Pasta's house is a separate residence of the Olba Chamber of Commerce.

A sizeable mansion should have a reasonable number of housekeepers.

However, as opposed to the seemingly "chamberlain", even if he was somewhat familiar with the face, Pasta was reluctant to let people in and out of the mansion on a regular basis. Basically, he did not put people in, and he managed the house with only two diners named the caution stick.

Nevertheless, there are limits.

Pasta has less day-to-day management, and I'm not hired as a housekeeper with Reef.

I could not help thinking that I would also like to train for the martial arts tournament.

Speaking of which, the entire Mansion was kept in perfect condition only during the last Martial Arts tournament - I don't think about that crazy maid's specs at this time.

So, you're saying we have to clean up sometimes?


And Futa raised her face when asked about the current situation of the mansion.

Then, sitting on the bed, she buried her mouth in Randy's head with a very sinister expression.

This is a private room in pasta.

Regardless of whether it is a housekeeper or not, it is not such a place to raise a person, so it is basically a room that is being cleaned by itself.

One of these rooms is very spacious and should be said to be an upscale mansion. Huta thinks that cleaning pasta by herself will break bones.

However, since there are not many things except around the desk and around the bed, it's not as hard as Futa thinks.

The only thing he knows about maid cleaning is how it feels to do things like overall maintenance every day.

"What's wrong?

"... something..."

Should I say half-eye?

It's familiar for Futa to have such a tight eye that she suspects everything in the world. She says to Huta, who thinks she's as rough as ever.

"I often get an executive from the Chamber of Commerce."

"Well, they're coming. You're not going anywhere."

That's right, Futa nods.

It just didn't seem to fit. Pasta murmurs in a distracted manner.

"... I'm cleaning something."

"What about it?"

"No, it's just... I'm going to clean my house lightly and go home... it's really creepy..."

"Hmm....? Goodwill...?

"I don't know...."

The two of them were wondering what the situation was.

If you're in danger, why don't you put him out of custody?

"Well... if this goes on... merchants can't just have good intentions..."

There was negative trust in those who climbed to the top at the Olba Chamber of Commerce under heaven.

"I was wondering."


"What are you, an executive? I don't know how the Olba Chamber of Commerce works."

"Oh, it's a simple story. Is it systematically divided into product divisions? So we have a meeting where we think about the balance of sales and where we spend our budget."

"Does that mean you're already totally factionalized?"

"I see. Launch a new brand at your place or find opportunities to do this. Or we could trade business between factions."

"Heh... it's a world I don't understand."

Of course.

Hmm, pasta with a smile on the nose.

The Olba Chamber of Commerce merchants are both colleagues and rivals.

Reflecting on the form of the Chamber of Commerce, she lay down her eyes slightly on the memory pulled out like a vine from the connection of two memories.

"... I used to be one of them."

I see.

"I went up and became president of the Chamber of Commerce.... well, it wasn't that big back then."

The Olba Chamber of Commerce was originally a smaller one than it is today, focusing on caravans in nearby countries.

And Beatrix, the most powerful of the chambers of commerce, set the king's capital as his base, and held power until he rose up to the king's capital, until he heard of the king's merchant.

Only 3 years. The arm was valued by everyone in the Chamber of Commerce - Huuta also heard from Wind.

"Nh, now I'm in a position to distribute the budget to the executives of that scrutinizing chamber of commerce."

That's what I'm talking about.

Nodding, she buried Randy's face again.

"... that's why I have to pay for the department that found the opportunity..."

In that moaning dialogue, Huta leans her neck.

"What? Was it something that would disadvantage you?

"Originally, it's just your turn to comment. My position won't get any worse.... I'm not going to let you pull my legs apart. Make a budget for a good idea.... but!

Gyu, Randy was squeezed in agony.

"What is the new planning department pasta department!!!!!!"


When she does, Huta narrows her eyes.

I understand the intentions of the person who started it. I don't suppose you have any intention of targeting her.

I thought there was a business opportunity, so I launched it. Nothing is different from other departments.

"Besides!! They!!" Did you get hit first "or" Do you want to team up with us "at the meeting?! Get on board!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Well, I guess so...."

