Tech Hammer

Chapter 155 The Chinese undergraduate who once dominated our fears is coming again?

Yu Xingwei thinks Yanbei University is full of weirdos.

For example, Lu Dongyi.

His arrival directly occupied another area of ​​the already small office, but Lu Dongyi didn't show any displeasure at all...

Another example is that he couldn't understand why Ning Wei couldn't handle classmate Jiang with his achievements.

But one afternoon when Yu Xingwei met Jiang in the cafeteria, he found that she was still wearing his extremely simple clothes. That night, when he wore the "work clothes" he bought to play the piano for two people in the office, Yu Xingwei Wei felt that he finally understood something, but he didn't fully understand it.

That's why he responded immediately.

This feeling is very mysterious.

Just like the algorithm tycoons who have received Ning Wei's manuscript, their feelings are also mysterious.

STOC, like SODA, is the top international conference in the field of theoretical computer science, except that it is organized and supported by the ACM Algorithm and Computational Theory Interest Group.

But in fact, if you study carefully, you will find that although the two conferences were supported by different organizations, in fact, the vice chairmen and members of the various program committees of these conferences all have the same name, and it is natural to review countless submissions. Most of them are from the same group of people.

This is the influence of international academic leaders.

When a person achieves great success recognized by the world in a certain field, and various top conferences in the field do not name you, the credibility of the conference seems to be lowered.

Therefore, many people who saw Ning Wei's paper were acquaintances he had met at the SODA conference.

For example, Professor Shen, Professor John Wilson, etc.

Of course, there are many that Ning Wei has not yet had time to know. After all, the biggest difference between STOC and SODA is probably that STOC is more theoretical than concrete application. This is why Ning Wei decided to submit his manuscript to the conference.

Eighty percent of his papers are purely theoretical.

Massachusetts, referred to as Massachusetts, has a temperate climate with four distinct seasons and short summers.

The same is true in Cambridge, where Harvard University is located, but August is still a hot summer day. The air conditioner in John Wilson's office has been turned on for three days in a row. In fact, he has spent most of the time in the office these days, even sleeping. .

This is rarely the case anymore.

But there was no way. When Ning Wei's 206-page paper was passed on to countless specially invited reviewers at the conference, he finally received the email, and then he began to study the paper sleeplessly.

Whether it’s mathematics or computers, there are the fewest people doing purely theoretical research.

Because doing purely theoretical research is actually very boring and boring, and the threshold is extremely high. If it were not for the support of strong interest and strong intelligence, it would be difficult to persist. Not to mention that from a purely material perspective, theoretical research is often laborious but thankless.

After all, theoretical research proposes a guiding ideology, which often affects the future for who knows how long. Especially once the theory reaches the application level, it involves various cost considerations and interest disputes for promotion. Therefore, it does not necessarily mean that the theory developed is extremely advanced and will be accepted by the real world.

But there is another advantage in doing theoretical research, because if you really make subversive results, you will immediately become the brightest star in the academic world, and reputation and interests will follow. Even in the distant future, these theories will If it is applied to reality by scientists, then all future application-level achievements will not be able to bypass the name of this theoretical breakthrough.

Such as Newton, such as Einstein, such as Boltzmann...

Especially Boltzmann, although he ultimately chose to end his life by suicide because the theory he proposed was not understood by the world at that time, all scientists who study thermodynamics and statistical physics cannot avoid this name.

These are the two ways to be a theorist. Either he will be famous for generations, and the theorems, formulas, and conjectures named after him will forever affect the world, or he will remain unknown for a lifetime and disappear in the long river of history like ordinary people in a hundred years. Among them, no one remembers.

Obviously the number of the former is extremely rare. In the thousands of years of human civilization, there are only a few hundred theoretical pioneers who can always be remembered. And most of them only leave their names in specific academic circles.

For example, Dalton was once a famous British scientist. Except for students majoring in physics, chemistry, and biology, few people would remember that he was the father of scientific atomism recognized by academic circles.

The reason why John Wilson was so obsessed with soaking in his office at this time was because he discovered that a new star that was very likely to be remembered by future generations was rising.

The success of the turbulence algorithm has given Ning Wei a place in the computer algorithm world, but in John Wilson’s view, the turbulence algorithm is nothing compared to this paper, even though this algorithm has been proven to bring great benefits. economic benefits, and it is not yet known when this paper will bring economic benefits.

The reason is very simple. According to John Wilson, there is actually a standard for evaluating the scientific contribution of theoreticians in the world's scientific community. This standard has nothing to do with immediate economic benefits. It is only done by those who are engaged in application. Things to care about!

For theorists, the first criterion for judging their contribution is the foundational contribution, which is what Ning Wei calls the founding of a sect.

Because once a groundbreaking theory is accepted by the industry, hundreds of scientists will work on it based on this theory, and all these results are based on the theory proposed by the founder.

From Ning Wei's paper, he saw the potential to lay the foundation for a detailed branch of computer theory. Even if one day these theoretical results begin to be truly applied in reality, Ning Wei will also become the most important computer theory in this century. Scientists, at most add one at the end.

What’s even more frightening is that Ning Wei is only 22 years old this year, far from the peak of his achievements as a respected computer theorist. In other words, he still has enough time to work with countless people interested in this field. With the help of scientists, he fleshed out his theory.

Let all theorists who study big data have a new and more intuitive understanding of big data.

For John Wilson, who also studies computer theory, one can imagine the shock that Ningwei's paper brought to him.

The only fly in the ointment is that of this 206-page paper, 192 pages are devoted to discussions and explanations in the field of pure mathematics, only 8 pages are various standardization suggestions for computer application, and 7 pages are about using supercomputing to Verification report issued.

