Tech Hammer

Chapter 457 Undercurrent

When Hubert Sackler walked out of the building, surrounded by many bodyguards, he subconsciously looked up, but unfortunately there was only a big black umbrella above his head...

Enough of this kind of life!

After experiencing the Olympic opening ceremony and then being bombarded with frantic emails for three days, this has become his habitual action when going out every day. It’s not that there were no official protests, it’s just that China’s response was too rogue…

What does it mean that China has always respected the laws of all countries and strongly condemned any form of threats and intimidation? What does it mean that as long as everyone discusses a complete plan, we can even cooperate with other countries to complete the extradition process?

This is a very beautiful thing to say, but this perfect plan really makes people bald.

Extradit artificial intelligence? Should I send you a hard drive or just release the entire program? Once delivered, where will it be run? Will there be any problems with the program that was sent?

As pointed out in the March security report, all human fears come from the unknown.

What is the operating mode of China's March artificial intelligence system? Has human-like consciousness emerged? If human-like consciousness has emerged, how to define autonomous consciousness and its authority to act? How to control? Can physical isolation 100% guarantee that your own network will not be controlled by it? Is it possible for a program to escape in multiple ways? How to control it if it escapes?

All of the above, and even more questions, are still unsolved mysteries for them.

So here comes the question...

Who dares to accept this thing casually?

You must know that in recent years, they have not even dared to engage in propaganda wars. March has demonstrated its ability in the field of online propaganda, and can directly hide among hundreds of millions of ordinary users and use its numerical advantage to divide public opinion positions on various topics.

For those familiar with cognitive warfare, this is the scariest thing.

Theoretically, this thing can even stand on both sides at the same time, making any topic that capital does not want to be widely discussed become a hot topic, thus affecting the entire capital market. Not to mention that there are now more and more things that March can control. What's even more frightening is that this thing is now showing aggression. Although there is no substantial reaction yet, it is already making people feel uneasy.

It's not like the intelligence agencies haven't taken action.

In fact, God knows how much money has been spent over the past few years. I wanted to get the first-hand information in March in order to make a comprehensive evaluation of this intelligent system. But unfortunately, countless money was spent and a lot of losses were lost. After manpower was added, this goal was still not achieved.

In addition, Ning Wei has been teaching and educating people honestly over the years and rarely even speaks in public. This directly leads to the fact that the intelligence agency does not even know that Ning Wei, as the developer of the March System, has a deep understanding of the March Intelligent System. How much control is there?

There are too many gaps in the intelligence level and insufficient information for decision-making, which directly leads to countless people being really scared...

At least as far as Hubert Sackler knows, many wealthy people have begun to distrust smart security systems on the market, such as ubiquitous cameras. Because no one knows whether the artificial intelligence system that has shown aggression in March can easily invade these so-called smart security systems, and then collect your own living habits. The means originally used for protection may rebel under the control of the machine. …

After all, that's how it's done in movies, and judging from the current situation, it doesn't seem impossible.

As a result, the business of various bodyguard companies began to boom. Compared with machines, it seemed safer to hire more people.

There is also more investment pouring into the development of its own artificial intelligence technology.

It is widely rumored that Google's so-called artificial intelligence plan that was once dusty has been restarted again. Technology companies such as IBM, Stanford Artificial Intelligence Laboratory, National Fermilab, and the well-known Boston Dynamics have all launched their own plans and invested massive amounts of money. to this area.

Even many traditional technology industries have begun to cooperate with well-known domestic university laboratories. For example, Boeing began to invest in Carnegie Mellon's CMU-AI plan; Verizon Telecom teamed up with MIT and the University of California, Berkeley to jointly establish The new artificial intelligence laboratory has launched a research project code-named HOG-AI; as for Facebook and Microsoft, which have been investing in various artificial intelligences, they have increased their investment.

The problem is that after so many years, there are still technological advances, but March-like programs have still not been developed. Most research still revolves around big data.

