--I hated the sky.

I don't have any particular reason. I hated the sky, I hated the wilderness, and I hated the smell of dust in the house.

Born in the smelly, alcoholic air and closed jail, I did not seem to be welcomed by everything loved by the world, which is regarded as beautiful.

When the sunset sneered, I saw the face with my middle finger up.

Irune "B" looked at the sky overlooking herself and flew his nose.

"What are you doing?

Nothing, she keeps giving back her words.

The backyard of the orphanage. Barbed wire wrapped around a high iron fence prevents children from escaping.

The sky looking up from here is tiny, and the sunset over the fence is really unpleasant.

Cut cliffs. Tidal winds stimulate even damaged hair.

Looking back, she looked like a girl holding a worn-out teddy bear.

"What can I do for you? You're talking in a disgusting way."

Oh, my God.

Just because she has the same name doesn't mean she even cares about us.

The technique of laughing at the back of your hand against your mouth is so upstream and irritating.

That's how they laugh at their ugliness.

"That's right.... it's in the mud that Hua is able to bloom the Great Wheel."

What? That's right.

"I'll grow up. What I know."

"... ahh"

Irune "B" walks out like he's lost interest.

The girl who circled around in front of her made her peek into her face and then pushed the tip of the teddy bear against the "B".

"Culture is power."

"... in places like this, that doesn't change anything."

"No, no. 'Cause one day I'm gonna get out of here."

"... can you do that?

"Fufufu, a place where dirt doesn't fall off the ceiling after digging a hole. Computing that is one of the things that we do."

"..." A ", you"

I don't like that A either.... that's right. You're B, Bear!

"Bear....? Well, call me whatever you want.... what are you excited about?"

Give me your name, too.

Irune "A" brightens his eyes and carries a teddy bear around.

She seems to be deliberately squeezing her waist and tailoring her dress with her stitches.

"A... A, so it's Eina."

"... fufufu"

"What's wrong?"

"Because Ena is E"

"Fuck you. I don't know. Don't laugh, I'll crush you."

"In order not to be laughed at by anyone, it's also a discipline."


But she smiled with joy.

Say hello to Eina. Bear... fufu "

--Climbroom Mansion.

The wind blew hard.

In line with the "roar" that touches your ears and the sound of air flowing, the fierce heat still strokes your cheeks.

"― ― Gendarmerie, I'll take care of him. Besides, we need to secure the bad guys."


Richter's eyes were hopeless even as he gave the order.

There should have never been a time when the killer was caught in a bombing.

The Mansion is already on fire. That's not true of the fools who remain on the scene despite achieving their goals.

If so, there are only two types.

Richter narrowed his eyes and opened his eyes to his feet.

One is already dead.

Then ask for the other one and look again.

The other is when the purpose is different from the end.

"Ohh... ooh..."

It seems that the voice was raised or the burning throat was damaged.

The price of wandering around looking for idiots in a burning mansion resounds here.

Dangerous woman looking forward to killing each other in front of her.

A subordinate who is already suffering from a blow.

Shake his head.

It should have been a long time since we left the front line, but it's a lot of indifference.


Don't be alarmed when you point your gaze at Mion.

The woman named Iroon is attacking me.

Killing superior, ambushing superior.

Richter's vigilance is tight because it's a battlefield routine.... I was.

That's why it was incomprehensible.

"... why aren't you coming?"

Gladius is ready already.

She was the one who wanted a pleasant killing.

I want to eliminate indigestion. A lot.

If this woman wants it, knock it down from the front.

Even though I was looking forward to it - there was no sign of it moving at all.

Close your eyes.

What the hell are you doing?

Mion's life has nothing to do with it. Even if you get a sharp kick, it doesn't mean you'll die if you leave it alone.

I'm not a hostage, I'm not buying time.

Even though it is. I usually look at her with joy and bravery.

He looked at Richter with eyes like a woman who doubted her husband's affair.

"... that's right, what's the cough now?"

"It's your fault for everything."

"Impossible. I should have made sure you weren't in the Mansion."

"--It's not impossible. The Mansion still had family."

"... my family?

The woman in front of me tilted her neck until she couldn't solve it.

"Oops... my family is close. There were still servants inside, including the chef. I think he's an idiot who went looking for it."

To be precise,

Even though they've already rescued him, they went to pick up the things he left behind because they're important.

There is no need to explain such a fool's story in depth.

"... to a house where nobles burn to help their servants? It's not funny to be joking."

"Are you kidding me? He's a servant of my house."

"That's not why."

Richter shook his head as he finally understood the intent of Iroon's words.

"There are certainly many kinds of nobles. I'm not going to tell you not to come with me. But I told you."

"You're noble, so scratch your feet in the mud. Not to mention..."

"If you want to save your family from being drowned in bitter mud, of course."

Richter L. Klimbroom is not going to override what he said at the tournament.

I remember what he said when I spoke to Iroon.

--Because I remembered, I made my expression strong.

Great speech, good taste.

However, there are people among the aristocrats who will do it until they stand up for themselves. I just didn't want to talk about it.

"Tell me when you need help as a people." That's what I said. Reach out to you.... it's only natural to pull your family out of hell. "

― ―

Eyroon stared at Richter, who was coughing painfully.

And look at the fallen mion - the eye rune.

"... my entertainment has been shaved."

Turned his back.

Is that okay? I'll do it. "

"Just as you are shy, so am I."

Murmuring without turning around.

It doesn't look like one day I would have attacked Wind Earth Note.

"I won't fool around with a nasty lion."

"... I see."


She tells her to repeat the words.

