Tech Hammer

Chapter 271 Give them the present and we will win the future

This is definitely a night that Ning Wei will never forget.

Whether it was trying to do bad things at night and being caught by his mother, or whether it was Lao Ning who stayed awake in the middle of the night and grabbed him to have a heart-to-heart relationship with him, this was the first time in Ning Wei's life of more than 20 years. Especially when it happens two days in a row for the first time in life, it’s really hard to forget. Even the words Lao Ning said were naturally deeply imprinted in his mind.

Even if Lao Ning is just a rough guy as he said, and doesn't know anything about child psychology, education and other scientific things, there is one thing that Lao Ning is undoubtedly very successful about, and that is that he has been uncompromising for more than 20 years. And from the consistent teachings through words and deeds, this subtle force is often the most powerful, influencing the formation of Ningwei's three views bit by bit in a subtle and silent way. This is where Lao Ning is simple and crude.

There was nothing he could do about such an old man, and the effect was very obvious. Ning Wei got up early the next day, had a simple breakfast, and then continued to receive foreign friends with classmate Xiao Jiang. Although I really want Ronnie Ledon and his entourage to accept Yan Ming's invitation to visit Huawei's headquarters in Shencheng, so as not to continue to be a monster in the capital and force him to accept the consequences, but people have come all the way to China, so it is not easy to go directly Open your mouth and drive people away.

Fortunately, with Isabel here, Ning Wei had a reason to take his classmate Jiang on the trip openly.

The trip Ning Wei chose was to climb the Great Wall. This was also an itinerary that had been planned during the National Day but failed to take place. Because it was winter, although the weather was nice, the temperature in the wilderness was lower than in the city. In addition, the wind was strong in the mountains, so Ning Wei and Xiao Jiang specially put on clothes that were both cold and windproof. Classmate Jiang also brought a down jacket for Isabel.

As for the people who work with Ericsson, they naturally don’t get such good treatment. However, Ning Wei felt that these people should not be afraid of the cold. After all, this place is known as the Snow Country, and it must be colder than the capital. And last night, he had notified today's itinerary in advance. In Ning Wei's words, if good friends from China have not climbed mountains together, then the friendship cannot withstand the test. As the saying goes, if you want friendship to last forever, We have to climb the Great Wall together.

So the princess and the boss took a car to the foot of the Great Wall early in the morning. After Liu Wei made arrangements, the group began to climb the steps to the ancient majestic frontier defense project.

Not to mention Princess Isabel, this was also the first time for Ning Wei and Jiang to climb the Great Wall. In fact, there was not much to say, they just had to brave the steps. It is said that there are more than 920,000 steps in the entire section of the Great Wall. I don’t know who had the leisure to count them. Anyway, Ning Wei just walked a short distance and lost the mood to continue counting the steps. He regretted it and strongly asked not to do it. Make the choice of cable car.

I don’t know if there is any truth to the saying that one who has not visited the Great Wall is not a hero, but it is true that his legs will become weak when he really climbs up. However, a young man cannot show his timidity in front of a group of middle-aged people, so he can only continue to count the steps and climb up.

Of course, there are advantages to choosing to climb up, for example, some people cannot hide. Several entourage members followed behind the group, carrying large backpacks fully stocked with various drinks, high-calorie foods, first aid equipment and medicines. Fortunately, it is the off-season for tourism. The Spring Festival holiday has not yet begun. In addition, the temperature in the capital is already low, and there are not many people on the Great Wall, so security work is easier to handle.

What surprised Ningwei the most was that he thought that the pampered Princess Isabel and the student Jiang who rarely exercised would be the first to be unable to hold on, but it turned out that the two ladies were the most excited. Especially Princess Isabel, who pulled her classmate Jiang to the front of the queue, and would stop from time to time to let classmate Jiang take some beautiful photos of her.

Really, if you put aside the fatigue of the journey, every time you climb to a node, stand on the city wall and look into the distance, look at the majestic winding mountains, and enjoy how the ancients fought fiercely around the Great Wall thousands of years ago. , it really makes people’s hearts sway and stretch out their infinite yearning.

It's a pity that the exhaustion can't be expressed, and Ning Wei just feels very tired.

"Look, we are all exhausted after climbing all the way around. It is unbelievable that this was built like this more than two thousand years ago! There are still people who want to attack the Great Wall. I am afraid that I will be exhausted after rushing to the middle of the mountain. That's it. Phew..." Ning Wei let out a long sigh.

"The wisdom of the ancients is indeed worthy of admiration. It makes sense that this place is called a miracle of ancient architecture. Ning, the scenery here is indeed beautiful. Seeing these mountains makes me feel suddenly enlightened. Some questions that I could not figure out before suddenly became clear. There is an answer. Thank you very much for bringing me here." Ronnie Ledon sighed.

