Tech Hammer

Chapter 484 No borders (updated by 10,000 words)

In the Internet age, it is very easy to find out the truth, and it doesn’t even take March.

It's not just Jiang Chenshuang's WeChat group chat that has been a hot topic over the birth of a child. When Ning Wei took out his cell phone, his former roommates went crazy. Luo Xiang and Mr. Xu have posted hundreds of messages in the group. There are countless links on Weibo in the message. If you click on any of them, you will see all kinds of congratulations and lottery messages that have been forwarded.

Private messages exploded early, with greetings and red envelopes from relatives, congratulations from colleagues...

Everyone is joking about 10,000-yuan red envelopes, 12 3D monitors, 30 Huawei’s latest mobile phones with 3D display capabilities, 50 free trial qualifications for Jiangcheng University’s summer mathematics summer camp, free invitations to the awards ceremony in March... ...even March comes to join in the fun?

After a while, the young couple began to look at each other...

To be honest, these kids made Ning Wei feel a little nervous. Is it so high-profile?

Crazy, all crazy...

I wanted to scold these guys in the group, but when I opened the group chat, I saw a bunch of red envelopes flying, and the joy and excitement were no less than the night of New Year's Eve...

This feels very confusing.

I want to curse something, but I don’t know how to say it...

Of course, he must not show it with his mouth. His wife, who has always been gentle and low-key, was still watching from the side.

"Don't worry, Chen Shuang, if I don't scold these guys to death for fearing chaos in the world! No one will be able to graduate this year. They must know Professor Ning's majesty..."

"Okay, what's there to scold? If you don't let them graduate, maybe they will make trouble even more... Besides, why don't other students be like this? Your students are like this, so you haven't thought about your own What's the reason?" Jiang Chenshuang raised her hand, took the phone away from Ning Wei, glanced at him angrily, and said softly.

"My reason? What reason can there be for me? I am a person who respects teachers, advocates a low-key life, and works down-to-earth. I have been working diligently on my job for decades to serve the country and the people..."

Ning Wei was carrying what the host said when he was reported on the news in a serious manner, but the phone in Jiang's hand vibrated desperately. This person is not fastidious and does not choose the right time to call. After all, he still doesn't know the content of the news. Not finished.

Jiang Chenshuang glanced at the caller ID, then handed the phone back: "Stop making trouble, it's Mr. Cook's call."

"Eh? This old man has retired, and I haven't put him on the blacklist yet? See, I have long said that we are good people. If it were other young talents like me, I would have put him on the blacklist. This old man with no influence has been blocked..."

Ning Wei was talking nonchalantly, but he still took the phone, answered the call casually, and his tone became enthusiastic...

"Hey, Tim, how does life feel after retirement? Can you get used to it?"

"Thank you for your concern, Ning. I personally feel pretty good. Especially after giving up strictly getting up early these days, I even feel that my energy is better than before. The only problem is probably that I still feel a little bored."

"Haha, this is called retirement syndrome. Unfortunately, although I understand the principle, I can only rely on myself to relieve the symptoms. I have long suggested that you come to China, Tim, this is a paradise for the elderly. Get up in the morning You can go jogging in the park with your peers, and then go to the vegetable market to feel the fireworks of the world. If you can also learn to play mahjong, you will have something to do every afternoon. It is said that it can also prevent Alzheimer's disease. In the evening, I recommend you Go square dancing.”

Ning Wei said happily. He has always had a good impression of Tim Cook. There are some qualities in this serious and determined old man that he admires very much. For example, the simplicity that will never give up until the goal is achieved, the pragmatic action orientation from the bottom of the heart, the low-key and pragmatic work style, and the courage and courage to take responsibility.

There are some things that I would rather not even think I can do, but this old guy did it.

For example, when Apple cooperated with three parties for the first time, God knows how much pressure and slander was required to make the choice to cooperate under the circumstances at that time. It was even directly criticized by many people, but Tim Cook didn't care at all. These, despite all the pressure, led to a three-party cooperation, and launched the Apple ONE electric car the following year, which once made Tesla fall from the altar.

