Tech Hammer

Chapter 446 Friends

CERN is theoretically an international scientific and technological cooperation organization that was once established under the establishment of the European Atomic Energy Commission. Despite its glamorous appearance, it was actually a compromise made by European countries after they found that no one could financially afford such a behemoth.

In other words, this research center is indeed too expensive, which is why CERN has been introduced to member countries over the years. After all, it’s hard to make money these days, and CERN mainly does basic research. You can’t expect the Large Hadron Collider to produce dollars out of thin air. Therefore, the research center’s R\u0026D funding sources basically rely entirely on financial allocations from member states.

Last year, CERN's full-year budget was only US$1.56 billion.

In other words, if Edwin can promote this cooperation between CERN and Ningwei, CERN's activity funds in the coming year will be unprecedentedly sufficient. Many projects that were previously abandoned due to financial constraints are likely to be launched.

However, this money is paid by member states, so Ningwei definitely cannot classify this money into this category.

As a trans-international scientific organization, CERN's social activities expenses mainly come from the support of external volunteers and partnerships of the research center.

After all, CERN's name is still very resounding, and there are always some wealthy people and organizations in the world who are interested in some academic issues, so CERN has set up a partnership and fundraising department.

To put it bluntly, it is to maintain relationships with wealthy institutions and big bosses, and make donations from time to time.

Of course, it is impossible to just ask for it. CERN will also use its own advantages to provide some scientific consulting services to these large customers who are willing to pay, including but not limited to providing some suggestions and support to these donors, including screening for suitable candidates. investment projects and the like.

That's right, although it has never happened in history that CERN's equipment is directly rented to verify one's own theories. But it’s mostly because the price is hard to estimate. No matter how rich you are, you probably won’t be so coquettish as to spend one billion for an experiment…

Yes, the main reason is that Ning is really generous, and in Edwin George's opinion, it is even a little too generous.

Not to mention a billion dollars, even only 500 million or 600 million dollars, Edwin felt, would be enough to drive the people in the financing department crazy.

Yes, the management of CERN is in the hands of the committee, but who would mind having more money?

Not to mention that the theory Ningwei wants to study can subvert Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and Schrödinger's equation...

However, Edwin George is not that greedy.

He hopes to help Ning Wei win this matter for US$900 million, so that his personally optimistic projects can get US$100 million in benefits. Of course, it is said that it is invested in the project. As for how the funds will be used after the investment, he believes that Ning Wei will not participate...

Didn’t people say that? without return!

What a wonderful person!

After checking the identity of the rich man Ning Wei, Edwin George no longer cared about seeing anyone he could talk to in the car, but was thinking about how to facilitate this matter. And how to plan this matter.

Soon a notification came on my phone that there was a new email.

Edwin George quickly entered the mailbox, and sure enough it was the test plan sent by Ning Wei. Immediately I began to study it carefully.

This is very important, he needs to see whether these experiments will have too much impact on the series of experimental plans developed by CERN.

After reading the entire test plan, Edwin George was stunned.

Although this plan requires almost all CERN equipment to collect extremely detailed data, in fact, if properly arranged, this large-scale test plan can be basically completed in one month. Even other experiments can be scheduled during this month.

In other words, is the guy across the street willing to pay a billion dollars to rent this equipment for a month?

After reading this plan, Edwin George felt that he seemed to understand what it meant to be wealthy and willful.

At this moment, he even felt that he had chosen the wrong major. Maybe he should have studied mathematics.

Well, just when Edwin George felt that today's tram seemed to be running slower than usual, the shuttle bus had already arrived at the terminal, Meyrin, directly bordering France, where the administrative and main scientific research center of CERN is located.

After getting off the tram, he walked into the research center along a familiar route, but today Edwin George did not go directly to his office in the research building, but walked towards the administration building.

Although today is Sunday, there are still many people in the research center. There are not only researchers and employees here, but also nearly 2,000 students working hard on their own projects. For many of them, the concept of weekends is gone.

Many administrative departments are also staffed on weekends, including the Partnership Maintenance and Fundraising Department.

But is there anyone in this department who has always been very metaphysical, but Edwin George was lucky today. After printing the test plan sent by Ning Wei at the front desk of the administrative building, he got on the elevator and came to the office area of ​​the financing department, and soon he Found the person he was looking for.

"Abel, are you free now? I want to talk to you."

"Oh, Edwin, don't talk to me like that. I'll feel very scared. After all, you are the supervisor. If I don't give you face, maybe I can change my office tomorrow."

"Haha, Abel, do you want me to praise you for knowing the current affairs?"

"No pleasure. Well, would you like coffee or tea?"

"Just a glass of ice water, thank you."

After a brief exchange of greetings, the two of them sat on the sofa together.

In a sense, the main task of the head of the financing department is to deal with rich people, so the office environment is still very good, especially the sofa, which is very comfortable.

"Okay, Edwin, why did you come to see me so early in the morning?"

"Indeed, I have something to discuss with you. Do you know about Dr. Ning Wei from China?"

Abel raised his hand and waved exaggeratedly, and then said passionately: "Of course, is there anyone who doesn't know him now? Haven't you seen his video on Facebook? God, let down a thunder Kill that guy, he actually said that in the future accurate satellite positioning technology can be used to light cigarettes for smokers. Do you know why I came to the office today?"

"Because many of our friends were really scared. Okay, I admit, I was also scared when I saw that scene yesterday, but I need to explain to these friends. Wait, you came early in the morning too For what happened last night? No, you should understand that signals and real high-energy lasers are two different things. Of course, since the first step can be achieved, the second step is not far away, but the cost is very high..."

