Principality of Colosseum.

This land is a glorious place for all gladiators.

It's infinite honor to risk everything as a samurai, or hot sand on the ground - one in two.

Number of entry-level candidates, 1 million per year.

10,000 persons enrolled.

The number of people allowed to play on Colosseum earth - about 130.

At its peak, the glorious gladiators yearn for it.

People called it the [Eight Flashes of Heaven].

Among them, the eight who fought fiercely and were regarded as the best in history were each a great samurai who shined on the champion's seat.

824th generation

--Eighth Dagger ---

"Senpai Ocean. If you see him first, tell him what they're looking for! Next time - win!!

Name: Unknown

Alias: Unknown

Weapon: Unknown

Battle Record: 10-46




The best [Eight Flashes of Heaven] in history, and the last person to be part of it. There are two seasons for major classes. He disappeared from Colosseum at the same time as Wu's Dagger.

Lacquered Dagger

It will probably be difficult for you to meet the champion again. Just in case. I made him swear to fight again. "

Let's sing ─ until it sinks and bubbles disappear!!

Oh ─ really. If I had been in time, I wouldn't have been bored. "

Name: Eilon B. Smiles

Alias: "Dead Mountain Blood River Mermaid (Serene)"

Weapon: Steel Armor A-near/Slashing Claw Sword B-air (Unregistered)

Battle Record: 17-39


Users of empty fists who appeared in [Eight Flashes of Heaven] for the first time in 50 years.

Fluent martial arts, such as The Concerto, don't make you feel the absolute weakness of Reach, and its supple hands and feet reliably eject the opponent's voids.

Because there is no option of slashing, another weakness of the empty fist that tends to become a durable battle can be forced to wear out the opponent by assembling submissions such as "Madness" and "Night Fantasy" on the spindle.

The blow from the Soul Song was also considered dangerous in Eight Flashes of Heaven , so it was designated as a seal.


The season of the Major Class is four seasons short after the Eight Daggers. In the debut battle, the power of fully sealing the Tai Dagger was promoted by Sensational, but it soon became clear why such a woman could not come up immediately.

The 39 defeats that remain in Battle Records in the Eight Flashes of Heaven are due to violations committed by more than half of them.

With the exception of Champion Huta, who once won, he ran for a champion he had never won.

--Tai Knife of Land ---

Well, I'll go first, Ocean. If you change your mind and see him before me... you'll have to beat him up. "

Spread into the night sky, like a meteor!!

Listen to me, champion. It was so much fun and happiness that I forced you to meet me. "

Prim Lancaster

Alias: "Princess Shining Night of the Changshan Cross"

Weapon: Crucifixion

Battle Record: 22-34


A genius who was born in Tokuyama, which is the head mountain of Tokuyama Cross Spear Magic, which is one of the world's three major spear spells, and has no line-ups.

The cross, marking the most powerful weapon, must by its very nature understand and shake the characteristics of every object, but it is the only person who can solve it all by the sensation of the skin and the speed away from ordinary people.

Even in the best eight flashes in history, the speed does not allow other followers, and the number of first shootings and body speed boast the peak with the land dagger.


A girl who thought of her "profession" and slapped the door of Colosseum to spread Changshan Cross Spear. There was a fan instantly in the appearance of the genius routine, and when I climbed up to the eight flashes of heaven, it alone had a past that monopolized the topic of Colosseum for a while.

I yearned for the strength of the champion, which is why I ran out with an honest anger in mind. There is no point in crowning Colosseum in the strongest absence.

--Woo no Tai Knife--

I'm going now. Tell Colosseum if he comes back. How did you do that? Nnh, why don't you write me a letter?... address? Do you need it?

Blow up every arena!!!

Miss, tomorrow is the final for me.

Name: Izna Sicienzan

Alias: "Crushing Gold"

Weapon: Crushing Axe/Lion Swallow Slash

Battle Record: 25-31


Fighting with the Hawk Karate - An unprecedented battle style based on the Black Hawk Karate, which uses its left hand to give directions to the Hawk, swinging a hammer axe that slightly exceeds its height.

A vicious object that can literally be used as a hammer or an axe crushes each object if it is easy to take. If you flirt with speed and dive into your pocket, you will be crushed by a black hawk karate that pursues the aesthetic of "receiving". Among the eight flashes is dullness, but never inferiority, because of the strength of stopping and returning the opponent's blow.