Even now, many scholars have begun to suspect that Ning Wei's previous theory of artificial intelligence originating from data isomorphism has begun to be suspected of being a smoke bomb that deliberately leads them astray. Although the argumentation process is indeed no problem, it is also beyond the times like March. product, but everyone conducted research based on this theory, but they have never been able to restore a similar program, let alone determine the underlying operating logic of March.

As for decompiling March’s source code? This is really beyond everyone's capabilities.

The only ones available on the market are various functions extended in March. Where does the core code run? Where to back up? What are the operating mode and backup mode? In addition to the three major platforms on the surface, what other scenarios are it used in?

These are always a mystery.

The unknown is particularly easy to cause fear. Just like now, no matter the weather is fine, you have to hold an umbrella before going out. During the time when Ning Wei arrived at CERN, even the business of high-end golf courses was much worse. It’s really addictive. It’s also a good choice to play two shots indoors...

God knows how many different ideas have been at play in the past few months, from going to CERN to conduct experiments for letting the wind go, to traveling by lightning, these games have finally maintained the current balance.

There is no way, after all, for a guy as annoying as Ning Wei, who knows if anyone will be unhappy with him? Therefore, in order to protect Ning Wei's safety during this period, Hubert Sackler also knew that many professional intelligence personnel were active and even buried people outside CERN. Not to kidnap Ning Wei, or to be disadvantageous to him, but to help protect this guy.

Although some of them really want to kill Ning Wei, everyone has reached a consensus on one thing. At least at this stage, this guy must not be allowed to lose his hair inexplicably during his visit to CERN.

In other words, most of those who have the ability to threaten Ning Wei's life are thinking about how to protect him. Even if this guy wants to die, he will have to return to China and die again. As for those who think about how to mix the water, they most likely don’t have that ability.

It felt like I had been kidnapped for no apparent reason.

But there is no way. The fairest thing in this world at present is probably that life is the same for everyone, only once. When something that is still unknown to the vast majority of people, but has already demonstrated extremely powerful capabilities, forcibly binds the fate of these people or even the family to someone, the vast majority of people will still vote with their feet. .

Even though Hubert Sackler had seen too much filth in his life, this time he still felt tired.

He is old, but his mind is not foggy. The doctor also said that as long as he can continue to maintain healthy living habits and have regular physical examinations, there is no problem in living for another twenty years. Of course, even twenty years later, he still has a large family to take care of. Maybe life science will progress again in the past twenty years, allowing him to extend his life for another few decades...

So, for the sake of children, please don’t cause any trouble at this time!

Just when Hubert Sackler felt a lot of emotion in his heart because of a routine outing, Ning Wei also felt very bored.

After the formal experience of the experiment on the first day, Ning Wei discovered that he did not need to stay in the CERN laboratory all the time, so he wanted to take Jiang around for a while, after all, it was not easy for him to get out.

Ning Wei has already seen the nearby scenery, and Ning Wei plans to take Classmate Jiang to take a look at the nearby metropolis. The most well-known metropolis closest to CERN is probably Paris. Ning Wei has even calculated the route. He can take a train after arriving in Zurich and get to Paris in just four hours.

Spend two days in Paris, see with your own eyes the coffee on the left bank of the Grisseine River, go to the restaurants near the square to taste the delicious roasted pigeon, and of course the most important thing is to go to Jiang Let the students choose some clothes.

However, what he never expected was that as soon as he made the travel plan, he would receive a very tactful response, hoping that he would not go to Paris. And the reason given is very official. This trip is a business visit visa. Because this time it is cooperating with CERN, it is only applicable to stay in France near CERN. Due to concerns about safety and other aspects, I hope Ning To change your itinerary, don’t go to Paris…

Really, Ning Wei felt very hurt when he heard this sentence from Liu Wei.

So the capitalists in Paris don't welcome rich people like him? He went with the idea of ​​​​consumption. After all, according to the background data provided in March, this guy also made a lot of money in the European stock market, so it is necessary to give some appropriate feedback.

