Technician’s Manual

Chapter 1163: slaying angel

It is the rainy season in Sen Luo.

Thick black clouds flowed across the sky like a tide, thick forked lightning shuttled through them, and deafening thunder trampled the ground. When Ashius and the others set off, they felt bad. Deya and Vichy launched their own miracles to defeat the sky, but the storm still came as expected. The highly corrosive black oily raindrops reshaped the earth like a knife, and the strong wind blew away the rotten mud and rocks. Rolled into the sky, the meaning of distinguishing between heaven and earth is lost, and the whole world becomes a dirty quagmire.

Only the silver light shining through the night is still like a lighthouse supporting this crumbling world.

Both Felix and Daedalus followed behind Ash. Their sanctuary was not enough to withstand this kind of ecosphere extinction level celestial phenomenon, and they had to hide under the wings of demigods. Although it is not specifically stated, the two sanctuary magicians generally follow Yaxiu, not only because Yaxiu is good at healing and protection, but also because other people are not interested in protecting the weak.

Weixi will not talk about it, it is hard to imagine her protecting others; Weiser is not familiar with the two of them, so it is naturally impossible to care about them; Diya is prone to emotional instability when she is nervous, so she can only care about herself; Nia has a good relationship with them, but her combat style is to go forward and kill the enemy, how can she care about others if she can kill?

After thinking about it, only Yaxiu, who is in charge of the Chinese army and oversees the overall situation, can protect them. Therefore, their flight sequence is usually Sword Fairy and Witch in front, Silver Lantern Vichy on both sides, and Ashura with them in the middle.

Felix was looking at Ash's Void Wing. The wings of the magician do not flutter greatly when flying. The more advanced the flying skill is, the more elegant the flying posture is, and Yaxiu is undoubtedly the only flying master in the team who can keep pace with Vichy, even the sword girl is slightly inferior For him, he flies like a king patrolling his own territory, and the air currents surround him in front and back.

The turning point for the rapid development of Ashius' flying skills was that he obtained the highest tail feathers - after adding an extra tail, his dodging and maneuvering became more agile and faster, and his center of gravity in the air was also easier to adjust. In the back, catch up with the ghost prophet who has thousands of years of killing experience. The sword girl and the witch were so envious that they wanted to have their own tails. Although Yaxiu didn't express his opinion, Felix knew that he was very happy, because Yaxiu liked the selfie set of her nine-tailed fox very much.

Therefore, the Void Wing that attracted Felix's attention the most was his dangling supreme tail feather. No matter how many times you look at it, it is so beautiful, each feather is flowing with colorful gradients, the only flaw is the star tear in the middle, which is the star trail left by the starry sky.....the same Leave a colorful sword mark on the stars.

Felix glanced at Deedalos next to him, and reached out to touch the high tail feathers. As if sensing her ulterior motives, the Supreme Tail Feather swiftly flicked to the other side, and Felix grabbed it with both hands. It feels different from Void Wing, which is between virtual and real, it is fluffy and soft, as if Ashura really has a tail.

Every trip is the time Felix looks forward to the most, and only at this time will she have the opportunity to play with Ash's tail.

And according to the eavesdropping these days, Felix found that no one else knew the fun of Supreme Tail Feather. When he thought that this was the only treasure place that had not been exploited by his lover and only she knew about it, Felix felt an inexplicable feeling in his heart. Proud, move more vigorously.

At this moment, Dedalus hummed a tune suddenly, Felix let go of his hand immediately, and Vichy glanced at them as expected. When Vichy turned back, Felix started a chasing battle with Supreme Tail Feather, but of course the result was that Supreme Tail Feather was moved limply.

"It's almost there." Ashura said suddenly, "The silent spiral is just ahead."

The surrounding wind and rain gradually subsided, the closer to the silver beam of light supporting the sky and the earth, the more normal the sky and climate would be. Felix looked at the ground and found some silvery grass growing on the corrupt and barren land.

