"... Corona"

Watch his surroundings to protect her, and he narrows his eyes.

Beyond this alley - the smell of blood.

Master Huta, something.

"Oh, I know. Stay behind me."


She must have felt something, and she fell back behind the lid.

There is not much reason to step forward.

If the safety of Corona is our priority, we should contact the guards here and get them out of here.

But, hey.

If the kind of killers we talked about earlier with Mion are up ahead, it's also true that the guards can't beat each other.

In the end, Huta took a step into the alley, looking to get Corona to escape alone.

It's not about revealing a sense of justice.

A man named Fouta Pomodoro is quite selfish and does not have the spirit of service to sacrifice himself for a stranger.

However, the desire to have the martial arts tournament held in the future be held safely is not a sense of justice or anything, but a wish of a girl who is close.

There was no hesitation in helping.

And then...

It wasn't just Lilac's face that came to mind.

Fighters who exchanged swords in the King's City, and people who met in the city.

Perhaps this city was no longer a stranger to Futa.

"... Still..."

Looking back, she looked into the alley with a troubled face.

"What's wrong, Master Huta?"

"No, call for backup when it's really dangerous."

"Okay.... well, I don't think you have to worry about that, just for Master Futa."

"If you say so, I'll do my best."

Yes, but if you still hurt her in the back and put it on the balance, you're inclined towards her.

Always pay attention to the back, step by step, step by step towards the smell.

The alley wasn't so narrow.

It's a little cramped to walk side-by-side, but it doesn't inhibit your body's movement.

For this minute, there is no problem even if there is a fight in the aisle.

You'll have to be careful about the angle at which you shake your sword - to that extent.

The narrow passage is considerably longer.

There were several branches, but I didn't hesitate to choose the smell.

Does the smell of blood get so strong that people get hurt in the future - is it long dead?

I'm not sure, but at least I know the danger is getting closer.

--It was then.


The voice is over the sky.

As Huta calmly senses the signs, she lands right in front of her - a young silk hat.

"This is our..."

The motion of lifting it in the depths of your eyes with the tip of your stick.

Why does each one make Futa strangely frustrated?

"Ajito" - oh sunflower!?

Let's just ignore him.

Hang on, Cora.

For quick judgment, the boulder corona also smiled bitterly behind.

Complete throughs are decided, and the fouta that tries to pass through the side is blocked with the body, but split into pieces.

The departure was undoubtedly the intruder who stepped foot into the royal castle.

"If you're going to push through, that's fine. But I'll leave your princess alone."

"What are you gonna do?"

"Are you sure?

And when you do, you're a teenager with a mouth full.

If he talks about taking care of himself, he says to Huta, who has the momentum to scratch his throat first.

"It's my type of research."

"I hated silk hats."

Then this hat is garbage.

Like, he throws his own identity away.

"Maid, I didn't say that."

Catch the hat in a hurry.


I don't believe it.

"Me... you said" Futa "or something. What are you to her?!

--That, and Futa got lost in words for a moment.

I'm sure if his questions were slightly different, I could have answered them immediately.

For example, if they ask, 'What is she to you?'

I might have been able to say that he was more important than life.

But for her, who are you?

The patrol at that moment will surely be passed on to her behind.


"For me, it's more important than life."

"Shit, I hate to say this."

Re-wear your hat and stick it down the ground.

"Don't tell me it's more important than life. The bond between you and her doesn't know the past. I don't."

But looking to Corona, he says.

"My feelings are real. --I haven't introduced myself yet. What's my name?"

Libra Robinson.

"Yes, who is Libra Robinson?!! Don't name people by yourself!

Did you take it off?

"Rather, I don't think you can name such a pinpoint!

What kind of reason is that?

"I'm Droza. Draza Grissinger. That's why he's a bandit, Nice Guy!

"... no, the bandits aren't nice."

"You're the most annoying guy, name him!

"... Futa. Fouta Pomodoro"

"Yes, Pomodoro looks great - is that really your last name?


"No... well, there are different countries... there are countries where vegetables have a surname..."

I haven't traveled all over the world yet... and a young man with distant eyes - Droza.

"Well, that's the name of the bastard. - Sunflower, what's your name?

"Well, I'm a little embarrassed to call it that. Making a scene, maid, corona."

"It's pathetic....."