Looking at the Chairman of Ericsson in a windbreaker, climbing on the wall and pointing out the country, Ning Wei really couldn't tell whether this sentence was a sincere emotion or a disguised compliment.

This is the disadvantage of being too high. Everyone around him is thinking of ways to praise you, making it difficult for him to tell whether some words are sincere or not.

"That's good. Next time you come to China, I will take you to climb the Great Wall. Then we will see if you have any new insights." Ning Wei said matter-of-factly.

"Haha, okay, Ning, it's settled! I will definitely come again next time." Ronnie Ledon said with a laugh.

Yan Ming, who was following the two of them, also joked: "This is a good relationship. Remember to call me when Mr. Letun comes next time. I will be responsible for being the cable car to help you carry your things, and I will cheer you up by the way."

"Haha, Yan, this is not your style. It's a pity that I have to rush to Shencheng tomorrow, otherwise I really want to see the palace in the former capital." Ronnie Letun said with regret.

"Is there a palace there? It's just an ordinary scenic spot, Ronnie. In fact, whether the scenery is beautiful or not depends more on people's hearts. If your career goes well, everything will be beautiful wherever you look. On the contrary, if Ericsson is already on the verge of bankruptcy, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, It's like chewing wax! I said before that I am optimistic about Ericsson's glory for another hundred years, but the premise is that we can truly trust each other. I don't know if Mr. Yan has mentioned to you that Apple has signed a cooperation agreement with Huawei and will continue to cooperate with Huawei. A total of 50 million A16 and A15 series chips will be provided to us in three batches within half a year."

"Oh? Is there such a thing?" Ronnie Letun was stunned. He had indeed not received the news yet.

"Haha, of course, if you don't believe me, ask Mr. Yan." Ning Wei pointed at Yan Ming.

Ronnie Ledon looked at Yan Ming, but Mr. Yan smiled and said nothing.

Although the contract with Apple is not a public one, it is not a secret. Sooner or later the whole world will know about it. The temporary lack of official announcement is just to satisfy the little thoughts of friends and businessmen.

After all, Huawei's products use Apple's own CPU, which must not be hidden from others. In particular, Huawei's technology research and development department has begun to work overtime to redesign the next generation of motherboards that can maximize the use of Apple series CPUs. It also needs to launch an adapted Hongmeng system for this generation of products. During this period, it also needs to communicate with foundries. It is naturally impossible to keep it completely confidential, and of course I don’t mind disclosing it to friends.

Not to mention that according to the agreement signed today, Huawei's first payment will be transferred to the account provided by Apple in the next two days, and the first batch of CPUs will be transferred from Apple's domestic warehouse in China to Huawei's warehouse before the year. This will also involve third-party foundries, and the lack of official announcement is just to save face for the time being. Even if you would rather not talk to Ronnie Ledon about it now, it will become known to the whole world in a day or two at most.

"It seems that you have come up with something substantial enough to convince Tim." Ronnie Ledon said with a wry smile.

"It's not a great thing. It's nothing more than a large-scale integration of various electrical engineering technical knowledge that transcends human cognitive methods through data analysis. It's not just Apple, Oracle will also be one of the first members. Over at Cisco headquarters The negotiating team is still under preparation and is expected to come after the year. As you said in the media before, alliances and non-alliances are just clouds. It is difficult to maintain one's heart in the face of visible interests. Betrayal for interests Aren't the so-called allies gay? It would be the same for me." Ning Wei looked into the distance with an indifferent expression, and commented with a neither salty nor cold tone.

"That's right. I never believe in so-called alliances that can't offer enough benefits to attract members. Really, this news has strengthened my confidence that this trip to China will definitely yield good results." Ronnie Letun withdrew his gaze, looked at the young man beside him and responded.

"Okay, let's not sigh for now. We have to hurry up. The two ladies are almost at the next sentry post. Let's hurry up, otherwise we will be looked down upon by the ladies. Let's go!" Yan Ming smiled and pointed. He pointed to Princess Isabel who was leading the way and said to Jiang.

In fact, people always underestimate the speed at which so-called open secrets spread in the Internet age.

In the morning, Huawei and Apple just completed a low-key signing ceremony, and rumors have spread on the Chinese Internet that the next generation of Huawei mobile phones will be equipped with Apple's A16 CPU. Of course, most people don't believe this news, and its scope of influence is also limited. It basically circulates in a small circle of technical personnel. Occasionally, some laymen pay attention to these things, and they will probably just sneer and say "False" news".

After all, everyone knows that Apple did not make its fortune by doing charity. At this critical moment, it is obviously too far away from reality to suddenly use its own chips to support its very competitive friends.

