Tech Hammer

Chapter 473 Good people would rather do it

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, Ning Wei was extremely busy as we welcomed and sent off.

Fortunately, it has been like this in recent years, and he is used to it. With the improvement of his status, more and more people come to visit during the Spring Festival, and more and more people need to be visited, which makes Ning Wei feel that it is better to stay in the laboratory.

It's a pity that Xiao Ning can no longer be willful.

Ning Ning is outgoing and likes to be lively. Whenever guests come to the house, she will be particularly excited and happy. The advantage of this personality is that I became familiar with the teachers and children within two days of entering kindergarten. When other children cried heartbrokenly at the entrance of the kindergarten, as if they were about to say goodbye, she would kindly step forward and pat their shoulders, and drag the crying children into the campus arrogantly. She looked like a big sister. Big style.

how to say……

Anyway, his temperament is neither like Jiang Chenshuang nor Ning Wei, but he is comparable to Jiang Chenlu. At this time, Ning Wei felt a little sad, because the childhoods of geniuses written in the book were often incompatible with ordinary people, which probably meant that Ning Wei did not inherit his talent that he didn't know where it came from.

But the problem is not that big. As a parent, I just hope that my children can grow up happily. Anyway, the family is not short of money.

Under the advice of the bank's senior account manager, Ning Wei has prepared a variety of trust products for his family. Even if he has no heirs or dies unexpectedly, these products are enough for his family to live a comfortable life for a lifetime.

It’s not that you don’t have confidence in your body. The key is that once a person is addicted to dancing on the tip of a knife, he still needs to have a certain awareness of risks. Ningwei's awareness of this point is very advanced.

Moreover, next month will be the due date of Jiang Chenshuang's second child. If nothing unexpected happens, the baby in Chenshuang's belly will be born on March 12th.

Of course, it is normal to give birth to a child a few days earlier or a few days later, but Zhang Dingxi still stepped forward and after discussing with several major companies, decided to prepare for the release of new products equipped with Ningxin and 3D displays. On the day the second child was born, sales officially started.

This decision is somewhat arbitrary. In fact, according to the current stocking situation, it is already ready for sale this Spring Festival. It is naturally good for companies to start making money as early as possible. And we also have to prepare for the product launch, which is somewhat troublesome.

But Zhang Dingxi raised the matter and received full support from Ning Xin's soul figure Li Jingwen, so everyone had nothing to say. We can only start preparing first. But then again, having an extra month to stock up is not that stressful. According to current market surveys, the public's willingness to purchase 3D display products is still very high, so this is not a big problem.

Ning Wei didn't know about this, and no one had mentioned it to him. He also has no time to take into account the sales of 3D display products. People all over the world can attest to this. Originally, the Spring Festival Gala invited him to choose a time slot and find a sub-venue to chat about the future development of science and technology, but Ning Wei politely declined, and naturally he was too lazy to plan such things to gain fame.

He has put all his energy into the practice of new theories.

It wasn't that he was guilty of scientific research, but the main reason was that Ning Wei could feel the excitement from the bottom of his heart when he thought that he would have the opportunity to travel in space on a spaceship designed based on his theory.

That is really traveling in space, and you may have the opportunity to observe the majestic nebulae up close and appreciate the natural beauty in the universe. It's not a gimmicky so-called space experience like those rich people who fly around the earth in airplanes and then land.

So he had to hurry up and find a way to enter the short space.

The scientists introduced from abroad during this period are also very capable, and various projects are being advanced in an orderly manner. And Ning Wei also discovered the benefits of having more Western scientists in the laboratory. For example, they are not cold about the Spring Festival, and no one thinks that the Chinese Spring Festival should be a holiday. When the Chinese employees in the laboratory are eager to return home, they still I can stay in the laboratory without complaint and work on the projects I am responsible for.

This is very NICE!

