Tech Hammer

Chapter 297 Demon Scientist (please vote for me!)

"They think we are naive, think we don't understand anything, think we don't know what they have done!"

"But we actually know that evil scientists are trying to destroy our future!"

"In that country without faith, they are trying to destroy the beautiful ecology there in the name of science!"

"They are preparing for barbaric felling, barbaric destruction..."

"They have no scruples, and they are wantonly destroying the beautiful future that should belong to us!"

"But the only thing they don't know is that we have awakened! Although we are not old, we already know how to defend our interests!"

"Please remember this name, Ning Wei!"

"It's him who wants to blow up mountains and spread dust all over the world in the name of science. He wants to destroy green water and make the world's already scarce freshwater resources even rarer. His so-called experience of the future will make us Lose your future!”

"Can we allow this to happen?"

"Not allowed!"

"Please speak louder so that the whole world can hear our voice!"

"Not allowed!"

"Can we let an evil scientist from China control the future?!"


"Who is the master of this world?"

"We! We! We!"

"So who has the ability to nail Ning Wei to the pillar of shame in history forever!"

"We! We! We!"

"Let's go, we want the whole world to hear our voice! Let the whole world know everything we have done for the world's environment!"

"Glinya! Glinya! Glinya!"

The huge parade began to set off. The traffic along the road was so bad that the driver could vomit blood. Several helicopters began to hover in the sky, some with police station logos on them, and of course more with media logos printed on them and various cameras stretched out...

On the ground, more media have already set up their guns and short cannons. Under the beautiful sunshine, the host holds a microphone and introduces this shocking scene to audiences around the world.

"...Breaking news, the Swiss environmental protection princess parachuted into Manhattan Plaza and launched an environmental protection protest with the theme of protecting the future. Judging from the scene, tens of thousands of people participated in the event. It is reported that most of them were in Manhattan. Students from surrounding schools. This theme is mainly to protest against a plan by Chinese mathematician Ning Wei to build a future science and technology city..."

"Now the parade has set off. According to the news just received by the reporter, they will march along Manhattan Avenue towards the United Nations Building..."

On the screen, a parade of tens of thousands of people was like a long winding dragon, occupying the entire road. Countless vehicles were cut off by the crowd, and they could only wait helplessly. From time to time, impatient horns sounded, accompanied by the high-spirited people. The slogans formed a beautiful landscape.

Countless reporters also swarmed in and recorded this beautiful scene with their cameras.

NBC reporters even found the opportunity to directly interview the organizer of the parade, the famous environmental princess Grenya Luhn.

"Grenya, what is the purpose of this gathering?"

"We want to protest, we want to make our voices heard, and we want everyone in the world to know that any crime against the natural environment is a crime against all mankind. We want that scientific lunatic to know that nature cannot be trampled on!"

“Are the scientific madmen you call referring to the Chinese scientists Ning Wei?”

"Yes, that's him. We hope to awaken everyone's environmental awareness and say no to all mistakes made against the environment!"

Although Glinya has a childish face in the camera, she already appears calm and comfortable when answering reporters' questions. Her fluent and impassioned voice, coupled with the small freckles on her face that jump with excitement, has the power to confuse people.

"It is said that 30,000 people participated in this rally. Glinya, are you satisfied with your appeal?"

"No, this is not my appeal, this is the cry of all young people who are not willing to be persecuted! As the younger generation, we have the responsibility and obligation to make our voices heard!"

"But Ningwei's construction is in China!"

"So I would like to suggest that young people in China should also stand up, and we must defend our future together!"

When the propaganda machine is at full throttle and starts working with all its strength, the news can be spread around the world as quickly as wings.

The reporters selected images of the huge and magnificent parade, including countless young people holding flags and shouting slogans, but they did not select the image of teachers looking at empty classrooms and turning away in depression, nor the countless drivers who kept stopping. Cursing words.

Of course, for those so-called environmentalists, the issues they talk about are the most important. They are better at raising a powerful fist representing justice and then smashing it down regardless. As for science... is it related to environmental protection?

The publicity effect was also very powerful, and soon related videos began to flood on the Chinese Internet.

"Dad, look at this, how cool it is! Li Ziyue from our class said that we should also organize a parade like this and go shout for the environment on Monday."

"Oh? Let me see, oh, little thing, do you know how to protect the environment?"

"Of course! The natural environment is our good friend!" the child said proudly.

"Well, so you promised that Li Ziyue that you would go to the parade together?"

"Dad, you will definitely support me, right?"

"But it's school time on Monday!"

"For the great cause of mankind, what is a day without class?"

"Haha, son, you are right, come on, daddy will give you a reward..."

"Dad, what are you going to do...ah..."

"I told you not to go to class, and I asked you to march. What does it mean to not go to class for a day? I tell you today, what does it mean to not go to class for a day! And marching for environmental protection? I think you are burping for nothing, you have eaten too much shit..."

"Ah, Dad, stop fighting...I was wrong..."

"What's wrong with you?"

"I want to go to class! Class is the most important thing!"

"Oh, are you sure?"

"OK, Dad, I have to go to class..."

"Go away and do your homework! Next time, if you dare to touch your phone before you finish your homework, see if I don't break your legs!"

Of course, the most disturbing people when this news began to spread on the Internet were probably the leaders of Luopu County, even Kangcheng, and even Sanqin Province.

Ning Wei just had an idea and didn't bother with the local government at all. Therefore, for the local officials, they learned the news on TV just like most ordinary people.


The most influential scientist in China has conceived the idea of ​​building a future-oriented science and technology experience city based in Luopu County? And they also want to attract a number of high-tech companies to invest in this project? How much economic benefit will this bring to the local area!

