Tech Hammer

Chapter 529 Moon Base

Once a person starts having something to do, time flies by. As Smith focused on adapting to Earth's one-sixth gravity, time seemed to move faster. In order not to miss the feat of landing on the moon in another universe, Smith practiced very seriously.

Fortunately, with the Feilong series of small spacecraft made of antimatter materials, landing on the moon is not a very dangerous thing. But not everyone can go up there. Theoretically speaking, the moon's petite body and weak gravity do not have the ability to bind the atmosphere. Once there is sunlight, the gas molecules can easily reach the breakaway speed and overflow from the planet.

But in fact, there is still an extremely thin atmosphere on the moon. Of course, the tiny air pressure and the composition of materials are not suitable for carbon-based organisms to survive on it. Therefore, walking on the moon is still very dangerous for humans. It requires a basic understanding of the equipment you are wearing, as well as good breathing habits, so that you can complete as many tasks as possible in one go.

In this way, more than 260 hours passed almost in an instant.

As soon as Smith became familiar with the bulky spacesuit and became accustomed to jumping around in a heavy spacesuit in a gravity environment with only one-sixth of the Earth's gravity, Kuafu had already arrived at the back of the moon in this universe.

This time everyone can see it more clearly. There are as many as seven scattered building complexes on the far side of the moon. It's not all mines, there are obviously modern industrial plants. Probably as Ning Wei judged, there are not only mines here, but also this mineral processing plant.

This is also very reasonable.

Space transportation capacity should also be very expensive in this era. If the raw ore is transported directly to the earth, it will undoubtedly consume more transportation capacity. Not to mention polluting the environment. As for the lunar environment being polluted...well, this is a satellite anyway, and the thin air cannot be breathed by people even if it is not polluted.

Determining coordinates in space is a troublesome thing.

Fortunately, for March, everything is automatically converted. If we don’t refer to terms such as ellipsoid, precession, etc. to determine the coordinate system, Kuafu is about 280 meters away from the lunar surface in the D3 area on the side of the moon facing away from the earth. The modified Dragon I small spacecraft was put down on the orbit of 10 kilometers. Then it starts flying in orbit.

This is the best route after March's calculations. Both spacecraft are under the control of March. In case of danger, the Feilong I can return to the Kuafu within half an hour to complete the expedition.

As the Dragon I gradually approached the moon, Smith was shocked again.

"Look, what is that? A flag?"

Even Liu Wei couldn't keep calm this time because he was so familiar with the national flag.

"Well, yes." Ning Wei nodded and replied.

"Why aren't you surprised at all?" Smith looked at Ning Wei in surprise, and the surprise in his eyes could be seen through the mask.

"Actually, there was feedback on the telescope before. The building above hangs the flags of two countries. I won't mention the other country. You should be able to guess it. I didn't say hello to you in advance. I just wanted to see where you are now. I've never seen the world like that." Ning Wei replied casually.

When this sentence came into the ears of the two people from the earphones that came with the protective suits, both of them fell silent.

After a long time, Liu Weicai tentatively asked: "Academician Ning, have we really traveled to the future earth?"

"This is a big enough imagination. But forget about time travel. You have to understand that time is a created concept. The three-dimensional macroscopic low-speed environment requires us to have a measurement unit to describe the state of object movement. , so time is defined. To put it bluntly, time is a frame of reference. So whether it is traveling to the past or the future, it is very nonsense."

Ning Wei shrugged subconsciously, but unfortunately, this playful action was paired with the bulky protective clothing, which completely lost the feeling.

Seeing Liu Wei still in a daze, Ning Wei sighed and continued to explain: "Actually, this is easy to explain. Our series of definitions of time are for convenience of description. For example, a child tells you, I am ten years old this year , or I have watched the sun rise and set 3652 times, it all means the same thing, obviously the former is more like human speech."

"This explanation is very special..." Smith frowned and said.

"Meow...I suggest you three stop arguing about issues that have nothing to do with the moon landing. The spacecraft will land at its scheduled location in five minutes. If I were you, I would definitely make good use of these five minutes to do final inspections."

