Tech Hammer

Chapter 284 There are too many hot spots, and the hot searches are almost out of stock.

In fact, if Ningwei was asked to evaluate himself, he really did not make the above suggestions with the mentality of causing trouble. He simply hopes that he can overcome the greatest resistance in the most limited time, promote the speed of scientific and technological progress in an era, and speed up the transfer process of the science and technology center. It is best to see China become the world's science and technology center when he is still young.

This actually comes from resentment towards a certain sentence of Lu Dongyi.

Ning Wei still remembers that he was still at Jiangcheng University at that time and was about to graduate from his senior year. When he was relaxing with his roommates at the KTV, Senior Brother Lu called and said what Ning Wei clearly remembers: "What kind of KTV should I go to at such a young age? When you are 50 or 60 years old, you will have a lot of time to play when you retire."

At that time, Ning Wei only thought that Senior Brother Lu was very social. After arriving, he discovered that Lu Dongyi really thought this way.

Now that he is under the watchful eye of Senior Brother Lu every day, he has to work hard in order not to wait until he is fifty to enjoy life? Otherwise, he would not be allowed to get married and spend his honeymoon with classmate Jiang, and his senior brother would scold him. My sense of urgency often has something to do with the people around me. Really, if it were in my previous dormitory, I probably wouldn't have had this feeling of not waiting for me at all.

So he really hopes that the courageous Mr. Cook can withstand the pressure and directly decide on the cooperation between the two parties, because in this way, the two giant companies Huawei and Apple will stand in front of the biggest evil in the world. , and his task is simple. He doesn't have to worry about promotion, restrictions and other negative issues. He just needs to do research with peace of mind.

This is like playing against the king. Although it seems to be a headwind situation, as long as the other four players play a good team and draw the opponent's attention, he, the jungler, will steal towers from behind. As long as the opponent is not paying attention, Ning He is so confident that he can knock off the opponent's crystal directly!

Although this situation may not look good in the early and mid-term, who cares so much about the process? As long as the final result is that the opponent's crystal is knocked off and our side is intact, it is enough, and the star system that deserves it will naturally be given. On the contrary, no matter how good the game is, if your home is stolen in the end, even if the MVP of the game is on the opposite side, the stars that should be lost will still be lost.

The only pity is probably that all the big guys are very cautious on this kind of issue. Even after Tim Cook listened, Ning Wei could tell from the look on his face that the big guys were indeed moved for a moment. But he soon broke away from that illusory beauty and regained his clarity.

It's not that his proposal is unattractive, it's that everyone is afraid of taking on too much pressure. To put it bluntly, Mr. Ledon of Ericsson probably simply does not have the courage. The person in front of me may have the courage. He has been playing with the wind for too long. When he thinks that he may have to play with the headwind for a while, he will inevitably worry. From this point of view It can be seen that these big guys are far from being as resilient as Huawei.

Really, companies and people are actually very similar in many cases. When a company has been accustomed to struggling to survive in the cracks for a long time, its sense of worry will be far stronger and more acute than other companies, and it will not miss any opportunity to turn around. But if development continues smoothly, it does not mean that there is no sense of worry at all, but it will probably be more cautious when facing some opportunities.

Just like Tim Cook at this time, he even thought about the words for a long time before he slowly said: "I will seriously consider your proposal, really, Dr. Ning, very seriously. In fact, I came to this time Just with the idea of ​​in-depth cooperation. For example, I have been considering whether Apple’s next-generation or next-generation products can use the 5G baseband chips provided by our allies. This requires understanding the production capacity and industrialization of this new baseband chip. plan."

"At the same time, we also hope to reach cooperation with some Chinese companies on car manufacturing and incorporate Chinese manufacturing into Apple's supply chain. We have also tried to contact some Chinese companies before, but the results were not good. But this Once I came with 100% sincerity, and even decided to make some concessions to complete our car-building plan. So many things can be discussed, just like you said before, as long as we maintain communication, then Everything is possible, isn’t it?”

