Tech Hammer

Chapter 110 This is the place where ideas collide

After applying for the visa, I called Lu Dongyi, then returned to the hotel to pack my luggage. The next step was to experience Yanbei University.

In fact, Yanbei University is not too big. I walked around Weiming Lake, studied two couplets said to be handwritten by Emperor Qianlong, looked at the Boya Tower on the east side of the lake, and looked around the campus. After walking around and discussing the layout of the quadrangle on campus, Lu Dongyi took him to the Mathematics Research Center and met with a group of professors, researchers and Ning Wei's future senior brothers and sisters.

In the evening, we had dinner in the cafeteria of the former Royal Garden, and then were sent to the hotel on campus.

Yu Xingwei was happy with all the arrangements. Anyway, he just took photos of himself and played with his mobile phone. He was polite when he should be polite and kept silent when he shouldn't be talking.

He also thought clearly that he had perfectly fulfilled his boss's requirements and stayed with Ning Wei 24 hours a day, and that was enough.

As for Ning Wei, at the International Mathematics Center of Peking University, the teachers, senior brothers, and senior sisters shouted sweetly, so he could just stay silent.

Anyway, if the boss wants to trouble him about this matter in the future, he has already prepared his excuse.

"My junior brother originally wanted to stay in school, and he even took the initiative to apply for the school's exemption from admissions. However, the school's graduate admissions teacher rejected it, not to mention that he was given a punishment of notifying and criticizing. No matter how hot it is, My heart must be poured with this basin of ice water! If you don’t want that red heart yourself, how can you not allow others to be prepared?"

The most important thing is that when Yu Xingwei saw the enthusiasm of these Yan University professors for Ning Wei, he himself felt that it would be unforgivable if Ning Wei didn't come!

After returning to school, under Lu Changbin's coercion and Yu Xingwei's plea, Ning Wei focused his energy on turbulence algorithms. The main homework every day is to review papers published in Science, rewrite an abstract, and analyze laboratory data.

There was no way, both of them took this conference very seriously. When Ning Wei took the stage to give a report, he had to face questions and possibly even criticism from top scholars around the world. If he didn't handle it well, the honor returned to the country would become a joke. That’s not good.

But actually Ning Wei really doesn’t think it will be difficult.

What he was afraid of was that the top bosses couldn't ask in-depth questions, making his answers boring.

Of course, he wouldn't say this, it's boring.

Moreover, it was only a few days before the opening of the conference, so I simply granted these two people’s wish.

On the day of departure, Lu Changbin still drove the two of them to the airport personally.

Along the way, Yu Xingwei finally felt the teacher's attention.

"Xiao Yu, let me tell you, you must take good care of Ning Wei along the way. The disciplines I have set for you must be followed unconditionally, especially after seven o'clock in the evening, you are absolutely not allowed to step out of the hotel. Rest after the meeting You have to follow Professor Shen’s advice for the day. It’s different abroad than at home. You are absolutely not allowed to go to the neighborhoods where you can’t go. Even if you go to the commercial street, you must be accompanied by someone. In addition, you must not let Ning Wei leave your sight for a minute. Do you understand all the above?"

Yu Xingwei couldn't help but said: "Don't worry, boss. Ning Wei is already a senior, why do you still treat him like a child in your eyes?"

"Stop talking nonsense! If he makes any mistake, Lao Kong from the School of Mathematics and those professors may kill me." Lu Changbin replied angrily.

Look what this says...

Yu Xingwei complained crazily in his heart, "If anything happens, the people who really want Lu Changbin's life are definitely not the people from Jiangda University. The people from Yanda University will probably come over with machetes to talk about life with you."

Of course, Yu Xingwei didn't say this.

Ning Wei looked at the scenery outside the car window the whole time.

What should be explained to him was already explained yesterday, and when Yu Xingwei was busy, he didn't bother to interrupt.

Anyway, he doesn't like running around.

"One more thing, you just need to be neither humble nor overbearing when dealing with people outside. If you encounter any unreasonable things against you, go to Professor Shen first. If Professor Shen can't handle it, just call the embassy of our country. Ambassador You have saved the museum’s phone number so you can call it if you encounter injustice or trouble.”

"I got it, Director Lu!"

In this way, while Lu Changbin was chattering, he finally arrived at the airport.

The venue for this meeting is the Westin Alexandria in the United States, in the independent city of Alexandria in the United States, which belongs to the state of Virginia. However, this city is actually about six miles south of Washington, DC, on the banks of the Potomac River, and is very far from the capital of the United States. close.

Therefore, the school directly booked tickets for the two of them from Jiangcheng to Beijing, and then directly to Washington. The whole journey took nearly a full day.

When Ning Wei boarded an international flight for the first time, she was quite excited at first, but after the excitement, she became bored.