"What you said. I wonder if it's" strength "to beat someone who doesn't even have something to gain. Yeah, you're right. We just want to do everything we can for each other."

And turn around and tell him.

"My strength will not be proven when I have sent you down now. Because I didn't burn the house down."

"... you were just called to watch out for me."

Richter lowered his eyebrows because of his cumbersome cowardice.

She's not saying anything about setting the house on fire.

For example, if you had the skill of magic to handle flames, you would have mercilessly roasted Richter and challenged him to battle.

But for her who doesn't use magic, flames are just like weapons. After all, it's a debt.

When you use it to win, you can't prove your strength.

Then I won't use it.

As long as she is "Shura" who fights to prove her strength.

Ambush, surprise, etc. But that's because it's a collision of forces.

It is better to be careless. That's true. But I never want an incomplete victory that is out of my hands.

Same as Richter said one day.

I don't want to be cowardly. It's just not like a gladiator to do everything you can.

Eyron B. Smiles is such a shura.

That's why she has no reason to fight Richter here.

No, I don't.

"- Is that all right?

It was only Richter L. Klimbroom who stopped the eye rune from leaving.

Richter, holding Gladius in his grip, tells Iroon that he can't solve the problem and looks back halfway.

"I'm asking if that's okay. The nobleman is in front of me.... you are an abominable nobleman. Yes, Irune" B ""


Richter was the one I needed.

"I'm sorry, but I had to look into you."

Still stretching his chest with burning pain and fever in front of the eye-opening eye, Richter tells.

"Redlood. Redlood Orphanage. Looks like he liked it a lot."

"... what right do you have to expose my past?"

"The privilege of the aristocrats," I would say. What right do you have to burn people's houses? "


"Oh, no, that's right. You didn't burn it. Isn't it true that you joined us?

But that's not a problem.

Richter shakes his head.

"I don't need rights. I bet you are. You're not?

"... that's right. Nothing. I don't need the right to do anything."

"But I have a right. It's a privilege you can enjoy as a nobleman."

That's why Michael and Richter are relative to eye runes.

"... is that okay, Eilon B. Smiles?"

"So, what are you talking about?

"I'm asking if that's how you are. You have said that you do not need any rights, you have pierced your own self, you have slaughtered your enemies, and now you are doing..."

Looking straight at his eyes, Richter dared to mock.

"A noble dog."


She raised her eyebrows in suspicion.

"The back of the organization you belong to has a great nobility. What they're doing to disturb us is this lofty game of fire. You're just waving your tail at them while you're hostile to us."

It's a cheap provocation.

"Really? In fact... it sounds unpleasant."

Her eyebrows twitched and her eyebrows moved.

"Isn't it?

"--Your soul and gall are clear and vulgar. Richter L. Klimbroom"

"That's rude. Instead of burning my family, I'm angry."

"... that's right. Well, I guess so."

With her hands on her cheeks, she narrowed her eyes to think.

Cheap provocation. That's true.

A noble dog. You want to deny it.

In fact, Richter is stepping on whether he can deny it.

No matter how many times a woman named Eilon B. Smiles confronts Richters, it can't be a noble thing to say.

The bodies of terrorists rolling in front of us are evidence of that.

If so, it is.

It is sooner to see that there is a "reciprocal" deal between this woman and her nobles.

If you pull that out, Richter can get one step closer to the mastermind.

I know that when I talk to Iroon.

So there's a simple problem.

That is, will she take the line of business with her client or take pride in being tamed by a noble dog?

Eyroon gazed at Richter in a disturbing manner.

It is also true that I still have trouble understanding my soul and gall.

It would be a pity to confront Richter.

"Let me guess what you're thinking now, Iroon."

"... please?

"The benefits of lawfully interacting with His Highness and Futa are too great for you. Your Highness is not the one to kill each other, and it's hard to say about Futa."

"... you think you'll be ready to kill both of us?

"I want you to crush each other... but I'm in trouble right now"

Then we're done talking.

Eyroon turns his back again.

No deal, no priority for pride.

The third option, silence.

It should also be called some sort of natural means of negotiation.

But the answer to the silence - Richter L. Klimbroom - was ready.

"... well, I didn't expect to talk to you in this situation."

When I looked into Redlood, I didn't think this was going to happen.

It is also true that he held his head when he put his hands together with the nobles and tried to burn people's houses in such a place.


I can't help it if this happens. I was prepared when I rushed to the scene.

"We can't let terrorists like us in the future. If it's going to be a thread mouth, I really want to force you to throw up."

Step forward.

Take a step further toward the eye rune as you turn your back.

"I need you personally. Is that really all you want to be strong about? Don't you want to settle for Red Rood?"

Raise Gladius.


Slash it on the back of an unprotected eye rune!

"How dare you put my family in danger, I'll let you bully me!!

Gin and dull iron sounds.

Without turning around, your nails hold Gladius.

"--You 're not very good at it right now, but you're not my opponent. I know that. Why?

"Why? Why did you come? It's easy."

Let me tell you something. Raise the corner of your mouth.

Because it is the right of the noble.

The rights of the noble.

It's a blade to protect the people.

Even so.

Even if you couldn't protect it.

From now on, let those under Richter's protection "bully" them so that they don't lick and shake.

Like she said.

Even if you know you can't win.

"Don't you see?

A sharp glance, a smile that strikes the glassy eyes of an empty eye-rune.

"I'm telling you, I'm gonna stop you as an enemy."

Let me ask you again, Iron B. Smiles.

"Running away?"

"Oh, no."

Eyroon lifts the corner of his mouth.

"I hate the sky."

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