
I got a good kick.

I thought so myself.

"Ah, niisan!!

"I'm so glad you're okay...!?

"Oh, don't worry."

Futa raised her eyebrows with a twitch.

Though I thought it was a complete hit, the momentum seems to have been well killed.

Flickering in the air at the tip of the blow. At the time of landing, he was already holding the silk hat and trying to avoid any damage.

"What the fuck are you doing here?

The young man wears a hat in his eyes and sends his gaze to the man he was kicked out of.

Covering Corona and Lilac, Huta is not alarmed.

There are 3 opponents. The gendarmes will be on their way soon, too - that's when it happened.

"... thump!!!!!

"What about it?"

It was Futa who pointed his finger at me. Whatever it is, raise one eyebrow and the hat continues.

"Are you surrounded by such a beautiful sunflower, even by your maid?"


"Just be patient with your wife!!! Damn it!! I don't think I'll ever see a beautiful woman in the travel sky!!

"That's not true, brother! We're here. We're here!

"Shut up, dick! You don't even look like you're a pig! Look at that side, can you beat it?!


I wonder what this bullshit is.

It is a fowl that keeps an eye on things in astonishment, but desperately keeps an eye on things as if it might be a trap to distract us.

"Ah... I don't think it's a good idea to say bad things about my friends."

"Ahhh!? You're a gentleman because you can afford it! Shit, shit! Sunflower, what do you want with this man?! Is that your face!? Height!? Income!?


The young man shouted with a sad expression.

Not to mention that naive corona couldn't hide her confusion over the sudden flow of the proposal.

"Ah, you don't have to answer, Corona."

I'm sorry to confuse Corona. But the question of what Corona likes about Futa is terrifying to Futa. "... I don't really like it or anything. On the day they say," Dive from the garden to the outer wall. "

But the young man's gaze is not off the corona.

It's about her being kind. I can't help but answer.

Keep your mouth tight and think about this. My eyes twitched and my cheeks were scratched.


She said with a smelly smell.

"... what do you like? I don't know. No, I'm sorry.

Futa looks back at the garden - under the walls - with a fresh and refreshed look at her determination to "dive."

"Gu, uuuuu... Me, that guy!!

"What... I don't have a message for you in my will."

"What are you talking about!? Fuck you!! Name your name!!

"I'm not feeling that way... but it's a futa."

"All right - let's go, Temee and others!!

With the young man wearing a hat and turning his cape over, a slender man and a small girl behind him follow.

"Ah, ma'am, I'm sorry to bother you!

"That's right....."

At some point, he laid his head down on a lilac standing behind Huta diagonally in a clear position.

"--Sunflower. I'll pick you up soon."


Gently chewing the wink, he turned his hatefully well-dressed face into a gentle smile.

They run through the side of the lions.

Futa exhaled lightly, telling the gendarmes who had disappeared so much that she had to run away.

"... what was that?"

"Maid... I'm in trouble..."

Does this mean that the storm has left?

Looking back at the corona that dropped his shoulders and the lilac that seemed to be thinking something, for the time being, Futa relieved the two of them safely.

"Well, you'll get caught and die soon. I broke into the royal castle. Of course, Master Lilac."

"What? Uh, yeah. It's not the death penalty, but... some sort of punishment will come down. Yes."

"It is unexpectedly warm.... well, when I first came in, I thought it was pretty dangerous to cross the bridge..."

"You're a thief who looks at me and doesn't realize I'm a princess. If nothing happens, the gendarmerie will be punished more severely."

Oh, speaking of which...

If you ask me, what are you doing here?

Sneak into the royal castle, look at the princess and no reaction. Corona was a coincidence.

What went wrong was a mistake with Futa's wife.

Indeed, Futa has recently become accustomed to well-dressed clothes.

Nevertheless - did he look like a guest of the royal castle with his maid?

"... that's definitely it. It's more uncomfortable that the First Princess is meeting a man in her room at such a time."

"It's how you say it."

"But the truth is true. The princess didn't seem to call me his wife, either."

"That's because Master Lilac decided it would be more convenient."

That's right, if you look at her like you want to take a look.

"... yes, of course."

"You're lying, princess."

There was our princess with her clear face and her hair.

She gently stroked her lips because she couldn't stand the gentle eyes of Corona anymore. Murmuring to change the subject.

"But I don't know about intelligence, but my arm seems certain. I'm not stupid either... what are you doing here?"

"If you ask me, there's no intruder like that. It's the first time in a year."

"And the maid! I've never seen a maid before!... well, it feels like a maid is an all-wise intruder!

All Ways intruders are not intruders anymore, they're not residents.

"Don't worry about it!

Apart from the maid's yota, which thumps up.

"I wonder what you came in for."

I think we should go to the interview for now.

"Can I go with it?

I felt a lot of fighting from that bandit.

If the information comes in, Futa asks because she thinks it will never go any further. It seemed strangely obsessed with Corona, and I want to think about the next time it broke in.

Lilac was a little worried about such a sentimental question.

"I don't think it's a good idea... but you can come if you want to."

Then she gently stroked her lips, dyeing the colour of her thoughts like a prank.

"Couples, what's going on?" Like a character in a story. "

"Ah, ahaha... it's a little heavy for me..."

Like a recent fashion play.

Futa had no choice but to laugh at such a suggestion.

In the first place, unlike bandits, the people in the royal castle recognize Lilac as Lilac, so it makes no sense.

"I'm kidding."

Lilac smiles happily - and...

"But no... no trouble..."


"... hmm? What's the matter, Futa?"

"What's the matter with you is my dialog... do you have any thoughts?

"Hmm... that's a thought, isn't it? Something...."

Pop, pop, your head shakes from right to left.

I know you're serious, but the movements are very communal.

Lilac glanced at her thinking she might have had so much trouble.

"--Yes, I think it's the first time I've received such a favor from the front."


She says as she preaches.

"I don't really care. Your feelings are the best."

Lilac told her as if she knew how she felt.

Speaking of corona, she rounded her eyes a little surprised.

Then, "Thank you," laughed little.

However, I don't see much improvement in that expression.

Lilac himself knew that, sending a gentle signal to Futa and pulling his ear a little.

"... it's a habit that always gives priority to someone's emotions over yourself. Do something better than me."

"Ah... I see."

When Huta looked back, the maid in the sky was just a little overhead.

If someone tells you, "Marry me," will you refuse or get a little more light? I think it's such a choice.

Corona's expression is not pleasant. Somewhat of a melancholy color that bothers me about what happened.

"Corona. I don't know what to say to him... but Corona won't be convinced. Marriage doesn't have to suit your feelings until it's an important choice."

"... right?"


Still, it seems that my feelings are not clear.

With all her kindness in mind, Futa sighed a little.

"Well, there it is. --Because I was an intruder, I can't really agree with it either. Maybe we should put it on hold for now."

At least now you don't have to worry about your opponent forever.

Corona glanced at Futa's suggestion.


"That's right. It's a shame, but maybe he's a good guy."


Lilac glanced back at Futa - she didn't say anything.

I don't know what that means.

Corona grabbed the bottom of the skirt.



"Master Huta...."

Slightly shaking eyes.

On that jade, Futa leans her neck.

"... what do you think we should do?

"Me?... my answer has already been decided."

"... then, let me hear it.

That's it.

What I've been hoping for ever since.

As a matter of course, Huta told him.

"I want you to be happy."


It is the earliest decision in the foot.

I don't want to see you suffering or grieving.

I wish she would be happy.


The Fouta's natural answers and wishes lie behind her.

I see.

Her smile seemed impossible.

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