─ A year since then

The sound of your feet going into the alley.

Za, Za, and Za echo in a concierge where pebbles rub together when you step on the gravel.

Get off Main Street and head to a dirty shopping street lined with shops on narrow streets. The costumes of interchangeable humans change from the fine on Main Street to the middle-class.

I remembered my childhood when I thought that even the clothes they were wearing were superior and out of reach.

Even their clothes reminded me of a fallen self that was out of reach.

I'm a little surprised that I think I miss it.

It's only been a year since I came to King's Landing. The wandering journey lasts two years.

Simply calculated, it should still be a quick bitter memory to miss, but I was here to laugh at the days when I looked back.

Not surprisingly.

I feel blessed.

However, it was also true that there was a big difference between knowing and recognizing it again in this way.


Go to the alley.

One passes in front of the tavern and stops.

Looking back at the trajectory of the road, the long, thin alley was lying like a dead snake.

Ah, it's dark and thin.

It's a perfect location to walk through the gates of King's Landing and escape the central streets of light.

I looked up at the sky. A small, pale and pleasant day.

How was it a year ago?

--Oh, I don't remember. I think I even forgot about the color in the sky.

I looked at the door of the dirty tavern that I had been doing since daytime and thought a little and shook my head.

There is no reason in particular to enter.

It was when I turned my back again and almost walked out.

A dynamically open door.

A red-faced shopkeeper pops up and looks back at the shop and screams.

"Temee, if you make any more noise, I'll let you out!!

Was it rough? It was a lid with eyebrows closed, but the atmosphere is definitely different.

The store said, "That's not true!! Like," Take care of yourself. "There was a rough wild crowd that was sweet to such a shopkeeper.

In fact, the familiar store owner had no choice but to smile and try to go back inside.

It seems that the economy is quite good. It would have been unusual for a person to stand in an alley with narrowed eyes for a good thing. To my surprise, the store owner looked at me and I saw it.

For a moment, Futa worried about what to do.

Someday, the silent, loving owner cooked me the second best food in the world.

But when he saw Futa, he turned his eyes to surprise.

Then he smiled and shouted as if a surprise birthday cake had appeared in the dining room (Listrante).

"Oooh!! Holy shit!! Huta Pomodoro!?

"Eh. Ah, ah. Did you get a name?

"Hah!? What are you talking about, I don't know your face - hey!! It's Futa! CHAMPION (...)... there's Futa!!

The owner screamed, pointing at Futa and yelled inside the store.

But the store's reaction was terrible.

"You stupid bastard, go to sleep and say something!!" "You think I'll be fooled!!" "Drunken people don't bother passers-by!" "I don't even know if there's anybody here in the daytime!!" "That's not the guy who's been drinking since daytime!! -That would be Temee and the others!!

Fouta smiles unexpectedly in a situation where no one believes.

Speaking of which, the owner made a noise that it was true, and then he turned back and rubbed his hands and told him.

"I'm sorry for the noise!! Thanks to the gladiator, we've been so excited!! Why don't you stop by if you want!!

A lot. I knew that word, too.

Nothing thrives with a gladiator, not just those who watch the battle.

As a matter of knowledge, I heard that gambling is often done.

After all, the owner who threaded the character behind pulled the thread.

It was kind of strange to think that the money they spent would go around to her at the bottom.

It's not a very good place to gamble, but it's not a good place to meet the general public. This is the everyday noise next door as a fake sister.

--However, I think there will be an obstacle in Futa's struggle.

Something about adjusting the original gambling plan a little. I don't know what the details are.


He shook his head loosely and Huta tried to say no.

Then he continued his words in reliance.

"I know you're busy!! Meals are free!!

"... that's strange."

In trouble, Huta lowered her eyebrows.

It's free, right?

Even if I paid 50,000 yen, I was kicked out when I finished eating. I didn't expect you to come because it's free.

I really don't know what life is.

"Sorry. I have an appointment."

"I see...!! But don't forget to do it again!!

Oh, I'll think about it.

If you are the "champion", did you interpret the appointment and the opponent will be suitable, or did you step on the bad guy to hurt the champion's mood? Either way, the owner of the shop will dramatically retreat.

Lightly laughing at him, Huta moved on.

Further back into this place.

Walking, murmuring. I am a little sorry to the store owner.

I don't have an appointment.

It's just a walk, but Futa's thoughts are strong.

Still, I didn't have an appointment with anyone.

After that, it was just a year.

So somehow, as a delimiter, there was a place I wanted to come.

That's all I'm saying.

--The alley opens.

"... the atmosphere has changed somehow."

The corner of her mouth rose slightly and Huta murmured.

Looking around, the grounds are quite spacious. In the middle is an object of a decaying fountain, surrounded by stones connecting their hands to form a circle.

There was someone sitting there.

