Tech Hammer

Chapter 388 The opening ceremony of the new era

Ning Wei's greeting even made Pat Gelsinger feel dazed for a moment...

How is my life going? Wouldn’t the young man opposite me know?

Originally, everyone's life was pretty easy. Each generation of toothpaste products always brought something different to everyone. As long as we respect the law of development in the stable period of science, no one can say anything about Intel.

After all, Intel isn't the only one squeezing out toothpaste. .

However, the release of heterogeneous chip technology made Intel feel a crisis. The 12th generation crazily piled up all the reserve technologies, which directly caused Intel to completely lose the technical reserves that it was proud of.

In the case where revenue has not increased much, the increasing investment in the research and development of new structure chips also means a decrease in investment in new products with traditional structures. However, it is not that simple to achieve results with the new structure. Scientific laws need to be respected, which has directly led to Intel's life of inactivity in the past two years. As soon as a new product is launched, there is a lot of criticism, and the stock price will fall for one or two weeks...

Some people on the board of directors have begun to be dissatisfied with his performance since taking office. However, currently, no one can be found who has the confidence to take over this mess, so he can still sit in his current position, but he is already overwhelmed by internal and external troubles. , every day when I open my eyes, a bunch of troubles automatically appear in my mind.

Not to mention that Ningsi Labs recently announced that a new generation of heterogeneous CPU has been successfully taped out. Although the specific performance of the chip has not been released yet, based on the information they have obtained, the R\u0026D engineers in the laboratory have some estimates, and the situation does not seem optimistic.

There is no doubt that in the future, CNMD plus Hongmeng system is likely to start to compete with the Intel plus Microsoft alliance, which is really annoying.

After all, for Intel, having one competitor in AMD is enough.

So I asked him how he was doing recently?

"Of course, it's been pretty good lately. By the way, there's a new park built next to the Nvidia campus, not far from my apartment. The environment is very good, and the air is great. It gives me a new spot for morning jogging. Life should be full of sunshine every day. Isn’t it?”

Pat Gelsinger answered Ning Wei's question in a relaxed tone, with an element of happiness in his tone.

"That's really good. I'm very happy that all my old friends can live a satisfactory life. But Pat, your requirements are too low. Do you remember the last time you came to our awards ceremony in March? That was in It was held in the former royal garden. You know, hundreds of years ago, only the royal family could enjoy the environment here. So are you still free in March this year? How about experiencing the life experience of the former royal family? "

Ning Wei warmly invited.

"March? Oh, Ning, you know, March is always a very busy time. Let me see, I have seven events to attend in March, including the European Semiconductor Forum Summit, and I was invited to host it in Paris this year. Speaking at the 3rd Metaverse International Forum... I'm really sorry, Ning, if you had called earlier, maybe I could make time..."

The other person said in a regretful tone.

Well, for Ning Wei, this is nothing surprising.

Over the years, he has become accustomed to it. When he was invited for the first time, these busy people always had various reasons to shirk it, so the next step was the time to show off their skills. To convince these people, they had to offer something attractive. Something powerful to make their hearts flutter.

"The 3rd Metaverse International Forum? Have they asked me for my opinion on this kind of forum? Really, Pat, don't go to this kind of stupid forum. It's just a waste of time and has no meaning. Come to our award ceremony and let's My students are here to show you what the so-called foundation of the future metaverse should look like. You don’t really think that three years have passed and we have just tinkered with a chip, right? Our research is all-round, such as with the naked eye Yuan Universe, you really don’t want to be the first to experience it?”

These words caused a long silence on the other side, because Pat Gelsinger became wary.

He even regretted mentioning the term Metaverse Forum. Whether he admits it or not, many expectations about the Metaverse still fall on some basic mathematical ideas put forward by Ning Wei.

This is somewhat embarrassing.

Because although Ning Wei's words were arrogant, he couldn't refute them. What's even more terrifying is that Ning Wei asked his students to demonstrate the basics of the metaverse.

The concept of the Metaverse has been proposed for almost five years, and the effect was still very good when it was first hyped.

For example, Facebook changed its name to meta, and people began to pour in and layout.

But five years have passed, and the progress in technology is not obvious. The return rate is mediocre when money is invested. In fact, most of the projects related to the Metaverse are done independently, and even now none of them have been adopted by everyone. recognized standards, let alone the construction of a deep internal economic platform.

This is actually embarrassing for many technology companies.

Because basically all the so-called metaverse products launched now are highly publicized and highly anticipated by the public before they are launched, but after they are launched, people are left with questions like, what the hell is this? Why isn’t the game fun yet?

The so-called Yuanverse real estate that was so hyped before has almost disappeared. Before technological innovation, it will be difficult for the public to flock to this field without thinking and pay for those virtual numbers.

