Tech Hammer

Chapter 360 Accident at the Nobel Prize Dinner

The winners of the March Intelligence Award were announced on the official website of the March Artificial Intelligence Development journal as scheduled.

Before the announcement, naturally a staff member had already called the winners in advance, and the communication in this area was very smooth.

For the winners, the overall reaction was surprising.

Not to mention anything else, in an era when China's currency is getting stronger and stronger, the three million bonus is already tempting enough. Although the mathematics prize and the physics prize are divided between two or three people, even if three people divide the money, it is still a considerable amount of income.

After all, not every professor who has made achievements in scientific research is a billionaire. Scientists like Ning Wei who are billionaires themselves and mathematicians like Perelman who don't care about money at all are just a few.

Of course, the most important thing is the March Award. Although it is not well-known now, which award didn’t come from this way? Moreover, the March Prize is the first award in human history that is mainly judged by artificial intelligence. If the March Prize can really become an award comparable to the Nobel Prize and the Fields Medal in the future, being the first batch of winners will also require Written into history.

The academic community should still pay attention to this matter. For example, on the day when the winners list was announced in March, many science-oriented Western media reposted the news through official social software, and also used screenshots of the journal’s official website. But the impact is not that big. For example, after MIT Technology Review published this news, most of the comments below were filled with "?"

"March Award? What award is this?"

"China's World Science and Technology Award? I don't seem to have any impression of it."

" it an artificial intelligence award?"

This is certainly not an exciting feedback. It was probably more than a year too long, and many people have forgotten the shock it brought when it was officially announced in March. In an era where information is too developed, without continuous popularity, it is difficult for people to ensure that their memories will not be lost.

Unlike the West, which only pays attention to this news from the media on some technologies, all major media in China are very generous. After the announcement of the March Awards, large-scale publicity was carried out, and many media even re-edited the ins and outs of the March Awards into text, and even posted it on their websites with big titles.

In fact, there are some effects, but most of them are not negative. For example, as a world-wide award from China, why were most of the winners in the first session foreign scientists, not even one of Chinese descent?

In fact, Ning Wei has also thought about this problem, but he has seen the comprehensive score of March and knows very well that there are also young scientists in China who have entered the candidate list. However, the March Award is an award for the world, regardless of the number of recommendation votes received or the March approval. In terms of bonus points for each dimension assessment, it is indeed impossible to enter the first tier. This is something that can't be helped.

Ning Wei has also conducted an in-depth analysis of the reasons for this situation. It is not that China's domestic scientific research level is not good, it is mainly caused by the fields of mathematics, computer and physics, and the comprehensive citation ranking bonus and recommendation bonus of some domestic papers in theoretical research are too low. of. In particular, research on these theoretical innovations is indeed lagging behind slightly for the time being.

At the same time, it is also because there are currently too few awards in the March Awards. Last year, many leading scientific research fields in China did not have awards yet, which led to this situation.

But these are not problems.

Originally, the first year of evaluating the March Awards was based on stability. The purpose was to find a set of effective awards procedures that could be recognized by the academic community and the public, so that the three awards could be completed in an orderly manner, and the next year could be based on the established There are some routines to add various awards. Ningwei’s ultimate goal is to build the March Award into a world-wide comprehensive science and technology award, and include some comprehensive disciplines in the award evaluation to make up for the shortcomings of the century-old awards. In line with the development of modern science.

For example, special biomedical engineering awards, nanoscience awards, new materials awards, aerospace awards... are being supplemented to gradually increase the influence of the March Award.

Therefore, at Ning Wei's request, the entire March Foundation system chose to deal with the criticism on the Chinese Internet. There is no need to explain anything. If you do well, you will be good. If you do poorly, you will catch up.

Progress in basic or theoretical scholarship generally does not immediately involve the application field. It is like the concept of quantum physics was born in 1900, but it was sixty or seventy years later that it really began to enter the application stage. As for quantum chemistry, quantum dynamics, quantum information, quantum computers, and even the quantum Suichuan effect began to affect semiconductor manufacturing, it was already a hundred years after quantum mechanics was proposed.

Anyway, it's not a big problem.

Cold treatment naturally also means there won’t be too much heat. Basically, after a busy day, there wasn’t much discussion about the March Awards even on the Chinese Internet. Even the official website announcing the winners had about 30% more traffic than usual on the day the awards were announced, but it quickly dropped back to the usual level the next day. After all, a newly emerging award has little to do with people's daily lives, let alone that there are no Chinese scientists among them.

But Ning Weidao didn't care too much about this. He never thought that he could become a big fat man in one bite.