Although Felix has never seen silver plants, compared with other places in Senluo, this place is indeed the most vibrant area.

A silver lamp illuminates the night.

The huge inferiority complex suddenly crushed Felix's mood, and she didn't even have the mood to move her tail. It's not that she doesn't know that Ashura's lovers are very powerful. The difference in rank alone is a gap that she, a small sanctuary, can't cross in her entire life, but

The daily interactions over the past few months have allowed Felix to see the ordinary side of the operators, and he forgot to be in awe over time.

It wasn't until he witnessed this silver lamp that the destruction of the world and the salvation of the world existed in a single thought, that Felix realized from his own shadow that she was still so small. Vichy is a thousand-year-old demigod who has been wandering for three generations. Weiser once destroyed a country and now wants to resurrect a world. Deya is the queen in charge of the Gospel Kingdom. rise, what about her? He even failed to avenge his father.

In the past two months, their spells have progressed by leaps and bounds, how about you? He didn't even dare to enter the unformed dream ladder and stop at the sanctuary. The gap between you is getting bigger and bigger, and you can't do anything, you can only hide from the fact that you don't want to recognize it, and focus on taking selfies...even this You can't compare to them, you Only dare to give him the most beautiful moment, but they are willing to dedicate the most beautiful themselves to him.

Now they are going to the Gospel Kingdom, which is the home of witches and a civilized world. The days of living and sleeping like this are coming to an end, they are no longer limited to tents, what awaits them is a wide bath, a soft and luxurious bed, and an extremely luxurious life.

At that time, there will be more people serving Ashura, so naturally there will be no need for a sanctuary magician from the Starry Four Pillars Sect.

You should be relieved, right? You hate people with chaotic love lives so much, and you are a sanctuary magician. The ability of a sanctuary magician is used to bring disasters or blessings to all living beings, not for you to prepare drinks and study Aren't you most afraid of marriage? Don't you hate serving others the most?

Why are you unhappy in your heart?

You can't put it down, you can't take it's as cowardly as your father.

Felix suddenly felt itchy on his face, and realized that it was Supreme Tail Feather caressing her cheek. She looked at Axiu in front of her, but Axiu didn't look back at all, but the tail feathers kept dangling in front of her, as if saying "play with me".

Felix chuckled, with a look of helplessness in his eyes, reached out and grabbed the tail feathers, pulled it over and dawdled against his face, as if wanting to keep his scent—


With a distant muffled thunder, Ash's head exploded like a watermelon, and everything above his neck disappeared. Felix stared blankly at this scene, his brain was completely shut down, only the heart-piercing pain spread all over his body in an instant—

Fangyuan Cicada · Cicada Falling!

With a flash of silver light, Yaxiu returned to the state he had been in a moment ago, completely unscathed. Weiser next to him was holding the silver tome in his hand, and a chubby golden cicada appeared on the silver tome, which was one of the most outrageous magic spirits in the Senluo Kingdom—the Fangyuan cicada that could move forward and backward in time!

With the help of the strengthening of the Yindian, Fang Yuanchan can barely reach the level of gods, but it is still difficult to use against demigods. After all, mortals are like water droplets, and demigods are like gems. Fang Yuanchan can move water droplets backwards for three seconds, but for heavy gems, Fang Yuanchan can only move them for a moment with all his strength.

That's right, the only way to avoid damage is to use Fang Yuan Chan immediately at the moment of injury. But even with such a small amount of effect, Fang Yuanchan became sluggish after being activated once, obviously it can't be used more than once in the same battle.

But as long as it takes effect once, it is enough to turn the tide of the battle!

In fact, even if he is headshot, Ash will not die. The demigod soul body does not have a fatal weakness, and he can recover even if his heart and head are gone. Just losing his head for thinking, the demigod basically lost all his fighting power.