Ning Wei nodded, then looked at Tim Cook curiously, and asked the question he had been wondering about for a long time: "Speaking of building a car, Mr. Cook, are you really planning to complete the first car according to the drawings we provided?" The design of a modern Apple car.”

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this question, Tim Cook did not look unhappy as Ning Wei imagined, but showed a very sincere smile: "Of course, why not? Although the design drawings you provided are not suitable for The industrial base requirements are slightly higher, and some parts and components do not meet the requirements for mass production, but isn’t this in line with Apple’s philosophy? We can and will create the best products on the planet that can best demonstrate our identity to face the future. concept car."

"Of course the concept car will not be mass-produced, but our engineers will reduce some configurations and make an ordinary model that can be mass-produced according to the concept car concept. After all, car-making is a new field, so the goals I set are actually very Conservative. For future concept cars, we only plan to produce 100 units in three years. After careful analysis by our engineers, achieving this goal is not a big problem."

"As for ordinary models, the design concept of the concept car can be used. The appearance will not change much if it is not necessary. It is just that some spare parts that are not currently industrialized are replaced. Although in terms of performance, it cannot be compared with the concept car. , but as long as it is still better than our competitors. As a new industry that we have just entered, I think Apple should not be so aggressive. After all, for Apple, building cars is for the future, not for the present."

It was well said and made sense, and Ning Wei only felt that he had benefited a lot.

Indeed, the whole world knows that Apple is probably the company with the most sufficient financial reserves on the planet, and it is also the most profitable high-tech company with the highest net profit. It can even be said that there is no one. The company's capital flow is so healthy that any company's finances would be jealous if they saw it. What's more important is that Apple's products are still selling well, so there is no pressure for Apple to make a profit in its car-building plan.

It’s just that one day in the future, the mobile phone industry will suddenly be subverted again. If Apple’s mobile phones are no longer easy to sell, at least there will be a pillar industry that can continue to support Apple. Therefore, at this stage, people's demand has never been to occupy a large market. As long as it can consolidate the stickiness of fans and send a signal to the world, Apple Car is the most advanced on the planet and let everyone continue to have confidence in Apple.

Sure enough, this is what we call the ability to advance and attack, and to retreat and defend. If you have a good hand, you can do whatever you want.

After listening to Tim Cook's words, even Ning Wei felt a little envious. Of course, this also shows that it is not unreasonable for Tim Cook to make Apple the largest company in the world. At least they know very well what goals they need to achieve. Unlike some companies, when they propose a new project, they actually don’t even understand why they want to do it and what goal they want to achieve.

Ning Wei nodded, with a sigh on his face, feeling that there were not many sober people like this in the world anymore. The words had reached this level, and some of them were unhappy: "You know, I just study mathematics and business. I actually don’t know much about it. But I think you are right. Really, when Apple launches a concept car, I will definitely buy one. By the way, maybe our concept chip will be used in Apple’s concept car. .”

"Concept chip?" Tim Cook frowned slightly and asked.

"Yes, concept chip."

Ning Wei nodded, and then explained carefully: "Of course, I haven't disclosed this news to the outside world. Mr. Cook, you should be the first to know. Specifically, it is the chip process we use to manufacture three-dimensional silicon silicon tube technology. The node has been advanced to 65nm, which is nearly three times higher than the 180nm technology I gave you before. Well, because it is three-dimensional, so in addition to the three-dimensional three-dimensional technology, this three-dimensional technology also includes the three-dimensional technology.”

"For example, with the same thickness, we used to stack three layers, but now we can stack nine layers. The density of each layer of silicon transistors has also increased three times. In this way, the available surface area of ​​stacked transistors has increased by about nine times. Then carbon nanotransistors The pitch has also been reduced by three times, which means that the number of transistors that can be accommodated per unit area has increased by approximately 27 times.”

"Of course there should actually be more. In fact, by this process, we can almost design and produce some relatively high-end chip products. In fact, the number of transistors that can be stacked per unit at this process level is almost equal to the 10nm process level of traditional chip manufacturing technology, but this It’s not easy to compare, Intel’s 7nm and Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company’s 7nm are completely different stories, right?”

