Tech Hammer

Chapter 325 Honest Sandar

Ning Wei's office fell into silence again.

Two cups of hot tea slowly emitted white steam until it drifted away in front of their eyes. Sundar Pichai's eyes fell on the white mist, probably thinking about how to speak.

There is no Chinese cultural heritage, and with a bunch of proper nouns, it is not easy to understand the meaning of Ning Wei's sentence, but IQ is a good thing, allowing Sundar Pichai to judge very quickly , this sentence is most likely not a good thing.

In fact, Sundar Pichai came here to do some psychological construction. Before coming, he had a rough understanding of Ning Wei's character from many channels - this guy is not the kind of person who is easy to deal with.

It's troublesome, but this meeting is necessary. Because Sundar Pichai needs to know Ning Wei’s attitude, because of the cooperation with Huawei, the attitude of the young scholar in front of him is very important and can even play a decisive role.

When you have expectations in your mind, you can often be patient and at least don't get up and leave immediately after being criticized.

There is no way, they are all forced.

Google needs an operating system to keep the Google architecture alive. This is the basis for Google's future layout. What is Google Structure? Regardless of those technical aspects, for ordinary users, just a Google account can automatically log in to almost all social applications and games with one click. Full coverage of Facebook, YouTube, IG, Twitter, etc.

This alone shows the importance of Google's architecture to Google's future development. Even Google can tolerate that Android cannot bring revenue to itself, and Mailbox, Earth, Browser, Gtalk, etc. do not bring revenue. However, if Google wants to ensure its importance, it needs the support of mobile operating systems.

This is why Google is even preparing to abandon Android and has been considering developing new mobile and computer operating systems. Even Google Labs has already set up a project to develop VR systems early on. It doesn’t matter whether these things are profitable now, but if you take a long-term view, these investments in research and development will become a wide moat and a thick city wall in the future. Ensure that Google will always be proud of itself in the long future.

As we all know, Google's most stable and largest source of income is the advertising alliance it leads. Even now, Google is still the most reputable advertising platform on the Internet. As long as the business logic remains unchanged, advertising will never disappear, but the form will definitely change, but it will remain true to its roots. As long as you grasp the entrance of advertising, you will be able to make money.

The problem facing Google now is that its moat and walls have not yet been fully built, but the Hongmeng system has seriously threatened the construction of Google's ecosystem. This is a strategic failure. As we all know, once a strategic problem arises, it cannot be solved by one or two small tactical victories.

This is why Sundar Pichai had to come to China this time and chose to swallow his anger.

He had to deal with the young man in front of him and buy time for Google's layout.

In this way, both of them were silent for a long time. Just when Ning Wei was about to speak to end today's sterile meeting, Sundar Pichai spoke up: "Can we let go of our prejudices, or can we always be able to Find a way to develop harmoniously. Chinese people like to say in diplomatic situations, seek common ground while reserving differences, and I firmly believe in this sentence now. Maybe we can find a way to develop harmoniously with each other."

"I know that the founders of Google have said some things that hurt our friendship before. But those people are in the past. Google's failure to join the March smart system at the first time was also due to some strategic considerations. We actually I hope that the March Intelligent Platform can change the world in a more open and kind way. I think this is not a fundamental disagreement. Our goals are the same after all, to develop technology to make the world a better place. .”

Sundar Pichai's tone was very candid, and Ning Wei felt a little surprised. He really didn't expect that the Google president and CEO could have such a low profile. This was actually similar to the attitude shown by the Intel president. Their attitudes are different, so the CEO and CEO are also different.

In particular, the sentence "Those people are already a thing of the past" pierced Ning Wei's heart. It still takes courage to say this sentence. After all, the three co-founders of Google are not dead yet.

Based on these words, Ning Wei felt that maybe he could become fair-weather friends with Sundar Pichai, an Indian-American beauty. It would be more interesting to listen to his bragging when this guy drinks too much.

"If you want to say so, we can really talk about Google joining the March Intelligence Alliance. In this way, Google will open up the results and data of the Google X laboratory and connect it to our platform. Together, the alliance will make the world's technology market bigger. If The system determines that Google's contribution is sufficient, and Google will naturally obtain the corresponding authorization. These are all included in the platform regulations. I believe Huawei has sent you all the alliance regulations, right?"

The other party really wanted to talk, so Ning Wei naturally slowed down his tone and gave his suggestions with a smile.

"Completely open the laboratory? As far as I know, even Apple has not completely opened its own laboratory, right?" Sundar Pichai said with a wry smile: "And this is not something I can decide alone. I have to do it for the board of directors. Responsible to shareholders.”