Then came Tim Cook’s last contract extension with Apple. In fact, he could retire at that time, but he worked for a few more years just to integrate the global supply chain of Apple cars. Now the supply chain has been integrated, and he finally retired when the contract expired last year.

"Okay, let's not talk about this. Ning, I saw some news on the Internet. Congratulations on becoming a father again. I still remember Ning Ke, a very cute girl. In Chinese terms, you are now a son and a daughter. .To celebrate this day, I just called the president of Apple Greater China and suggested that they also host an Apple lottery in China. The grand prize is an Apple car, and there are also a hundred of the latest Apple mobile phones. "

"Old Tim, I'm telling you, don't mess around with that student of mine. This method of praising and killing has long been outdated, and it hasn't been used before? The fact is that the higher you praise me, the better I can Climb higher. When you retire, just rest at home, and you won’t know how old you are by fooling around with a bunch of young people. Besides, in Chinese culture, retired bosses who interfere in business operations are easily scolded. !”

"Haha, Ning, don't be so excited. I didn't interfere with the business operations, I just borrowed Apple's name. All the prizes are paid for by me personally, and they don't even take up the company's marketing funds. In this way, I am consolidating the relationship between us. Friendship between us. Maybe in the future, if Apple encounters difficulties that it cannot overcome, you will think of me and help me to help?"

"Then why do you need to hold a lottery? Why don't you just give me a red envelope and give it to me. I will save it for my child. When he grows up, I will tell him that the money belongs to a man named Tim Cook. The uncle specially gave it to him to study."

"How about this, I leave all the remaining Apple stocks on hand to this child through a trust? In this way, as long as Apple can maintain its current scale, I believe his future education should be greatly guaranteed."

The tone on the other side sounded serious, as if what he said was true. Thinking that the old man opposite didn't even leave any descendants, Ning Wei felt a little uneasy...

"Tim, don't be so pessimistic. It makes me feel bad that you flatter me like this."

Ning Wei glanced at the woman next to him and said dullly.

"Haha, Ning, don't be embarrassed. If you think my compliments or flattery can make you proud, I don't mind saying more. In fact, after my recent retirement, I do have enough time to do many other things that have nothing to do with my previous job. Things. For example, not long ago I invited several well-known physicists to come to the manor I bought after my retirement, held a small academic party, and discussed your latest theory with them."

"Of course, most of the time, they express their opinions, and I am just a silent observer. How should I put it? Ning, you are indeed a genius. Although there are many details that everyone has disputes about, there are They all agree on one thing - your results could really bring about earth-shaking changes in the world."

"It may involve the reshuffle of energy, the innovation of travel methods, and in the future there will be newer ways of exploring the universe. If information can really be transmitted at the speed of light or even faster than light, coupled with artificial intelligence technology, it means that humans will It has the ability to remotely transform and develop planetary resources. The future will no longer be dominated by drones, and there may even be unmanned spacecrafts... There are many ideas for the future, but you know what they fear most or what you are mentioned the most is Which point?"

Ning Wei was thinking about what level of scholars Tim Cook would invite, and subconsciously replied: "Don't be pretentious, this is not a good habit, in China those who like to talk like this are all blade masters, Tim. "

"Haha, Ning, I like your weird humor. Well, actually it's your age, you're only 28..."

"Old Tim, I'm actually 29..."

"Okay, 29 years old, but still very young! According to the most general rules, you can maintain peak academic research status for at least sixteen years! Sixteen years can already change many things in the world. Once the new industrial revolution begins , which means that a new round of reshuffle has begun again. All concepts of industry, commerce, service industry, etc. may be redefined."

"Under the great chapter of the times, even a seemingly behemoth like Apple is just a speck of dust. I don't know much about research, but I can see a glimpse of the future through the context in the mouths of people who understand. I am responsible for The last thing Apple CEO did was to integrate the global supply chain of Apple cars. The current development is not bad, our products are becoming mature, and smart supporting devices are being developed in an orderly manner."