"Of course, if we want to further improve the process, there are still difficulties. After all, it is really hard for our R\u0026D center to upgrade from 180nm to 65nm now. In the past month, everyone has worked overtime and worked day and night. Yesterday, several engineers and technicians stayed up all night. When you came over, I was still guarding the laboratory. If it hadn't been for Director Tian's call, I might not have come back today. I would still have to wait for the new generation of chip products to be produced. . Really, it’s so hard! Of course, we are friends, and after tomorrow’s awards dinner, I will give Apple two more newly upgraded chips.”

Ning Wei sighed with emotion, with a sincere expression on his face, and the dark circles between his eyebrows that had not completely disappeared. You can feel the bitterness revealed in the words, of course, it was probably more of a question mark in his mind.

Less than a month? Is this chip process upgrade a joke? Is this something that can be solved by working overtime? What kind of geeks does Ningwei's experimental center have? Really, for the first time, Tim Cook doubted whether Ning Wei's chip manufacturing process was the same as what he understood.

The time it takes for Intel to upgrade its chip technology from 180nm to 65nm takes years, but here in China it takes months. And from a structural point of view, the chip process upgrade of the three-dimensional structure is obviously more complicated than the traditional silicon chip manufacturing process upgrade. The traditional process only needs to consider the two-dimensional circuit structure, but the three-dimensional structure also needs to consider whether the three-dimensional structure will interact with each other. interference, how to solve heat dissipation in the tighter internal space of the transistor, and a series of other issues.

But now Ningwei says that they have upgraded the manufacturing process to 65nm?

At this moment, Tim Cook suspected that what Ning Wei was discussing with him was not an industrial chip process upgrade, but a magical chip process upgrade. Really, at this moment he couldn't figure out how Ning Wei did it.

Even if there are already technical reserves, it doesn't make sense. Apple has also conducted research on this three-dimensional silicon through-tube technology. There are only a few related papers. The sudden introduction is enough to shock the world. This is why everyone chose to come to China to participate in this extremely sensitive moment. Wolfe Award Ceremony Reason.

So if what Ning Wei said is true, then he must re-examine the three-party cooperation that Ning Wei just said. Because there is only one truth, and that is that everyone has underestimated the significance of the big data artificial intelligence platform in guiding the improvement of real-world industrial technology. In other words, everyone underestimates the resource integration capabilities of the March Intelligent Platform.

This is the conclusion Tim Cook came to at this moment. For a moment, he really had the urge to strangle the young man in front of him to death. It takes less than a month to upgrade the chip process. What else can’t this smart platform do?

Only magic can defeat magic, but Apple doesn't have magic skills right now, and that's a problem. Really, at this moment, Tim Cook was suddenly glad that he still had a second option. If he couldn't beat it, it would be better to join directly.

Of course, Tim Cook will not make any decisions at this time. Even if you have to make a decision, you have to wait until the chip that carries the magic power of this era is actually in your hands and passes the test. Or he can stay in China for a longer period of time. But there's really nothing to talk about now.

But no matter what, the two chatted happily. Ning Wei's office left a very deep impression on Tim Cook. If he hadn't known that the other party's wealth was actually as much as his, he might have wanted to donate one to this place. Electronic devices manufactured by Apple…

So after a few words of greeting, Tim Cook said goodbye politely, and Ning Wei didn't do much to persuade him to stay. It was foreseeable that Tim Cook's arrival was a signal, and he would be very busy in the coming days.

What makes Ning Wei very happy is that he doesn't even have to arrange the accommodation of these big shots, because these distinguished guests are invited by the Wolf Foundation, so the accommodation is all solved by the Wolf Foundation.

Ning Wei thinks it's perfect that the host can do this.

After getting in the car, Tim Cook sat in the back seat to calm down for a moment, and then took out his mobile phone from his pocket. Without considering the time difference, it was still 6 a.m. in Silicon Valley time, and he made a call directly. .