Not to mention that people in the industry know very well that Apple's A-series CPUs are specially designed for its own hardware and IOS systems, and Apple currently does not have the ability to develop baseband chips and can only install third-party baseband chips, so Apple's motherboards In terms of design ideas, it is different from other competitors. Even if Apple is really willing to sell its own chips to Huawei, it is still unclear whether Huawei can be able to eat this batch of goods before the new machine is released.

However, just when everyone thought this was fake news, more and more news was exposed on the Internet. It is said that Huawei's various research institutes have received orders to redesign the motherboard framework based on Apple's A15 and A16 CPUs. Almost all front-line R\u0026D engineers have begun to receive mobilization at the station and may need to give up their vacations in the next three months. . Even on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays, which are usually non-overtime days, you may have to be prepared to work overtime.

Immediately afterwards, some small development companies said they had received requests from Huawei's docking department, giving them a special platform interface and hoping that they could use an intelligent optimization platform. They also said that in the near future, they may be needed. Based on this intelligent optimization certificate, their software is optimized for a special Hongmeng version.

This rhetoric is very intriguing, it is not the latest version but a special edition. So the question is, why develop a special version of Hongmeng?

Later, insiders revealed that Apple headquarters has issued instructions to start taking inventory of Apple's two types of CPU inventories around the world, especially in China.

Immediately afterwards, there was news that Apple had placed several additional orders for older versions of CPUs to chip foundries. Although the specific models were not revealed, the sudden additional orders were indeed extremely abnormal.

The breaking news revealed by insiders is one after another, which is really shocking. When everyone puts all this news together and looks at the False news that broke out before, it will be very scary! Looking at it from another perspective, when Apple and Huawei join forces to make mobile phones, do they want to monopolize the global high-end mobile phone market?

Let’s not talk about the thoughts of other friends. What do companies like Google and Qualcomm think when Apple does this? What do those chip foundries think? You must know that the OEM volume for Apple is large, but Apple has high requirements for suppliers, the price is still low, and the profit margin is obviously not as good as other manufacturers.

But for Chinese electronics enthusiasts, they are even more excited. Is there any Huawei mobile phone equipped with Apple's A-series CPU? Will we see it for a long time?

Of course, there are also questions. Is Huawei capable of tuning Apple's A-series CPUs in a very short time to fully unleash the performance of the CPUs? After all, the advantage of A-series CPUs has always been single-core operation, while Hongmeng system is similar to Android in that it requires multitasking to be truly permanent in the background and relies more on the multi-core performance of the CPU. Can these difficulties really be solved perfectly? If we add the promotional video previously released by Huawei and Apple's A-series CPU with the overhauled intelligent voice control system, what kind of experience will it bring?

Even many fruit fans started to get excited.

Apple has sold all its CPUs to Huawei. Can Huawei not make any statement? By the way, will the next generation of Siri be upgraded? Will March, which is said to be able to communicate directly, be integrated into the next generation of Siri? Does it mean that Siri will be upgraded from artificial retardation to serious artificial intelligence?

In short, all the news combined has finally aroused the enthusiasm of countless netizens, especially on Zhihu, a more professional pretentious communication software. "What impact will Huawei's next-generation smartphone products use Apple's A-series CPUs have on the entire mobile phone industry?" This question was almost instantly pushed to the top of the hot search of the day. The detailed description of the question will be about this news. All relevant news was summarized, and finally a soul question was issued: "What do you think other friends and businessmen will think after learning this news?"

The answer that ranks first under this question and ranks first in terms of likes, comments, etc. is, as usual, a non-professional and clever answer.

"Not related to the industry, uninvited. I don't know what other friends think after learning this news, and I don't care about the impact on the entire mobile phone industry, but I guess now Tim Cook's phone call It has been completely blown away, and based on my understanding of the so-called upper-class bosses, it is impossible to say that the 18th generation of the Apple CEO’s ancestors are being greeted affectionately by friendly business bosses in beautiful British dialect.”

Many times this unprofessional answer points directly to reality.

Yes, Tim Cook, who is already sitting in the Apple Park office in Cupertino, California, is indeed being bombarded with various calls.

However, no one really cursed directly on the phone. After hanging up the phone, I didn’t know, but who would care?

Of course, there is still pressure, but with Apple's size, it can actually not care about some pressure. Dispersed ownership gives Apple a broader influence. For example, many of the judgments of Pioneer Group, Apple’s largest institutional shareholder, can even affect the Federal Reserve’s decision-making on policies.

Of course, external pressure can be resisted, but internal pressure is the most troublesome. Not everyone will agree with this deal. Although Tim Cook has maintained Apple's continuous profit growth over the years, his position as the company's leader is firmly established, even if many outsiders question his ability to be inferior to Apple's founder. Steve Jobs, but in the eyes of shareholders, Jobs, who was paranoid in his thoughts and actions, was obviously not as lovable as Tim Cook, who was good at creating profits.

