--Inside the Imperial City. Futa's private room.

"... that's two drops, right?"

Looking down at Corona, whose breathing had subsided, Futa murmured with relief and anxiety.

I feel like my condition is getting worse.

A few days after that.

My breathing is getting rough gradually.

Sure, there aren't three days left before the pasta show.

Ayame was also looking forward to seeing Yuyake-on-kaku in his heart.

However, in this state of affairs, it is difficult for the lid to carry its feet.

I wonder what happened.

I hear the situation in King's Landing is getting worse every day.

Looking out the window, it's a beautiful day as usual.

But for some reason, I didn't feel well.

At least if there's anything I can do.

In Futa's chest, of course, she wanted to help Lilac, and she was worried about Corona and pasta.

Many faces appeared besides the people who really mattered.

It's either Richter or Prim.

Ruli, Wind, or Mion.

Reef, Izna, or moxibustion. People from Mirabelle and the cafeteria (Taberna). Spectacular gatherings.

So did Hula and Bisiedo. The king's face also appeared.

Oh, I see.

I want to solve the stinky case that is happening in the King's City somehow.

"I like King's Landing....."

The agonizing thoughts still cannot be translated into action.

--Hammot Mansion.

"--I 've sipped sweet juice all over the place. I am."

The thick, loose fingers have many rings filled with large jewels.

It's called a handkerchief to wipe sweat from earlier, and I can understand that I am using a fine product.

I see, Gracial narrowed his eyes to say that he was right to sip the sweet juice.

"... I don't even know how much I owe you. I didn't even put the books on when I said I'd give them back... and yesterday and tomorrow, the banquet schedule was filled."

Without even looking at Gracial, he tended to lean and pound.

From the lowered head position, the slightly raised vision can only be seen around the glass placed in front of Gracial.

I can't even see my face because I'm scared.

The blurry narrative reaches Gracial's ears.

There were several reasons why Gracial didn't blame it.

The first is to buy time. The time he talks about stays the same, and naturally there is a grace period to continue the house search.

"... I have no idea what the management of the territory is, and mostly I leave the work to the downstairs... my business is just a failure... hey, I thought it would work. I'm sure my men are telling me it's a pig in the shadows, which comes to mind."

The second was that I wanted to hear some remorse from the fool who pulled Richter's leg. I would be surprised if I thought that man was always breaking his nerves to protect them.

He was just as sweet as he was to just use it and throw it away - to the end.

That's why the princess will follow you. You knew that.

"So, I'm very happy to hear Gracial's offer to use it heavily..."

There are three. It was a ring on his finger that this hammot had been playing with all along. Although it is very decorated and brilliantly intertwined, I have been playing with only one thin ring made of iron, which is quite poor.

"--I 've been despised as a pig bastard, and I've been hated in the social world.... if you betray me as the only person who ever saw me like that, I... I'm really not a person anymore!

Two men stood behind Gracial in a stood hammock. Seeing them with their hands on the sword of their hips, Hammotto cried as they were about to cry.

"Kill me if you want to!! It was a fun life!!!

A chest tightening, desperately bluffing hammot.

It was then.

The door at the back of the dining room opened with momentum.

It was a girl in a lovely dress who ran up and down. My daughter leans her neck, but as soon as I look at her neck, I can tell.

Probably one of the slaves this pig bought.

... I don't know why you're standing there to protect him.


"Oh, hey, don't come out..."

Looking at the girl shaking her head, Gracial sighed as if she were white. Gracial, with his legs crossed, put his cheek staff on his knee and told him.

"Like you, it's not worth killing"


Hammots who thought they'd be killed if they didn't obey them can only expose their foolish side to the words.

The girl seems surprised, but Gracial doesn't have the words to slave her.

"You can make that kid look like a dart on your stomach."

Well, that's...

"There can't be a reason why you're doing this all the time."

is at the same time as exhaling. The sound of knocking from the entrance to the front door.

Gracial stood up bored by the "found" sign.

I've finished my errand.

And then, yes.

If only there were a people to protect. There is only one piece of advice you can give to the same "nobility".

"You're going out with your family now. I don't recommend staying in the house."


Whatever dull Boneless is, I can understand the meaning of words as long as I know the situation today.

Whether to hit Richter or Gracial.

And what is happening now that the humans attached to Richter have fulfilled their duties?

Drop off Gracial, who leaves the cafeteria, and the soldiers with him.