Fortunately, the school was not stingy about participating in such a meeting that could bring glory to the school. They directly booked business class for the two of them. At least they would not be unable to straighten their legs and feet. When they were sleepy, they leaned on their seats and squinted for a while before waking up. Chatting with Yu Xingwei, the long flight was over. Fifteen hours after boarding the plane from Beijing, the plane finally landed at Ronald Reagan National Airport in Washington.

The journey was only a week in total, and the two of them didn't bring much. They didn't have any trouble clearing customs. They entered the United States smoothly. When they walked to the exit, they saw a young man with the same skin color as them holding a hand held high. This sign has Ning Wei's name written on it.

In fact, unlike domestic conferences, for general international academic conferences, the organizer will not send someone to greet each visitor. Everyone needs to find their own transportation to the conference venue.

Someone came to pick him up because Lu Changbin was worried about Yu Xingwei and Ning Wei arriving at the venue by themselves, so he called Professor Shen and asked him to arrange for a student to come and pick him up. They had been told before departure that the person who came to pick him up was named Feng Shaojie, who was said to be Professor Shen's assistant.

Ning Wei brought Yu Xingwei to Feng Shaojie, who was holding a sign.

"Brother Feng?" Ning Wei asked.

Feng Shaojie whistled, put down the sign, and asked, "Are you Ning Wei?"

Ning Wei nodded.

Feng Shaojie looked at Yu Xingwei again: "Dr. Yu?"


"Finally we're waiting for you. This damn flight is delayed for more than half an hour. Let's go. The boss must be waiting impatiently. Oh, by the way, there are two temporary phones here for you to use during the meeting. The boss specifically told me, As soon as I received you, I asked Ning Wei to call the professor in the country to make sure he was safe. Oh my god, what time has it been, your boss still treats you like children."

These words made the two of them feel slightly embarrassed and even speechless. Perhaps this was a manifestation of Xi's true temperament.

But after receiving the call from Feng Shaojie, Ning Wei honestly called Lu Changbin and reported that he was safe. He couldn't let Director Lu worry about it thousands of miles away.

In fact, apart from his rather flamboyant speaking style, the international student who came to pick up Ning Wei actually had no other bad intentions.

On the way to the hotel where the conference was held, I basically kept talking.

"Is this your first time in the United States?"

"Yes." Ning Wei replied.

"Let me tell you, in America, the glamorous places are really glamorous, and the bad places are really bad. When I was in China, I couldn't understand the saying that heaven is on the left and hell is on the right. Now that I'm here, you can You know it in seconds. If you think about it, just one block away and calling the police can make a huge difference in the speed at which the police are dispatched. But then again, as long as you have enough money here, there will be people to help you fulfill any needs you have."

Ning Wei nodded.

It was no longer ten years ago. He had heard similar arguments on the omnipotent Internet, but he had never experienced it personally.

"Is it really dangerous here at night?" Ning Wei couldn't help but ask.

" depends on the place. Don't listen to those messy people in China who say you can't go out after six o'clock. It's all bullshit. The real situation is that in dangerous places here it is dark 24 hours a day. In safe places, you can forget it. It’s okay to run naked on the street in the middle of the night! Moreover, cities and small towns in the United States are completely different worlds. In short, the specific situation will be analyzed on a case-by-case basis. But don’t worry, this kind of international academic conference will be held in a place with the best security.”

Feng Shaojie answered, then glanced at Ning Wei in the reversing mirror, with a strange smile on his face, and continued: "But I think you may be in danger even if you stay in the hotel."


Ning Wei was startled.

"For example, you should take care of yourself at a cocktail party. Many people think that American women are very open-minded. This is both a misunderstanding and a truth. If they meet a man they are interested in, they will chat for a few words and then have a one-night stand or something. It is very common. Of course, if She is not interested in you, and you may get into trouble even if you speak too much. But I think a young scholar like you will definitely be very popular with girls at this conference. But remember, really If something happens, you must take protective measures.”

I can't take this anymore.

Ning Wei glanced at Yu Xingwei, who was chuckling with his head down.

At this moment, the car braked slightly, causing the two of them to rush forward. Fortunately, they had their seat belts on.

Ning Wei raised his eyes and saw a car suddenly cutting in front of their car, and Feng Shaojie obviously had the potential to suffer from road rage disorder, and he immediately started to curse: "Fake, these stupid, dirty and smelly people are not fully evolved. A human being can’t even drive a car properly?”

Along with this series of curses, Feng Shaojie honked the horn three times.

Then Ning Wei saw a black arm sticking out from the driver's seat of the car in front. He clenched his hand into a fist and poked the sky with his middle finger...

The sound of the horn stopped immediately, and Feng Shaojie in his seat instantly became much quieter.

