--Inside the Imperial City.

Dip the cloth into the bucket and squeeze.

The dripping water is clean and cold from the underground waterway under the royal castle.

I gently pressed the cloth against the girl's forehead, squeezing it until the water droplet did not fall.


Slightly raise your mouth and gently stroke your cheeks at those words that sound like a squeal.

Heavy, hot body temperature. A girl lying in bed with her worried eyes doesn't look in the eye.

Looking a little bitter, she kept sleeping trying to manage to cool her burning face on her own.

--I was told that Corona fell in the morning.

When I rushed to her room with everything in my pocket, there was already a customer there. As instructed by "her," Futa did everything she could.

Normally, the two sections of gold that were tied together were also gently flushing away.

It's been a long time since I saw Corona in bed, but I couldn't immerse myself in such emotions.

"... for now, we'll see how it goes."

I'm sorry, Lila.


Behind Huta staring at the corona from a chair placed beside the bed. What kept her from looking down was the squire Lila, who was her "predecessor".

Lila, whose silver hair closely resembles Lilac, is wrapped up in Sinion, thinks that Huta is Lilac's Kae-Dama agent, but she is just the person.

From one circumstance, she began to pretend to be a waitress without being noticed at all by Futa, and she breathed out a small amount of help.

"Have you seen the healer?

Huta nodded to the question.

"Oh, I'm going to get this later."

"Yes, sir? I'll leave my seat for a moment."


Huta shouted unexpectedly.

When I heard that Corona had fallen, Futa's confusion was terrible. I didn't know what to do with her because she was so hot that she kept telling Lila - I'm only worried that she won't be here.

I suppose he was aware of his mood.

I smiled a little and shook my head.

"Clean it up and wash it.... or are you going to wash the corona stuff?

"Eh... uh... sorry"

Well, here we go.

I threw sweaty clothes into the wagon, like the risotto dishes I made for Corona.

It's my stomach to get rid of some of the work with that foot, but Futa has no reason to know about it.

"Thank you, Lila. I'm glad you're here."

"... I'm glad you said that."

Finally, she smiles softly and leaves.

Door slammed closed.

Only the breath of a distressed girl echoes in the quiet room. Fouta lowered her eyebrows and gently touched her cheeks.

This high fever is unlikely to change in a short time.

I chewed my lips with regret.

"... I can't do anything with this stuff."

What an arena champion, a swordsman who can't beat anyone.

When it comes to killing a disease, that's not the case.

This place was piled up, abandoning everything I had to do. I knew that I wouldn't be able to perform at all, no matter what I did now.

However, it is also true that it is used as an excuse to divert attention from what needs to be done.

If Corona hadn't fallen here, Futa would have had a lot of work to do by now for Spectacular, for Primes and, above all, for Lilac's world.

There is nothing we can do here now.

I understand. But I couldn't leave.

"... it was really good at the royal castle"

Gently, Futa groans while touching the corona.

- Someday, ten years or more ago.

Fouta had a family.

I had my parents and my sister. It was a poor life unlike today, but it was still a decent family.

Your place of residence is no different from a slum. It was not comparable to Beatrix, but it remained poor - a family that could not even arrange for a healer.

I had a small cold at first.

My sister is ill, starting with one cough.

The trouble was that my parents were equally ill.

I heard that it was an epidemic, but not for long.

Huta couldn't do anything about it.

Although I followed the instructions of my mother, who was not stronger than her original body, and tried to make medicine water with it, it didn't have much effect.

On the contrary, my unhealthy sister is only getting weaker.

There was nothing I could do about it, but I learned that there were good herbs in the nearby mountains.

I went to fetch it without worrying about it.

It was a steep journey, but I was confident in my arms and strength.

I even scratched my feet, fought against the Beast, and ran away - a herb I got after so many things.

By the time I get it back, it's over.

--I regretted not being there for you.


So, really.

Thank you for this environment, where you don't even have to go get medicinal herbs.

