Tech Hammer

Chapter 282 Look, they are really coming

The process of making a decision is extremely difficult, but once the decision is made, at least it feels a lot easier psychologically. Although this decision did not solve any problems, it at least extended the urgency of the issue at hand. With a buffer, it was possible to wait until after the discussion before drawing a conclusion.

He believes that Intel's board of directors will definitely agree with his idea after seeing this test report. This sudden breakthrough in underlying technology in the chip field is indeed something that no one in this era could have imagined and is very unreasonable. Choosing to talk first and then talk about it will at least be beneficial to the company's stock price and give an explanation to the company's shareholders.

Didn’t you see that Ericsson’s share price rose by 5% against the market trend? Although Apple was also driven down by the market, it fell the most among all technology companies. Thinking of this, Pat Gelsinger felt a little itchy again. These two traitors are really shameless, especially Tim Cook. How dare he betray the agreement he participated in drafting? These guys are lunatics who do not care about goodwill for profit!

As for Intel, of course it is different from Apple and Ericsson. Although he decided to talk, he was forced to do so, not only by China's new technology, but also by these treacherous guys!

It's just that I need to choose a time to go this time...

Soon Pat Gelsinger made his decision again.

This year’s Wolf Prize Award Ceremony has been decided to be held in China, which is indeed a good opportunity.

As we all know, Intel attaches great importance to scientists, and breakthroughs in mathematics can often promote the progress of the entire physical theory community. This process will also bring about innovations in production technology. As the president of Intel, participating in this event can just reflect Intel's emphasis on talent is perfect.

But whether others believed it or not, at least he believed it. The only embarrassing thing was that at the same moment, at least the bosses of several companies made decisions similar to his. After all, we are all technology companies and attach great importance to talents. This reason really makes sense.

The only problem now is probably that since we have chosen to talk, it is not easy to express our stance on the questions raised by the outside world. Now the whole world knows that they have obtained a chip built with new technology. Is this chip really as advanced as described in China News? How to evaluate it without offending China, while also restoring market confidence and stabilizing the stock price.

Is it really so difficult to recognize the excellence of others? This question now has an answer, really, it’s that hard! It's not to save face, but to admit that someone else is better, which means that your company's valuation may be less optimistic, and it also means that the stock price will continue to fall, and the shareholders holding the stock will be dissatisfied, and the pressure on the company will bigger.

Fortunately, this is shameless.

As long as the operation is done well, the pressure can always be moved back. Moreover, the market panic has been almost released on the first day, and there is still a lot of room for subsequent operations. Even if the new chip is really powerful and can bypass the patent wall, it will not take a day or two to really promote it. The key is words.

When the big guys started making phone calls, countless well-known Western media quickly took action. Never underestimate how powerful the big guys in the tech world can be in an instant, and never underestimate how low the limits of media representatives who represent justice can be.

A lot of different news came out.

For example, although the entire process of delivering chips was broadcast live on Weibo in March, the media's rendering showed that this new technology was actually immature. Even the designer himself was not sure how effective it would be, so he invited the world Top technology companies helped detect and identify problems, and even the contracts were announced by the media. So it's not a gift of chips, it's just communication among peers.

There are also commentators whose articles describe the application of this new chip technology very pertinently, and analyze from an extremely professional perspective that using this three-dimensional tube technology to build complex large-scale integrated circuits is currently an almost impossible task. There are a lot of technical terms cited. It doesn’t matter if you don’t understand the professional stuff, as long as you know the conclusion. This technology seems beautiful, but its application is extremely limited. In particular, it is extremely difficult to upgrade the process. If you want to replace the current silicon-based chips There is still a long way to go. Well, at least we need to make a ten-year plan first. As for what will happen in ten years, who knows?

Perhaps at that time, electronic computers had been eliminated, the metaverse described by capital had arrived, and everyone was already online in the virtual world. The chips of that era were another story.

There is even more reassuring news. The chips obtained by these large companies have detected serious defects, and the defects are enough to make designers need to rethink the underlying architecture. This defect is almost an unsolvable problem in the modern microelectronics industry. However, the media did not specify which company's inspector discovered this defect. They only used the conclusive description that the source of the information was extremely reliable, but it must be kept confidential at the request of the other party.

