Tech Hammer

Chapter 404 The secret that cannot be told

Huaxia, Shenzhen, Huawei Headquarters Park.

The Huawei headquarters campus has been very lively these two days. The welcome banner at the entrance of the park, the luxury vehicles frequently coming in and out, and the legal staff who have been working overtime can probably prove that some very important negotiations are taking place in the park, and this is actually the case.

When Ning Wei set off for leisure in the future city, the bosses of foreign high-tech companies had already arrived in Shenzhen to discuss the future development trend of semiconductors with the boss of Huaxin Precision, who had also arrived in Shenzhen earlier.

Relevant discussions have been going on for two days, and the discussions around related issues are almost coming to an end. The meeting being discussed today is more serious. Everyone is discussing the establishment of the world's first three-dimensional display and metaverse technology alliance, referred to as the T3DM Alliance.

According to many big shots, this is an epoch-making event. The true three-dimensional display produced by Zhang Dingxi's laboratory will bring the world's Internet into a new era. Therefore, it is very important and necessary to establish such a technological alliance that closely connects all parties in the world...

The original intention of the establishment of this technology alliance is also very lofty. It aims to better serve developers all over the world, so that these developers can develop more and better real-world applications through various interfaces reviewed and released by the alliance. 3D products, while constraining major hardware providers around the world to provide various types of adaptive hardware that comply with alliance standards for true 3D display, and design and develop drivers that can better support 3D display.

The first batch of alliance initiators include Apple, Google, IBM, Intel, Facebook, NVIDIA, AMD-ati and other companies, and of course also includes Huawei Group, Ningsi Labs, Huaxin, which participated in the investment of Zhang Dingxi Laboratory and Ningxin International and its subsidiaries Huaxin Precision, Huaxia Artificial Intelligence Frontier R\u0026D Center, Jitu Group, Jiji EDA Experiment and March Intelligent Center.

Originally, Huawei also invited representatives from Ningfeng Software, but because Ningfeng Software had already agreed to sell its shares, it declined to participate in the meeting to establish the alliance. In the words of general manager Lan Jie, once you have made money, you won't come here to make people uncomfortable.

This is actually quite clever.

After all, doubling the principal of 100 million tenfold in three months is indeed very hateful. Especially the veteran who has been in the mall for a long time knows very well that those who take advantage of the money may not dare to say anything to Ning Wei, let alone argue with Ning She, but if he does not have the foresight to join in this kind of Busyness will definitely be regarded as a key output object, and there is no telling how many unpleasant words you will hear...

Therefore, things like taking the blame can naturally be pushed and pushed, which is good. .

Of course, there are still losses. After all, there are actually very few things like a group of foreign big guys discussing the establishment of a technology industry alliance in China.

"Okay, everyone, we have roughly understood everyone's basic opinions from the separate talks in the past two days. Today's meeting will be started by me on behalf of Huawei and entrusted by the main investor laboratory of the True 3D Display Laboratory. , let’s talk about some of our ideas.”

After the simple greetings, in the relatively simple conference room, Yan Ming sat in the main seat and began to speak first on behalf of the Chinese company.

In fact, Yan Ming really didn't want to be the first to speak on this occasion. He originally wanted to hand over this topic to the president in charge of Ningsi Laboratory, but Ning Wei felt that it was more appropriate for him to discuss this issue, so in the end the burden fell on him. On to him.

"First of all, what I want to say is that it is very necessary to establish the T3DM Technology Alliance. Only after we unify various technical standards can we better pave the way for the industrialization of this technology around the world, so that people around the world can Consumers can enjoy the various benefits brought by the upgrading of the Internet industry, which can also promote the rapid and healthy development of this technology and eliminate vicious competition, so we very much support the establishment of this alliance."

"However, in the past two days of meetings, we also realized that many of our opinions are actually not unified. It can be said that everyone has many ideas. For example, when I talked to Mr. Gelsinger yesterday, he expressed his hope The goal of expanding the industrial chain and mass production as soon as possible can be achieved more quickly by fully open source and sharing technology within the alliance. How can I put it, the original intention is indeed good, and this process can only be solved when the product is mass produced. problems that arise in the industry and promote the healthy development of the industrial chain."