The result was that they were not welcomed.

It’s okay if he’s not welcome, and he even asked Liu Wei and Ning Wei to tell him, if you really feel that staying near CERN is not interesting, the scenery in Switzerland is also very good. The French here also specially prepared a comprehensive travel guide for him in Switzerland, including the famous tourist city Lucerne, nearby Zurich, and the capital Bern...

According to this travel guide, it is basically not a big problem to travel for half a month. The LHC will be officially launched half a month later, and Ning Wei can return to CERN.

To be honest, Ning Wei really didn't expect this operation, but he seemed to have no choice. After all, Ning Wei is not the kind of unreasonable person. If people don't welcome him as a guest, there is really nothing to criticize.

At most, he can only make up his mind secretly that he will never invite French scholars to the capital again.

Fortunately, there are no such restrictions in Switzerland, and looking at various resources collected online in March, the scenery here is actually very beautiful.

So Ning Wei did not hesitate to adopt the Swiss travel guide prepared for him by the French. The next day, I took Jiang classmate out of Meilin's hotel and prepared to go to the first stop of the trip, Zurich.

Before going out, the person in charge of arranging the itinerary had already booked a hotel on Bahnhofstrasse. On the way to the hotel, Ning Wei received a call from Luo Zhiqiang.

The professor was obviously a little shocked when he learned that Ning Wei had temporarily left CERN. But he didn't say much on the phone, and just asked Ning Wei to contact him after returning to CERN.

Ning Wei didn't think much and just agreed.

It was expected that Luo Zhiqiang would find him. He still has some confidence in his theory. Let’s not talk about whether his theory is correct or not, but there is always something thought-provoking. I didn't understand it at the time. After I went back and thought about it carefully, it was normal for me to want to talk to him and continue the discussion.

When he was studying mathematics, whenever he came up with an idea, he would often be called to various discussions by Director Tian and Senior Brother Lu, and he was already used to it. There is actually not much difference between theoretical physics and number theory. Everyone actually likes brainstorming. Science can progress only if it needs this kind of communication.

Ning Wei didn't mind that after he took Jiang around Switzerland, he returned to CERN and took time to continue discussing his theory with Luo Zhiqiang and even more people.

So after receiving the call, Ning Wei put all these messy things aside, and began to focus on appreciating the cultural landscape different from China with classmate Jiang.

I have to say that the French have a lot of experience in travel, and the strategies they gave are very good. The only pity is that half a month is not enough time to visit all the attractions listed above, not even half.

No way, Jiang doesn't like that kind of check-in type of travel. When he enjoys a place that suits his liking, he finds a place to stay and then walks around to learn about the local customs.

Although Switzerland's land area is not large, only about 40,000 square kilometers, this method can only visit three or two cities in half a month. It helped Liu Wei and God knows how many accompanying people reduce a lot of burden. The two of them also had a great time.

Of course, with the resentment of not being able to go to big cities for consumption, I would rather spend the next half month and buy a bunch of useful and useless things, such as Swiss Army knives, various exquisite handicrafts, chocolates, wines, etc. .

So the journey ended and when we set off back to CERN, we even had an extra car to transport the shopping results of the past half month. This is one of the benefits of having multiple dedicated planes for pick-up and drop-off. You don’t have to worry about too much luggage, you can definitely take it with you, and you don’t have to fly one of them empty.

Satisfied, Ning Wei returned to Merlin and checked into the hotel that CERN had booked for him. Ning Wei was preparing to witness the start-up of the LHC the next day. Before he became nervous again from relaxation, Luo Zhiqiang came to the hotel to find him. This was also That's not the point. The point is that the professor opened his mouth and he was stunned.

"Academician Ning, is it convenient to talk here?"

"Of course, Professor Luo, my place is very safe. There will be dedicated personnel cleaning it every day."

"Well, that's the case, Academician Ning, I have a friend who hopes to contribute to your theory, so he did some things during this time..."

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