Technician’s Manual

Chapter 1322: Felix extra (below)

Chapter 1322 Felix extra Felix returned to her room and lay down on the bed after a simple wash. Because the temperature in the room was very comfortable, she only wore a loose shirt on her upper body and underwear on her lower body. She turned sideways and hugged Lala's fat pillow, burying her face in the soft doll.

Freya's behavior after recovering her memory was not surprising at all. What surprised Felix was that even the cold, arrogant and calm Siflyn accepted that she liked Ash after recovering her memory.

It seems that only she is different.

Whether it's from the Senluo Kingdom, he sent a few large-scale selfies to Axiu every day, or used makeup as a reason to secretly make out with Axiu a few days ago... Even though he kept finding reasons to deceive himself and others at the time, but now re-examine this memory, Felix also understands that he really likes Ash.

But now she doesn't want to like Yaxiu any more.

How can she like this kind of person?

Not to mention that she is unwilling and afraid to share favor with Jian Ji and the others, even if she is willing to join in, she cannot accept this chaotic way of getting along. She has watched several developer conferences at close range, and on the wedding night, she even caught a glimpse of the cream flowing out of the puff... Just thinking about being in it made her feel ashamed and hot all over.

She just doesn't want to lie down and watch Ah Xiu mess around with other people!

As Freya said, everyone's standards are different, and no matter how she breaks her bottom line, her standards remain firm: it must be pure love between two people, otherwise it is heresy.

It's ridiculous to think about it carefully. Legendary magicians who are stronger than her, and demigod magicians who are far superior to her, can accept this kind of emotional form. On the contrary, she is so hypocritical as a little sanctuary magician. A bit clueless...but she's really scared.

She is afraid that she will be neglected and abandoned in the corner, and she will only touch herself in the end when she is deeply in love;

She is also afraid of being valued, being rejected and hostile by others, and falling into an emotional vortex of intrigue;

It's fine if it's just her being wronged, what if she has a child in the future? Not everything can be solved by miracles, some things are not fair at all, just like the total share of the supreme share, if you have more, I will get less, the more people share, the less... Love is the same.

Sometimes Felix is ​​really envious of Freya and their love brains, they can love without any scruples and don’t have to think about the consequences, but she can’t do it, every time she thinks about the future, about her children, about not being able to get complete love What a wretched wife and children... She herself was born as an illegitimate child, and she knew what it was like.

She and Di Mi, her mother and Mrs. Beverly, even her father...all of them suffered terribly because of this unblessed relationship, and couldn't ask for more.

How could she repeat the same mistakes?

Amnesia is the best escape window for her, but recovering memory now does not mean falling into the abyss again. Unlike other people who accept her past in its entirety, she can pull away from herself, examine these memories from a third-person perspective, and correct these wrong feelings with the correct three views, as if God took pity on her wrong love and gave a spider thread to let her go. She has a chance to escape from the purgatory of despair.

Negating what Ashura has done,

deny what you did,

Deny all wrong moods,

This is very simple for her, as long as she thinks about the tears of the sword princess, the loneliness of the witch, the indifference of the silver lamp, and the grievance of Vichy, she can deny their feelings and her own feelings from the bottom of her heart, but why...

Felix hugged the doll tightly, and the plush on it was wet with tears:

In the Xingqiao Hall, facing the coercion of the ancestor Sword Law Angel, he defended himself and refused to let go...

In Senluo Kingdom, after seriously discussing various issues in the harem with him, he was so defensive that he really wanted to repent and stay away from Jian Ji and the others...

In the Blood Moon Kingdom, before the small wedding theater, he saw his loneliness and told him to close his eyes to satisfy her self-deception, and kissed her forehead for the first time...

Felix opened the light curtain to call out the photo album, and found a group photo of the four brides. She rubbed her eyes and saw

Yaxiu, who had disappeared in the group photo, returned to the photo now. He stood behind the bride, his gentle eyes full of love, and the four brides looked at the parade of floats outside, with either coquettish or holy or cute or charming faces They all wore smiles from the bottom of their hearts.

During this long journey, she did see the sad and wronged expressions of Jian Ji and the others, but she also saw more...the beauty of their laughter and touching.