But for these technology companies that have long announced that the Metaverse is the future, it is obvious that they cannot just give up at this time. Failure is not easy to admit, otherwise you will have to be responsible for the countless dollars invested before, and it will be irresponsible to shareholders. There may be a series of effects, such as making the already unsatisfactory stock price worse. .

Therefore, you still need to be inspired by the chicken blood. Whether others believe it or not is one thing, but you must first have confidence.

In fact, there are many times when Pat Gelsinger is envious of Musk because he is bragging. Five years ago, this guy said that he would launch a Mars immigration plan in five years and expected to send one million people to Mars. Now he has already It has been four years, let alone sending people up there. Last year, SPACE failed in its attempt to launch a probe to land on Mars. The spacecraft crashed directly, but there was not much criticism.

People have an extremely tolerant attitude toward interstellar development, but they are verbally critical of the metaverse, which has always made little progress.

Of course, the worst company in this regard is not Intel, but it includes many of Intel's big customers. This is why he decided to go to Paris to give a speech. In special times, he needs to let Intel's major customers gain warmth and know that Intel is always on their side.

However, Ning Wei's words now made him unable to sit still. Because those simple words just hit his weak spot.

What's the meaning?

Can Ningsi Lab’s new desktop-level CPU realize the naked-eye metaverse?

This is really not good news.

Because he knows very well the peeing habits of his big customers.

If China's CPU can really better support the still-infancy concept of the Metaverse, he has no doubt that these people will break through the shackles and even abandon Intel and switch to others to build the awesomeness they once boasted. . This also means that risks will be passed on...

After thinking for a long time, Pat Gelsinger said: "Can we talk about it in detail? Naked-eye Metaverse? I think this is probably some interesting innovations, right?"

"Haha, of course. It's actually very simple. Our chip has a dedicated port to support some unconventional data flows. So you should be able to understand, right? Of course there are still some flaws. For example, we haven't mastered the The technology of integrating the GPU core into the chip, but with some tricks, using special modules to help the independent display to complete some special modes of display, this is probably some micro-innovation content.”

"But I can't explain some technical things clearly on the phone. Of course, if you can come, Pat, I wouldn't mind taking you to visit our laboratory group and tell you some interesting stories behind the development. By the way, maybe we can also cooperate on some key technologies. For example, we have been thinking about integrating memory chips into next-generation CPU products to ensure efficient data transmission after upgrading the process. We even have some very good ideas. Concrete plan.”

"Of course this requires transistors and manufacturing technology to become a continuum. If it really succeeds, as chip manufacturers, we will be able to control the discourse to a greater extent. Only we can define what kind of memory the world needs. Don't you think it's exciting to think about it? Really, Pat, I have a very strong feeling that if you don't come to this event, you're going to regret it."

Ning Wei said in a bewitching tone.

Of course, the important thing is not the tone, but the content of these words. It is really difficult for people to refuse.

At this moment, Pat Gelsinger's fear about the capabilities of Ningsi Lab's new generation CPU Ningxin One has reached the extreme.

He couldn't figure out how all of this was done. Could it be that the level of his own engineers was really far behind that of his opponent? It was obviously the other party who was trying their best to catch up, but why did they suddenly solve the problem that caused them such a headache?

Or is the CNMD structure really that good? Is it much more advanced than their technology?

My brain is turning to mush.

He suspected that Ning Wei was lying, but thinking about Ning Wei's past achievements, he felt that even if he was lying, he should take a look.

"Ning, really, I can't believe it. We all know that there are many problems that are simple to say, but very difficult to implement. This is not a problem that can be solved by pure academic progress, but a technical problem in engineering. Yes, the unification of memory and logic platforms is indeed one of our research directions, and we have accumulated some experience. However, this requires the cooperation of many parties to solve some purely technical problems, so I really don’t believe you have a solution there. plan."

Ning Wei responded easily: "Haha, Pat, after so many years, you still haven't made much progress? Asking this question means that you haven't realized that you didn't join our intelligent platform package solution back then. What a loss it has brought to Intel. In other words, we stand at different heights, and of course we see the world differently, so it is normal for you to not understand some things. There is a saying in China, summer insects cannot be said. Ice, crickets don’t know the age. Really, it’s time to step out and look at the world again. After all, the glory of Silicon Valley is in the past. If you remember the glory of the past, you will miss too many things and opportunities.”

Pat Gelsinger: “???”

He felt that the young man opposite was mocking him, but he preferred not to use a mocking tone.

"Pat, stop being stubborn. I treat you as a friend, that's why I speak so bluntly. In fact, many times the thinking required to do technology is similar to pursuing a girl. If you directly say to the goddess of technology, I want to go to bed with you, then That’s a gangster; but if you can rephrase it and say to her that I want to wake up in the same bed with you and watch the sunrise together, that’s a romantic gentleman.”