The call was made to John Ternus, a hardware engineer who had just taken over as Apple's senior vice president of hardware in January last year. He was responsible for Apple's entire hardware engineering team and had a direct report to Tim Cook. permissions. Of course, power corresponds to responsibility. High salary and high power represent high responsibility. The rules of the game in the capital world have always been very concise and clear. For example, it is one of the obligations to answer calls from the boss during non-working hours.

The phone rang five times, and just before Tim Cook's patience was exhausted, the call was connected.

"John, what does it mean if China's three-dimensional silicon silicon tube chip manufacturing process has reached the 65nm process level?"

Really, you can imagine John Ternus's mood at this time. At six o'clock in the morning, the big boss called him to share the future with him. This probably directly caused the brains of the senior vice presidents of hardware to be down, and subconsciously asked: "Well, um, Mr. Cook, what did you say just now?"

"Let me ask you, what does it mean if China's three-dimensional silicon silicon tube chip production process has reached the 65nm process?" Tim Cook emphasized his tone and repeated the question.

"Has it reached the 65nm process? Are you kidding me? I think this assumption is impossible. It is as impossible as Master has sent five million people to Mars."

"Let me say it again, John, now is not the time for you to express your feelings. I am asking what it means if it has been realized!" Tim Cook's tone became more and more serious, which was different from the warm tone when he chatted with Ning Wei just now. Two completely different people.

At this moment, the engineer on the other end of the phone probably woke up quickly and replied: "That means that China will soon have the ability to break through the existing patent wall and design and produce general-purpose large-scale integrated circuits based on the new architecture. We can even start to launch the basis This technology is used to design the next generation of CPUs. The biggest disadvantage of the three-dimensional structure is the heat dissipation problem when the chip is running at high frequency. If this problem can be solved, it means that multi-core technology will be able to be brought into full play in the future. After all, the three-dimensional structure can be used per unit area. The number of transistors accommodated is exponentially doubling compared to the two-dimensional structure. So if this assumption is true, I suggest that the design based on the new chip structure should be started immediately for the next generation of products at the latest. "

Tim Cook softened his tone and continued to ask: "In other words, if the Chinese have really mastered the 65nm process technology, should we cooperate with the Chinese?"

This sentence made the person on the phone hesitate for a moment, and then said: "From a purely technical point of view, the answer is yes. Of course, the premise is that the Chinese people really have this technology and can achieve mass production. After all, this Technology represents the future.”

"Okay, I understand, you can rest." After saying that, Tim Cook hung up the phone.

Then he made another call. This time the phone rang three times and was answered. Tim Cook asked directly: "Dan, what if the Chinese three-dimensional silicon silicon tube technology has reached the 65nm process?" , I will make the decision to cooperate more comprehensively and deeply with the Chinese people, do you agree?"

"Tim, are you crazy? This is impossible!"

"I mean what if!"

"If..., well, since it is if, then of course I have no objection. If we can not use Intel's RF baseband, it may make our products more popular."

"Okay! Thanks for your input, Dan!"

"Hey, hey, hey...damn it!"

When I called again, Tim Cook’s phone number was already busy.

After waiting in the hotel room, Tim Cook made six phone calls and received six replies. Then he said to the secretary: "Help me arrange the itinerary. I need to stay in China for a longer period of time, tentatively... half a month."

"But you will participate next month..."

"In the past half month, I have canceled all my schedules and told the outside world that I will solve the supply chain problem for the future mass production of Apple cars in China. This is the most important task at the moment."

"Okay, Mr. Cook. By the way, Mr. Cook, Intel's official Twitter and China's official Weibo just released a promotional video. Maybe you are interested in watching it."

"Oh, really? Then let me see."

After walking into the room and sitting on the sofa, Tim Cook turned on his phone and logged into Twitter. He clicked on Intel's official Twitter and saw a series of cool instructions.

"The new Intel7 process technology improves performance per watt by 15%, and the power consumption of multi-core with the same performance is only 1/4, coupled with a more powerful heat dissipation system..."