As long as more foreign talents can be introduced, the demand for vacations can be staggered. Everyone has holidays according to their nationality, such as Christmas. These foreign scientists can rest for a few more days, and the main tasks are left to the Chinese personnel in the laboratory. During the Spring Festival, Chinese researchers take turns to take vacations. These foreign scientists continue to work, which is very relaxed. We can achieve the goal of the laboratory being open all year round with minimal complaints...

Of course, the premise is that the introduction work goes smoothly. At the very least, there must be thousands of high-end scholars joining the laboratory like CERN. However, Ning Wei is still full of confidence. Yu Sanyue, a killer who is becoming more and more proficient in human nature, has now made the talent introduction work move towards an extremely virtuous cycle.

The scientists who defected to the basic experimental base were no longer limited to Edwin George's recommendations. After doing something for a long time, who doesn’t have a few close friends? Once you feel comfortable, calling friends is a basic operation.

And Ning Wei really found that scientists who are curious about scientific research are still very cute. Most of them don't have high material pursuits, and they don't think much about messy things. For them, scientific research assistants like March are the rarest things at work.

After all, who wouldn’t be curious about a super laboratory assistant that lies there seducing you when nothing happens, and can immediately provide research assistance with a “meow” when something happens? Moreover, the mathematical analysis and simulation progress is very fast. Results that once had to wait two or three days can basically be reported on the same day. In the past, we had to wait weeks or even months for the results of large and complex calculations, but now we can get the news basically within half a month.

This efficiency is enough to make people fall in love with the scientific research environment here.

In addition, when you want to relax after coming out of the laboratory, you can find one or two close friends and have a drink. This environment is really unbeatable.

This also made Ning Wei very satisfied.

After all, the salaries of these professors are actually not high. With their basic life already perfectly guaranteed, the vast majority of them pursue spiritual satisfaction. Especially for many scientists who like to express themselves, with March, a considerate assistant, they can use Huaxia Internet products completely without any barriers, which makes people feel even more comfortable.

What is especially counter-intuitive is that the vast majority of ordinary people in China actually subconsciously respect knowledge and senior intellectuals more than ordinary people in the West. This is the reason why many cultural people have become famous. It is a pity that many people do not cherish this identity, and have turned the word "Kochi Group", which was originally a positive word, into a "brick family".

For example, when scientists like this want to popularize science on the Internet in their free time, March can help them apply for a full set of Internet product accounts, such as Penguin Weibo, Zhifu, etc., and can also translate what these people want to publish in real time. into Chinese, and simultaneously convert those Chinese questions in the comment area into English or other languages...

Don’t worry that no one will read these speeches, after all, there is this little cutie in March...

Although it complies with China's Artificial Intelligence Act and has only one account on each social platform, this does not prevent it from explaining the algorithms of each platform in detail, and then accurately pushing this content to those who like this knowledge to help These scientists have captured a large number of fans in China. Every public speech can quickly receive countless replies and questions, and it can also allow these scientists to quickly gain a sense of belonging in China.

In short, March really followed Ning Wei's request and served these scientists who had traveled thousands of miles to China to contribute to the advancement of science and technology in the world very well at the spiritual level. These scientists are naturally willing to invite three or five friends to work together.

So in fact, Edwin George's data are not accurate. From his perspective, only more than 40 scientists and professors have gone to China in these three months, but in fact, the laboratory for researching the basics of new theories has already Employ 127 resident foreign scholars.

These have all been tested and are indeed the talents that are urgently needed in the laboratory.

Those who did not meet the requirements were politely asked back. For example, the two physicists who came to China and then returned to CERN, the apparent reason was that the salary did not meet their requirements, but in fact it was because the needs did not match. If it is really useful, Ning Wei is really willing to give top treatment.

Not to mention that the state has allocated funds for this research, even if he pays for it himself, he will keep people here.

In short, during this Spring Festival, Ning Wei feels that everything is developing in a good direction. If nothing unexpected happens, he is almost 100% confident that he can complete the most important task of the first ten-year plan ahead of schedule - finding a way to enter the short space in the macroscopic world.