Abel lamented that the senior executive from France showed mixed emotions.

Edwin was silent.

Just now it seemed that he was just focused on excitement, but now that Abel was talking about yesterday's scene, he suddenly felt that maybe that guy's money was a bit hot.

But when I thought about it, I realized that the money was not what he asked for, but what Ningwei offered to give, and I felt relieved again.

"No, no, no, Abel, that's it. Ning Wei approached me through one of our employees, hoping to borrow our equipment on a rental basis. For this, he was willing to pay a price of 700 million US dollars, and he listened to It seems that they are willing to spend more money to open up some joints. So I came to you, and the money can go through your channels. Of course I will report this matter to the committee, but I need you to formulate a plan. "

Edwin's words clearly shocked the manager of the financing department. The Frenchman looked at Edwin with a look of disbelief on his face: "How much? Rather than want to rent our equipment, seven hundred million dollars? He wants What equipment should be rented? How long should it be rented? Shouldn’t it be rented for half a year?”

"No, no, no, it's actually not that complicated, and it doesn't take that long. This is the trial plan he just sent me. You can take a look at it first." As he said that, Edwin handed over the document printed at the front desk. .

Abel glanced at Edwin, then took the document and read it carefully. Five minutes later, Abel put down the document in his hand, looked at Edwin George blankly and said, "That's it...he is willing to take it." $700 million?”

Edwin George nodded and said: "Yes, more than that, he is also willing to spend an additional amount of money to sponsor some of our projects. I think it should be around 100 million US dollars. Of course, these require the approval of the committee. So if possible, how much do you think a transfer from here would resolve this matter?”

Abel swallowed and spoke slowly: "Well, the world is really starting to go crazy. I don't even know who is crazy... but if he is really capable and willing to spend so much money, If so, I think…500 million US dollars, how about it?”

Edwin George thought for a while and said: "I think so too... Well, I have carefully calculated that if it can be arranged well, it will not have much impact on our next experimental plan. Of course, colleagues in the technical and maintenance departments have to work hard. But if there are enough bonuses, I don’t think everyone will complain too much. But there is another problem. He has a request. He hopes to collect the collected data by himself. This We need to open the interface for him."

Abel frowned slightly after hearing this request: "Is it possible that he hopes to get more raw data. After all, this may involve the security of some confidential data and requires security review."

Edwin George shook his head and smiled: "It doesn't matter. During the access period, we can temporarily cut off the connection to the Mehan large data center that stores important data. He just needs to collect data and does not need to use our Experimental data storage and analysis system. So it only needs to be connected during the startup of the equipment. This may cause some impact, but it is just a small trouble and will not be a big problem. I will go and say hello to the computing department. The system needs maintenance. What’s more, My main worry is how to handle the year-end audit and annual report.”

After hearing these words, the two looked at each other and smiled. From the tacit smile on Abel's face, Edwin George knew that this man had understood what he meant.

"That's it, Abel. You will issue a report here. Why don't we visit Mr. Ron tonight? After getting Mr. Ron's support, I will report this matter to the council tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. You We need to come up with a plan." Edwin George concluded.

"No problem, but have you discussed the payment method with Dr. Ning?"

"Um... I haven't really talked about this yet. You know, I don't understand much about this."

"This is something I am responsible for, and we need to provide those partners with the most appropriate donation method. If it is convenient, he can contact me directly."

"Of course, let's do this. If the council approves it, I will give him your contact information."

"Then it's settled."

"Well, it's settled!"

The two looked at each other and smiled again, everything was under control.

China, Beijing, International Mathematics Research Center.

Of course, Ning Wei didn't know that he had become a victim in the eyes of some people, or a particularly unfair one. Of course, even if he knew this, Ning Wei wouldn't care.

For a person who currently has 200 billion U.S. dollars, and still has several billion U.S. dollars left in his March account, it is undoubtedly a good deal to use one billion U.S. dollars to effectively clear obstacles.

He didn't even know how he earned the biggest windfall in his life, and he had no interest in knowing. However, after browsing the transaction records of several years in March, we can conclude that about 65% of the two hundred billion US dollars was earned from the futures market, and the remaining 35% came from the futures market. stock market.

So most of this money is the result of zero-sum or even negative-sum games.

After all, March does not have the patience to earn so-called shareholder dividends, nor will he hold a large number of certain types of stocks for a long time. Especially the futures market, in Ning Wei's view, is an absolute negative-sum game. After all, if there is a buyer in a futures transaction, there must be a corresponding seller. However, no matter how the market changes, when there are handling fees and various taxes, both parties will The total profit and loss must be a small amount.

It's a proper negative-sum game, so every penny earned in March is meat cut from other people's bodies.

So using the money contributed by unknown good people to do things that can promote scientific progress, Ning Wei feels that he must have made money, just like Edwin George and Abel at this time also felt that they could make a lot of money... …

Use the income from the negative sum game to promote a win-win situation. In Ning Wei's view, he won twice and CERN won once. As for those who lost money, they only lost once. Proper positive feedback... …

Of course, being willing to ask for a high price also comes from Ning Wei’s rare and valuable experience of traveling abroad to attend meetings, especially the experience of staying in foreign hotels. As long as the tip is enough, the service attitude will be different. If this cooperation with CERN is successful, he plans to take Jiang there with him.

Classmate Jiang has not had the experience of going abroad yet, so it would be beneficial to go and have a look. It would be good to give more money and let your woman enjoy VIP services everywhere.

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