"After doing this, I can leave with peace of mind. Even if my successor cannot bear the pressure, Apple can continue as long as it maintains the status quo. But what I never expected is that you would produce such significant results just after I retired. These achievements may one day, or even this day may not be too far away, burst out with huge energy, and then change everything! And when the definition of all these products is forcibly changed, all the efforts I have made in half a lifetime will be Return it all to zero.”

Having said this, the other person paused for a moment, and then said in a more serious tone: "You have never run a company with your heart, so I don't know if you can understand my thoughts. I don't want this to happen. But I know that the general trend of scientific development cannot be blocked. But I can no longer and do not have the energy to make decisions for Apple..."

Ning Wei listened quietly, but actually felt very proud in his heart.

This made him feel more satisfied physically and mentally than if Apple held a lottery to congratulate him on having a son.

After all, this is affirmation from a former negotiating opponent. If Sackler or Gelsinger from Intel said this, he would probably happily reply: "Don't worry about these things that are bound to happen. After all, you can't change anything, can you?"

But for Tim Cook, the two have always had a good relationship. It's not very kind to be so direct. So Ning Wei simply kept silent and waited for the old man to finish what he wanted to say. Soon, the other person asked a question: "So, Ning, do you think Apple can continue to develop in the future?"

"Haha, of course, Old Tim, actually I have an idea. Since you are so worried, why don't we cooperate? Didn't you say before that you invited several physicists and held an academic team? This is enough to show that although you They have retired, but they are still very influential. You can hold a few more similar parties, invite them to work in our basic physics laboratory, or give some speeches to help promote our laboratory."

"When results are really produced in the future, especially results that can be brought to the market, the laboratory will also give priority to Apple. We have been in contact for so long. You know what I am, I have always believed in A win-win situation. Whoever makes it easier for me, I make it easier for him! Giving stocks is too outrageous. I want that thing and it’s useless. Why don’t you use your remaining energy and let’s work together again.”

Ning Wei cheerfully gave very constructive opinions.

The old man opposite was obviously stunned, and then smiled bitterly: "Ning, are you serious?"

"Too serious!"

"Maybe I'll get scolded badly."

"You may not believe it, but I often get scolded badly. I was scolded not long ago, and I was scolded by my own people. But if you have to do something, how can you not be scolded? The most important thing is that we must have international The spirit of doctrine and the welfare of all mankind. As long as we have such a noble idea, what does it mean to be scolded a few times?"

"Ning, do you think you have an internationalist spirit?"

"Haha... Of course, I am a scientist, and I am a staunch supporter of science without borders. You may not believe it, but I designed the recruitment copy for our basic physics laboratory. The kitten helped a little bit in it. busy……"


"Old Tim, I actually understand you very well. The period of retirement is very difficult for anyone. When people are suddenly free from work, they will always have some strange thoughts and various discomforts. My dad That's it. Keeping yourself busy again at this time can rejuvenate you. The difference between you and him is that you don't have children yet, and your spiritual sustenance requires some challenging undertakings to maintain. Let's work together again, Tim! "

"Okay, Ning, I will think about it..."

"What else are you thinking about? In this way, I will let the kitten announce this big news on the official website later. You, Tim Cook, have been hired by our laboratory as a special honorary consultant. Any future members of our basic physics laboratory will Every success will be attributed to you!"


Ning Wei hung up the phone with a smile and looked up to see Jiang Chenshuang's confused eyes.

She has been working very leisurely in the school's logistics department for the past few years. For a woman who has always been diligent in learning, she has systematically taught herself English. Foreign language learning is not for the purpose of test scores or scientific research. The main purpose of foreign language learning is to train her listening and speaking skills.

Although she couldn't hear clearly what Tim Cook said, Ningwei could still understand what he said, and then she felt that her man was not very kind.

"Do you want Mr. Cook to be regarded as a beauty?" After saying that, Jiang Chenshuang subconsciously stuck out her tongue...

Although she has been married for five or six years, life still allows her to retain some of the habits of the little girl she once was. In Ning Wei's opinion, this is good.

"Haha, it's not that exaggerated. They say science has no borders!"

"But I know that's not what you think!"

