Prim-chan, this is my first time using it.

It's been a while since the Klimbroom Mansion was blown up and fireworks rose in the arena spectacular.

While we were talking about rebuilding the mansion, all the people who lived in the Klimbroom family rented a mansion near King's Castle Lower Town.

A short coach ride from the castle gate.

Surrounded by fields and forests, the mansion is quite large, and the life itself has not changed much.

There is just one inconvenience.

It was a terrible distance from the castle town.

The structure of the King's City is quite complicated.

Among the kingdom's Eisenhalt, the castle and castle town are located in the middle, surrounded by walls and walls.

If you leave the city gate, it won't be King's City, either.

There are quite a few houses built in the vicinity, and the pastoral sights are changing from the castle town, but the King's City is also around here.

I'm glad many civilians with fields live here.

There are plenty of grounds, and there are a few mansions the size of which can be called mansions.

That's what happened to Richter and his family when they got a temporary lodging.

Many things are difficult, such as having to shake the carriage for a considerable amount of time every time you work, or cleaning a house that was barely serviced.

Let's talk about a girl who is left alone in the Mansion.

"Richter-kun, shh!!

Can't you see I'm busy, you idiot?


Richter keeps his eyes open like a shock, making a bear in his eyes and even running a pen on the paperwork.


"Oh, what's the matter, Mr. Prim?"


"I don't want to do that... but I'm sorry. We need to sink Richter a little more into the paperwork. Ufufufufufu"

"That's right....."

The girl in the butler's clothes smiled and drove normally.

Although, the injury still hasn't healed and the work is slower than usual.

"Chef -"

"Oh, what's up, snack?

"People don't care."

"Hahahaha! Well, there's nothing you can do about it. You can't go back to your usual rhythm... do you want some sweets?


A prime walking roughly hallway with a small mouthful of baked confectionery.

Since I was hired as Richter's escort, I've had a lot of fun.

Everyone was gentle during the time I was putting away the clothes.

I just moved. It seems that the inner feelings of this mansion, which looks exactly the same from Prim's eyes, are very different.

I missed you a lot more than I thought.

You may want to hang out with another person, but it's also true that I don't want to leave this mansion right now.

It's just happened, and I'm proud to be Richter's escort.

I had no intention of making it worse than I had been hired.

Although I said that.

"Don't do nothin '!"

Busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy, busy.

I was tired of exercising alone to distract myself.

Because this is the only thing I have to do in the last few days.

I wondered what was going on outside the blurry window.

The pictorial side is a beautiful girl, but sadly, it's completely barbaric in my head.

That's when I had to squander my time alone.

"Mr. Prim."

"Oh, Mion-san. What's the matter with you?

"No, Mr. Prim is busy, so I need a favor."

"Eh, what! I'm free!

Really? That's good. ― ― Richter said, "There's no way Prim can do it."

"You don't know until you try it!?

Nevertheless, I am certainly not very good at paperwork because I cling to the chair.

Keep an eye on what Mion has been telling Richter.

With a smile, she offered a scroll and a wallet.

Now, I'd like you to go out to King's Landing for a moment.


"Yes, please?

"Leave it to me! I'll do it!"

Mion lowered his eyes and smiled at the chest of a prime.

Well, thank you very much by this evening.

"Okay! Mmm, Richter, I don't think I can shop either."

"Yes, I believe you, Mr. Prim."


Powerful nodding prime.

That's why.

Prim Lancaster. The first princess opened the door.

--Wangcheng Lower Street, Long-established Street.

A long-established street lined with many calm shops.

Prim arrived at this place, said to be the most beautiful street in King's Landing.

Shake by a carriage exclusive to the Klingbroom family for a while.

With a big stretch, she first looked at the top of the scroll.

"Let's start with this shop."

The great Prim was watching scroll through the carriage in his spare time.

I have checked with the owner about the product that I can't see clearly, and it can be said that Richter no longer brands incompetence.

I came into the store and was greeted by the clerk.

I use my communication skills to wrap things up while having fun talking, and I pay to leave the store.

Then gently carry the luggage to the carriage and clear the first one.

"It's easy!!

I can't believe you thought you couldn't do this!

"Let's not be alarmed," gently tells Prim, who is furious in the middle of the day, with a gentle smile.

"Leave it to me! Even so, I earned my own money and came to King's Landing without getting lost!

"I see. Then I'm relieved."


Boosting his chest, the carriage goes to the next shop.

It was a fresh experience to see the view of King's Landing from the window, usually on foot, and Prim was getting more and more enjoyable.

Sometimes you couldn't stay here for a while.

I was tired of training.

Above all, I was left to serve as an escort.