Looking at this picture, she was stupefied for a moment. Big teardrops hit the doll, and she whispered aggrievedly:

Felix jumped up from the bed in fright, turned around and saw Deedalos sitting next to him, took a deep breath, and stammered:

Dedalus said calmly:

Felix said immediately, rubbing his eyes and trying to pretend that nothing happened:

Dedalus said:

Dedalus shook her head:

Felix was dumbfounded, blushing to the base of his ears, and looked away, not daring to look at Deedalos:

Dedalus's face revealed a look of reminiscence:

Felix was taken aback and asked:

Dedalus laughed and said:

Felix couldn't help but say:

Didalus came and sat on the side of the bed, raised her hand and touched Felix's head, as if traveling back to that day twenty years ago, Didalus said softly:

Felix was stunned, connecting many things together in a trance, and murmured:

Daedalus wiped away the tears under Felix's eyes with her thumb, and said:

Didalus stood up and glanced at her: "Irina trusted the wrong person

, do you think your vision will be better? "

When Didalus left the room, Felix stared blankly at the starry sky outside. After a while, she took out her star diamond necklace, held it in the palm of her hand, and prayed for the peace of her mother who had turned into a star.

To avoid suffering, or to pursue happiness?

What should I do, life... what is the correct answer?

At this moment, Felix felt a gleam in her palm, she let go of her hand, and saw the star diamond necklace turned into a cocoon, and the starlight from outside poured into the cocoon, forming the stars in her palm.

With the sound of breaking the shell, four starlight wings broke through the cocoon, and a graceful and shining magic spirit came out of the cocoon and stayed on Felix's palm.

Four-winged Shuling Nian Xing.

A self-summoned four-winged spirit, a door of truth leading to Ruby Mountain.

Felix stared blankly at the Shuling, and held it tightly in his palm after a long time.

I see.

It is better to trust yourself than to trust others. If you are confused, if you are entangled, then go forward with great strides, don't be fettered by your emotions, try your best to reach farther places, see more scenery, and there are countless beautiful things in life waiting to be explored. Only hard work will not be let down, only hope should not be obliterated.

She breathed a sigh of relief and limp on the bed. Fate gave her a perfect and correct answer, she would no longer have any hesitation, she just had to follow this path to the end, everything was already arranged.

Thank fate, thank the stars.

Without further ado, Felix immediately activated the gate of truth of the astrology spirit, and his consciousness established a connection with the distant virtual world.

Following a brief absence, when she opened her eyes again, she had already come to a huge ruby ​​mountain.

The Holy Land of Magicians, Ruby Mountain!

From today on, she is a legendary magician!

Rather than chasing after the backs of talented female magicians, it is better to become a talented female magician herself, this is the answer given to her by fate! What Ash, what love, all are one

Felix turned his head suddenly and saw four sorceresses behind him, and three of them were acquaintances—Vela Freya, Blood Saint Sifrin, and Witch Annan. The other girl who holds a heavy weapon like a shield and ax, but is wearing a suspender tube top with translucent sleeves, sports shorts and a transparent skirt, Felix can guess who it is without asking: Black Raven Tamashi!

Freya seemed to have forgotten that she was crying because of her just now, so she flew over and hugged Felix, and said happily:

Felix knew from the diary that they could form a team, but they didn't know the principle of team formation, so she never had extravagant hopes, and she never thought that she would have such luck:

Sifline looked at her with subtle eyes:

Go on an adventure with this group of talented female sorceresses? Felix's heart skipped a beat, it felt like sleepy met pillow, hungry met Lala Fat,

Veela cheered:

Felix blinked.

An Nan's tone was a bit strange:

Freya akimbo said:

Tamashi greeted rather shyly. Felix was not sure about his code name for a while, so he made up a random one.

Although the name Queen and Princess made her feel weird, it was just a title.

Forget it, anyway, she was just following their adventures.

Tamashi asked Freya was full of fighting spirit:

Felix was a little terrified:

Freya waved her hand:

Second Miss Vosloda was startled:

Freya hugged Felix's arm, with an innocent face as if she was playing house:

Felix was taken aback and quickly shook his head:

Felix stammered and said:

Everyone looked at each other, and Freya said to Sifrin:

Sifline and Felix retorted in unison. An Nan said:

Felix is ​​going crazy:

Tamashi frowned, and took a step forward with killing intent:

Freya stopped Tamashi and explained solemnly:

Before Felix had time to move, Sifline hugged her first, and the latter's expression of watching a play, "See, it's your turn now", made Felix look depressed. An Nan said:

Felix froze:

Shifflyn said:

An Nan said, but before Felix could breathe a sigh of relief, she continued:

watching from the side...

looking at...

Thinking of the glimpse on the night of the wedding, Felix's face was as hot as a fire, and he felt steam coming out of his head.

Freya's IQ suddenly returned to the high ground:

Felix hastily explained:

Felix defends his reputation loudly:

The air in Ruby Mountain fell silent for a while, and the sorceresses blinked and stared at her together. Felix opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything, his face was so hot that he couldn't think anymore, he turned around and wanted to run, but Freya flew over to hug her first, and congratulated her cheerfully:

The stars have hurt me, next time I will pray to the Four Pillars God, Felix thought.

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