"16 cores and 24 threads..."

"8 performance cores (P core), 8 energy efficiency cores (E core), new Hybrid architecture..."

"30MBL3 cache with 14MBL2 buffer..."

"The newly upgraded Intel thread manager makes resource allocation more reasonable..."

"The maximum single-core frequency is 5.2GHz..."

"Supports DDR5 memory overclocking configuration platform, with dynamic memory overspeed technology, the maximum speed is increased to 4500MT/s..."

"One-click overclocking function..."

"Supports new integrated WIFI 6E..."

"DMI4.0 standard, internal communication speed has been greatly improved..."

"Intel leads a new era! Stay tuned, 12th generation Intel Core processors, comprehensive technological innovation! Intel is the leader in redefining chip standards in the PC field!"

After watching the video, Tim Cook turned off his phone.

There’s not much to say. Pat Gelsinger is really anxious. He won’t squeeze out toothpaste this time. All technical means have been used in new generation products in recent years. Really, these technology integrations are worthy of a large product launch, and maybe the whole world will be moved by this launch.

If he had seen this video an hour ago, he might have been moved by Intel's breakthrough. After all, this means that the CPU field in the PC field has truly entered the heterogeneous era, and the technical level displayed by the new generation of products is absolutely disruptive.

But now Tim Cook only feels calm in his heart.

After all, it is no secret that Intel has been researching heterogeneous technology. This upgrade of process and product technology was basically expected. Indeed, there were some black technologies that he did not expect, but it did not surprise him at all. .

But compared with the improvement of 3D tube technology from 180nm process to 65nm process, these are not so great.

He even knew why Intel released this promotional video at this time. Pat Gelsinger was coming to China to meet with that young man. After the meeting, he would definitely have to talk about something. He had to come up with something impactful first. things to give yourself confidence.

There are definitely sequelae of this. Almost all technical reserves have been used on this generation of products, and the difficulty index of upgrading the next generation will increase exponentially.

From this we can also see how much pressure Ningwei’s three-dimensional silicon silicon tube chip technology has brought to this established semiconductor king.

It's just a pity that this time was chosen to make this trailer look useless, and the effect probably won't be very good. Having revealed all his trump cards at once, and seeing the new chip when we talk back, how should Pat Gelsinger handle himself?

Really, at this moment, Tim Cook felt a little sympathetic to his colleague.

It’s hard to be the boss these days!

Although Tim Cook didn't have any special feelings about Intel's newly released technology, he even began to sympathize with Intel's new helmsman because of this short one-minute promotional video.

But on the Internet, the popularity caused by this promotional video is obvious to all.

DIY enthusiasts are starting to get excited!

Intel's 12th generation CPU has finally come out after being delayed for so long, not to mention that there is so much useful information after its launch. Although the promotional video is very short, it is full of black technology if you interpret it casually!

Many people may not know what the new Hybrid architecture represents. In fact, this architecture has already been used on mobile phones, but this is the first time it has been used on PCs. Basically, it can be understood that all tasks are processed intelligently. The E core is responsible for tasks with lighter loads, which are instantaneous and consume very little power. The P core is responsible for high-load tasks, with powerful performance and faster speed.

So in order to make this architecture play a greater role, Intel has also equipped it with a new intelligent thread manager.

There are also revolutionary improvements in other technologies, which are enough to make these electronic enthusiasts full of expectations for this product, and the discussion will naturally follow the trend.

"Fuck, Intel just lost its place this time! Sure enough, the 11th generation products have pulled ahead, and the 12th generation has rushed forward. Why didn't they say when the official launch will be in the promotional video?"

"Lifetime series! Really, I thought that the performance improvement of the 12th generation compared to the 11th generation would not be too big. As we all know, Moore's Law is coming to an end. Now everyone is squeezing out toothpaste. Our CNMD chip can only do radio frequency, and it is far from designing a CPU. It’s still far away. Who would have thought that Intel would be so aggressive at this time? Seeing the performance of 12, I started to worry about whether something would happen in the 13th generation!”

