Tech Hammer

Chapter 507 The Troubles of Happiness

Even in 2035, if the Western media suddenly make any big news, it will still attract the attention and reprint of many Chinese media, even though these news will no longer attract the attention of too many Chinese people, especially in the high-tech field.

The reason is actually very simple.

In the past, our electronic products were mainly based on Western technology. Whether it is CPUs, graphics cards, systems or mobile phones, every little change from leading technology companies such as Intel, Qualcomm, IBM, and Apple can directly affect the market and even directly affect the potential aesthetics of many consumers.

But now it is different after all.

Since turbulence algorithm equipment began to sweep the world, in the past ten years or so, both the brand and the specific technology have given China's local manufacturing a high-end label. Especially in recent years, the technology center has been shifting from the west to the east. Now the location of a basic research center on the outskirts of China's capital has begun to be called China's Super Silicon Valley by the outside world, which is enough to explain everything.

Not to mention that young people in China are now using Ningxin with a three-dimensional through-silicon structure. Currently, most of the manufacturers that have fully mastered this chip manufacturing technology are Chinese manufacturers. The main production layout points are also in China. In the near future, they will also expand to neighboring countries. There is a trend of migration, but the main R\u0026D bases of technology are all within the territory.

As for the three-dimensional displays that are now popular in the world, although production bases are being built all over the world, it will take some time from construction to production. And the advanced R\u0026D team is also in China.

In addition, the most advanced artificial intelligence technology is also in China.

Excellent software providers represented by Ningfeng Software have introduced various types of intelligent software from China to the world. Including but not limited to various intelligent NPC algorithms used in the game, as well as various social software that can chat and make friends on behalf of the host, as well as intelligent software that urges young people to make friends offline through self-matching, as well as with various jobs All kinds of closely related intelligent software are basically produced by Chinese software suppliers...

This directly leads to the fact that few young Chinese people still care about the news of foreign technology companies.

But as a big country with a population of more than 1.3 billion, there are still some weird things that think the Western world is better than China. Especially as this group becomes more and more niche, these people become more and more united. In addition, for these spiritual Westerners, there has been less and less good news recently, so whenever the Western media exposes some good news, it always makes them collectively happy for a long time.

So when the news that IBM's artificial intelligence system had given birth to elementary consciousness reached the country, it was enough to make these people rejoice for a long time. It is not an exaggeration to describe the mood of these people at this time as happy. Of course, this news is equally exciting for Westerners.

Even many ordinary consumers in the West have been suffering from Chinese products for a long time.

After all, according to the sales strategy of many Chinese technology companies, the most advanced products are now sold in China, and multi-language versions will be developed later. It’s not that making money abroad is not fun, it’s mainly due to technology monopoly.

Whether it is Ningshe, Ningxin, or three-dimensional display technology, they are all inextricably linked to Ningwei. This directly leads to the product development and sales processes based on these technologies that need to meet the personal needs of a certain academician. idea. Therefore, it is usually very troublesome to launch foreign versions before the Chinese market is satisfied.

In particular, Ningxin and 3D Display are still out of stock in major Western markets, which directly leads to the surprisingly high price compared to China. Without the support of these hardware, it is difficult for those smart software products to get the best experience.

Of course, the high price has given rise to various black market services. Smuggling, cracking, localization... even gave birth to many Chinese electronic product purchasing agents. These virtually increase costs and often lead to warranty problems.

So the problem arises. When Western consumers may have to spend twice as much or even more than Chinese consumers, not only are they unable to enjoy the services of all smart software, but often the after-sales service is not guaranteed, One can imagine how much resentment there is.

When countless Westerners begin to miss the days when they could enjoy the most advanced technological products at cheaper prices more than a decade ago, the news released by IBM undoubtedly gives them hope of regaining their glory.

The Wall Street Journal even directly reprinted the news on IBM's official website on its front page. Everyone is looking forward to IBM officially starting to show off their Watson intelligent system. To understand the development of China over the years, March has played an indispensable role. Now that they also have their own artificial intelligence technology, the opportunity to overtake in corners has come.