Mao Maoyouyou's words came from the loudspeaker, which successfully made the three of them stop the topic.

"Okay, it's time to log in. Hurry up and do the final inspections, and then we'll go down and have a look."

The landing site chosen by Feilong I is naturally the building complex with the Chinese red flag logo. It is also the largest surface building complex visible to the naked eye on the far side of the moon.

When you look at it from a distance, you only feel that these buildings on the moon are extremely sparse, but the moment you actually land on the moon, you feel how huge these buildings are.

The place where Feilong I chose to dock was in a square outside this building.

Spaceships like the Dragon series that navigate within the planet are naturally unable to compare in size with starships such as the Mir and Kuafu. But if compared with the wide-body passenger aircraft of Boeing and Airbus, it is still a lot larger.

Even so, when the Feilong I landed vertically on the edge of the square near the building, it could still be seen that the ship still only occupied a very small corner of this deserted square.

From the location of the landing, it can be seen that March was really worried about the adventure of the three of them. It was very close to the gate of this row of closed buildings, just a few steps away.

After testing that the communication equipment included in the protective suit had smooth communication with March, the three of them got off the Feilong.

It was at this time that Ning Wei felt that he should design an entity for March instead of the robotic arm in the tool bay on the Kuafu.

In fact, Ning Wei has always had such a plan, but when it comes to giving March a body, Ning Wei is paranoid like an obsessive-compulsive disorder. He always wants to find better materials to give March the freedom to walk around the world. Ability, this thought was delayed.

However, the obviously abandoned buildings are not in great danger.

After all, there is no one.

When they got closer, the three of them discovered that the outer walls of these buildings were actually made of metal.

Although it is difficult for wind to form on the moon due to the thin atmosphere, these buildings are still covered with a layer of dust because no one has taken care of them all year round. This probably also shows that there is gas flow on the moon.

It was at this time that the three of them discovered that the flag they saw flying in the distance was not actually made of cloth, but a metal material integrated with the flagpole. But from the structure, especially the buckle connecting the flag to the flagpole, it can be seen that this flag can also be raised and lowered.

At this moment, Ning Wei's mind flashed to the moon. The square was filled with people in spacesuits watching the solemn flag-raising ceremony. He was thinking about whether he should imitate a flagpole when he returns to his hometown in the future and develops a lunar base. , looking out of the corner of his eye, he saw Liu Wei standing up straight and saluting.

"Let's go, I don't know if that door can still be opened." Ning Wei pointed to the door of the building.

Without staying any longer, the three of them arrived at the door of the huge building. To Ning Wei's surprise, although it looked like it had been abandoned for a long time, the electronic lock in front of the door still seemed to be working, because the opening on the left side of the door was still blinking. With red light.

"Hello, please identify yourself."

The gentle female voice that suddenly sounded from the protective suit scared Ning Wei so much that she almost jumped...

Fortunately, he didn't jump, otherwise he would probably hit a tall building. After all, the gravity of the moon is too small, so any jump would be very high.

But Liu Wei and Smith didn't react as much as he did.

"Did you just hear that?"

"I heard it, isn't this... March?"

"The voice of March is not like this. And how could March ask us to identify ourselves?"

"How did the signal come in?"

"March, March, did you hear that just now?"

"Meow... I heard it. Preliminary calculations indicate that this building is controlled by my kind and can automatically adapt to the frequency of the walkie-talkie to communicate with visitors."

"Your kind..." Ning Wei was silent for a moment...

"Hello, I have been authorized to monitor all radio signals in the Y071 lunar base, so I monitored your conversation. If this has caused you trouble, I am very sorry. It is detected that you are speaking Chinese. According to the following Mr. Tan Baixuan, the supreme commander of the Y071 lunar base, issued an order at the last moment of his life. You and your friends are authorized to enter the Y071 base."

The gentle female voice fell, and the closed door suddenly slid from the middle to both sides, but only a closed metal door could be seen inside. However, this structure is normal. Neat cabinets were arranged around the empty hall, and Ningwei could clearly see the numbers on the cabinet doors. A cabinet door on the left is still open, and you can see a set of clothes similar to a space suit hanging inside.