"It is true that Apple has not fully opened its laboratory, but Apple has made concessions in other aspects. Huawei is one of the leaders of the alliance. Apple provided 50 million A-series CPUs to Huawei during its most difficult time, so the treatment is naturally different. It's normal. It's hard to say that Google can occupy a place in the alliance without doing anything, right?" Ning Wei put down his tea cup and asked a question.

Sundar Pichai immediately replied: "I have also thought about this. We can use data from R\u0026D departments such as Google Glass, Project Wing, Lift Labs, Makani Power, Project Ara, Project Tango, DeepMind, and autonomous driving to compare The March Intelligent Platform is fully open to the public.”

Ning Wei looked at his negotiating opponent and admired him very much.

How should I put it? Google is sincere, right? Google's most cutting-edge R\u0026D department, the Google

But to say that Google is not sincere, the laboratories reported by Sundar Pichai include almost all of Google’s research projects over the years. For example, DeepMind represents the AlphaGo team. Project Ara is Google’s once-famous modular mobile phone development project. Needless to say, Google Glass was an epoch-making product ten years ago. Project Tango was also a black technology when it first came out. , it is said that the technical indicators can reach 15 million 3D measurements per second, and 3D modeling of the surrounding environment can be completed using a mobile phone...

The only problem is that these projects have now disappeared from the public. Project Ara was very hyped at the time, but it has not yet occupied a place in the mobile phone market; Project Tango’s idea is to make mobile devices have human-like perception of space and movement. Ability, the goal is to enable blind people to navigate, so that people can use the home environment to play realistic 3D games, etc. This initially amazing project probably has too many problems that cannot be solved, and now there is not much news either...

Of course, it is not fair to say that they are all old industries. For example, there are also Google Calico companies, which are newly established teams that research life and health. Of course, there are no breakthrough results yet.

To sum up, Google has packaged a bunch of projects that have invested a lot of money but are currently not very successful and shared them with the platform. If they are really successful, according to the platform rules, they can use them for free without spending any money because of the early investment. For these technologies, other members of the alliance need to determine how much it will cost to use these internal patents based on their contribution to the project.

To have a contribution, you have to invest money in research and development after all. This is definitely a strategy formulated after carefully studying the corresponding rules of the March Intelligent Technology Alliance. Naturally, Ning Wei is quite emotional, so no matter how perfect the rules are, , as long as you want to take advantage of the loopholes, you will eventually find a way.

But then again, there are actually not many companies in the world that can take advantage of this kind of loophole. There is probably only one company in the world that is as wealthy as Google and can use the money earned by less than 10% of its employees to support the other 90% of employees who are responsible for various temporarily unprofitable technology projects.

And it cannot be said that these previously proposed ideas are without value.

Take Project Tango as an example. Even if you don’t make a mobile phone, if there is a device that can quickly do 3D modeling of the surrounding environment, it will naturally have a great promotion effect on the development of the metaverse in the future. But now we don’t have previous experimental data. I don’t know what technical problem Google’s team is stuck on.

Project Ara Ning Wei is actually quite interested in it. Because the modularization of mobile phones may really point out the development direction of the next generation of mobile phones, which is actually quite interesting. At least Ning Wei is not interested in the current mobile phones that have the same appearance over and over again. Ning Wei feels that carrying a cuboid with him wherever he goes is definitely not the way people will live in the future.

Of course, the main reason is that I would rather have a good impression of Sundar Pichai, at least not as arrogant as the president of Intel. Since the attitude is low-key enough, there is still something to talk about.

"If that's the case, I don't have to use my veto power to join the alliance." Ning Wei smiled and said.

Sundar Pichai was stunned. This answer made him dumbfounded.

Not using the veto power means that everything else must follow the rules.

According to the rules, Google has to apply, and then wait for the companies in the Smart Alliance to think of holding a meeting, and everyone will vote to decide whether to admit Google. This is obviously not what Sundar Pichai wants to see.

What Google needs is to act as soon as possible. It is best to integrate Google architecture into the system in the next update of Hongmeng system this year. Only in this way can Google regain the trust of investors. At least the stock price will not fall like it is now. Falling endlessly. Of course, the more important thing is to make everyone feel safe and ensure that Google will not be eliminated in the next era.

This is a strategic need. It is really a pity that the entrance to the Internet is never static. In the transitional period before the metaverse era officially arrives, Google needs to ensure the influence of its own architecture in the field of mobile Internet.

"I got news that Professor Ning is leading a future technology city project. I think Google may be able to build a Google-exclusive area in it. We have many ideas that are ahead of the times and have spent time on them. Maybe we can build one in this magnificent city. The future technology city will show the public some different definitions of the future."

After thinking for a moment, Sundar Pichai simply changed the subject, obviously wanting to use investing in the Science and Technology City as a breakthrough.