So on this Chinese night, IBM's stock price showed a skyrocketing trend at the opening, and capital began to vent the depression accumulated over the past ten years in this way.

In this case, March's Weibo was suddenly released.

The rhythm stuck points feel quite clever.

Just when IBM announced that its artificial intelligence system had achieved a breakthrough and could even confirm the birth of consciousness, it directly announced in March that something big would happen this weekend?

What’s even more puzzling is the content on Weibo in March about the upcoming test product.

What is a large-scale space mobile operating platform? Doesn’t this sound like a space station? But it’s impossible for the space station to complete an air relay rescue drill?

Really, even the group of night owls in China who are extremely passionate about cutting-edge technology were confused when they saw this Weibo that was suddenly sent out in March. I can't understand it.

According to the current historical stage of aerospace, the only thing that can move in space is the space station. Moreover, the space station has limited maneuverability and the tasks it can complete are even more limited. So what did March say?

What's even more annoying is that this cat doesn't even have a picture...

So soon, the Weibo comment section in March became popular.

Countless people started asking in the comment area what exactly they were going to publish.

In March, as usual, he began to reply to every friendly comment in a very friendly manner, but basically it was just two words: "What do you think?" At most, there was a strangely smiling kitten face behind the question mark.

This is really annoying, but for many media reporters, especially those in the technology circle, they have begun to get collectively excited.

Big news from the Eastern and Western technological circles in one day, which is a very rare situation in recent years.

Whether it's IBM's artificial intelligence or the large-scale space mobile operating platform mentioned in March, there are too many things worth writing about. The only regret now is probably that IBM has not notified when it will demonstrate the Watson intelligent system to the outside world, but based on experience, it will definitely not take too long. After all, IBM's stock price has soared against the trend with this news. If it can't show enough in the near future, it will be convincing. With the results of our efforts, we will definitely not be able to maintain this situation.

So when to announce the specific breakthrough point of the Watson intelligent system is no longer even IBM's own business, it will become the collective will of all IBM shareholders. The only question now is probably how intelligent Watson is?

Any hope of moving beyond March? !

John Black was sitting in front of the computer, using the mouse to tease the baby that was coming to life on the three-dimensional screen. Thirty-seven-year-old John Black joined IBM when he was 27 years old, and it has been ten years now.

At that time, IBM's Watson intelligent system was trapped in a strange circle.

The earliest commercial application of this artificial intelligence system was originally to treat cancer. Since 2011, Watson has been connected to MSKCC, the world's top cancer treatment center, for training. The database contains more than 400 professional medical journals, hundreds of medical books, and more than 19 million medical papers and related research data. When combined NCCN treatment guidelines directly provide treatment options to oncologists.

When it came out in March, the Watson intelligent system was in an embarrassing situation. IBM has invested tens of billions in this project, but the effect can only be said to be a matter of opinion. The initial idea of ​​scientists was to enable this system to provide treatment plans more efficiently than doctors, but in fact it can only be used as an auxiliary means.

Later, under the pressure brought by the intelligent platform in March, various high-tech companies began to focus on the new generation of artificial intelligence technology, and Watson became one of IBM's main directions.

It was under this circumstance that John Black joined the research on the Watson system ten years ago.

If we push the time forward a few years, when John Black was still studying as a graduate student in artificial intelligence at Berkeley, he actually had an intersection with Ning Wei before the STOC conference.

Even now, John Black still remembers the feeling of annoyance when he was on vacation in Hawaii with many friends that summer when he suddenly received a call from his instructor, asking him to rush back to school immediately, otherwise he might delay his graduation.

When he gave up his vacation and returned to school, the professor threw him a 206-page paper and told him that this paper was worth giving up all his vacation that year. His heart collapsed.

But the real meltdown begins with the research paper.