"Similarly, following a stubborn way of thinking and digging into the few remaining prospects will only result in a sentence. But if you change your thinking and look at the technical layer from a new angle, you will find that everything can suddenly become clear. Come, come to our March Awards Ceremony and let me teach you how to examine the problem. This time you will be worthy of your trip."

"Well, Ning, your eloquence is as good as ever, so is the award ceremony still the same time? Maybe I can take time to come and go. I hope you won't disappoint me."

"Haha, actually you are secretly expecting me to disappoint you, right? Don't worry, Pat, don't you understand me yet? I won't call you without sufficient assurance! Trust me , that’s right! See you in the capital!”

"Hello, Mr. Nadella, I am Ning Wei. I am specifically inviting you to attend the March technology event and the March Awards Ceremony on this phone call today... Let me tell you secretly that at this year's awards ceremony, we will also There are big plans, for example, it may involve the metaverse... Haha, really, Pat said before that he didn't have time and wanted to attend some metaverse summit in Europe, but in the end he decided to push it over there to attend our awards ceremony. ceremony."

"Of course, I can guarantee that this is not only a scientific event, but also a technological blowout. We do not do the metaverse, but maybe the guests this time will see the prospects of the early metaverse. Of course, this It must also cooperate with the operating system. Really, Satya, you have missed it once before, I suggest you not to miss it the second time...Okay, then, I look forward to your arrival."

"Hi, Smith, what have you been busy with recently? Ha, it seems that you have gone very far in philosophy. Really, I have been paying attention to you. In fact, your thoughts still cannot break away from the framework of logical positivism... Actually I want to invite you to attend this year’s March Award Ceremony. This will be a grand event... I know you have no interest in mathematics, but this time is different. Don’t you feel like having an in-depth exchange with artificial intelligence? Can it enrich your philosophical thoughts?"

"How should we define intelligent life? What kind of behavioral logic does the thinking mode that we are proud of, and the ultimate meaning that we explore, look like to another life form? Is there a unified theory in this world that can help Do we build models to deal with all possible problems? See, scientists’ problems must be solved after all. Maybe this visit can broaden your thinking? "

"Okay, I'll let the organizing committee send you an invitation. We should sit down and have a drink together. By the way, our Director Tian also wants to talk to you. Believe me, you must have something in common. Thank you again for accepting my request.”

"Mr. Michael, I am Ning Wei. When I was chatting with March yesterday, I thought of you. What we talked about during the SDOC conference last time inspired me a lot, so I would like to invite you to come and participate in March this year. The award ceremony is a time to express my gratitude to you. At least you served as a judge last year and this year and scored our candidates, right?"

"This is not a simple award ceremony, believe me, I guarantee you will see many different things. My students and I will show some magical things at this award ceremony, and I really hope you can come with us. How about taking a look and being our award guest?"

"Haha, thank you, I will wait for you in the capital!"

I spent most of the morning on the phone.

The small notebook that Ning Wei used to make the list was basically filled with ticks.

This also means that this year’s March Awards Ceremony will be the ceremony with the highest number of invited guests since the establishment of the March Awards. It even exceeded the scale of the first March Awards ceremony.

It was inconvenient to continue making phone calls. Due to the time difference, most of the people he wanted to invite had already gone to bed, so he couldn't be rude.

But it doesn’t matter.

With these big names guaranteed to come, it is enough to make this March awards ceremony cause a huge stir around the world, and it will also make all the media flock to it.

This is enough!

After three years, Ning Wei can finally express his voice to the world again, which does not make him feel very proud. After doing all this, Ning Wei opened the notebook in front of him, but instead of studying the downloaded papers, he opened a song that he had been listening to repeatedly recently, a song that Lao Ning strongly recommended to him. Not to mention, it sounds pretty good.

"That year, you were the same age as me, as young as a young song, but in order to create a new world in your dreams, you turned around and hurried into the wind and rain..."

"I saw thousands of lovely you running towards the depths of the smoke without looking back, and how many youthful figures disappeared into the night, only to be replaced by the morning light..."

The singing echoed in the office, and Ning Wei opened a list compiled by March...

There is a long list. The people on the list are all the Chinese scientists and engineers who have contributed to Ningxin-1 by providing data or ideas from all the research and experiments that have been done. There is no omission.

Without these achievements, even idle achievements, Ningxin No. 1 would not have succeeded so quickly. Unfortunately, many of the people on the list are deceased, and many of the contact details are incomplete, but these are not important.

Those who can be contacted will be invited as much as possible, and those who cannot be contacted will also be announced to the public after the award ceremony...

Because Ningwei had already thought of the theme of this award ceremony last night...

This is not only an awards ceremony, but also the opening ceremony of an era!

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