"Nobody cares if it's my mental!!!

"Do you want me to care?

"There's no way someone who thinks like that will survive in our Chamber of Commerce!!!!

"Do you realize you're falling in the way you talk right now?

Ugah! And roaring pasta.

Then Futa noticed.

"I wonder what happened to the smell of pasta in the previous perfume."

"The brand that deals in perfume is working with the pasta department on something...."

"I see... the Olba Chamber of Commerce..."

From the time I first learned about it until now, I didn't have a very good image when I said it was an Olba Chamber of Commerce.

It is somehow the best chamber of commerce in King's Landing.

Of course, there is light and darkness there. For Futa, only the dark side was noticeable, and it is also true that it contributes greatly to the economy of the King's City.

If there is a problem, it would be that we continue to evade taxes by all means - but not very much for the people of King's Landing.

The current state of affairs on the Kingdom's side is the painful measure of having the Olba Chamber of Commerce pay taxes by handing over the power of King Capital Senator.

"Actually, there's a lot of pasta in the world right now...."

"The pasta department was doing a lot of stuff while I was dealing with cloth...."

Heh, that's a boulder.

"I knew the Chamber of Commerce, which has nothing to do with us, was going to do the same thing, and it was going to kill me in the price competition."

That's it, Olba Chamber of Commerce.

"Besides, Pasta's rights aren't in the Olba Chamber of Commerce... face to face."

On the other side, money flows to the Olba Chamber of Commerce for Pasta's contribution in the form of spectacular revenue.

However, it was also true that the connection between the Olba Chamber of Commerce and Pasta could not be overstated.

"That's how they talk about money."


"No, no, no, you were a beatrix. I remember that."


Your pale eyes eject through the foot.

As for Futa, it was an honest feeling.

Nevertheless, we know that she no longer has the name of Beatrice. Above all, I am aware that I am the one who fell into a trap.

However, it is also true that this relationship continues.

There is nothing in particular to hide from each other.

"... that reminds me."

She gently touched the short redhead.

For the first time, the long hair was slightly cut off as a pasta.

I didn't tell anybody that I had to say goodbye to Beatrix. That doesn't change even if the young person in front of you is the opponent.

On her face, which dropped a little shadow, Huta stretched slightly.

Asking vaguely is a completely different topic.

I don't think so. Did you know that honey in tea is delicious?

"Ah? What are you suddenly doing?... I know. I like it."

"Right. I can't tell you in front of Master Lilac."

The words that don't get the gist.

But that reminded me of her too.


Apart from being Lilac's favorite, there is one more thing to sleep in the depths of memory.

"Speaking of which, the first time I saw you was in front of the teahouse."

"... I don't know if I'll get in while I see him."

Before we went to the Olba Chamber of Commerce to find Corona.

Only once did Beatrice M. Olba face to face with Futa. I didn't speak up or communicate with anyone else.

It is certain that we noticed each other.

"In the game in front of you, I just knew it unilaterally."

"If you say so, I've seen Richter messing with you once."

"Ah... it was a terrible thing."

"So, what are you talking about?"

Shrugging shoulders and a slightly softer pasta.

"Why did you talk about tea?"

"Remember I'm dealing with tea at the Olba Chamber of Commerce. It doesn't have to be a good thing, so I was wondering if you could tell me that sweet tea would suit me."


Then all you have to do is go to the store run by the Chamber of Commerce.

There's still time after this.

I don't mind going out with him.

"--Beatrix is gone."


She's not Beatrix, she's not the president of the Chamber of Commerce, and she's gone out, and she won't give it to me for free.

"It's Pasta-chan's shop, so I'll show you around."

Well, that's it. That's how it's going to be advertised again. "

"I see. At least now my favorite cupcake looks like it's selling."

Pasta stood up smiling in a good mood.

So, shopping?

I see.

Put Randy on the bed. Put your hands on your head subtly.

Turning around, she looks up at Huta and laughs.

Shall we go?

The look was never on my face.

The beatrix wasn't supposed to fascinate me.

Pasta would be fine.

I don't know what to say.


"Are you in a mood where executives come to clean up because they sell pasta in the movement?

"... next time I come, I'll be banned."

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