It was fun and burning with a sense of purpose, she digested the scroll list one after the other.

"- Two left!

That's right.

The lower city of Wangcheng is wide.

Sometimes there was a distance between the Klimbroom family and the King's Landing, and it took a lot of time to move the carriage.

I'm still fine because I'm a tireless prime, but I'm a little hungry.

I don't think I even ate lunch.

"Hey hey, mister. I'm hungry."

"That's right. I completely forgot... do you want something to eat?"

"I can't believe I forgot to eat!

"Nooo... I'm worried I'll be able to use it properly."

"What?" Did I say something?

"No, nothing!

Prim was the only one who didn't know that he wasn't trustworthy throughout the Mansion.

Sometimes there are only two more lists left, and Primes are in a good mood to enter the store.

I wonder if it was included in the calculation around the boulder, and the wallet is thick considering the cost of her food, which she often eats.

"... it's okay. It's still okay, Richter."

"What are you saying, bumps?

"No, I was just singing three articles."

I wonder what this is all about, but he laughs in front of the prime, who flattens the pizza one after the other with his neck tilted.

These are the three usual rules that were imposed on him.

One. Never look away from your wallet.

One. Don't leave Prim alone outside the store.

One. If you can't do both, I'll buy it myself.

This is an instruction from Richter.

Finish your meal and head to the next shop with a delightful Prim.

That's when you tried to get into the carriage again.

Oh, that's Prim.

Oh, isn't that a freak?

"Oh, really, it's a monster prime."

I might not have told you, three guards.

I wonder if Bill, Ben and Bob are on guard duty. I ran into him on the street.

"You're telling me things about people!!

"I don't think so.... alone?

There are some of you.


The guards respond with a pleasant smile to the unpleasant.

Hey, thanks Prim for looking after me.

"Hello, King's Capital is still peaceful today."

"There is no dangerous information to pick up, so please take your time in the basket."

"Ah, thank you...."

Everyday policing is familiar, and three people treat you politely.

Much of their job is to alert people when something is happening in King's Landing and vice versa.

It is true that the very existence of the guards leads to people's peace of mind, but everyone worked hard for the King's Capital.

--That's why the princess's lying information doesn't appear to civilians, but that's irrelevant today. Because it is a peaceful everyday story, the Princess's shadow does not appear.

"Nh, we're going to train now."

"Ooh. It seems to be another event in the arena."

"It would be a chance to see His Highness again at close range....."


It's the usual way.

But this is before you think it's bad.

"You're training!? Taiyuka, arena event!?


"I don't know the details yet. Second tournament, huh? I don't know."

"It's just a sword-fighting dimension."

The sparkling prime moves on with a friendly threesome of conversations.

"Even if Bob picks up something nice. I want her too."

"You must be famous for fighting swords in order to be popular. Damn it, Izna's son of a bitch dropped a crazy bitch unconsciously...!!

"I can't forgive you!!!!!!!"

"I can't forgive you, either, Bob."

Ben says he wants her refreshed.

Bill envies Harlem.

Simply jealous of the mystery of the female body, Bob.

The usual guards.

I couldn't even say that there were two more products left in the list.

"I just have a little time!! I'll do it!!

You should be home by evening.

It is also bad that it has been easy to use before.

"Hey, Mr. Prim, I need a little more time for the other two..."

"Just a little! Look, please...!


When he is looked up with his wet eyes, he cannot be cut off from the pure.

Around here, he is envious of Richter's strong heart that laughs with his nose and looks down at the barbarians.

"... okay, just a little bit."


Just a little bit.

I didn't know it was just a little.

I didn't say that.

/(adv-to, vs) (1) (on-mim) (on-mim) plumming/(2) (on-mim




"Ah, not yet!!

"Ooh, you followed me!!


"Gofu... I'm really sorry...!

They said it was okay to be tough on Bob.

A garrison in a guard lockup.

A pleasant swinging prime.

"Ahahah! Ahahahaha!

(Please enjoy the smile of the barbarians for a while)



And then...

"It's getting dark. Let's cut it up already."

I see. That was a good workout. "

Mr Kuprimoo

Prim screams as he drops off the three of them leaving the training yard whispering.


The bloodthirsty Prim also dashes to the training ground exit and grabs Bob's shoulder.

"Gwi, who is this man?!

"Ah? I have some business to attend to..."

Handed over is a scroll with a list of items to use.

A note was left in the corner.

There are two left, so it takes time to do it. And I had to be home by the evening, but it seemed like I couldn't hear you when I called, so I'll be back first. "

I have no choice but to take my large luggage home in a carriage.

So, you went home first.

"Wow, they threw me away!!

Prim's voice echoed through the stars at night.

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