Tech Hammer

Chapter 476 Lucy Rowan’s Outbreak

In an era when the main theme is still peace, the so-called method of struggle must eventually return to the method of cultural people - that is, propaganda and public opinion.

In fact, in a sense, combat propaganda is also a kind of literature. In troubled times, a scholar is useless. But in this era, whether the article is well written or not is very important in the field of propaganda.

Many people like to satirize diplomatic rhetoric, but they don’t know that it is really the essence of culture...

From the perspective of a big country, we cannot vent our emotions casually like ordinary people across the street using unpleasant slang. What is important is that even if you curse people, you still have to look like a great nation. You still need to be decent.

Of course, I would rather not have to think about so many things.

But after all, he is one of the few scientists in the world. If he wants to quarrel with others, he has to show some skill. However, Ning Wei's literary quality is actually not up to par. After all, he specializes in the field, and he can write a paper without any grammatical errors, but this is different from being able to write a beautiful article.

The pursuit of rigor in academic papers, especially when describing complex concepts, often requires long attributive words to make people understand these concepts, so for papers, accuracy is always the first priority.

But articles are different. Not only do they not need to be accurate, but many times they even need various puns to add meaning, giving people plenty of room for imagination. Ning Wei has learned a lot of essence from the big guys about this kind of thing, but in the end it can only be used for daily bickering. Let him write articles. He has fallen into inferiority and is likely to lose. momentum.

Especially the trouble caused by language differences.

An article that sounds powerful when read in Chinese may become powerless if a lame translation is used.

Fortunately, there is March. Although this cute cat does not know how to create, its ability to put together articles is first-rate. It is also proficient in multiple languages ​​and is very stable in translation. He is also a master of publicity, especially in an era when traditional media is declining and the influence of the Internet has reached its peak.

What makes Ning Wei even more satisfied is that after laying the theoretical foundation, there are actually many cards he can play. With Lao Tian pulling the flag and cheering for him, basically most of the Chinese academic community is on his side; Lucy Rowan, who represents the younger generation of beautiful geniuses at Harvard, is on his side; there is also a team in the Basic Physics Laboratory. More than a hundred friends from the foreign scientific community who are already contributing to the progress of world science also stand by him...

This is Dedao Duozhu. Of course, the most important thing depends on March's performance.

Talent introduction is a long-term and systematic project, and there is no rush to do it in just one or two days. The main reason is that during the Chinese New Year period, we are really too busy. There are still some things that need to be done step by step. We need to communicate and contact other departments to complete the project. Cooperation, these all take time.

At this time, Ning Wei still misses Liu Wei. Although the new bodyguard assigned to him by Jitu Security is also very serious and responsible, he is still too young after all. He has nothing but faith and ideals. Although he is quite Okay, but I'm too upright, and I can't tolerate a grain of sand in my eyes. I'm missing a little bit of tact, so everything has to be done in accordance with the rules and regulations, and reported at all levels, and naturally the time is slow.

This is very troublesome for a guy like Ning Wei who really doesn't like to be restricted and doesn't like to embarrass people around him.

Obviously this is also a special arrangement by some people. After all, Ning Wei's temper is still a bit lawless in the eyes of many people. With a bold daily bilateral communicator like Liu Wei, a different kind of spark can always burst out.

But Ning Wei is too lazy to worry about this. The human worldly sophistication that needs to be dealt with during the Spring Festival is still necessary.

Although he didn't have to ask for many things from others, the success of what he wanted to do was actually due to the endorsement of many uncles and uncles who were optimistic about him. These academic leaders who have semi-retired cannot be underestimated. Most of the mainstays of research institutes in major universities are students of these leaders.

With the endorsement of these big guys, both the promotion of the March Laboratory Joint Intelligence Platform in major university laboratories and research institutes and the data integration work are progressing extremely smoothly. Of course, the most important thing is that everyone showed 100% goodwill towards Ning Wei.

In addition, the house was bustling every day, so Ning Wei decided to wait until the Spring Festival holiday was over to officially deal with this matter.

But some people can't wait this long.

John Wilson once said of Lucy Rowan that if his female student's temperament could be polished before the age of thirty, she would become the Marie Curie of the 21st century.

Most people will focus on the second half of this sentence. This evaluation of Madame Curie in the 21st century is really very high. As a woman in a patriarchal world, she became the first person to win the Nobel Prize twice. She has been included in textbooks in almost all countries in the world. She is indeed a model for modern female scientists.

But if you are familiar with John Wilson or Lucy Rowan, you will focus on the first half of this sentence...

This woman is as fierce as fire.

He obviously has a super high IQ, but once his anger level rises, he is easily swayed by his emotions.

For example, if an average person is studying in a prestigious school and is favored by world-class technology companies such as Google and Apple. She gets bonuses and offers, and the school keeps throwing olive branches to her, there is a high probability that she will not choose another job. A completely different life.

But Lucy Rowan obviously didn't think so.

After rejecting the requests of these world-leading technology companies, he did not stay at his alma mater, or even choose to stay in his country. As soon as his brain got crazy, he traveled more than 10,000 kilometers to a developing country to start a new life. What's even more frightening is that at first, a bad-tempered guy didn't even want to pay her a salary, but she actually went ahead with it, signed the contract, and started working hard to train the children in Ningban...

Really, the leaders of Yanbei University couldn't stand it anymore, so they simply bypassed Ning Wei, started a special process to give this international friend the professional title and identity she wanted to match, and arranged a special apartment for her. It finally gave Comrade Ron a formal job and a place to stay in China.

The situation is the same this time.

When Lucy Rowan hangs up the phone with her mentor John Wilson, the female fighter begins an emotional outburst to defend her values.