"Of course it's not just Mr. Gelsinger. In fact, everyone has their own demands. If we want to establish this alliance, I believe that everyone also has the idea of ​​seeking common ground while reserving differences, so that we can sit together to talk about this matter today. Everyone has their own demands. We have summarized these opinions in the past two days. How can I put it, they are all very constructive opinions. After all, everyone has rich experience. So today we will not talk nonsense and let’s talk about Huawei’s opinions first. "

"First of all, regarding Ningxin, everyone knows that we have invested a lot in CNMD structures. I will not disclose the specific figures. Ningsi Laboratory has 120,000 engineering personnel, which is enough to explain everything. As Ningsi Laboratory The main investor, and after several discussions with the chief designer of Ningxin One, Academician Ning Wei, we are willing to share the CNMD chip structure with the world, including the instruction set."

"We welcome everyone to join the CNMD family, so we will choose limited open source for the CNMD architecture. That is, the entire architecture will be open source for members of our T3DM alliance. Members of the alliance will be able to automatically obtain authorization for free and develop through the CNMD architecture. Respective CPU products. Of course, this involves the only design software that can support CNMD architecture CPU - minimalist EDA products."

"Everyone knows that minimalist EDA was originally bound to our turbulence algorithm chip product, and the two have always been interdependent. Therefore, for the healthy development of the software, minimalist EDA cannot be used by members of the alliance for free. I need to explain this to you first, because in the future we plan to separate the department responsible for minimalist EDA, and jointly fund the establishment of a specialized EDA software company with the cooperative Jiangda Software Laboratory, and package the minimalist EDA products to start full-scale business oriented operating model.”

When Yan Ming talked about this, the atmosphere in the conference room was still very harmonious.

After all, it is very satisfying to be willing to open source the CNMD structure within the alliance.

Of course, there are also worries. After all, this sharing method is actually different from what Intel had previously considered. But generally speaking, a strict attitude is acceptable.

"The second is the three-dimensional display technology that everyone is more concerned about. We have also conducted a series of consultations with the laboratory on this. In order to ensure that more hardware can support this product, the laboratory also very much hopes to promote this technology. Alliance. If we all study together, we can solve many technical problems faster. However, we also have some specific requirements. "

"First of all, as the old saying goes, we support the establishment of the T3DM Technology Alliance with both hands, but there is one thing. After the alliance is established, we have a veto to determine the specific technical standards, and our tested technical standards are exempt from voting. Implementation rights. Everyone should understand what this means, right?"

Probably knowing that once this condition was raised, it would definitely be controversial, Yan Ming stopped speaking after asking a rhetorical question.

The atmosphere in the conference room began to become less harmonious with Yan Ming's words, or in other words, it became less harmonious for the foreign VIPs. The big bosses all had a look of astonishment on their faces, which of course meant that everyone understood what Yan Ming meant.

In fact, to put it simply, they have absolutely no say in the specific technical standards of this industry in the future. Oh, no, it's not that they can't get in the way at all. It should be said that the technical standards they submitted can be passed if the vast majority of the entities in the alliance agree and the Chinese side is also satisfied.

But they have no qualifications to say no to the standards given by the Chinese side. But if the Chinese side is not satisfied with the standards they propose, there is no need to hold a meeting to discuss them. A veto can directly sentence these standards to death.

How should I put it? This kind of rule that sounds very gangster does exist in reality, and everyone is still playing with this one-vote veto power very smoothly. The tricks are very versatile. Various jokes derived from this power, I can listen to it all day and all night.

Compared with the one-vote veto power, which is already rogue enough, what is even more rogue is that all the standards I propose can be implemented without discussion.