"Don't think about the 13th generation. Intel has always followed the basic principle that even-numbered generations are the best. Just enjoy the pleasure of the 12th generation first! What's annoying is that they released a promotional video and didn't even mention the specific launch time. Bad review!"

"I originally planned to change my computer this month, but now it seems I have to wait a little longer. I just hope that the motherboard manufacturers and the DDR5 platform can also help! Don't let such an awesome CPU go to waste!"

"Good guys, has AMD offended Intel recently? It's so unreasonable and it's so unreasonable to throw the king into trouble?! Brothers, let's make a prediction. We will soon welcome AMD's big price reduction promotion. After the release of 13, AMD will not cut prices. I Immediately live broadcast of peeing while standing upside down and rotating 360 degrees..."

"MMP, it's too early to replace the computer. Intel announced this news a day earlier. I won't go and get stabbed at this time! I want to ask, is there any good reason to return a new computer that has just been used for half a month? "

"Don't get excited, everyone. Don't you think Intel's generosity this time is unreasonable? After seeing our CNMD chip structure, shouldn't you be anxious and just give up on yourself? You have given up the style of squeezing toothpaste. This is the rhythm of self-destruction. Ah! If you don’t wait any longer, maybe a new generation of CNMD structure will be born in a while!”

"Excuse me upstairs. Although CNMD is awesome, the 180nm process is fine for radio frequency. Use it to design CPUs. Do you want to go back to the Pentium era?"

Yes, as soon as Intel’s promotional video came out, the entire PC consumer market was abuzz.

Although in the era of mobile Internet, ordinary personal computers are no longer even standard in homes, but for some people who like large-scale games or are engaged in design work, the performance of personal desktop CPUs and GPUs is still a hot topic.

These people generally don't bother to speak out in other forums, but the existence of this group of people must not be underestimated. After all, those who really like playing video games usually have some financial strength. It is true that they may not like shopping very much, they dress more casually, and they are relatively low-key on weekdays, but they are really unambiguous about spending money on electronic equipment, let alone the slightest bit of reluctance.

Not to mention that Intel has indeed invested a lot of money this time. The performance improvement of the new generation of CPU is indeed very strong, which is very topical. If you add a little investment in publicity, it will easily become the most popular product of the day. The topic was quickly pushed to the top of the hot searches in major forums and social media. All kinds of soft articles were overwhelming, flooding the entire network, and taking advantage of the trend to occupy the entire network's information platform.

The results are naturally very gratifying. Even passers-by who don’t care about PC hardware can know through TikTok or pop-up messages on various software that the legendary Intel has made another big move, and this time it is a direct hit. , launched a CPU that is said to be full of black technology, and it will work better when paired with the new generation of Microsoft 11. The technology circle once again staged a drama of the return of the king.

The only thing on the Internet today that can compete with Intel's promotional video is the news that the Wolf Prize Award Ceremony will be held at Yanbei University in China.

Of course, this news did not just come to light today. In fact, it has been hotly discussed on the Internet for several days. It was only officially announced today by the Wolf Foundation. According to the Wolf Foundation, the reason for this The award ceremony was held in China instead of in Israel according to tradition. The main reason is that the foundation decided to change the awarding model in the new era. In the future, the Wolf Prize will adopt a world tour awarding model every year, and the venue will be the first choice in the major award-winning countries. The location of the person.

This paragraph of the official announcement probably also explains that the reason why this year's award ceremony was chosen in the capital of China is probably because the main winner is this year's Wolf Prize winner in mathematics - Ning Wei.

This is probably a matter of happiness upon happiness!

Look, Intel launched the first generation of God U, and the Wolf Award Ceremony was held in China. It was a double happiness.

Then another explosive news came out. Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger has confirmed that he will attend this year's Wolf Award Ceremony. At this time, he is probably already sitting on a special plane flying to China...

Really, the Internet is so busy today, there are too many big news, and the hot searches are starting to run out!

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