As Bonless rolled, he took out the slaves who were hiding behind him first, and he gathered important gold, delicious dried meat, and so on, and jumped out the back door.

Meanwhile, Gracial came out of the front door of the mansion.

He noticed something when he tried to get into the carriage.

A woman jumps out of a carriage that stops in front of her.

Gracial narrows her eyes to a familiar woman.

"... Temee, this Richter..."

"Lord Gringott....! What can I do for you, pig house?"

"Whoa, whoa. I see? You heard I was coming here, and you said you flew in different phases. You've got a good nose, Inukoro."

"... you seem to have reopened a lot. You think it's okay to expose what you're doing already?

What are you talking about? I didn't do anything. "

Gracial faces the woman in front of her as she lowers her legs as she tries to get into the carriage.

Her name is Mion.

Richter's brilliant subordinate leader, who knows Gracial well.

When I was working with Richter, I was occasionally taken care of.

But it's over now.

Gracial looked up at the sky in front of her.

"It's nice weather today. The cool breeze is pleasant in the sunshine of the cool season. That's right, Mion."


Put Mion, a woman with frowns, on her aristocratic cum wrapped valves.

Lifting his pale hair, he tells.

"On these days, the air is dry and the fire is easy to turn."

--It was that moment.

Amazing explosions and gusts.

A carriage that is about to roll into a blowing wind. Mion himself, hiding his face with his arms, turned his gaze toward the direction of the hot wind - he opened his eyes.

"Kohaha...!! Pig bastard!!

"I'm worried about this... she said she'd be out soon after she talked to me."

"Ha ha ha ha...!!!

Burning Hammotto Mansion.

I hear people screaming in the surrounding area.

I wonder if it's time for wild horses to gather. Feeling the signs of the people, Gracial stretches his legs to the carriage's tarp again.

"You were a brave band aiming for nobility." I might get targeted too, and I'll run away. "

"Wait, Gringot!!

"Hey, you want to keep me?

That's not a joke, those eyes staring at mions.

It is by no means a superficial frustration that offends civilians.

If so, Mion stopped his body halfway, as if he had been inadvertently sealed off.

Looking at the situation is obvious.

A terrorist attack targeting a nobleman occurred before our very eyes. It's about finding a painless stomach just to keep it on the scene.

Gracial knows.

"Originally a guerrilla killer, you're here now?


There are by no means many who know her half of her life.

But as Gracial in front of him is, so is he who knows.

All she has to do now is snag Richter's neck.

Mion stands up.

Gracial boarded the carriage as if he had lost interest, and then told him as he remembered.

Long before the flames burn.

"Oh, you'd better hurry home, too. On a day like today, there's not always one thing to aim for."

You'd better run, not run.

I told her I'd better go home.

There is more to assume, such as the reason.

But Mion hastily returned the threat.

"Do something stupid. Where are the fools who know who the terrorists are ultimately targeting and who are not fortifying themselves?"

Of course. Fools who have not prepared anything before terrorists who have been active for a long time.

Under Mion's command, we are preparing our soldiers in full readiness.

Without much, Gracial murmured at Mion, who pierced his face without much interest.

Well, what if I hired someone who could break that defense?

"No way!!!


There are only a few people in this kingdom who think Gracial "breaks" when they hear about the guards at the Klingon Bloom Mansion.

If I could hold one of them, I'd probably be alone.

But getting one of them on an invitation was terribly easy - so much so that Mion thought, he bit his teeth and jumped on the carriage again.

Richter asked me to stop the hammock.

Is that all you've got?

"Stay safe, Richter."

The spectacular show will resume in 2 days.

A management team that does not show willingness to take it down.

--Fine, the terrorist organization is starting to pretend to be okay.

--Climbroom Mansion.

Iron B. Smiles was bored.

"Caution stick for the time of day."

In that way, they were to be given to an organization that would become the Girl Guides.

That's good.

In addition, he lived in a similar warrior until he left Colosseum and came to King's Landing.

It doesn't matter what their thoughts or purpose are, they just destroy their enemies when they have to fight.

It's terribly simple and easy to understand, and you can try your power.

However, what this organization was doing was terribly boring.

Surprise, ambush. I'm not going to deny it.

It is worse to lose with such a thing. I understand.

However, the way this organization relies on magic called gunpowder to hunt down those who have fallen apart safely does not suit sex.