But the world is like this. When people’s expectations for something are based on the premise that there will be no surprises, surprises will often occur.

On the second day of the new year, when Ning Wei was planning to take Jiang and Ning Ke to visit the homes of the seniors who had been helping him, he received a call from the laboratory.

"Hey, Ning, I'm Benjamin, you should remember me, right?"

This is when the benefits of good memory come into play.

Ning Wei immediately recalled the image of a white man with a big beard but little care of it in his mind. He also remembered that this professor came from MIT and had very outstanding abilities. Currently responsible for the precise measurement and analysis of energy spectra in some specific spaces. A very important project, mainly to provide data support for finding the entrance to the short space and to help March with mathematical modeling.

"Of course, Professor Carter, you are one of the most rigorous professors in physics research that I have encountered over the years. How could I not remember that? We have also sat together and discussed many issues, and I have benefited a lot from your views. ! What’s the matter with you today?”

Ning Wei complimented Professor Carter without leaving any trace, and also made his tone less irritable.

"Haha, Ning, you are so humble! I benefited a lot from the conversation that day! Here's the thing, do you remember that I mentioned to you that I worked with a friend at MIT before?"

Ning Wei asked politely: "Are you talking about Professor Kerry Rodman?"

"Yes, yes, that's him. I remember telling you that we have worked together before and we worked very happily. If he can come, it will greatly speed up the progress! We have already agreed that he will come the day after tomorrow. Huaxia, but he called me today. Not only did the school not approve his vacation, the board of directors even used despicable means to defraud his passport!"

The voice coming from the microphone began to become angry, and Ning Wei also began to feel annoyed...

Fraudulent passport? Are the operations of well-known schools so shabby now?

"Wait, Professor Carter, what happened? Why did the school seize his passport? This makes no sense!"

"Why else! Those shameful bureaucrats don't want him to come to China! They even want to deprive my friends of their right to make free choices! Oh my God! I can't even think about what else they dare to do to my friends! After all, they are This happened because I invited him here, can you understand how I feel?"

"Of course, Professor Carter, I can understand! I think I have a rough idea of ​​why. Really, Professor Carter, I actually understand what's going on! With all due respect, MIT is a private school, and I doubt they put your Friends, and those professors have become a tool for their profit-making! Instead of being the backbone of promoting the world's scientific progress and liberating productivity! They are not even willing to give you the most basic respect and rights!"

"I can't believe your friends are being treated like this! For a small profit, they are not even willing to give the most important scientists in the world even the most basic respect! Oh my god, I feel incomprehensible! Choice It is the most basic right of human beings! Science has always been without borders! The choice of free will should not be interfered with by anyone!"

Ning Wei spoke indignantly, until finally he softened his tone and asked seriously on the phone: "Okay, Professor Carter, do you trust me?"

"Of course, Ning, if it was trust, I wouldn't make this call to you."

"Thank you for your trust, Professor Carter. Since you trust me, can you leave this matter to me? Please believe me, even if I am just from the perspective of a friend, I will never watch the worst of human beings. Basic rights are being trampled on at will by these black-hearted capitalists! I will do my best to ensure that your friends have the right to choose. You just need to work with peace of mind!"

"Okay, Ning, I think you are absolutely right! Those damn guys just use us as a tool to make profits. Did you know that MIT's annual tuition increase is maintained at 5%, but our salary increase is only 1.1%! They verbally encourage the flow of professor resources, but when they find that the flow has affected their ability to make money, they start to restrict it. What they respect is never science, but the money in their pockets! Thank you, Ning, I thank you on behalf of my friends you!"

"Don't say that, Professor Carter. In China, like-minded people help each other without saying thank you! After all, we are all walking together for the same goal! In China, this kind of relationship is called comradeship. In your words, we We’re all helping each other!”

"Ning, you are not only a genius, but also a good person!"


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