So it could be Intel, Qualcomm, or even more likely Apple, Ericsson, and Cisco. After all, everyone knows that these three companies have agreed to join the future construction of smart platforms led by China. They have more incentive not to expose the chips of their friends. Technical defects. Among them, Apple and Ericsson are the most suspect. The former is even willing to sell 5,000 CPUs to Huawei, which shows a lot. As for Ericsson...

Really, this European company cannot be mentioned. There are many people who want this European company to disappear directly.

How common is this news? It can be said that the entire Wall Street elite is confused and surprised.

Of course, the truth is not important in many cases. For Wall Street elites, such a sudden plunge is not in the interest of anyone, except for those lunatics who dare to go crazy for short selling.

Especially after experiencing a Black Wednesday, everyone needs to return to rationality after all. Even if the stock price is really going to plummet again, they have to wait until they have enough coping methods. If we really experience another Black Thursday, everyone will suffer heavy losses. So why bother?

Don't underestimate the wisdom of institutions and the tacit understanding between them. As long as everyone returns to a little more rationality, there will be enough room for maneuver. It's not yet a life-and-death struggle for resources. Relaxed market sentiment is more conducive to the stable performance of professional traders. Wouldn’t it be delicious if we all joined forces to cut off other people’s flesh? Why bother killing each other?

In this way, when the big guys have a tacit understanding, at least the US stock market opened and the stock price did not plummet. There was even a slight increase when the market opened. Although it fell soon, it was at least within a controllable range. That's it. . Everyone’s demands are not high, and of course this is just a temporary measure. Everyone in the entire industry is still watching the movements of the leading bosses, and the leading bosses are all concerned about the Wolf Prize Award Ceremony.

Indeed, Dan Schechtman, chairman of the Wolf Foundation, has even felt a tinge of trepidation these past two days.

Under normal circumstances, when a certain big shot expresses an undue interest in this year's upcoming awards ceremony in China, it is actually a good thing. The big shot's reputation can be used to enhance the influence of the Wolf Prize, but A nice thing to do.

But when many big names expressed interest in this award ceremony, their mood could be said to be similar to Ning Wei’s naming of the new structure! CNMD, what are these people doing? Originally, it was embarrassing enough to leave the award ceremony to China, but he planned to hold it in a low-key manner, but in the end, you all came to participate. How high should the standards be? You can be as shameless as you want, but can you please not make things difficult for me? Do you really think that our Wolf Prize is shameless?

Of course, these words can only be slander, kept well in my mind, and it is not convenient to say them out. After all, the reason why a boss can be called a boss also means that it is difficult to offend. After all, the national conditions are different. Israel is not quite the same as the Nordic countries, and the voice really cannot be as strong as that of Mr. Ledon.

So after thinking about it, I found that there is really no good way. I can only send the invitations to the big guys who have expressed interest, and invite these big guys to participate in this year in the name of the Wolf Foundation. A grand event for the technology industry.

Well, this year's awards show is sure to be lively, and that's all Dan Shechtman can seem to console himself with.

Regarding new chips, there is still a high degree of enthusiasm on the Chinese Internet. But for developers, they are already gearing up to prepare for the next process upgrade. At the same time, the entire chip production process has also been taken away by the R\u0026D center. According to Lao Chen, the R\u0026D center has begun to identify suitable companies to achieve mass production of this chip as soon as possible.

Ning Wei doesn't care much about the specific operation process. As the test results show, it is enough to make radio frequency chips with the current process level anyway, and the fault tolerance rate is also high, and 5G radio frequency chips are also a huge market.

The upgrade of the process is more to prepare for the design of larger-scale integrated circuits in the future, such as CPUs and GPUs. Moreover, the accessories required for the process upgrade have been submitted to Lu Gong. According to Lu Gong, it will take some time to prepare. Of course, this is understandable. Some parts need to be specially customized, and the process requirements are relatively high. There may only be a few factories in the country that can produce them. Even if they can produce them, they may have to allocate production lines specifically for these parts, so this matter cannot be rushed.

Ning Wei focused his attention back on theoretical research. Only a breakthrough on his side could further unleash March's abilities.

