- "That's it!! The winner is - Futa Pomodoro!!

- "I did it! - Aahhhhhhhh!!

Remember, one day.

A dazzling stage of "fighting fences" exposed to the heat of the day and able to grieve over someone's victory and defeat.

That's why I couldn't be there.

--Oh, I want to stand on that earth.

--The pasta house.

"The average life expectancy of a gladiator is 30 years. That's right, because it's against the rules to swing that dangerous thing around and kill it. --Still, it seems like he's thinking about switching to medical technology, mainly at the head."

There were unusual members in the reception room that used to be used for back-office transactions.

Naturally, one person is flipping over to their seat and filling the cupcake, pasta that cannot be shown to fans. It is a troublesome thing to take off your shoes and sit on the sofa with your bare feet.

"... that's right."

And the other one is Wind Earth Note. I have hit the caution stick of the Olba Chamber of Commerce and am still doing my best for the Chamber of Commerce even now that there is no one to serve me. Behind it is her survival in front of her - unfortunately, non-public information.

"But I..."

"Ahh, you don't have to tell anyone.... I know your abilities best."

"Hahaha... thank you"

"... you and Beauty are close, right?"

An unusual pasta that lowers its eyebrows and looks gently at its eyes.

Wind seemed to be sorry, but he broke up and responded to it.

Luli Earthnote is the last person to sit next to Wind with a strange eye.

Soon, she will be seven.

He almost killed me because of you.

"Hey, Pasta."

"Anyway, you're gonna be all right now, even this one."

"... I see."

I don't know the details.

Still, you should realize that in your past - when you were unable to do anything - you were allowed to live with everything you could.

"This wouldn't have happened without you."

"... yeah!

I think that's why you should tell him the truth.

For some reason, Ruli laughs happily. This was a pasta I didn't know.

You don't know, do you?

For a woman who crawled up on her own, and for a child who has been sheltered - it seemed like she was alone and proud to put herself in harsh conditions.

"Let me get back to that... but I think you can do whatever you want. That won't bother the Olba Chamber of Commerce."

"... are you okay?"

"Nothing. It's a festival that even killers participate in."

"I don't have a body or a lid..."

It was a wind of dry laughter, but its heart was terribly warm.

--I want to go to the martial arts tournament.

That was the reason for this visit to the Pasta Mansion.

For him, who came to inquire about how to act as a cautionary stick for the Olba Chamber of Commerce, permission was surprisingly generous.

Well, if you're active, you'll be the foil of the Olba Chamber of Commerce.

"Yes, I'll do my best."

Pasta loosened her mouth slightly as she nodded.

"... in front of the building"

"... in front of the building?

"It's about time you did what you wanted. I could afford this."

"... Chairman"

"I'm not the chairman anymore.... even if I leave the little girl alone, she won't die. Your injuries are over and your temper is gone. I like it and I'm trying to be cautious, but...."

With her cheek wand on, she continues in a boring manner.

"Ain't that right? Sometimes I can't complain about one of your arms."

"... thank you."

Pasta stuck her tongue behind her cheeks in a deep, lowered wind.

It is somehow unfamiliar to be cut in front and thanked.

"... Pasta has changed a bit."

"Ha, I don't know what to say. It's a sin not to change. Thinking differently yesterday and today is much better than thinking the same thing for ten years."

Well, let's do that.

Wind smiling softly with a smile.

I never talked about pasta beliefs.

I don't know what to say.

If there was room, I felt that she was the only one who could afford it and it became a little softer.

That's all we talked about.

"Shit, you look great when you're older.... and I think you know it, but this time it's two people. What about the other guy?

"... no, that's it. Ha ha!"

Well, the Chamber of Commerce doesn't have a match for you.

I think about pasta a little.

Speaking of which - you had a fake brother who was in a lot of trouble without friends. Besides, he's always been a commentator this time.

There are three reasons.

The performance of the other commentaries is too random.

I wonder if King Tag can be transferred elsewhere.

The other one is Miss.

"... well, I'm here."


"... Ruli?