"No, no, no, Chen Shuang, that's really what I think. For example, the results developed by our Chinese scientists belong to China, and the results developed by other international scientists also belong to China... To put it simply Say, what’s ours is ours, and what’s being attacked is also ours! National boundaries? They don’t exist!”

Jiang Chenshuang looked at the man in front of her and blinked...

"Don't look at me like that. This is about learning skills from the barbarians in order to defeat the barbarians... I learned it from the other side!"

The woman thought for a while, then nodded and responded seriously: "Oh..."

A consensus was reached again, which was good.

"I would rather give birth to a child than this kid can cause him to cause such a big fight. I really don't know what to say to him!"

"Haha, Lao Tian, ​​please stop acting like this and just have fun. You are just lucky. If only..."

"What are you talking about back then? There were so many things going on back then! Let's just talk about it."

"Okay, you're just talking about it? You're getting an advantage and you're still being nice."

"Old Qin, if you want to say that, I'll hang up the phone."

"I'm scared of you. Well, your student is quite popular. It seems that all the messy things on the Internet are caused by his students. Doesn't this sound comfortable?"

"Well, after all, I'd rather think that this kid is too out-of-touch. It would be perfect if he could reconcile with Lu Dongyi's temper... By the way, Xiaolu, when he was an academician last year, he invited you to drink, so why didn't you come?"

"Lao Tian, ​​you really went too far... Let's get down to business. What Lao Qu means is that we can work more closely on teaching cooperation. Your student's current physics laboratory is so prosperous, and it also contributes to the prosperity of the physics laboratory opposite. Professionals should help! Everyone has decided to follow the pace of internationalization."

"You still have to ask Xiao Ning about this."

"You are his mentor..."

"Oh, I'm not telling you the opposite. He is timid in doing things, and he is not as decisive as the second-rate 985 Jiang Da..."

"Tian Yanzhen, can it be the same? Can it be? After all, Jiang University is also the alma mater of Xiao Ning's undergraduate degree. We have a long history of cooperation. You can give me an accurate answer, otherwise we can really break off our relationship."

"When he comes back, I will have a good talk with the child... Is this alright? Why are you so impatient... Sigh... But let's talk about it earlier. Since we have deepened our cooperation, we have to unify our steps. Especially the admission standards for international students need to be improved even more, which is what Xiao Ning means, and I think it makes sense."

"Don't worry, everyone is mentally prepared for this. This is indeed the case."

"Ha, of course I am relieved. What can I be worried about? Lao Tian, ​​you have gained a good disciple! Hey... he is just a bit evil-hearted!"

When Apple, which almost never participates in publicity on Weibo, started to join in the fun and promoted a wave of activities to repost blessings and draw Apple cars and mobile phones, it also pushed the Internet lottery storm due to the birth of little Ningzhe to the climax. climax.

Now the whole world probably knows that a scientist in China gave birth to a son today.

After all, these rewards are still very delicious.

The lively reposting and comments continued until twelve o'clock in the morning. While everyone was looking forward to being the lucky one, probably not many people noticed that that night, more than a dozen well-known Chinese universities, including Huaqing, issued statements on their official websites, deciding to withdraw from the world school ranking system.

At this point, almost all 985 universities in China no longer accept international school ranking standards. This also means that these universities no longer need to plan according to the standards of famous schools in order to improve their rankings - such as the proportion of international students in each school, the proportion of international teachers, the number of papers published each year, etc., they no longer need to have too rigid standards. Require.

The impact of this small change has not yet appeared at this time, but so many schools have made these changes before the summer admissions season, which naturally means that this year's admissions policies will also change.

This is probably not good news for international students in the international departments of these schools.

Not only will it be more difficult to get into these schools, but it may also be more difficult to graduate. But this is probably life. Who can have smooth sailing all their life?

In a small conference room on the third floor of the Royal Academy of Sciences in Stockholm, Sweden, the current Nobel Prize in Physics Review Committee is meeting. Their task today is to determine the final list of candidates for the Nobel Prize to be announced in October this year.