That year, he even participated in the boring matter of giving Ning Wei an English name. Everyone was still discussing in the group to wait until the day of the meeting to give Ning Wei a greeting gift. It would be better to put a sack on it and use a baseball bat. Warmly entertain this undergraduate from China.

Of course, after all, this matter was just lip service, and no one actually put it into practice. Moreover, Ning Wei was much more humble at that meeting. He finally stopped emphasizing that he was an undergraduate and told everyone that he had already started. Studying for a Ph.D. somewhat made him feel much better.

More importantly, his supervisor was right. As one of the first students to come into contact with Ning Wei's paper, John Black did have new ideas for the construction of artificial intelligence. In this way, he finally chose to revise his thesis and postpone his graduation.

The world does have different rewards for hardworking people.

Although his graduation was delayed for a year, he got a letter of introduction from his boss. With this letter of introduction, he came to IBM directly after graduation and entered the Watson department. And he has been entrusted with the important task of developing relevant application software since he arrived. And because of the recommendation letter from his boss, John Black got the bank7 contract as soon as he entered the company.

Then came ten years of redoubled efforts.

In the past ten years, as the world has paid more and more attention to artificial intelligence, his hard work has not been in vain.

From a software engineer to a senior technical expert, to an outstanding engineer, he was awarded the title of IBM Academician last year. Completed the transformation from researcher to research manager. When Professor Lost, the chief architect of the Watson intelligent system, resigned six months ago, he finally became the person in charge of the entire project. Today, Watson passed IBM's internal Turing test.

After more than ten years, John Blake finally defeated the nightmare...

That's right, Ningwei is his nightmare.

After experiencing two computer conferences, a mathematics undergraduate taught him, a doctoral student specializing in artificial intelligence, how to achieve breakthroughs in artificial intelligence technology. This really hit many people hard at the time.

If Ningwei was a humble enough person and chose to study artificial intelligence all his life, then John Black would never dare to think that one day he would be able to surpass the man who once reduced dimensionality to attack him.

Fortunately, a genius like Ning Wei is definitely not willing to make achievements in only one direction throughout his life.

When it was determined that Ning Wei would start working in the field of basic physics and win the Nobel Prize, John Black knew that his opportunity had come. What does it mean to learn other people's knowledge to arm yourself and achieve transcendence?

This is called learning from the barbarians and developing skills to control the barbarians.

This Chinese idiom is posted on the bedside of his bedroom. John would explain the meaning of this sentence to every woman he brought into the room: "Learn something from others, and then use this knowledge to defeat them!"

Yes, although the 37-year-old IBM executive is not married yet, he has been accompanied by more than three-digit girlfriends in the past ten years. Of course, this is still considered a sacrifice. After all, treating your girlfriend doesn’t need to be as troublesome as treating your wife.

In order to design his own artificial intelligence over the years, God knows how many times John Blake studied Ning Wei's previous papers, and he got up early and stayed up late every day. This is also the reason why he has been promoted repeatedly. From the company's perspective, this young computer scientist who joined IBM with a letter of recommendation was indeed conscientious, capable and diligent. Probably only John Black himself knew that his hard work had nothing to do with the company and was nothing more than a dream come true. .

Today he finally succeeded.

Say goodbye to the nightmare of the past and welcome the new life. All hope lies in the little guy in front of you.

Even John Blake wished he could do more. With his help, the Watson project has reached a cooperation agreement with Boston Dynamics and will build a robot tailored for his Watson.

But now the plan has changed slightly.

According to John Blake's plan, he hopes that after the completion of this cooperation and the launch of the Watson robot, Watson will be officially connected to the Internet and cooperate with the company to start promoting its own artificial intelligence system.

I have survived for more than ten years, and I don’t care if I survive for another half a year.

But I didn't expect that the publicity on the official website would be so effective. IBM's stock rose sharply, and shareholders became impatient.

"Hey, life is unpredictable, things always change faster than planned!" At this moment, John Blake was happily sighing in his mind...

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