In other words, after excluding the last 15 pages, this is a pure mathematics paper that should be submitted to the four top mathematics journals. But thinking about Ning Wei's current relationship with a group of people in the mathematics community, John Wilson subconsciously smiled knowingly.

After all, in his view, if this paper were submitted to Nature, it would definitely be a waste of resources.

These days, he has sent Ning Wei's paper to several close friends, many of whom are big names in the field of pure mathematics. He has also had in-depth exchanges with other reviewers of this paper, and everyone's thoughts are mostly the same. convergent.

It was enough to make him tremble with excitement.

The only thing that dissatisfied him about this paper was probably the affiliation of the institution, Yanbei International Mathematics Research Center...

He regretted why he didn't have an in-depth talk with Ning Wei at the SODA conference. He should have paid more attention to this young man and invited him to study at Harvard... No, he should have hired him as a professor. God, God only knows. What an opportunity he had missed!

Of course, it seems it's not too late.

"Bang bang bang..."

There was a knock on the door outside the room, and John Wilson responded: "Come in."

The next moment, the office door was opened, and Lucy Rowan walked into John Wilson's office with brisk steps.

"Professor Wilson, has something big happened again? I must rush back from Bretton Woods. You must know that this is the most important vacation in my plan this year."

As a talented female doctor from Harvard University who is loved by thousands of people, she has always been very relaxed in front of her mentor.

However, today she did not see the usual loving smile on her mentor's face, which made her subconsciously stick out her tongue and act much more honest.

"Lucy, give up your ridiculous vacation plan, don't waste your talents. Do you know what Ning Wei did while you were on vacation?" John Wilson asked seriously.

"Ning Wei?" Lucy Ron asked in surprise, and the image of this bad Chinese man began to appear in her mind.

If she had to rank all the men she knew in order of the least gentlemanly, Ning Wei would definitely rank first! She even suspected that this Chinese man did not even think of such a creature as a woman!

"Okay, what did he do? You forced me to give up my vacation and fly back to school." Lucy Ron spread her hands and asked innocently.

Looking at the appearance of his beloved disciple, John Wilson sighed in his heart and said: "Actually, he didn't do anything. He just submitted a 206-page paper to the STOC conference as the first author. But this paper made everyone The reviewers unanimously believe that this paper is enough for the entire academic community to re-examine the big data system and gain a new understanding of existing big data."

"Or I can put it more bluntly. His basic theory of big data is enough to guide people to design new algorithms in the future to make big data better serve the world. He is laying the foundation for science, so Say you understand?"

Lucy Ron was stunned when she heard her mentor's words.

She had been studying with John Wilson since she was an undergraduate, so she naturally knew how much her tutor valued the word "foundation", and today he actually used these two words in his evaluation of Ning Wei's paper...

At this moment, Ning Wei's vicious words against ladies were echoing in her mind.

"When discussing issues, she is in a superposition of men and women!"

"Is your evening gown still burned out?"

"Oh my god, tell me, are you currently busy extracting brain cells to enlarge your breasts?"

This hateful, vicious, graceless bastard who ruined her perfect vacation was actually called the founder of a field by his mentor? !

This is definitely the most disturbing news that Lucy Rowan has heard in her life. What is even more disturbing is...

"Lucy, take a good look at Ning Wei's paper. I remember you have his contact information. You can ask Ning Wei more questions about his mathematical thinking. He has an unbridled imagination. You will never be able to match him. In addition, help me ask Ning Wei if he is willing to come to Harvard to be a tenured professor. I will jointly apply for this qualification for him with a few old friends. There will be no problem. What are the conditions? You can mention it, you can tell it to me, okay?"

John Wilson said sincerely.

Lucy Rowan: "..."

In fact, Lucy Rowan was not the only one who was experiencing mental torture at this time.

The news that Ning Wei's 206-page paper will definitely be approved by the conference, and that Ning Wei will be specially invited to give a 60-minute report in the large conference hall, has been revealed to their students through the bosses of the conference organizing committee.

"Ha, John, do you still remember Ning Wei from China who proposed the turbulence algorithm? Yes, that's right, that's the undergraduate from Jiangcheng University in China. Let me tell you good news. He took the initiative to submit a paper to STOC this time. And it has been approved by almost all reviewers. Don’t put on that constipated expression, I haven’t had time to tell you about his 206-page paper, 192 of which are devoted to mathematical theory.”

"Also, his report will be a report that you must attend this time when you go to the conference. In order to prevent you from being bored and playing with your mobile phone during those sixty minutes, I hope you will study this paper carefully from now on. Do you understand? You can ask the professors in the School of Mathematics about the concept of Summary report, this report may be related to whether you can graduate..."

John was holding a thick stack of papers, as stunned as Lucy Rowan.

Okay, actually this is not quite the rule.

But when countless big guys do this, the rules are no longer important.

So many tweets were filled with grief again.

The last time I was unprepared, everyone couldn't help but want to complain.

This time it is to give them time to prepare, let them give up the romantic summer vacation, give up the joyful Patry, sit in the classroom and read a 206-page paper, and fully understand the mathematical ideas in it, so as not to look like idiots. Similarly, during the 60-minute STOC report meeting in September, Ningwei fell asleep, or took out his mobile phone and took pictures, showing the fact that his IQ may have been completely suppressed...

Which one is more intolerable? Regarding Ning Wei's paper, the most liked and loving tweets probably explain everything.

"HI, NingWei, Do you know? I really want to FUCK YOU!"

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