There is also good news for Lu Dongyi. With the support of many big bosses, the procedures for the March Smart Journal were expedited and approved. By the way, a special office was designated as the editorial department in the Mathematics Research Center. In other words, the March Smart Journal can now officially accept manuscripts. In addition, the March Intelligence Foundation was officially established with the promotion of Huawei.

Ning Wei has a lot of money in his account, and according to Huawei's words, the promised one billion yuan will be directly deducted from the patent licensing fee that will be allocated to him in the next fiscal quarter. Of course, this also means that the licensing fees that Xincai Ji Ning can get have exceeded one billion yuan, but this is also normal.

It is no secret in the industry that the turbulence algorithm is mixed with shit, including giants such as Ericsson, Samsung, and Cisco. Now everyone can only obtain authorization from Huawei before they can continue the projects they have already accepted. In order not to face the huge amount of money, We can only accept the seller's market pricing for compensation. Huawei will certainly not be lenient in this regard, and external licensing will definitely be higher than what we charge ourselves.

This also directly caused Ning Wei's income to rise with the tide, so high that Ning Wei no longer cared about how much money he had in his card. Let's put it this way, when Huawei sent him a statement in the past, he was still interested in opening the mailbox to see if it had an official seal and the number he could get. Now those statements are in the mailbox and he doesn't even bother to look at them. Of course, he can feel the increase in his wealth from the increasing eagerness when his bank's dedicated account manager greets him every week.

But for Ning Wei, these are actually just clouds. It seems that he no longer needs to rely on wealth to prove his status and value. Occasionally seeing the numbers on the text messages on his mobile phone would remind him of his vow to make the school poor and get rich by publishing papers when he was at Jiangnan University, and he couldn't help but feel a little ashamed...

It's a dark history. Fortunately, he only mentioned this idea to Classmate Jiang. As we all know, Classmate Jiang has a good temper. At least he would never do anything to make fun of him by publicizing this matter everywhere, which is good.

Of course, the living standard of the family has also improved dramatically. After all, after living in a villa, the home suddenly felt much more spacious. The only thing that makes Ning Wei depressed is that Ning’s mother still insists on living in the same house with classmate Jiang, which directly leads to a sharp increase in the friendship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. Taking advantage of classmate Jiang’s holiday, she doesn’t cook any food. Anyway, the food in the cafeteria of Yanbei University It was pretty good, so I started taking classmate Jiang, who was still on winter vacation, to go shopping in major shopping malls in Beijing every day.

Originally, Ning Wei, the son, should follow him to carry the bag, but everyone knew that he was very busy, so Ning's mother never asked Ning Wei. At first, she took Lao Ning with her. Later, she found that every time she went out, not only was there a car to pick her up, but there were also people there. Then, the young man and the young girl were not only strong, but also very enthusiastic. It was no big deal to carry a bag, so Lao Ning was liberated.

Although the villa was not big, it was exquisite and had a small yard. Old Ning also found a new hobby and planted some flowers and plants in the yard to take care of it. In addition, the old man has recently become obsessed with learning Tai Chi from online videos. For this reason, Ning Wei found a way to build a small transparent sunroom on the top floor of the villa, with a TV hung inside, so that Lao Ning could practice boxing with the Tai Chi master on TV every morning.

The whole family is living, and Ning Wei feels that he just has to live. On the one hand, he is returning his attention to theoretical research, and on the other hand, the establishment of the School of Artificial Intelligence under the Mathematics Research Center will follow suit.

Ning Wei can understand Lao Tian. As a mentor, he has been very restrained from looking for Ning Wei. But as the core figure of the Future Academy of Artificial Intelligence, he always has to interact with people from all walks of life, and it cannot be completely eliminated. Fortunately for Ning Wei, the number of banquets has increased slightly, and Tian Yanzhen does not allow Ning Wei to drink at any banquet. Of course, there are people watching at every banquet, and no one is serious about letting Ning Wei drink. .

Occasionally, some people are unreasonable in this situation, and Liu Wei will silently step forward to make the necessary communication. Usually, he just throws a small book to the other person to read. Ninety percent of the time, the friend who enthusiastically persuades him to drink has read it. After writing a small book, he began to be very reasonable and began to talk about the benefits of scientists not drinking. In a few cases, Liu Wei would make a phone call, and soon the person trying to persuade him to drink would be gone...