In fact, compared to other newly established awards, this level of attention is already a fantastic start. At least it is familiar to the whole world. The actual situation is that in the field of scientific research, even the world's scientific research awards with decades of history recognized by academic circles are still extremely unfamiliar to the vast majority of ordinary people, such as the Balcer Award, Kraft Award…

The focus is actually on the award ceremony, which is why Ning Wei invites many big names in academia and technology circles to attend in advance.

At the awards ceremony, March will announce to the world the dimensions and system of its awards, which is very important. In addition to telling the academic community about the entire selection process and showing that the March Award will always be the fairest scientific research award, it is also to once again show off the muscles of the strong artificial intelligence platform. This is also to prepare for the first World Conference on the Construction and Development of Strong Artificial Intelligence, organized by the School of Artificial Intelligence under the Yanbei Mathematics Research Center.

Ningwei is turning his previous ideas into reality step by step.

Worldwide conferences and journals complement each other, especially in the computer field. Conferences are often more important than journals. There is no doubt that the goal of the Artificial Intelligence Conference organized by Ning Wei in March is to become the world's top annual conference.

Ning Wei plans to announce the top conference in October of that year at the awards ceremony in March. The official website of the conference will be launched simultaneously after the award ceremony, and conference papers will begin to be received.

Because this is the first conference, the preparation period is a full seven months. Because it is the first conference, it needs a celebrity effect to make children who are interested in artificial intelligence research willing to submit papers to ensure that there are sufficient quality papers at the conference. High-quality papers are used to determine the impact of the conference in related fields...

Every aspect of this is important, so even if it means flipping the table, the award ceremony must be held well.

Of course, judging from these links, it actually doesn’t matter whether the March Award has much influence among the general population at this stage. In Ning Wei’s view, the March Award will really be compared with those who have been evaluated for five to ten times. When international awards are comparable.

However, apparently some people don't see it that way.

Swiss time, on the evening of December 10, 2025, the annual Nobel Prize Award Ceremony Dinner was held on time at Stockholm City Hall.

Someone once called the annual Nobel Dinner the dinner for the strongest brains in mankind, which actually makes sense.

After all, those who can be invited to the dinner are those who stand at the top of the pyramid of human society. Everyone wears grand evening gowns to witness the progress of human science. It was said to be a dinner party, and dishes were indeed provided, but probably no one paid much attention to what they were eating.

This kind of occasion is actually more suitable for newbies to make friends with big bosses, and for big bosses to make friends with bigger bosses. Take a look at the style of the winners, learn how the winners deliver their speeches, and imagine what you should say when you have the opportunity to stand on the stage and speak.

Of course, this is really difficult. There are seven billion people in the world, and less than ten people can win the Nobel Prize every year. This also includes the Nobel Peace Prize, which is so inexplicable that no one has figured out the selection logic...

Build a good relationship with the Nobel Prize bosses. After all, every Nobel Prize winner automatically gains the right to recommend candidates in their respective research fields.

This year's Nobel Prize dinner was actually the same as in previous years, nothing special.

At a grand dinner with high-quality guests, the host began to read out the winners' contributions, made one or two humorous jokes, and elicited knowing smiles. In a joyful atmosphere, the winners came on stage and gave speeches. There is also a symphony band to add to the entertainment during the interval, allowing people to enjoy the audio-visual feast brought by elegant art while appreciating the heroic appearance of the winners.

But there are differences.

Perhaps the most different thing from previous years is that Neil, one of the five members of the Nobel Committee established by the Royal Swiss Academy of Sciences, which is responsible for assessing the Nobel Prize in Physics and Chemistry, is an academician of the Royal Swiss Academy of Sciences and the famous astrophysicist Neil When S. Coulston was interviewed by reporters, he said this when talking about the March Award.

"March Intelligence Award? Yes, I saw the news and the list of winners. But how to say, it is of course a good thing to win the award. There are more and more world-wide awards for scientists in this world. Even better. But maybe someone will miss the opportunity to win a Nobel Prize in the future because of accepting this March Prize. Who can say?"

Naturally, this interview video quickly spread to the Internet.

Even in order to highlight the identity of this big shot, the media also worked tirelessly to popularize the Nobel Prize award system with the public again.

For example, the Nobel Prize has a total of six evaluation committees, and each committee is responsible for the evaluation of one award.

For example, the awards committee changes every three years.

For example, Commissioner Niels Coulston is responsible for the evaluation of the Nobel Prize in Physics for the first time this year.

As for why he said this sentence and not other members of the evaluation committee, it is probably because the current March Prize overlaps with the Nobel Prize only for the Physics Prize. There is no Nobel Prize in Mathematics or Computer Science...

So when this video began to circulate on the Internet, the first people affected were probably three physics professors: Mika Slampa, John Teufel, and Shlomy Kotler. .

He was inexplicably spotted by countless reporters.

Mika Slampa put down the phone in his apartment. He had just set it to filter mode, but he still couldn't resist the calls from his friends.