Originally using worthless land, how much tax revenue can this city bring if it is really built? If it really becomes a hot tourist area in the country, it will directly radiate and drive the development of the entire surrounding area, which can increase the province's GDP by several percentage points.

What a great thing!

It is no exaggeration to say that since the CCTV broadcast of this interview, the leadership team has held several meetings, and all the competent departments are about to issue a military order. Once this project is really approved, it must be taken care of and put into effect. You must stay here according to your original plan.

No one doubted whether Ning Wei was joking.

After all, no one would choose to make a joke in the central media.

No one doubts Ning Wei's ability. How could a scientist who had just won a world-wide mathematics award, developed a new chip structure that broke the foreign technology monopoly and was in the news for half an hour, not capable? Not to mention that the scientist is a billionaire himself.

The news also said that on the day Ning Wei received the award, heads of world-class high-tech companies such as Apple and Intel rushed to China to attend this grand ceremony. Why do these business tycoons who have so many things to do all the time travel thousands of miles to attend an award ceremony? In fact, everyone is like a mirror. Isn't it just to meet Ning Wei with the latest chip technology?

There is also an event live broadcast on Weibo in March to deliver chips to large technology companies...

All of the above are enough to illustrate Ning Wei’s appeal.

In other words, Ningwei can really get this done.

As for why Ning Wei did this, everyone naturally knows it well. He is a good son-in-law from Luopu County!

So Jiang Ma is almost confused these days...

She originally felt that the county cared enough about her family, but the level of concern had gone up several levels in the past two days, especially the county health department, which proactively proposed to send Grandma Chenshuang to the county town to receive better medical treatment.

Of course, she soon realized that these were the benefits obtained by her capable son-in-law.

Her mood was very complicated, she was both happy and a little scared. For an ordinary rural woman, it was good for her daughter to have such a support, but the more powerful her son-in-law was, the more insecure she felt.

Fortunately, the simple side shown by Ning's mother and Ning's father somewhat reassured Jiang's mother. After calling her daughter to discuss it, for the sake of the elderly's health, she accepted this kindness.

This also gives the county more peace of mind.

But who would dare to think that suddenly, the foreign media would suddenly make such a fuss?

The whole people condemn Ning Wei? Just because a future city is being built here?

This group of people have collectively jumped out to oppose this matter before it was even discussed?

The specific plan has not yet come out, and the environmental assessment report has not even been started, but it is already claimed that this behavior destroys the green mountains and green waters? Will it even affect the city’s drinking water safety?

And he also directly described Ning Wei as a demon who destroys the environment? Should go to hell?

Where did this god come from? What kind of brain circuit is it?

The moment they saw the countless news, people in Luopu County had the illusion that this was not their own home? But someone else's territory? So if you want to renovate your own property, do you still need to report to these people in advance?

At first, everyone just thought these statements were ridiculous and even laughable, making people laugh. However, as more and more videos and news appeared in this regard, they even created a certain momentum, and the internationally renowned Swiss environmental protection princess shouted at the top of her voice in the video that Ning was When described as a demon that destroys the environment, everyone couldn't sit still.

The pressure is really high.

It is well known that scientists cherish feathers. Who can stand this kind of stimulation? These videos are so widely circulated that it is impossible not to see them. What if you change your mind after seeing this? Does this mean that this project, which is unlikely to boost the local economy, is about to be scrapped?

The meeting has started again. It's not easy to ask Ning Wei directly about this matter. Of course, even if you want to contact Ning Wei and the others, they don't have contact information. Fortunately, Jiang Chenshuang's contact information is easy to get.

While everyone was discussing how to communicate with classmate Jiang on the phone, there was a knock on the door of the conference room.

"Secretary Wang, the Publicity Department said that there is a reporter from foreign NBC who wants to interview..."

"Tell them to get out! What the hell? These people are playing high jump in the hut - jumping over dung, they are really bats with chicken feathers tied on their bodies - they think they are birds! Tell them where to get away from, Our place is small and we can’t accommodate them!”

"Ah... we are foreign guests after all..."

"What a bullshit the foreign guests are! I'm giving them face! I'm the one who said it. If there's anything I'm responsible for, just tell them the exact words! Don't pay attention to this matter, let's continue the discussion. This matter must be implemented as soon as possible. Okay, at least let everyone feel at ease..."

Yanbei University, Mathematics Research Center.

Naturally, the heated discussion on the Internet has already reached here.

Even if Ning Wei doesn't go online, at least he still has the cute little March. Five minutes a day is enough for Ning Wei to know many interesting things happening in the world every day, let alone things related to him.

how to say……

His mood was very complicated. He really didn't expect that after his interview was broadcast, the most criticized thing would be - the future city?

So those kids really don’t care that they may need to find someone to translate it into Chinese when they go to college to write their papers, or that they may have to arrange Chinese classes for them every year in school, or even have to pass CET-4 or CET-6 when they go to college. , otherwise I won’t be able to get my diploma?

Really, Ning Wei was shocked by the brain circuits of these young people.

But when he learned that these children were taking leave and skipping school to participate in rallies and demonstrations, Ning Wei probably understood...

These people will probably not consider writing papers in the future, and may not even have to face Level 4 or Level 6...

Not to mention, it feels very novel to be scolded by such a group of people online.

After all, he has been praised a lot, and occasionally he needs some different voices to adjust it, especially when he is tired of writing textbooks. Listening to these voices, the feeling is still very different...

A demonic scientist who deserves to go to hell?

The only thing that surprised him was that Ning Wei could clearly feel that his surroundings seemed to be on heightened alert.

For example, when I entered the institute early in the morning, there was an open post, and I had to brush my face...

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