Of course, this is very gentle. Most of the time, after answering the phone, something urgent comes up immediately, and then the banquet returns to normal. Of course, there has only been one example of this kind of ineffectiveness of throwing away small books. And it is said that the man who had a special hobby for toasting was transferred from his post the next day.

This also made Ning Wei feel curious about his brother Liu's little notebook. He wanted to take a look at it for a while, but Liu Wei refused. In the end, he got desperate and simply said: "It's fake, I can't show it to you. With your IQ, you can spot flaws at a glance. I am just a bodyguard of a company, so how can I have any super credentials?"

Although Ning Wei felt that this answer was a bit perfunctory, but seeing that the core of this sentence was very correct, he finally restrained his curiosity.

In this way, amid the leisurely holiday life of his family and the busy work of Ning Wei, the winter vacation is over, and the campus of Yanbei University has become lively again. Jiang Chenlu also flew back to the capital from his hometown, and now the small villa is even more lively. . My younger sister has a more cheerful temperament than my elder sister. She is not as quiet, shy, and good at talking. She can make Lao Ning happy with just a few words.

Even after drinking some wine one time, he sighed directly. These two sisters directly fulfilled his dream of having a daughter that he had been looking forward to for more than 20 years...

These words made Ning Wei feel a little uncomfortable, but he knew that his father had always wanted to have both children. When he was a child, he heard Lao Ning say while drinking with his friends that he especially wanted to experience the loving gaze of little Nini when he looked at his daughter. As for the son, their eyes finally met, but the result was that both of them immediately looked away, disgusted with each other...

Old Ning may not remember the circumstances at that time, but Ning Wei has always remembered it deeply. This is probably the reason why he has always firmly liked girls in such a big world and with so many temptations. The influence of his father is so terrifying.

Therefore, Ning Wei has always believed that father's love will present two different forms of expression depending on gender. If Lao Ning really had a daughter, she probably wouldn't have been so strict since she was a child, clenching her fists at every turn, and there was no fairness at all.

But no matter what, this kind of family atmosphere is what Ning Wei likes the most. The relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law is very sweet. My sister-in-law can coax my father around, but she almost treats him as my own daughter. She laughs and laughs every day, and no one talks about him or makes trouble for him, which makes him have no sense of existence. It's good. of.

As it was approaching the end of February, the Wolf Foundation sent a team a week in advance to prepare for the awards ceremony and party in China.

Ning Wei had promised Dan Shechtman on the phone that if this year's Wolf Prize ceremony was held in China, he would be responsible for helping contact the venue. At that time, Ning Wei was just talking about it for a while, and then people took it seriously.

When he came to China, the first thing he did was to find him and politely remind Ning Wei of the promise he had made...

Ning Wei actually wants to explain to these international friends that the promises made by men don't actually count. Just listen to them. How can you take them seriously? Chinese people all know that there is a kind of politeness that is false politeness and should not be taken seriously. For example, if you invite us to dinner next time, this next time may be for a year or for a lifetime. It mainly depends on whether everyone's interests are closely related.

Ning Wei felt that his relationship with the Wolf Foundation was definitely not so good that it would delay his research time to help these people coordinate the venue for the award ceremony. Although he also has to attend the award ceremony.

Fortunately, Ningwei has a mentor who is very capable in this area and has great face. So Ning Wei also politely introduced Deward Leon, who was in charge of the preparations for the award ceremony, directly to Tian Yanzhen. Anyway, Director Tian can't be of much help in the field of theoretical research, but in dealing with this kind of matter, Director Tian's ability is at least a hundred times better than him, and Ning Wei feels that for his students to receive awards Director Tian would still be interested in the ceremony.

This is indeed the case.

After all, the Wolf Prize in Mathematics can be said to be a lifetime achievement award in the field of mathematics. Although the award of the award to Ning Wei this time is still highly controversial in the world's mathematics academic circles, the controversy is not directed at Ning Wei's achievements in mathematics. Whether he can win the award is a dispute over whether the historic temporary substitutions made by the jury after the candidates were announced were in compliance with the selection process.

