Technology Bigshot

Chapter 232: : New Ambition]

【Chapter 232: New Ambition】

In the virtual world, powerful geeks are like gods, and human beings are inseparable from the online world. Geeks like "Mr. Anonymous" are fine, but what about hackers? After the news came out, many experts jumped out and shouted to control "Mr. Anonymous". These so-called experts claimed that "Anonymous" is more dangerous than terrorist organizations and must be. Accept supervision. Apex novel, x.

A controversy over whether "Mr. Anonymous" should be regulated became more heated in the following days.

The media is hyping up. But people discovered that "Mr. Anonymous" never showed up after the announcement of the news, and he did not even respond to the current public opinion in the world against him in any form. If ignoring is considered a response, then this is his response.

Many netizens are mocking the so-called experts for just singing a one-man show. "Mr. Anonymous" doesn't even care about it, because no one can help him. These so-called expert analysis of the long talk are just a piece. It's just nonsense.

"Mr. Anonymous" brought the truth to the world, and the public learned that the "Black Snake Organization" had been destroyed. Many people even regarded "Mr. Anonymous" as a hero and brought peace to the world.

But secretly, many people have developed a keen interest in the "anonymous", especially the governments of Western countries. Obviously, this is a top geek who is free from law and is an uncontrollable personal power. Estimated energy. But no one knows who "Mr. Anonymous" is. Except two exist.

After learning the news, Lex Wayne had already guessed the true identity of the so-called "Mr. Anonymous".

Who else but Ren Hong?

However, even if Lex knew the truth, he could not prove that the "anonymous" was Ren Hong. Even if he told the world that Ren Hong was an "anonymous", as long as Ren Hong denied it, Lex could not refute it.

And the other party guessed the true identity of "Mr. Anonymous" is China. After the shadow incident of the nuclear bomb, Ren Hong’s powerful computer capabilities were known to the state, but obviously, this insider would not be bothered either. The outside world announces its own country's key weapon.

Ren Hong did not hide from the country. He admitted in front of Kang Tao that he was "Mr. Anonymous." Ren Hong personally went to the United States and extorted 600 billion US dollars. Even Kang Tao didn't know it. It's nothing. Because not only Ren Honghe and Matrix Technology need a peaceful and stable external environment, the peaceful rise of the Republic also requires a stable environment.

People all over the world are aware of the demise of the "Black Snake Organization" and the exposure of this truth. The terror haze that has shrouded in people's hearts recedes very quickly, and people's external fears are gradually reducing.

After the reconstruction of one of the pv theaters in Europe that was destroyed by the terrorist attack, when it opened again, many people organized groups to buy tickets to watch the movie at the location of the attack. They uploaded this action on social networks to appeal to people not to be afraid of terrorists. Fearing means compromising, meaning that their goals have been achieved.

This brave blog post quickly received 300,000 likes on Facebook, and was even published in news as material. The group photo of them standing in front of the "Avatar 2" poster background was taken by the British "Daily Mail". The newspaper included and reported.

They just convey their brave heart to the world in this way. In addition to them, there are countless people in their place that convey beautiful values ​​to the world in their own ways and behaviors. As time goes by, more and more people are involved, and the government is also guiding it. The haze will eventually dissipate, and the light will eventually shine in the world again.


February 7, 2022. Matrix Technology Headquarters.

"Sakura, do you want to be a singer?" Ren Hong, who was alone in the chairman's office, suddenly lit up and said, he finally thought of a cool plan.

"Singer? Like Hatsune Miku?" Sakura said, "Brother, why does Sakura look so like Hatsune Miku?"

"Uh..." Ren Hong was stunned for a while. When he designed the image of Sakura, 80% of the image was based on Hatsune Miku, or Sakura is Hatsune Miku.

Sakura confidently said, "But Hatsune Miku is so stupid. In addition to being beautiful and able to sing, Sakura is omnipotent and more beautiful than her!"

Hatsune Miku is nothing more than a synthetic virtual image. The personality of this image is given by humans. It is naturally incomparable with Sakura. Today's Sakura has given birth to a complete and mature girl personality. There is a difference between the two. The distance is enough to be measured in light years.

"Agree!" Ren Hong smiled. Then he said: "That's it. My brother is going to hold an unprecedented concert, an unprecedented carnival feast, and invite various stars, including virtual singers, to gather tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of people. Based on the second-generation "panoramic view pv" technology and the "mixed reality mr" technology, the new stage is combined to perform on the same stage and interaction between virtual and reality.........people's life should not be what it is now Gloomy, through a form, we want to bring people around the world into the same way as in previous years, out of the Gloomy, and entertainment for all."

A prosperous and harmonious world is what Matrix Technology wants. This time, Ren Hong has set his sights on the recording industry and has high hopes, to be precise, a platform for concert tours. In the entertainment industry, there are three categories of film, television, and song. In terms of revenue, the revenue of the recording industry is not comparable to that of film and television. But there is one place in the record industry that the former will never be able to do, and that is influence. A superstar singer organizes a concert, tens of thousands of people gather in one place, and the crowds are empty. This characteristic and the local formation Influence cannot be achieved by film and television.

Especially large-scale events such as world-class concert tours.

Ren Hong's eyes are on the field of concerts, in addition to guiding the world's people out of the gloom to expand the influence of matrix technology, it is also an opportunity to promote the second generation of "panoramic view pv" . The second generation is the same as the first, the second generation "Panorama pv" will not be involved in the recording industry.

Matrix Technology is a technology company that only plays high technology and does not involve content. This time, Matrix Technology will rely on the second-generation "panoramic view pv" technology and "mixed reality mr" technology to create an unparalleled singing platform for singers and fans all over the world, which lies in the blend of illusion and reality, and the fusion of reality and technology. Next, all fans will experience a new experience that has never been seen in previous concerts, and it is also an unprecedented dream stage for singers.

Ren Hong’s ambition is that if singers or entertainment company organizers all over the world want to hold a successful large and medium-sized concert in the future, there is only one choice and the best choice, that is, my technology and my equipment must be used to create it. The platform that came out, because only I can provide a unique stage, and only I can provide the concert that fans want.

"Of course I do, because it will help my brother!" Sakura agreed without hesitation.

"Sakura will definitely surpass Hatsune Miku and become people's favorite virtual singer!" Ren Hong smiled, and then said to the communicator: "Ding Yang, come here!"

(To be continued) (To be continued.)

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