"This is the most valuable American survival experience. Never try to reason with any black people you meet on the street, and don't lose your temper with them. Because in the United States, despite their loud slogans about equal rights, in reality The entire black group in the world has the lowest level of education. So once they get to the top, most of them prefer to use their fists instead of relying on their brains to solve problems. What’s even more frightening is that they are often very poor, and many of them are on the verge of bankruptcy. It’s also the lowest level of insurance, and it won’t pay you if you get hit…”

"The most awesome thing about the Americans is that they will trick people who are not ours into living a happy life where they can drink coffee every day and enjoy life. Then their own people will study all the things that can deprive life in an instant. We usually shout that all things are equal, but we are really in trouble, piupiupiu! Do you know why we Chinese are not welcomed? Because most Chinese Americans do not believe in their happy education. Even in the United States, they value education more than any other ethnic group, so They can tolerate stupid black people, but they are always wary of Chinese Americans. This is America, a place that is exquisite and realistic to the extreme!"

Ning Wei and Yu Xingwei looked at each other again, and then both remained silent. It was not convenient for them to discuss such things.

Fortunately, the location of this meeting, the Westin Alexandria Old Town Hotel, was not far from the Ronald Reagan National Airport where Ning landed for them. It was only a few kilometers away. After a few words, the car was already there. Drive into the hotel.

Ning Wei also finally saw the truest side of a capitalist country. When the car stopped at the door of the hotel, a waiter immediately came forward to open the door, put their luggage on the trolley, and Feng Shaojie also got out of the car. , directly threw the car keys to the hotel parking driver, took Ning Wei to the hotel front desk to check in, and finally pushed the luggage into the room with the help of the waiter.

In China, Lu Changbin repeatedly told him that he should remember to tip when receiving any form of service in the United States, and he specially asked them to bring some change. He handed over two dollars and the waiter left with satisfaction.

"Okay, I'm going to report to the boss. You can rest first and catch up on the jet lag. This is a meeting minute, including the meeting schedule and the distribution map of posters in the hall. You can choose the report you are interested in. Or go shopping at the poster. But your report will be scheduled for two o'clock tomorrow afternoon. You can move freely at other times, but you must arrive at the main venue at this time."

"Ah? Does that mean we don't have to attend the report meeting tomorrow morning?" Ning Wei asked in surprise. This seemed to be somewhat different from the seriousness of the top-level meeting he had imagined.

"Of course, this kind of academic conference is not mandatory. If you are interested, just go and listen. If you are not interested, of course you can just do your own thing. Many special guests disappeared after the first day, and some people paid money to sign up for the conference just to At the dinner party on the first day, if you want to get to know a certain big shot or get an offer, and you have completed the task, or if you find that it is impossible to complete the task, you will naturally not stay longer."

"Do you think everyone who signed up for the conference can understand what those reports are saying? The purpose of this kind of conference is to create sparks that light up the future through the collision of ideas. Of course everyone is looking for research that is consistent with their own, or Listen to things you are more interested in. Of course, the greater charm of this kind of academic conference is that the top scholars in the industry will gather here. If it is really a diamond, it will never be covered with dust. And as far as I know, many people are interested in Your report is of great interest, so come on, young man. You can contact me when you wake up, and I will take you to familiarize yourself with the environment. My number is stored in that temporary mobile phone."

After saying that, Feng Shaojie turned around and left coolly, leaving Ning Wei and Yu Xingwei in the suite.

The two looked at each other, and then Ning Wei picked up the manual left by Feng Shaojie.

"I'm going to sleep first. After a fifteen-hour flight, my old back is about to break. By the way, you must never go out alone." Yu Xingwei dismissed the manual and got in first with his luggage. own room.

The room arrangement was very considerate. The two-bedroom suite allowed him to accompany Ning Wei all the time without disturbing each other.

Ning Wei nodded, walked into his room with the manual, lay on the bed and looked at the schedule in the manual, and quickly found his name.

Sure enough, his report meeting was at two o'clock in the afternoon on the first day of the meeting.

Then I curiously looked at the so-called poster map, and then I roughly understood the meaning of the so-called poster, which probably means displaying some of your own scientific research results or patents, discussing with interested people, and even looking for potential collaborators.

Combined with Feng Shaojie's words just now, Ning Wei has a new understanding of this kind of top-level meeting.

This is not only an exchange-oriented society meeting, but also a large-scale professional exhibition.

Foreigners’ imaginations are indeed very powerful, and academic conferences can also play tricks, such as accepting self-funded applicants to give reports or presentations, which can not only generate income but also enhance influence...

Of course, even if you spend money to give a report or poster, the topic must be reviewed by the organizing committee, and even if it passes the review, whether these guys who pay for the report or presentation at their own expense can attract the audience depends entirely on their ability.

This is a clever trick. You can gain fame and fortune even if you hold a conference for sure. As expected, the market economy dominates everything!

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