The fact that I didn't prepare it myself is a hindrance.

Can it be said that he dragged down those who were in high places when he used what he had received from his nobles?

Put your arms together and stretch one.

Lilac M. Fangini. Izna Sicienzan. Richter L. Klimbroom. And Fouta Pomodoro.

I heard she could handle such a fierce thing, so she's just hanging out a little bit.

The time they spent working hard on their ideological activities in order to express their will was nothing more than standing up to work tirelessly.

In front of you are the remains of some of the patrollers who were guarding this mansion.

I couldn't help it because I was told to make my mouth sour without even speaking up.

"Stop the show!!

"Restore the King's authority!!

"It is a tool that is dominated by the industrialists!!

They assert their righteousness in their voices, and set fire to them as if they were drunk.

Isn't it interesting that you suddenly betrayed me?

That's when the devil sent it.

In the first place, it is worthwhile for a woman named Iroon to drag down a person who thinks' they are in an overwhelming superiority 'and' they are right ', trample on their strength, and prove their strength.

It is also not bad to think about the back defense and try to pierce your back thinking that "we are ambushing ourselves" - the more you think.

I don't see the man who invited you here, and, well, I suppose you should say you were resisting.

If you're going to expose yourself and cut yourself off, that's it. That man was there as a samurai, and I could be satisfied with him for the time being.

"How are you? I think they will be forgiven for whatever they do if they shout out what justice is. It's funny."


"You're out of line of command."

"Shut up and follow me!

A gentle provocation would make it easy for a man drunk on justice.

With the magic stone in her arms, she came to her angrily.

Why do you think I'm on your side even if you eat with such a scary face? I don't understand.

"A vigilante stick should only work during an attack!? How can you understand our philosophy!?

"How does this burn?... I wonder."

I pulled his stone and tried to put it in my mouth.

Just imitate the detonation, close your eyes and snip your fingers lightly.

After opening her umbrella to the loud explosion, she smiles.

"Oh my God, it's so easy."

"Oh, you...!!!

"I'm just following you because I hear you're getting ready before we fight. When the battle itself is so boring... I'm bored and bored.... if the other person is strong and you are strong, I want to eat both"

"You monsters...!!

Eyroone gripped her fist as she licked her lips with her tongue.

Enough killing. Was it a friend?

Iroon knows very well that people with ideas tend to get used to each other badly as comrades with the same idea.

Then the three of them got along - and at that moment, Eyroon felt something.

As soon as he grabbed one of his necks, he shielded himself behind his back.

"- I see. I see. It means that I am ambushed and ambushed."

However, he exhaled one breath and threw away the man, who had become a creepy skewer, like garbage.

I looked at a poor woman.

"But I'm strong. Whenever and by whomever you are attacked, you are ready to live. Hey, Mion-san."

Really? I'll kill you if you don't mind. "

"I see...."

Eyron looks up at the burning Klimbroom Mansion.

Mion's impatient face is like a knight running to save the princess.

I mean, she's trying to get rid of herself right now.


The laughter rose.

Speaking of which, I never fought her.

I thought I could do it pretty well, but I don't think so.

"You have something interesting."

"I'm not going to ask questions."

That's right.

Eyroon smiles happily.

"Don't ignore it!! Why is my vigilante...?"

Mion forgot. Speaking of which, Ayroon was somehow in the middle of a battle with these people.

The one who's been shielded seems to be dead already.


"I did not become one of your soldiers."

I was slammed to the ground with my knife, and I tried to beat my neck. Mion lays his eyes down, thinking that the angle of the neck when swinging down would not help.

"You won't hear me anymore."

That's right. Okay. "

Before the burning Klingon Bloom Mansion, the two of you face each other.

"Let's play. Until it sinks and bubbles disappear."

Mion, who put his hand on his forehead, sighed at the smiling eye rune.

"I told you, I'm in your way. Get out of there."

"I refuse."

"Really... oh, I see."

Eyroon's lips hanged in a bursting rage.

Originally, you were the guerrilla of the nobleman killer...

Mion loosened the butler's collar and threw away his tie, exposing his chest and turning his neck annoying.

Its eyes have a pure color of "exclusion". Eyroon fights joyfully against mions who show their teeth aggressively.

"Ahh, ahh, it's the highest...!

"I owe you a lot, you fucking bitch."

The Mermaid and the Commander clash!

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