As more and more big names are qualified to recommend candidates, the Nobel Prize receives many recommendations every year. Especially for literary awards, thousands of people are often recommended. Although the physics prize is much rarer than the literature prize, there are still several hundred people.

After the recommendation deadline is reached, the members of the review committee need to directly eliminate some of the people who are obviously not qualified to win the award, and prepare a list of about ten to fifteen people before April for a more extensive review. After research and discussion, the final Nobel Prize winners of the year will be produced from this list. Generally, three will be selected from it, but of course, only three can be selected at most.

In fact, there are traces of who the Nobel Prize in Physics will be awarded each year. For example, in certain years, when the big guys on the jury were more interested in the universe, those who studied astrophysics and cosmology in those years Physicists are more likely to be chosen. There may be one or two awards in four years for scientists in related research fields.

If you look at it from this point of view, Ning Wei's results are actually a coincidence.

His research, whether in quantum physics, particle physics, high-energy physics, astrophysics, black holes and other astronomical phenomena, actually involves it. For example, the quantum physics level explains the quantum tunneling effect more clearly than previous theories. The field of cosmology provides a more reasonable explanation for why the universe is expanding faster than the speed of light, and so on.

The unification of micro and macro theories has caused an earthquake in the academic world, so even though the relationship between Ningwei and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is not so pleasant, it still received the most recommendations this year.

These review committee members were also voting, and in the final discussion, no one rejected Ning Wei at this stage. Of course, this is normal. If you do this, it will only make people feel very unprofessional if it spreads in the future.

Speaking of which, the final selection process of the Nobel Prize will not be announced to the public, but there are no real secrets in this world. The opinions of each reviewer must be recorded after all, and many actions will even become the fault of many academic leaders through rumors. Talk. If a choice that is too biased causes a huge storm of public opinion, someone will eventually take responsibility.

No one wants to take on this responsibility, so when they see the name Ning Wei, although many people feel as sick as eating a fly, they still have to bite the bullet and swallow it first.

This also led to the fact that after the final list of fifteen people was released and the meeting ended, everyone's mood was not high.

After a brief greeting, they walked towards the door in twos and threes.

"Angus, wait for me..."

Angus Bray, who had just walked out of the conference room door, paused, turned his head and saw Professor Grande Hansen, the permanent secretary of the Royal Academy of Sciences, walking over from the other side of the corridor.

As the chairman of the Swedish Physics Nobel Prize Jury, Angus Bray actually does not want to have contact with senior executives like Grande Hansen who prefer the administrative field at this time. There are always some inexplicable things that may happen internally. Stress makes people have headaches.

But when someone came to the door, it was naturally impossible to refuse, so after explaining to the people around him, he let everyone go first, while he stood there and waited. He didn't ask softly until the person came closer: "Professor Hansen ,Is there a problem?"

Grande Hansen pointed to the garden outside the building: "Let's go for a walk together?"

Angus Bray hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, but I have something else to do later..."

"Haha, Angus, a quarter of an hour, I guess it won't delay you." Grande Hansen said with a smile.

"Okay, let's go."

"Angus, are you on the list of candidates for the next stage?" Grande Hansen asked casually after walking in the garden and simply praising the rising temperature in the bright spring day.

"Of course, he is the only scientist among the fifteen candidates who did not have any objections and was unanimously approved."

Angus Bray nodded and stated the facts expressionlessly. I don’t have much contact with Ning Wei, Angus Bray, and I wasn’t too fond of this young Chinese man at first. However, I still support the basic physics laboratory that Ning Wei has established in China with great fanfare recently. manner.

If nothing else, it has at least significantly improved the salary of many physicists. It has also caused more people in the Western world to begin to pay attention to and improve the living standards of these scientists who promote the progress of the human world. According to Angus Bray, this is obviously a good thing.

"Hey... How should I put it? Ning Wei is indeed a controversial young man. But how can I put it, the officials of the foundation are very repulsive to this name..." Grande Hansen sighed and said.

Angus Bray frowned, and then said calmly: "Professor Hansen, the Nobel Foundation is just the owner and manager of the fund. They are only responsible for awarding prizes and have no power to influence the work of the review committee. This It's not their specialty. It's as boring as me going to the Karolinska Institute to talk to them about who should be awarded a prize in medicine or biology."