In the shadows of the distant sky, a winged archer with a large bow appeared. There was no arrow on the string and no barrel on his back. He drew the bow again with an empty string, and a golden arrow naturally appeared on the bowstring, aiming at the dying Ashura from a distance: "Time jump? Then use the instant light to cut the dark Arrows finish you off—"

At this moment, the winged helmet shooter noticed that the red-haired sword girl had disappeared from sight, and there were layers of space ripples in place. He was startled and quickly backed away, but the ripples in his breath had already arrived in front of him, and the red-haired sword girl also descended in front of him.

Spectacle·Flickering Ripples. This is Sonia's new spectacle after combining "Blinking Strike" and "Wandering". Although the instant speed of "Blinking Strike" is lost, the casting distance is greatly extended.

Everywhere is within reach!

Jian Ji raised her brows and eyes, revealing a pair of ruby ​​eyes boiling with murderous intent, she drew her sword and brought out a sea of ​​blood, and the sword light pierced the entire Sen Luo!

Facing close combat with the demigod of swordsmanship, the winged helmet shooter did not panic at all, because he was not alone. clang!

A werewolf with battle patterns all over his body suddenly appeared in front of Jian Ji, waving a round shield to form an absolute barrier covering the sky and blocking the sun, stopping all the sword lights in the sea of ​​blood!

"We are the angels of power under the lord of Infernal Abyss," the werewolf said in a cold voice, "now we officially announce to you—"Zheng.

With the extremely ear-piercing sound of disconnection, the werewolf found that the ten fingers of the witch's hands were disconnected by the absolute barrier. Wait, when did her thread activate?

The werewolf turned his head and saw the Winged Helmet Archer falling straight down. The latter looked peaceful, as if falling into a sweet sleep. The only spectacle · warm winter!

Deduce the soul with ice and snow, making the target feel like lying in the winter bed, just want to sleep lazily and cannot wake up by itself. The spectacle of control! The most amazing thing is that it doesn't even need to touch the target, as long as the target feels the image of 'Winter' it will take effect!

Diya weaves her own silk threads out of ice and snow, UU Reading www. satisfies the launch conditions that require snow scenes as a medium in warm winters. Not only can it be launched silently from a long distance, even the winged helmet shooter with quadruple prison wings is hard to resist!

At the same time, the sound of water droplets falling into the sea of ​​blood echoed clearly in everyone's minds, and the sword light of the sea of ​​blood blocked by the werewolf shield turned into blood-colored ripples, quietly spreading along the space.

Spectacle·Shuiyue Broken Lake!

The sea of ​​blood and sword light that Sword Fairy slashed out was just the first wave of offensive. When the sea of ​​blood calms down, it will be the second wave of offensive from the rise of the water moon. The space ripples condensed by countless sword lights will sweep the enemy like a wave!

The shield enchantment made by the werewolf can indeed cover the sky and the sun, but it cannot block the world after all. Before the winged helmet shooter fell to the ground, the infinitely spreading **** ripples had already crossed the shield barrier, broke through his last body barrier, and set off a **** wave in his soul body!


The winged helmet shooter who didn't even have a chance to report his name, the angel under the seat of the Lord of Infernal Abyss, his soul body was completely exploded into a ball of blood, and the golden blood of the gods rained brightly, pattering and moistening the earth. Silver blades of grass.

On June 21, 1669, it was the rainy season in Senra, and summer entered the Six Kingdoms.

The Six Kingdoms era, which lasted in 1668, ended half a year ago when Fanxing became the king of gods and king of kings. The separation between heaven and man, which lasted for 1668, ended two months ago when the law of swords and stars came to the world and walked the earth. And it lasted for 1668, the idyllic time where the battle of gods was not involved in the mundane world

It will also enter a new stage with the earth once again stained with the blood of the angels. The five-winged demigod fell to the world!

The werewolf angel turned to look at the sword girl holding a sharp sword, the witch pulling out silk thread with both hands, the silver lamp holding the lantern, and Vichy who condensed the flame halberd, and followed the inertia to say the rest of the sentence: "... "Surrender quickly to save your life."

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