An extremely standard gladiator who fought Colosseum to be the strongest samurai. However, he built an era with his new fighting style and climbed to the Eight Flashes of the Dagger.

No one suspected that he would remain a champion, but he fell and fell into a slump as a result of the late arrival of the Tai no Tai, Tai no Tai, and the Champion. I realized that no one would praise me if I crowned the throne with the "upper" gone. So I had to win anything.

--- The Thick Knife--

It's my wish to chop you up. More than that, I want to cut that man. Ah, if you meet me first, thank you very much then. "

Name: Unknown

Alias: Unknown

Weapon: Unknown

Battle Record: 26-30




The best Eight Flashes of Heaven of all time, and its rampant dagger. There are some bad rumours about him going out, but everything is a substitute for unsubstantiated eyebrows. After the Senno Dagger ran away, he left Colosseum, as he showed with the Lacquer Dagger, and there was no intention to retire the other [Eight Flashes of Heaven].

--Ginseng Dagger ---

Unfortunately, I quit Colosseum for today only. Thank you very much. If you find Futa, please let me know.

Mr Huta, I just...

Minasse Lowell

Alias: "???????"

Weapon: Unknown

Battle Record: 31-25




In the best eight flashes of history, the most powerful gladiators come back with a variety of answers - but if they say who the most popular gladiators are, everyone will say, "Minasse Lowell."

Its beauty and stunning appearance is a unique atmosphere for gladiators, but when it comes to fighting, it shows the skill of outperforming other gladiators.

After the champion's departure, he left the land to follow.

--I 'd like to hear your opinion without hesitation, Futa.

― ― Will the current prime remain in sixth place?

--I don't know the other eight flashes so I can't say anything. If we were compared to them back then, we might have been in third place.

--3rd place?

-Are you surprised?

--Well, I wouldn't have been surprised if I had been told that I could be in first place or that I would remain in sixth place. It seemed clear that there were two more qualified people than she was.


─ I can't have it. The purpose is to... "

Even so, I'm a hero.

Come on, let's go and conquer the seven seas. It's time to take the eighth sea. "

Name: Ocean Big Wave/Barrier Reef F Crist

Alias: "Hymn of the Seven Seas (Sinbad)"

Weapon: The Seven Seas

Battle Record: 47-9


The best swordsman of the era who uses the Far East Shinto Shurimon sect of Aoi Wave Sword Sword to teach everyone the art of swordsmanship and to adjust and handle the technology. With the fastest swing in the world, Colosseum has literally cut more than 800 of its opponents' products.

But all that information is just at the top of his strength.

By daring to disrupt the extreme technology, the "wave that can't ride" that disrupts the balance of the opponent is the true culmination. It is Ocean Shockwave's sword that disrupts the opponent's movements and knocks his checkmates down with his sleek sword moves.


Among the [Eight Flashes of Heaven], who left with zero combs, the only gladiator who ran away without a reason for the eight-hundred champion.

Its identity is the Imperial Fifth Prince Barrier Reef F. Kreist. Knowing that there was definite love for his father on the back of his continued all-you-can-love prodigy, he sank into the world of politics in order to fulfill his mission with his natural talent behind him. But there was a feeling that I could not bear, even though I accepted my destiny. Now, I am confronting my mission once again, and I am still fighting in the faction struggle under the curse of being unable to pull out the sword at the earliest.

― ― Idiot's Dagger ―

Next time, I will definitely win!!!

"Nobody else, it's you. This is the only thing I can say to Ocean Big Wave. You're the only one I can trust. --Hit me, too.

What do you mean...

Leather Blade Kid

Alias: Unknown

Weapon: Unknown

Battle Record: 47-9




The only gladiator to remain in Colosseum among the best [Eight Flashes of Heaven] of all time. Above all, he hated what he was called the de facto champion, who always reigned as a true champion.

Two years ago, Colosseum's entertainment income, which was lacking in eight samurai, including the champion, literally fell to the ground and was no longer worthy of the earliest sacred name. Leather Blade Kid is definitely at the heart of the Principality of Colosseum, which continues to grow in popularity.

He keeps holding out the dark, people say, as if he's been waiting for someone forever.

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