"You misunderstood, Angus..."

Grand Hansen spread his hands, showed a helpless smile, and continued: "I am not putting pressure on you, nor do I want to influence you to fairly select this year's physics prize winner... It's just that Someone suggested that if this is possible, we should take the moral character of each scientist into account... Angus, we have many partners who simply cannot believe that someone even dares to threaten many unspecified people with deprivation of their right to life. . So, Angus, do you think we really should give this honor to scientists who have given up on humanity’s moral bottom line?”

Angus Bray looked up at the towering column opposite, thought for a moment, and said: "Professor Hansen, do you still remember the original intention of the Nobel Prize? According to Mr. Nobel's will, during the entire selection process "Recipients should not be affected by any nationality, ethnicity, ideology or religious belief, and the first criterion for selection is the size of their achievements."

"But Mr. Nobel did not say that morality should not be affected. And I think everyone knows the reason why Mr. Nobel established the Peace Prize. He has become a destabilizing factor in the world, and many people think this is good. Explanation, we should publish this explanation, it will not even affect the authority of the Nobel Prize." Grande Hansen said slowly.

"And then let those idiots in Norway award this award to those warmongers with high moral standards?" Angus Bray asked sarcastically.

"Angus, I'm not here to quarrel with you. I just received some commissions today to explore a possibility. I never thought of intervening in the selection work. You don't need to show any hostility to me. I Friend." Grande Hansen said helplessly.

"Haha, Professor Hansen, I have received all the opinions from your friends or you, and I will consider them carefully. And there is still half a year until the end of the selection, so we still have enough time to consider this matter. Well..."

After speaking, Angus Bray raised his wrist and looked at the time and said, "Fifteen minutes are up. I have a discussion meeting later."

"Go to your business, Angus, bye!"


The two middle-aged men said goodbye to each other politely and gently, and then separated.

Angus Bray returned to his office, opened his computer and entered his mailbox, retrieved an email from yesterday, thought for a moment, and then began to reply.

"Dear Mr. Cook: Best wishes..."

Huaxia, Beijing, Yanbei University, Yanyuan.

Since the addition of a new baby to the family, the already lively little family has become even more lively.

Children who are not yet full-term are placed in a special children's room, and from time to time they hear loud cries, keeping the adults busy.

But these things have little to do with Ning Wei.

On the first day after returning to school from the hospital, he called all the students he could to the office and severely criticized them. The reason for the criticism is naturally due to the nonsense on the Internet.

Especially Chen Diancheng who made a big fuss...

But looking at the kid's nonchalant look, Ning Wei once again felt Tian Yan's real distress.

"Does Ningshe really have too much money? Is it burning your hand? There are draws and draws at every turn... Director Tian's heart aches when he sees it! Now the young scientist project only gives about 2 million project funds, and you get one thousand Want to give out red envelopes? How many projects can this do?"

"Director Ning, how do you know that Director Tian is very heartbroken?"

"Nonsense, can I not know? You scolded me on the phone a few days ago and asked me to take good care of you. Isn't it really lawless every day? In this way, I am too lazy to talk nonsense to you. You Don’t sit around here in school doing nothing every day. Go to the basic physics laboratory and spend some time. Choose a direction you are interested in and find a tutor. When you complete the project, you will come back."

"No, Director Ning! You mainly study physics, and I am determined to develop in the direction of artificial intelligence number theory. And I am not idle. Didn't the topic selection report be handed over to you last time?" Chen Diancheng immediately called Get up and bend.

He really didn't want to go to the basic laboratory.

Although the laboratory has the name of Yanbei University, it is far away from the headquarters of Yanbei University and it is not convenient to go back and forth. He is currently in a period of passionate love, and letting him stay in the basic laboratory will definitely suffocate him to death.

"Don't be so narrow-minded. This is what you were asked to study in the past. There has been a bottleneck in the machine's data processing capabilities in March. You can treat physics as a traditional experimental subject, and the goal of research is to explore relationships in nature from experiments. As an artificial intelligence technology that can deeply mine data patterns, March has greatly improved the laboratory's computing capabilities."