For listed companies, profit is the last word.

So no matter how a bunch of analysts on Wall Street diss Tim Cook's abilities every day, question Apple's loss of innovation capabilities after losing Steve Jobs, etc., the financial reports released by Apple every quarter can always hit those guys hard. Analyst's face. For shareholders, in addition to making a lot of money from Apple's rising valuation, there are also four generous cash dividends every year, which further stimulates their love for Tim Cook.

Really, if you carefully sort out the resentment between each other, you will find that the logic is exactly the same as a romance novel written by a certain celebrity.

"Tim is incompetent and Apple has lost its ability to innovate."

“But it can make money!”

“Apple’s innovation is squeezing out toothpaste!”

“But it can make money!”

“Apple’s new products are disappointing, and product upgrades are lackluster!”

“But it can make money!”

“Apple is taking a cost-effective approach? It’s going to be doomed!”

“But it’s more profitable!”

Indeed, despite being scolded every year, he still makes huge profits every year, and his high profit margins make countless friends and businessmen envious and envious.

This is the basis for Tim Cook to secure his position as CEO of Apple in the post-Jobs era. For more than ten years, no one has been able to challenge Tim Cook for this position. Even Apple’s shareholders took the initiative to purchase a private jet for him. The maintenance, maintenance, and parking fees of the aircraft and the salaries of the flight crew members were all covered by When the company comes out, Tim Cook is only responsible for using it, because he wants to save the CEO time and energy to make money for the company.

But this decision caused a split in the opinions of internal shareholders. After all, if we build a strong competitor for our own industry, can we really continue the myth of Old Tim's money-making king?

So Tim Cook, who was harassed by phone calls, once again convened an important shareholder meeting at an impromptu meeting. He started with a picture and a sentence, and then relied on his prestige to convince almost all of Apple's major shareholders in thirty minutes.

The picture is a very eye-catching car. The streamlined body is equipped with a double sunroof design, a high-strength structure, the ultra-long mileage data given, and the highly intelligent main console in the introduction are eye-catching. L4 The first-class intelligent driving system is enough to attract the attention of all shareholders.

The sentence is also very simple: "What they get is the present, but what we win is the future!"

After doing this, the picture was intercepted and put on Apple's official website. The picture on the official website is naturally not supported by various data. It is just a simple car, and then there are four sentences arranged above the most conspicuous part of the picture.

The highest cruising range is 1?99km!

L3+? Autonomous driving technology!

Siri+? Intelligent central control!

In 2023, Apple Car will never miss an appointment again!

Three question marks, coupled with the last sentence, are enough to make everyone think about it.

Especially the first two items, the 1.99 cruising range and the L3+ autonomous driving technology, have caused the strongest response.

First of all, there is a high probability that the place with the question mark cannot be 0, because if it is really 0 in the end, it is highly likely that the purpose of publicity has not been achieved, and it will be scolded half to death.

So even if the number represented by the question mark is only the smallest number other than 0, the 1,200km cruising range and L4 autonomous driving technology can already beat almost all new energy car companies on the market. At present, there is no new energy pure electric vehicle on the market that dares to officially announce that its car's cruising range reaches four digits. As we all know, there is only one level difference between autonomous driving L3 and L4, but it is the most difficult leap.

The description of L3 is conditional autonomous driving, but in actual use, the descriptions of autonomous driving scenarios of their own products by respective manufacturers are actually very vague. This has led to manufacturers only dare to use assisted driving to describe this technology, because even in the manufacturer The described adaptation scenario also requires the driver to be highly focused and to take over driving authority from the system at any time.

But L4 level autonomous driving is different. According to the generally accepted description in the industry, it is highly autonomous driving and can adapt to most daily vehicle use scenarios. Only a few special circumstances require takeover.

To put it simply, even if L3 level autonomous driving becomes popular, it does not require large-scale modifications to the current traffic regulations in various countries, because the main body of driving is still human. But when L4 autonomous driving technology becomes popular, traffic laws around the world will need to be revised to keep pace with the times. Even the various evidence collection processes before traffic police issue tickets will have to be changed. For example, it must first be determined whether the system or the driver is responsible. Responsibility.

In addition, when L4 level autonomous driving technology is really widely popularized, it will not even be allowed to be used in most areas. It can only be piloted in some designated areas until it is determined that its accident rate and traffic efficiency are far superior. Only after the traditional driving method can real promotion be achieved. So this is not even a purely technical issue, but also represents the development direction of the entire industry.

Coupled with the influence of Apple itself, you can imagine how much response this simple picture has brought. Really, Apple fans are exploded!

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