"... I don't know, I'm going crazy."

Corona looks in trouble and asks Huta for help.

Futa remembers. Lilac was right, but so was Corona's own past.

I've never been able to convey these kinds of preferences straight away.

Certainly if she were in a situation like this, she would be confused if she brought such feelings to strangers. Rather, I can glimpse her kindness without being creepy.

I mean... There's no way you're going to give Corona to a bandit's best friend. "

"... it hurts when you poke me there."

While playing with the stick, the drawer lowered its eyebrows a little.

He goes on to surprise Futa that it is surprisingly quick to retreat.

"I'm not going to justify theft.... I just don't like it. I steal from him and scatter it to the people who are suffering because of him. You have to see the pleasure. Besides..."

Raise your mouth corner and make yourself happy.

"I feel like I'm much more alive than staying in one city. Well, in light of the ethics of the world, it may not be very praiseworthy, but I assure you that it will be fun and happy."

I'm sure that's true.

His words were powerful enough to make him hesitate to deny having a stick of stealing.

But that's not why I can forgive you.

"That's why I can't let you go to a dangerous place."

"Let's try it for six months."

"Is there such a service?"

"Hmm... what do you think of Corona?

Those eyes are pointed at Corona.

She glanced at Futa with a little hesitation.

I'm sure that wasn't an expression of emotion, such as a shaking heart or a positive feeling for Draza.

Speaking of which, I would like you to do something about it.

However, I don't want you to deny Draza bad.

I know how sweet she is.

That's why Huta told me.

"Corona is gentle on the bottom. Don't bother me."

"You can see that when you look. That beautiful heart made me fall in love."

Oh, yeah.

"--If you ask, you'll get in trouble. All right, here's what we'll do."

Looking straight at Corona, Droza says.

Keep your chest up and declare it.

"Let's try to make sure you really want to come to me. What kind of man do you like first?


The question must have come from the fact that Droza didn't know Corona well.

No, that's a good thing in itself. Because I don't know, I try to know. Especially if it's someone you like.

If you don't step in, there are answers you won't get.

Just for this girl in front of you.

I'm sure I don't have a definition for the guy I like.

There was a preference, and no one matched it.

--Because you were there, the maid.

"... I don't know."

That's how I smiled.

Just think of how Dorothy's gaze moved, and now look at Futa.

"Hey, Pomodoro."


"What's your favorite thing?

The one who was ahead of her - the best substitute.

I wonder if that attracted her.

"Are you good at that? I don't know.... I see."

I don't think it's enough to say that I'm worried.

Droza leans her neck against the little conflict of Fouta.

Futa's feeling that he is not good at fighting or anything like that.

But I still won. I became a champion.

I won. The pride is certainly in the lid.

"I'm turning the sword... into a business."

"Oh... a sword fight. Well, what was it in this city? Colosseum, there was something wrong."

"Spectacular.... I'm a champion there."


The corner of Draza's mouth hung.

It's an expression of "confidence" that Futa and Corona can understand.

"That's nice. A good man has one of those strengths. A man with nothing to do is better than being surrounded by such a beautiful woman and Mr. Corona."

He gently raises the hat's cuff and says.

"That's my specialty. I've only lost once with my sword."

"Then don't do it again."

"Say it. - Mr. Corona!

Looking back, I tell you.

"If I beat this guy, please listen to me again. Hey, Pomodoro, shut up and watch."

"... good."


Second Martial Arts Congress.

I thought I was over there.

What if you notice?

"... I was in the middle of a commotion."

The maid groaned inadvertently at you.

"Haha, that's settled. It was still an entry period."

Well, yes.

"Well, goodbye. I'll see you again, sunflower... no, Corona!

That's what he said, and he jumped with a smile.

Its physical ability to jump off the wall as it is is is is incredible.

"... Master Futa, where are you going?

"What happened?

"... if you can't enter now, it's really interesting."


"I'll see you later.

The fist of the maid's anger was thrown into her belly.

"No, yeah. That's right... for now."

Although there was a rare disturbance.

Holding his stomach down, Huta turned to the alley again.

The drawer came out on the right.

Actually, we haven't solved any of the reasons why we stepped into this place yet.

"--Once this situation is resolved, I will ask someone else to help me properly."

"I'm worried...."

I took the left road with the maid.

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