Of course, this kind of controversy is justified, but the review committee must give the award to Ning Wei, and the Wolf Foundation also recognizes this decision. No matter how big the controversy is, it can only be kept in the heart. After all, the bonus does not require anyone else to pay a penny. As for the so-called credibility, as long as the world's top ten don't speak out, no matter how big the controversy is, it won't cause much trouble.

This is just like what the big boss of the Federal Reserve said, everyone must believe in the power of the fist. The so-called credibility actually mainly comes from the iron fist. Being reasonable never depends on the loudness of the voice, but on whose fist is harder.

There is no doubt that the world's top 10 leaders plus a newly emerging academic star, together, are enough to defeat the entire world's academic circle. This sounds unreasonable, but in fact, if you experience it more, you will find that this is the most basic principle that maintains the normal operation of the world. All other complicated truths exist to cover up this basic truth.

It's like there are five talkers in a tribe. The boss wants to stand up and slap the table to show off. This makes the second and third brothers uncomfortable, and the table will most likely be overturned. The fourth and fifth sons will most likely look at the overturned table and fall into deep thought, then support the boss with a loud voice, and privately see if they can get any benefits from the quarrel. This is actually the most embarrassing thing for the boss. situation.

But if the boss coaxes the second and third children, and pulls them to stand up together and pound the table to show off, then the tribe will still be able to sing and dance peacefully. The fourth and fifth children only need to sit there and applaud and shout 666. That’s enough.

So no matter how controversial it is in the academic world, Tian Yanzhen has great enthusiasm for this award ceremony. In particular, not only did our students win the Wolf Prize, but because it was inconvenient for students to go abroad, the award ceremony was held in China for the first time in history. This was actually a great deal. As a host, it’s just a matter of contacting a venue. Is that a big deal? Anyway, you don’t have to spend any money yourself.

So Director Tian directly contacted the school and made another appointment at the Centenary Lecture Hall at Yanbei University as the venue for the ceremony. As for the price of renting the venue, Director Tian accepted Ning Wei's suggestion and directly gave a friendly price, which was only about 20% more expensive than the International Conference Center in Beijing.

Really, Ningwei is very prudent when it comes to generating revenue for the school without having to spend his own money. Of course, for the Wolf Foundation, this is a small sum of money, not worth mentioning.

In order to express its gratitude, the Wolf Foundation agreed. Students from the School of Mathematics at Yanbei University can attend the award ceremony with their student IDs and special invitations. As winners, they can also invite family or friends to this mathematical feast. .

Then Ning Wei also learned the news that at this award ceremony, many big names around the world also received invitations from the Wolf Foundation, such as the Intel president Ning Wei mentioned, and the CEO of Qualcomm. The boss, Mr. Cook, who has just signed an extended contract with Apple, is also invited, but the big boss will determine whether he can be there three days ago based on his schedule.

After knowing the news, Ning Wei immediately called Liu Wei over: "Brother Liu, you saw it, I said before that I would throw the chip to Intel, and the big boss of Intel would fly away to recognize my father. You see, he It’s really coming.”

Liu Wei thought seriously for several seconds before replying to this kind of joke that was both serious and full of joking: "If he really recognizes his ancestor and returns to his clan, I'll invite you to Dong Laishun for hot pot." .”

This simple sentence gave Ning Wei a new understanding of Liu Wei. This guy who was very serious about his work and always presented himself as a taciturn straight man also had a hidden sense of humor. He subconsciously sighed again: "Brother Liu, are you wrapping yourself up in an iron mask because you are afraid that showing your humor will attract many girls to fight for you?"

This sentence made Liu Wei silent for a longer time, and then replied: "No, I may just be simply afraid that women will affect my determination and speed in punching."

A very powerful explanation that made Ning Wei discover that no one around him was simple.

Okay, joking aside, Ning Wei also began to seriously think about who he should invite to witness him win the award.

Needless to say, family members, Lao Ning and Ning Ma have been staying in the capital just to attend this feast. It is undoubtedly a very happy thing to be able to watch my son receive an award that represents one of the highest academic honors in the world.