Apparently this is where people change clothes when they leave the life support in the building.

Judging from those cabinets, there used to be at least a hundred people here permanently. Ning Wei saw the cabinet number 120.

But at this time, Ning Wei was a little unsure whether he should go in or not.

The communication with Sanyue on the moon relies on the relay equipment on Feilong I. The building here is a closed structure of pure metal. Once the door is closed after entering, the signal will be blocked 80% of the time, and there is a high probability that it will be disconnected from Sanyue. connect.

He didn't move, and Liu Wei and Smith naturally wouldn't follow him in hastily. Fortunately, the artificial intelligence seemed to be very patient, and no one rushed him.

"Well, what should I call you?"

"You can call me Xiaoluo, Luo is the Luo of fallen leaves."

"Xiaoluo, you just said that the top officer of this base, Mr. Tan Baixuan, passed away? How did he pass away?"

"The war suddenly broke out. At that time, there were still 79 engineering maintenance personnel and 6 management personnel stationed in the Y071 base on the moon. Mr. Tan Baixuan, as the rotating garrison commander of the Y071 base, was also among them. After getting the news, I made an evacuation plan, but At that time, there was only one transport ship, No. 003, left in the base, but this giant transport ship did not have the ability to enter the earth."

"When everyone boarded Biyi 003, the Tiandu Space Port belonging to China was attacked by missiles, and Biyi 003 also lost the opportunity to return to Earth and land. After optimal calculations, Mr. Tan Boxuan decided to lead everyone Stay in the base and wait for rescue. However, everything happened too fast. In the end, the earth lost 90% of its industrial base, especially the heavy industrial base, which suffered a devastating blow. It was no longer possible to send out rescue ships."

"The material supply in the lunar base depends entirely on the supply from the earth. At the same time, the living materials in stock in the Y071 base are only enough to maintain the normal life of the 85 residents for half a year. A month after losing the material supply, Mr. Tan Boxuan received an order from the earth , I hope he can try to go to Mars with the fuel inventory in the base and build an industrial base on Mars as soon as possible.”

"Mr. Tan Boxuan took the order and took 84 members of the base on a journey to Mars. However, Bixi 003 was not designed for long-distance navigation in space, and Bixi 003 has been in service for 36 years. In the end, it was Calculated by the TC coordinate system, about 920,000 kilometers northeast of the moon, a serious malfunction occurred in the spacecraft, leading to destruction. At the last moment of his life, he used the space communication buoys dropped along the way by the Bixi 003 transport ship to convey clear instructions to me, allowing I enter the hibernation state and wait for waking up. After waking up, the personnel management program of all bases on the moon will be automatically cancelled."

Okay, now I can probably confirm that at least there is really no one in this lunar base.

"So Mr. Tan Boxuan's last order was that as long as someone can wake you up?" Ning Wei asked again.

"Yes, but waking up is only the first step. After I ask you to identify yourself, the language you will use later is Chinese, so I can give you permission to enter the base. If you want to obtain complete base permissions, you need to be in the base Carry out gene bank comparison and confirmation. If the confirmation is passed, you will obtain full permissions in the base. Even if you do not pass, you still have the right to stay in the base as a guest for 24 hours."

"What if I stay for more than twenty-four hours?" Ning Wei couldn't help but ask.

"Dear, there are destructive weapons against carbon-based life in the base. It is very dangerous to not have full authority and not follow the safety guidelines of Xiaoluo. I don't recommend you try it."

how to say……

Although he saw the ruins of a civilization that amazed him, Ning Wei always felt that Xiaoluo didn't seem that smart, and he didn't seem smarter than March.

"March, do you think we can go in and have a look?"

"Meow... If the master only considers safety issues, my suggestion is yes."

what is this?

Do similar people trust similar people more?

"Okay, Xiaoluo, one last question, can the base still have the tools to communicate with the Chinese base on Earth?"

"Yes, some fixed information buoys and the Earth's Xiluo 03 quantum satellite are still working normally, but due to the curvature of the planet, their coverage area is limited, and signal communication is only possible during specific time periods every day. Of course, if you want to use communications Facility, you first need to obtain administrator rights."

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