It was Luli who stopped the pasta thinking about raising the candidate because he had no choice but to slap his feet next to it, not the wind.

When I sat on the sofa, my feet didn't reach the floor. Aside from the pasta, which relieves me that I won only there.

You're my brother, Beat Oneechan.

Yes, but...

"Brother Wu is definitely not the only one. No, Dad."

"Oh, oh... why is that?"

After an unusual harsh comment, Pasta closed her eyes.

Just because Ruli denied it, there's no reason to go against pasta.

Wait quietly for her words. If something emotional comes out, I'll stop it.

"Because it's a high-risk crawl return."

"... Ruli?

At this point, Pasta stopped saying anything to her.

I didn't see any particular point in objecting.

"Brother Wu was the last winner. He just sticks to it and wins, hides behind Brother Ow. If you lose by some mistake, your dad will beat you even if it's not your fault. So definitely not."

"... Ruli. I just..."

Pasta understood what Wind was trying to say.

I don't want to go to the game from that point of view.

And depending on the way you hear it, it sounds like you're saying something bad about Futa.

However, it was pasta that made it sound like nothing else.

"Ruli is right. There's not much flavor in teaming up with him."


"Wind. … Besides, Ruli doesn't want to do this whole" business owner "thing."

She whispered a cupcake as she did so.

Unlike Wind, I didn't think it was that bad. It was true, however, that her proposal seemed to have a genealogy of pasta - no, beatrix.

"What is management for? That's for business. In this case,"

"... it's for me. I know."

It's okay, Dad.


"Ruli, we have a list of good candidates."

Luli Earthnote.

Already 7 years old.

It was a wind that seemed to have grown considerably in the past year.

"... how did you make that list?"

"Last tournament? Focusing on the main contestants, we recruited the strongest of those who entered this time. At the very least, Bob is more than just someone with a reputation before him."

"Hmm. He accepted it and said he disclosed it to me."

"Beat, what did oneechan say?

Gently, tilt your neck.

An innocent smile appeared.

"Kids are less alert."


Pasta didn't say anything.

I'm sure this six-year-old is already dead.

Someday, he was much smarter than a six-year-old who was crying without bread.

"Fu... well, whatever you want. I have time to get started."

"Yeah, Dad, this way."

"Oh, oh, are you going?

"That's right, time is money!

Ruli was always in a good mood today. It is really a pleasure to have your own thoughts transferred to implementation if Beauty Onee-chan's being Beauty Onee-chan is the most important factor.

Pasta, who narrowly dropped her off, already showing the scale of her "profession", finally called out to Wind.


As he walked out the door, he looked back at him.

"Good luck at best."

The average life expectancy of a gladiator is 30 years.

I don't know how many more times Wind can compete - I'm sure there won't be many of them. That's why I'm so old that I can finally do it.

Looks like you've made a fool of yourself, with that loose smile.

Wind nodded and left the scene.


Tong, Luli knocks on the door of the room.

I'm sorry anymore, even this language.

"Hey, Ruli. Is the candidate in charge here?



It was not a very beautiful apartment.

A chin-stroking wind waited in the inner hallway for a while.

The one who was at the front of the door that opened...

"--Hmm, I've seen Lori a few times."

Wind took a breath.

Not enough to make a mistake about this girl being the other side. The fact that she's here means this room.

"Is that all you got?

If you're the master...

The moment she tried to look back from the half-open door.

Hyah, so that it can be lifted, gently up close to the ceiling.

He put it on his shoulder and put out his face.

"Yoo-chan - and you..."

Long time no see.

"... ahh. You did a bad thing back then."

A soft Lori's voice interrupts the red-haired man scratching his head badly.

"If you're sorry, talk to me!

"Nh, what!?

Luli continued to say to the man without expecting the child to judge him.

"Team up with Daddy, Izna Sicienzan!!!


In one word, the man who was stunned for a moment - Izna.

From top to bottom, look at the wind.

He nodded with a vicious smile.

Oh, you're in a good mood, aren't you?

Izna & Wind "Wilderness Storm Blade" - Join the fight.

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