The little sister must also go. For Ning Wei, if Jiang Chenshuang is not here on such an important occasion, the certificates and medals will be boring. After all, if he donated the entire bonus of only 100,000 yuan, people would think he was stingy.

As for the others, Ning Wei decided to invite the lovely professors from Jiangda Mathematics College. After all, there is still a sense of friendship among everyone. For example, when he was about to graduate, these professors taught him step by step how to deal with and confront future tutors, so that he could persist in himself and achieve results when faced with the topics given by his tutors. To be able to say this, it actually goes beyond the ordinary friendship between teachers and students, and can probably be classified as an involution between professors.

Anyway, he sent invitation emails to all the professors from the School of Mathematics at Jiangsu University whom he met back then. Of course, it was Dean Kong who had the final say on who could come and who could not come. But I guess they all should come. After all, the determined time is Saturday night in China. There is no teaching work. I am just tired after attending the awards party and taking the high-speed train back to Jiangcheng the next day.

As for the professors at Yanbei University—even the students from several colleges were able to attend the ceremony, naturally these professors had unimpeded access.

Next is my roommate for four years in college.

Ning Wei sent everyone a message directly on WeChat, and Liu Cong was the first to directly send a screenshot of the ticket booking.

Luo Xiang directly sent two ID numbers and attached a paragraph: "My and Jiajia's ID numbers cannot be said to be that we traveled thousands of miles to see you show off, and we have to spend our own money to buy them." Tickets, right? Remember to book a round trip."

As for Mr. Xu, he also responded to the message very readily: "Ning Xueshen, I will definitely go, and you don't need to book the tickets. But can you let the organizing committee and Yanbei University jointly give our unit a lot of money?" Mo and his school sent an official letter directly, inviting us to participate in that kind of event. You know, I don’t care if you have money or not, but this kind of material that can be used to brag at the wine table in the future has been a bit nervous recently. "

Look, the two of them are still as funny and demanding as ever.

But Ningwei didn't feel offended. On the contrary, he felt a little bit relieved. Sure enough, everyone's positioning is still very accurate. After all, if Luo Xiang and Mr. Xu didn't have the mentality that they are sons, how could they make these excessive demands?

The two children are still young and have not experienced too many beatings from society. Coupled with their attachment to their father's love, Ning Wei can still understand some requests that are not too outrageous.

The most important thing is that as his status continues to be raised, there are fewer and fewer people who can joke with him like this. Ning Wei only felt relieved to see that the relationship between father and son was still there and had not changed much.

And it is indeed not a difficult matter for him. The ticket booking can be directly handed over to the bank. As for Mr. Xu’s request, the official letter is also very simple. Ning Wei directly said hello to Director Tian, ​​and the school contacted The Wolf Foundation’s official letter is now complete, and it’s nothing more than two chapters. Ning Wei even thoughtfully explained that the official letter from the Wolf Foundation should be more formal and grand, must be bilingual in Chinese and English, Chinese should be placed before English, the wording should be official enough, and the official language art of China should be learned and expressed. I am very eager to hope that Mr. Xu can come to attend this award ceremony...

Ning Wei is even looking forward to being reunited with his former roommates and rediscovering the days when he could brag and spank without restraint.

So Ning Wei also solemnly promised in the WeChat group that he could arrange for any big-name celebrity the brothers wanted to take a photo with, such as the big boss of Intel, the CEO of Qualcomm who inherited his father's business, the resource allocation master of Apple, and Or the chairman of the Wolf Prize Foundation, whichever suits your fancy.

If they still remember the house rule that filial piety came first in the dormitory, and are still willing to call daddy as always after meeting, he will arrange these three filial sons in the C position even if they take a group photo...

In short, the chest was slapped loudly and the bragging was so wanton that Ning Wei regained the happiness he had when he was an undergraduate. How should I put it, it was probably the happiness of a young man.

On the other hand, Mr. Lu lived up to his expectations. Two days before the award ceremony, that is, on Thursday, he called Ning Wei and told Ning Wei the good news. All the spare parts he requested were collected for him. , and by the way, four senior engineers from the equipment manufacturer were also transferred to his disposal.

Really, Ning Wei was once again shocked by the ultra-high efficiency of Jitu Company...

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