He lowered his gaze and looked up at the sky.

Two birds ran through the beautiful blue sky like a brush.

Well, mutter with one person.

There's nobody around. There's no sign of anyone.

That was what caused the atmosphere to change.

Someday, "she" 's fighting spirit just didn't bring people together.

A long time ago, there should have been a lot of vagrants around here.

That's a pretty thing.

This place looks like it might have been cleaned up, but is it still deep in the alley, or is it rarely visited?

However, only the signs of Futa were there.

"I guess I'm not the only one who's changed."

Yes, I looked into my palm.

Loosen the corner of your mouth on a running old wound and focus from your palm to your feet.

Fine shoes and straight trousers with no wrinkles.

Are you worthy of the royal guest's fine clothing?

I shook my head thinking so much. After all, it's a beast. It shouldn't suit me either. But why do you have to laugh bitterly?

"The number of collective housing units has increased, so has the number of jobs. More people can live under the roof, and this place is finished."

Some places are noisy, such as abandoned security zones.

Considering that all the alleys in King's Landing were "yes", it is a major advance.

If you think of both the "sword" and the spectacular effect - there's nothing to be so happy about. I'm sure that's what the owner looked like.

The lunchtime bell rang.

I won't stay that long.

I'm sure there's still a girl at the castle who's having fun preparing lunch today. I have a place to go.

If you think so, you are blessed.

There have been a lot of things going on in the past year.

I'm really glad I'm still in King's Landing.

"--Not at all."

That's when my voice rang.

Looking back unexpectedly, she looks out of the darkness of the alleyway - a girl wearing a hood.

I don't know who that is.

The more his face is hidden from discernment, the more foolish he is against the LORD. Maybe. I'm sure. Desire.

"Why are you here?"

"Now, why? - Probably the same as you."

Standing side by side, checking that no one was there, slowly took off the hood.

Light armor, the same as that day. Silver hair tied with a ribbon.

"You can just ask me out at a time like this, but I still don't like it."

"You can't take me out of here."

"I don't know about you... but for me, this isn't the place."


Next door, gently put your hair on your ear. Her intention in gazing at the decaying fountain was to draw the driftstone fouta.

Futa knows that she also cared about that day.

"I'm sorry... it's not just dialogue."

"It's time to practice - even after a year"

Giggles, she smiles with joy.

Then he raised his face and looked up at the sky.

Her pale is blue than the sky.

"--When I was told I loved you, I thought I'd turn around."

It reminds me of recent events.

"You flipped it, didn't you?

"... I thought I'd flip it over."

Ah, I won't admit it. and Huta did it twice.

She was quite impatient at the time, but apparently she tampered with her memory.


Slowly put her hand on her chest and she continued.

"I was delighted. --I thought I was happy.

"... that's..."

Well, what do you think?

Her words tried to lighten and soothe the atmosphere.

But I know it's called Futa.

For her, the words of love were words of honesty and joy.

I still don't know how you feel.

"But... I can't believe I'm trying to figure it out."

The month and day of the year must have melted her heart a little.

There is no denying that the King's knight helped him.

But it's all about the triggers.

It is not bad to think that it is fruitful because I stayed in King's Landing.



Less word exchange.

The two of us were just spending time quietly in this quiet place where people and things didn't move.

Oh, and the wind runs between them.

"What did you do before you were kicked out?

Uh, turn around.

Then, the pale eyes with the right eyes fell down like a prank.

I was confused for a moment, but something went wrong and nodded.

"I'm a gladiator. I had confidence in my arms."

"Ever since they kicked you out, you haven't put your arms to work?

"Yes, there is a" profession "distinction in qualifications - well, no one would have been unemployed enough to train only the sword's arm."

--Fufu, the laughter leaks from the girl's mouth.

I remember that very well.

"Welcome, Lilac."

"Yes, I don't know, I've felt this fate for a long time."

"Was that... worth trying?"


Futa confronts a girl nodding with a pungent nod.

Naturally, they smiled at each other long enough to reach out.

"Why don't we make a deal?

She stares at the sword placed on Huta's waist and says.

"I have nothing but spares."

"It doesn't matter."

She took one of the konzeshs she put on her waist.

"My weapon is my specialty."

"I know it well."

Gently, the two of you throw out Konzesh from each other.

Futa had no reason to deny this encounter.

"The opponent surrenders or triumphs with edging. I'm not going to hurt you. And don't shout too loud."


"Because I don't want anyone else to know that we're here - that we're here."

Sometimes it's different, that's why.

Ok, Futa told her.

Well, let's get started.


The girl stands up. Huta did the same.

I'm coming.

At the same time, it pops out.

Behind and beyond the intersection of Konzesh.

The echoes cross, a light pair of eyes.

The tone sounded as if it were a festive cup.

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