I can only thank the royal castle for having a healer.

Gently, something feels in your palm.

"... fu"

The expression was small and relaxed.

It's hotter than usual, but that doesn't matter.

A gentle grip on your hand would be unconscious. But I don't mind.

"Oh, I'm here."

When I murmured, I felt a little relieved of her bitter face.

"Is anybody there?

"- Please."

That's when the voice came out.

If Huta replied, it was a woman who came in.

Beautiful, simple outfit.

The stretched black hair is straight. Mouth molluscs enhance femininity. Such a person.


"Oh, it's the healer's swine. You are Futa. I've heard from Corona."

"Oh, yeah. No, that's fine. Take a look."

"Yes, that's why I'm here."

To her nodding, Futa gives up her seat.

Keeping his hands gripped by Corona, he gently dodged the edge of the bed.

Her name was Squirrel, and she gently checked Corona's breath and then shifted the hanging blanket.

"Just keep your eyes off me."

Oh, yeah.

Knowing what she was going to do, Huta turned her gaze to the ceiling.

The sound of clothes rubbing. The tingling sound of your skin touching directly with your hands.

After a while, I heard the sound of rubbing a cloth that would make my clothes ready again, and I got permission from Suylene.

Turn your eyes back to the corona with the blanket peeled off and the swirl that gently touches your neck.

So, what do you say?


Squirrel puts her arms together.

The sharp gaze looked at Corona's red cheeks.

"... I don't know."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."

"Calm down.... I just don't really get it. It's not what I saw the other day."

"Last time... no, you looked at it once."

"I just gave him a medicine to stop him from sneezing."

I don't even know the healer who works for the royal castle.

I wonder if such a thing should happen, and the lid that raises the eyebrow root.

So what do you want me to do?

"I have to call you as soon as my condition gets worse. I've just guessed the magic. But this Arisa. You don't accept it, what is it?"

"Sometimes the magic of the Healer is unacceptable!?

"... don't shout so loud. It's bad for the patient."

"Nh... I'm sorry"

"Just, yeah. If there's something I can't accept, I can think of many reasons... but the most common is magical obstacles."

"Obstacles, harm...?

Suylene sighed in trouble in the middle of her mouth, asking what that meant.

And I went on.

"She's a witch." I don't know, even if it's a body that doesn't accept the magic of others - I can think of things like that. Or maybe something is eroding your body. I don't know yet because I don't have anything to confirm. "

"... how do I know?"

"That's why I'm watching. That's what I'm saying, but maybe you can tell by the way things get worse."

"Have you ever been so rude? I didn't know you were going to suffer any more. What could possibly happen?

"I can't say that's impossible. I'm sorry, but healers aren't all powerful."

In the meantime, she went on and took a sack out of her pocket.

"Let me drink this at night. I doubt whether it will work now, but I gave you the medicine. Better than not."

"... okay."


That said, Sweetie stood up and turned her heel back.



"... I understand that you're not almighty. I thought I could do anything with magic, so I'm sorry."



Looking straight at her, Futa murmurs.

"You're gonna do everything you can, right?

"... that's what healers do, right?

Having said that, Futa was only able to see off her back when she left this time.

"... that's hard."

Futa looks at the gripped hand.

Her hands are soft and hurt there because of the water work. I was a little surprised.

It's been three years. If you were working as a maid under Lilac, you might be a little more resistant or familiar with such work.

And then I remembered.

She is a recorder, and most things are done with magic.

However, I haven't used it recently for some reason.

--- A magic disorder.

I remembered what she said.

If there is anything that prevents her from healing, such as a witch.

We have to make sure of that.

When Huta stood up, she gently took off Corona's hand.

"I'm sorry. I'll be right back."

He stopped the waiter in the hallway and asked him to keep an eye on Corona, and Huta ran out.

The place to go is the Imperial Castle Magic Headquarters.