After pondering for a long time, someone spoke up: "Yan, you have always been a person I respect very much, and we are also good friends in private. But are you sure you have thought carefully when you said this? Really, this is not true. The attitude that the alliance should have, gives me the feeling that you want to expand aggressively, acquire us all, and then issue orders. So... you must be joking, right? Yan."

Yan Ming shrugged, looked at the president of Google Greater China who spoke and Sundar Pichai, the current president of Google who was sitting next to him with an expressionless face, smiled slightly, and then explained in a gentle tone: "No, no, no, I am very serious. This is the basic requirement for the establishment of the alliance. In fact, after so many years, everyone should have some understanding. For example, Mr. Cook can testify that the suggestions and standards we put forward through the big data system meeting in March How reliable."

"Let's put it this way, rigorous and creative mathematical models have promoted the success of Ningxin-1 and 3D display technology. We are the first to embark on this path, and we are also confident that through rigorous digital simulation of the industrial development process, The standardized suggestions given are in line with the interests of the vast majority of members in the alliance. We have always advocated win-win cooperation. I believe everyone can still trust us in this regard."

That's right to say...

If trust is so easy to establish, it seems that there is no need for various legal constraints...

"If you are serious, maybe this is difficult to talk about. For a technical alliance, the fair right of internal members to speak is the most basic. Even if you can have some privileges as the rotating chairman of the alliance, these privileges should be limited to Within a certain range, if there is only one strong voice within an alliance to control everything, this is power..." the IBM president said slowly.

The tone is not necessarily very strong, but the attitude expressed is still very obvious.

Yan Ming spread his hands, smiled, and said gently and even with a hint of shyness: "Mr. Criscia, as you just said, the right to speak fairly is the most basic. But the problem is that this fairness should be based on What kind of evaluation criteria should we use, right? For example, should we have a distinction based on contribution? For example, we have really spent real money and money on technology to build this alliance, but we cannot rely on special The right to speak, if I agree to this kind of thing, it will be difficult to explain."

"Oh, by the way, regarding the issue of the rotating chairman, in fact this is what I am going to mention next. After the alliance was established, we believed that in order to ensure the unity of thought within the alliance, there was no need to have a rotating chairman. There is no rotating chairman. We will set up a technical standards committee. Since we control a relatively advanced digital verification system, if you have any technical standards that are conducive to the development of the alliance in the future, they will be directly submitted to the technical standards committee, which will be carried out by us. Verification is enough, and our ability to integrate resources is also extremely powerful.”

This attitude...

"Yan, maybe you don't know that before we came to Shencheng, we had a meal with Ning. It seems that you don't have the same ideas, or you haven't fully discussed this issue between you."

"No, no, no, you misunderstood. In fact, Academician Ning also attaches great importance to the establishment of the T3DM Technology Alliance. We have been on the phone for a long time in the past two days to discuss how to manage and develop this alliance once it is established to avoid Avoid detours. So many of the suggestions I put forward today are actually some of Academician Ning’s ideas. I summarized them. In fact, if I really have to follow the wording of Academician Ning’s phone call, I’m afraid that if I say it out, everyone will not be able to accept it..."

Yan Ming explained sincerely.

I subconsciously recalled Ning Wei's words in my mind...

"Do they have opinions? Why do they have opinions? Aren't they the rules they invented? Aren't they the ones who proposed the modern comprehensive and three-dimensional intellectual property protection system? Are they only allowed to chase others and feed their shit? Others are not allowed to Are you flushing them? There's never been such an argument. We must set the rules. If you don't like it, just stop playing..."

"Oh? Actually, I really want to hear what Ning thinks about this alliance." Tim Cook suddenly showed his face and asked.

Yan Ming, who was still slightly in a trance, responded casually: "Oh, what Academician Ning means is that the most powerful rule in the world is that whoever is strong has the right. If the weak cannot adjust their mentality, let them think carefully... Huaxia There is a saying... Oh, no, well, that's probably what it means..."

Really, Yan Ming suppressed the words "A dog is hungry" and almost said it smoothly... Facts have proved that Academician Ning's words cannot be said casually...

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