"But it can still be improved, and the direction is similar to the human brain's ability to extract patterns. Using neural networks to fit this complex function requires sufficient data point support, but the data points are often insufficient, which requires a change of thinking. This is the proposal report I have prepared for you, and this is your future research direction. The topic is still relatively difficult in general, but I believe in your ability, finish it as soon as possible, and then graduate, that's it."

Ning Wei took out a stack of prepared information from the drawer and handed it over domineeringly.

This can be regarded as a topic selection for his youngest disciple, and the child's opinions were not fully solicited, which is suspected of feudal patriarchal decision-making.

But in fact, after several weeks of analysis in March, this was the topic he thought was most suitable for Chen Diancheng's research direction. It's very difficult, but if you can really get it done, it won't be a problem to win the March Award in the future, and even winning Fields is not impossible.

The enhanced artificial intelligence technology will have more powerful computing capabilities and can be used to handle more complex spatial problems. In addition to improving March's abilities, the range of applications is also extremely wide.

For example, in a larger space system, planning the most appropriate path addressing capability can be used in star map drawing of unknown star fields, route navigation in the universe, etc...

This shows that Ning Wei has extremely high expectations for Chen Diancheng.

"But Director Ning, our Ningshe's most important glass shoe project this year will be officially launched for testing next month!" Chen Diancheng argued with reason.

"Can't the project go online without you?"

"I am the president of Ningshe. For such an important matter, I must be here to boost morale. This is also the first project that Ningshe has cooperated with outsiders. Penguin Group has invested in it. If it is messed up, wouldn't it? Lose Ningshe’s prestigious reputation?”

"Oh, so we need to change the president?"

"Huh? Director Ning, don't be like this..."

"Anyway, I was scolded by Director Tian because of you, so you just have to deal with it!"

"Oh well……"

Ning Wei looked at the somewhat dejected young man standing opposite and felt happy...

Of course he knew why Chen Diancheng was so depressed. Speaking of which, he had also been through that stage. If Tian Yan really wanted to separate him from Jiang Chenshuang like this, he must have been very unhappy.

He had also met Wen Yimo a few times. She was a pretty good girl. She was quite simple and didn't have any messy thoughts. She was also a good match for Chen Diancheng. So after glaring at this guy, he said angrily: "Okay, don't look so depressed. I'll arrange a special car for you. You have to take the trouble yourself and insist on getting up at seven o'clock every morning. Go back to school every afternoon and commute to both sides. You don’t have to live over there in the laboratory."

This is probably an unexpected surprise, and it is indeed a good solution. It does not delay study and love.

So Chen Diancheng immediately responded: "Director Ning, I know you are the best... By the way, can the special car be modified with a table, preferably with WIFI, so that it can be convenient for me to do the project in the car to avoid delays? Commute time back and forth.”

For this guy who just likes to hit snakes and follow the stick, Ning Wei really has no choice but to teach him with a straight face: "Is this something I need to worry about? I will arrange the car and pass for you, the details If you have any needs, you can figure it out yourself. Doesn’t Ningshe have a lot of money? You can solve it yourself."

After saying that, Ning Wei thought for a while and continued: "There are now more than 200 foreign experts in the basic laboratory, all of whom are very knowledgeable. If you go there, be more modest and communicate more with these experts. I will give you a warning." , most of the data in the laboratory are not confidential and you can check it. If you have any questions, you can submit them through the March platform. I will take a look at it every day. Ask more, read more, listen more, and you want to communicate with me directly. If so, you can come directly to my place, understand?"

"Don't worry, Director Ning, you know me. Not only am I the most studious, but also the most humble!" Chen Diancheng immediately said, patting his chest.

Looking at this guy's self-conscious look, Ning Wei suddenly had the absurd feeling that he had traveled to Tian Yanzhen's perspective, so the next moment, a simple and neat word blurted out: "Get out!"

In order to let everyone win the lottery, I worked hard

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