Whoever knows the magic knows it, it's where Hula Wolcott is.

--The King's City Magic Headquarters.

Located on the second floor of the royal castle, it was transformed into an area that occupied a section of the royal castle.

Close a part of the hallway, and from the attitude of the magic headquarters, you can see that you hold great power in the royal castle.

Lilac and King Gilbert would be right, but even Richter can't get through without permission.

Such a place was this block.

That way, even if it's a spider walking around a lot of places, it's not easy to get through.

"I just want to see Hula. Let me through."

"That's not going to happen."

"Then tell Hula that Fouta is here."

"That's not going to happen. I'm on duty."

Can you bend it somehow?

"That's not going to happen."

"Me... it's still better with the doll."

"That's not going to happen."

"This is a strange context."

Two men in magical cloaks stood in the way of Huta.

Beyond the hallway, you can often see many wizards moving around the room and laughing in the hallway.

They're the only sanctuary ahead of us.

Futa herself has never stepped forward.

I didn't have anything to do to see Hula.

He may bring Fouta around, but not the other way around.

But now, the opposite is true.

Fortunately for Futa, the door opened just ahead of her gaze - a lot of magicians came out of it.

At the beginning, I saw him.

"Mr. Hula!

Instead of the troublesome sentinel wizards, I shook up my voice and waved.

Then he turned around and opened his eyes with surprise.

"Hello, Futa. What's going on?

Yes, it came as usual.

The magicians behind him also hurried to Hula, who was supposed to go to the next place.

The number of 30 was bullshit, but it could be said to be the head magician of the Stream Stone.

"I need to ask you something."

"... hmm. As you can see, I'm a little busy right now."

"Just a little."

It is a rather imprudent request.

Speaking of princess diners, a group of ordinary people came without appointments to the lead magician.

From the magician's side, it's a very annoying story, including future schedules.

Futa herself is aware. I feel sorry for you.

I just want to do something about the corona in that situation as soon as possible. That's all the thoughts are a priority above all else.

The gaze gathers on Hula.

Meanwhile, Hula raised her face and said looking at Huta.



"It's light!!!!

"I have a schedule after this!!

The pungent gaze focuses on the lid that displays the expression of surprise and relief.

However, Hula, who had a smiling smile, took her eyes off the lid and kept saying,

"Whether he's here or not, you can't help but manage my schedule.

"That's not what you say when you run away!!

"I left on my own, and then I disappeared!!

Inside, it was pounding and pounding.

Fouta lowered her head to Hula.

"Thank you."

"I usually take him out. Okay, come this way."

I was guided to a place like a library.

Many desks surrounded by bookshelves appear to be his castle.

It is sometimes called the chief court magician, and the atmosphere is a word of driftstone.

Hula, who had finished her rough payment, asked as she slapped her desk with her fingertips over the gloves.

"So, what can I do for you?


Explaining the situation, Hula nodded convincingly.

You're the witch girl.

"Did you know?"

"Of course. I was there for the execution."


"It was such a crafty building."

"Right there."

Lilac said the theater that he fought that day was instantly built.

"So, do you have any idea what that disease is?"

"... nnh, it's not in the disease itself."

"Anything bothering you?

"Oh, it's recording."

"What's wrong with recording?"

When she tilted her neck, Hula turned her eyes around unexpectedly.

"Well, you don't know anything about that."


As convinced, Hula nodded.

"…" Recording "uses human life for the price."

"Life expectancy of humans...!?

"Oh, that's why I was in danger." Witches. "But His Highness Lilac liked her presence. She says she won't take her life away from people. They have such a" contract. "... apparently, she never took her life away from herself or anyone in the first place."

You can see that when you look. The leader said.

But that way, I can even give you the answer.

"Wait a minute."

She used to record a lot.

It's already pompous.

I stopped using it for a while - that's what I mean.

"--Was she cutting her life off?

For the first time, Futa knew who Corona was using magic.

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