Of course, for this beautiful and talented doctor from Harvard University, she doesn’t bother to write any kind of battle slogan.

How many serious people these days still rely on text output? Isn’t she shameless?

Therefore, Lucy Rowan chose the most direct video output, and chose Twitter, Facebook and TikTok, which are still the world's largest users and most widely spread, as the battleground.

In order to shoot a series of videos, she also changed into a dress that Ning Wei said should have been burned long ago, and then went all out.

"Everyone who knows me well knows that I haven't updated my news on Facebook for a long time, because I have made many new friends in China and face many curious babies every day. Also because I know that many people are actually interested in I am not interested in life in China. But today I want to say something, about choice, about the most basic rights of being born, about what we have always insisted on and what we have abandoned. I will put what I have thought during this time, Let’s make a series of videos!”

"Before talking about these things, I want to talk about a person. His name is Ning Wei. I believe that most people who follow me should have heard of him. Although in my opinion he is rude, insulated from gentlemen and extremely Macho chauvinism in daily life only applies to men who can be said to have no merit at all, but at the same time I have to admit that his wisdom, knowledge, and abilities are among the best in the world."

"Turbulence algorithm, advancing the N-S equation, solving the KLS conjecture, constructing the basic number theory of artificial intelligence, creating intelligent machine life, pioneering silicon-based carbon fiber three-dimensional chip manufacturing technology, designing Ningxin, and now the Ningwei unified theory has been verified to be correct. ... Most of the projects he hosted or participated in were successful. This also allowed the March Award initiated by him to begin to occupy a place among the international large-scale science and technology awards."

"Of course, everyone knows this. What you may not know well is that the achievements of his students and his partners have also attracted the world's attention. For example, the three-dimensional display technology that many people are looking forward to is the latest achievement of his student Zhang Dingxi ; The missile anti-jamming autonomous decision-making system developed by his former partner, Academician Yu Xingwei, has become one of China’s latest generation of standardized systems for surface-to-air defense missiles.”

"The basic physics laboratory built by Ningwei to promote the latest physical theoretical research has attracted more than 500 professors and scholars to work in it. The main goal of the current work is to find evidence of the existence of short spaces in the macroscopic world. At present, short space only exists in theory, if it can be found, this will be a heavyweight Nobel Prize-level achievement."

"I think I can probably understand why there are more than a hundred physicists and mathematicians from various countries working in Ningwei's basic physics laboratory. Because of any basic theory that has significantly revolutionized the world's understanding. Any small breakthrough will be an indelible mark in the history of human science. The era when gods appeared one after another has already given us the answer."

"We began to understand the role of basic forces from a scientific perspective starting with Newton. Einstein's theory of relativity gave us the tools to study the universe. The quantum mechanics system constructed by Bohr, Schrödinger, and Heisenberg allowed us to begin to understand the microscopic world again. After years of accumulation, von Neumann not only developed the operator ring theory, but also became one of the founders of modern computer technology..."

"Although I know nothing about physics, whenever a basic theory achieves a major breakthrough, it also means that the era of scientific gods may come again. But to many people's regret, this breakthrough in basic physics The land is in China."

“Based on the above facts, I decided to start recording this series of videos to tell my Harvard alumni, colleagues and teachers who taught me knowledge, as well as more colleagues around the world who are striving for science some of the most basic It is a fact. It is also a consensus reached by many people who are engaged in scientific research like me. Whether you admit it or not, China has become the country most likely to lead the next era of science and technology, bar none!"

"This raises the most important question, as the main body of promoting scientific development, whether our scientists can have the right of free choice given to us by the Constitution. When it comes to this, some people will definitely refute, because this is No one has ever taken away our rights. But is that really the case? Is what you think is the truth?"

"Before today, I thought the same thing. Until I learned the news that an MIT mathematics professor was invited by a former colleague of the China Basic Physics Laboratory to help solve some mathematical problems. The school flatly rejected his extremely ordinary application for academic exchange, and took the extremely arrogant action of temporarily suspending the professor's passport."

"I didn't believe the news at first, so I called the relevant professors and my former mentor at Harvard, and the answer I got confirmed the authenticity of the matter. Really, at that moment I couldn’t believe my ears! Why? When our professors are no longer able to make independent choices about their own future, what kind of students can they teach?”

"Who can tell me why the school can make decisions on behalf of professors? Who gave the school such power? Well, let's put aside these issues first and look for the pre-existing reasons that led to this situation! Just Just now, I checked the tuition and professor salary statistics of well-known European and American private universities in the past ten years through the academy salary startclass and the Bureau of Statistics report data, of course, including my alma mater Harvard."

“So I saw a fact that worried me. Taking Massachusetts, which I am most familiar with, as an example, there are 58 four-year private universities with assistant professor titles. Last year, the median salary was only $81,236 before tax; There are 56 schools with the title of associate professor, and the median salary is $103,069; there are 63 schools with the title of professor, and the median salary is $165,817. Professors in public schools are paid even less."

"At the same time, looking at the comparison of tuition and salary increases over the past ten years, the average tuition increase for all private schools is 5.7% per year, but the average annual salary increase for professors is only 0.93%! Even my former alma mater, Harvard, is already in Massachusetts. Among the highest average increases, the annual professor salary increase is only 1.13%, while MIT’s is 1.08%.”

"I just asked a professor on the phone who just moved from MIT to the Basic Physics Laboratory two months ago. The salary he currently signed with the laboratory in the contract is 2.8 million yuan per year. According to today's 5.89 Based on the exchange rate, it is 475,382 U.S. dollars. The salary alone is more than double that at MIT. In addition, this professor also enjoys the introduction of laboratory-level talents, not only free of charge for room and board, but also for To protect their lives, the chefs in the canteen also come from all over the world..."

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