Earlier, he had been harassed by several guys who claimed to be reporters. It is no exaggeration to say that he received more calls in the past two hours than he normally receives in a month.

He also knew the cause and effect at this time.

Winning the March Prize is equivalent to giving up the qualification to be selected for the Nobel Prize in the future?

Mika Slampa's first reaction when he heard this was that it was fake news, but when he saw the short video on Facebook, he was even more surprised...

Did Mr. Coulston drink too much wine tonight?

After all, this statement is as ridiculous as a mathematician who won the Fields Medal cannot win the Wolf Medal. After all, all these scientific research awards should focus on their contribution to the academic world, rather than what awards they have won...

The most important thing is that as a member of the Nobel Prize Jury, even if you really have this idea, you should not say it directly. According to the Nobel Prize review process, if there are some hidden rules in it, it is actually very difficult to discover. There is no need to shout it out loud, right?

Yes, Mika Slampa was confused by this operation and had no idea what Niels Coulston meant. Is this a message to China from a distance, or is it causing trouble in their hearts?

More importantly, the problem is that saying it so straightforwardly does not seem to have any benefit to the credibility of the Nobel Prize, right? What a fuss!

Of course, if Mr. Coulston's purpose was to cause trouble for him, he did so.

Regardless of how it will develop in the future, at least for now, the influence of the March Prize is far less than that of the Nobel Prize. For example, in many well-known universities and research institutes, there will be special parking spaces for Nobel Prizes. Winners of other awards do not have this treatment.

But the problem is that for them, the March Prize is an award they have already won. Whether they can win the Nobel Prize is still a big question mark.

Give up the March Prize just to have a chance to win the Nobel Prize in the future? What if you can't get it?

What if not only the Nobel Prize cannot be won in the future, but the influence of the March Prize really exceeds that of the Nobel Prize in a few decades?

Don’t give up, what if your results can win a Nobel Prize in the future? What if the March Award doesn’t happen for a few years and I end up feeling lonely?


The good mood disappeared in an instant...

Just at this moment the phone rang again...

Mika Slampa was about to hang up, but when he saw the name above, he immediately answered the call.

The call came from his partner John Teufel. Although the two worked at different universities, they had maintained high-frequency communication on this project and finally realized the entanglement phenomenon of macro-vibrating drum heads. , so it can be said that the two of them have the same troubles at this time.

In fact, if John Teufel didn't call him yet, Mika Slampa was about to call.

Unlike Shlomy Kotler, who achieved this phenomenon alone using different methods, since they were the result of collaboration, they should also be on the same page on whether to accept the award.

"John, have you received the news too?" Mika Slampa asked directly without any greetings after answering the phone.

"Yes, Mika, it's funny. After I received a call from Huaxia today, I didn't have many blessings, but I just received a lot of concern." The other person responded with a wry smile.

"So how stupid would Mr. Coulston be to say something like that in front of reporters?" Mika Slampa complained.

"Stupid? Mika, you are overthinking. Why do you think he is stupid? Niels is not a stupid person, and you really think that as a member of the Nobel Prize evaluation committee, you would say in front of reporters without good communication in advance. Such words?" The other person said disapprovingly.

"Oh? John, do you mean they are telling this to the Chinese people?"

"No, no, no, Mika, these are for us. Just wait, although Nils' words are in the news today, tomorrow there will be higher-level people criticizing his remarks, and maybe even criticizing Niels himself. I can even think of what they would say, telling the world very sincerely that Niels drank too much yesterday, and what he said didn’t count at all. The Nobel Prize is the most just award. It depends on Contribution, you will never miss it just because you have won any award. But after you listened to Niels’ words yesterday, who do you believe more?”

"But what's the point? If it's what you say, why don't they give us a separate call or send us an email?"

"Oh my God, Mika, don't be so naive! What if we are exposed if we send a separate email? What if the phone call is recorded? Taking a step back, they can ensure that we do not spread the content of these private communications. But who can this warn? You don’t think this statement is just to scare a few of us, right? So speaking it out publicly and then refuting the rumors is the best way to deal with it! The impact is big enough, no one can tell it is wrong, but everyone will Think about which statement is true and which statement is false.”

"Faker! John, I suddenly understand what you said! Then what do you think?"

"I'm ready to win the prize!"

"Why? Do you really want to give up the opportunity to win the Nobel Prize in the future?"

"No, Mika, I want to bet that the March Award cannot be suppressed. Think about it, if the March Award really develops in the future, how will they prove Neil when this old thing is revealed again? Is this just a mere compliment? Nothing is more convincing than having a former March Prize winner on the stage of the Nobel Prize. But only if you, I and Shlomy Kotler all I’m going to win a prize! Do you understand?”

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