At least the information was in place, and at least I knew that Ning Wei had indeed spent a lot of energy and time on the Future Science and Technology City project.

"Google District in Science and Technology City? This is a good idea. However, Mr. Pichai, I want to ask something clearly first. After building the Google District, do you want shares in Science and Technology City?" Ning Wei was quite interested. asked.

The tea in both hands was almost cold, but it was obvious that Ning Wei had no intention of adding some hot water to the other person.


"It's like this. My ideal science and technology city is a window to show the future world to the outside world. If you really want to have your own area in the science and technology city, it is equivalent to a form of advertising for your company, so the initial investment must be various. You are responsible for it. But judging from the construction location I chose, you should also know that this city is not for profit. So after the Google area is built, you still need to be responsible for the maintenance of the equipment in the area."

"At the same time, because the entire city is not for profit, we cannot give out the shares. In other words, we can talk about this matter. Google can invest in a special area, and we can name this area after Google. Or you can choose another name, but this investment is equivalent to advertising investment. Of course, I will not charge Google’s advertising fees in the future, as long as you follow the contract and promptly maintain the normal operation of the equipment in the area. .”

Ning Wei took the trouble to explain.

Of course Sundar Pichai understands these, gives money, is responsible for maintenance, and other things have nothing to do with Google. At most, this future city can only be used as a promotional venue without paying additional rent. Of course, this will only be effective if the flow of people is large enough in the future. If the crowds are sparse, it will be pure investment and will not even achieve the publicity effect.

But if the flow of people is really large enough, this kind of tourist city that uses future technology as its selling point will definitely still be able to make money, but no matter how much money it makes in the future, it has nothing to do with Google.

It smells like an unequal treaty.

Sundar Pichai is not sure whether Apple talked to Ning Wei in this way, but he doesn’t have much choice. It's actually quite simple to convince yourself that spending some money at one time to promote the company is not a particularly strenuous thing for Google.

"These... are all acceptable. So how much does it cost to invest in a region?" Sundar Pichai asked inquiringly.

Ning Wei smiled and said, "Just wait..."

After saying that, Ning Wei stood up from the sofa, walked to the desk, took the notebook over, opened it after making it again, and then called out: "March..."

"Whoosh...", "Meow..."

"Bring up the 3D planning map of our future city."


"Mr. Pichai wants to represent Google and find a location to build an exclusive Google area. You can help him choose a location and roughly calculate the investment in various infrastructures."

When the notebook was turned to Sundar Pichai, the head of Google was first attracted by the mostly fancy kitten in the corner of the screen. This was the first time he saw this internet celebrity kitten who has made the world uneasy. .

Then I saw the kitten raised its paws and moved the sunglasses on its nose downwards, revealing its smart cat eyes that seemed to look him up and down. This action made Sundar Pichai It was an illusion, as if the camera in the center of the notebook also flashed twice.

The next moment, the little paw was put down, and the kitten's tail was raised, temporarily acting as a pointing stick: "Meow, this area is very suitable for large companies to display products. In the plan, it is adjacent to the game area and leisure area, and only to the Huawei area. Across a landscaped river and surrounded by mountains and rivers, the location is very good. Google can build a future Google building here whose property rights do not belong to Google. If the Google logo is made large enough, it can be seen even on the highway. The amount of investment is not high. It only requires US$800 million to complete all construction including the building. Of course, other technological products that need to be displayed will need to be provided by Google itself."

Sundar Pichai looked at the computer screen blankly, what should I say? Is this cat making a guest appearance at an estate sale?

Especially the cat's eyes, it really seemed like it was trying to tell him that Google had taken a big advantage this time!

However, the asking price was US$800 million...

Is this when Google's money is blown by the wind? Spending 800 million to build a building whose property rights do not belong to Google at all, but still requires Google to spend energy and money on maintenance and management?

At this moment, Sundar Pichai understood why his friends told him calmly that Ning Wei was not a businessman. He seemed to dislike businessmen, so he must not deal with him in a businessman's way of thinking.

These words are so correct, because at this time Sundar Pichai feels that he is facing a robber. How tiring is it to do business? How easy is it to just open your mouth and take money?

"It seems that you and March are very close, Sundar, do you know? You are still the first to introduce these things to others in March, including the last time I had a video with an old gentleman, March was too lazy to come out Take another look at the old man. By the way, the old man's surname is Sackler. He is an old gentleman. But as soon as he opened his mouth, I could guess that he must have been a scumbag when he was young, so I ignored him in March. You don't It’s the same, March must think you are an honest person.”

Ning Wei said with a smile.

Sundar Pichai also laughed, and of course he was probably complaining in his heart: "You are such an honest person, your whole family is an honest person!"

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