaving." Li Bingwei nodded and said.

CRYPTON’s current market value is US$870 million. Forced mergers and acquisitions will inevitably exceed this price. If you want those shareholders to surrender their shares, the premium is certain. For the acquisition of CRYPTON, Matrix Technology has prepared US$1.45 billion in funds.

The two parties reached a preliminary intention, and the conversation became more casual. Hiroyuki Ito said in a few words, "Although CRYPTON is a'small company', its operating structure is more complicated, especially the content owner is more complicated. In short, there are too many partners, and all parties have some resources. The image of "Hatsune Miku" by the parent company comes from the fan artist KEI, which is now owned by CRYPTON, but other aspects such as software use Yamaha The third-generation speech synthesis engine of Vocaloid, the virtual tour and game development rights of'Hatsune Miku' are at SEGA, etc. "Supreme Poison Doctor: Golden Consort of Ghost King

Li Bingwei smiled and looked at Ito Hiroyuki, and said: "It is inevitable to integrate resources in this field effectively. It sounds a bit complicated, but there is no trouble that the US dollar cannot solve. The degree of difficulty depends on the US dollar. The size of the denomination, isn’t it? The problem that can be solved with US dollars will never be a problem. The parent company will provide the necessary funds. What CRYPTON has to do is to reintegrate this series of resources under its umbrella."

One of Ito Hiroshi was stunned when he heard this, and he was speechless. Is this the style of a real super giant? Simply unbeatable! He even felt that holding such thick legs is really cool!

Then, with a hint of mystery, Li Bingwei added: "The group company will soon establish a brand-new subsidiary, and the resources of CRYPTON will play an important role in the upcoming world-class plan of Matrix Technology." He looked at Ito Hiroyuki, whose eyes were gradually improving, and then smiled: "This plan is also a golden opportunity for CRYPTON."

"Can you tell me a little bit about the parent company's plan?" Ito Hiroyuki couldn't help asking. There is a small detail that Lei Bingwei noticed. Hiroyuki Ito's words changed from "your company" to "parent company". Only reached a preliminary intention, and the other party has already regarded itself as a member of Matrix Technology, even though it is a peripheral member company.

"Another grand plan that leads the world trend. I can assure you that the golden age of CRYPTON will be born with the birth of this plan." Li Bingwei still did not disclose the actual information, but said more The seductive words induce step by step.

Hiroyuki Ito was unsurprisingly attracted. Referring to the past history of Matrix Technology, this is definitely another mysterious plan to change the world. Although he doesn't know it, he breathes when he thinks of the phrase "belongs to the golden age of CRYPTON" Hastily.

It was a wise choice to sit on this unprecedented giant sail, and he even felt that this might be the wisest decision he made since he took charge of CRYPTON.

"By then, we will have enough confidence that when the mysterious plan was announced, CRYPTON’s valuation exceeded US$10 billion. As a subsidiary of Matrix Technology, a US$50 billion valuation is the minimum standard, 100 billion US dollars. The U.S. dollar valuation is qualified. Although CRYPTON is a peripheral company that was acquired by an outside merger and acquisition for the first time, the group company still has high hopes for CRYPTON, hoping that the company will be worth 50 billion U.S. dollars within five years, and the goal is to exceed 100 billion U.S. dollars!" The rebirth empress is ruthless and enchanting

I was painting a pie, Ito Hiroyuki knew this very well, but he undoubtedly believed it. Without him, CRYPTON behind the "selling", just because the name of the "big tree" on its back is called "Matrix Technology XlouS", which is enough.

Hiroyuki Ito expressed dissatisfaction and eagerly said: "Li Jun, I really can't wait, you can't tell me what the mysterious plan is? It's okay not to let me know, now I am about to die! A little bit! Please!"

"Okay." Li Bingwei saw this, if he didn't say anything, the other party would probably be unable to sleep at night. "It won't be too long. Please pay attention to the latest news and developments of Matrix Technology in the past week, and you will get the answer."

"..." Ito Hiroyuki was speechless on the spot, is this a small disclosure? Can it be smaller? Uncomfortable uncomfortable, this is the trouble of happiness, thinking that CRYPTON may become a giant company worth more than 100 billion US dollars in the future, just this irresponsible commitment makes him excited, and he is looking forward to the future.

With the passage of time, Ito Hiroshi was in a good mood after the matter was negotiated. He greeted Li Bingwei and others enthusiastically. The unsuspecting employees of CRYPTON were very curious about the strangers who were so enthusiastically found by the president. , I have no idea that the company will undergo tremendous changes.

Four days later, CRYPTON announced that the company will undergo a major adjustment. CRYPTON will be merged into China Matrix Technology and become a subsidiary of China Matrix Technology ~ ~ Matrix Technology will acquire 75% of CRYPTON's shares for USD 1.378 billion Sitting on the board of directors, CRYPTON shareholders are reorganized, and Matrix Technology absolutely controls CRYPTON. The original founder of CRYPTON, Ito Hiro, reduced his holdings to 11%. He still continues to control CRYPTON, and CRYPTON will delist.

After CRYPTON released the news, many media were shocked, especially Japanese media. For the whole world, Western media felt quite surprised. A company such as CRYPTON was not very famous. On the big thick legs of Matrix Technology.

CRYPTON itself has not received much attention, but it is different when it is labeled as Matrix Technology. Since the establishment of Matrix Technology, it has never acquired any company. This is the first exception for CRYPTON. The industry is very curious about Matrix Technology's move. Everyone has three same questions: What is CRYPTON that will make Matrix Technology look at it? What's new in Matrix Technology? What does this have to do with CRYPTON?

For a time, Hiroyuki Ito was unprecedentedly sought after by the media, which made him feel particularly good.

(To be continued) (To be continued.)

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