― ― Arena Spectacular.

The sound of rain hitting a high ceiling.

"Let's take a break!

The smiling girl noticed a young man coming down to the entrance.

The sensation of sharp perception is that of a samurai who is deeply rooted in himself.

I knew that, so I dared pretend not to know at first.

I am just a seller now and have nothing to do with him coming for a walk.

However, this is not the case as long as my eyes meet slightly.

If the other person and I recognize each other, I can wave my hand as a friend who happens to have a relationship.

Just before the last customer arrived.

Lower the closing sign to the store and take two steps.

The entrance to the entrance where Futa waits is a cool place where the rain blows in from the shelter.

She gently smiled at her wet black hair.

"I'm sorry. Richter told me. I was worried, but I'm fine!

"Oh, yeah. No, if this is how you do your job at the store, it's fine."

"Ahahah, do you think so?

That smile, which feels weak somewhere - it doesn't suit her very well. Fouta lowered her eyebrows gently.

I was told straight away what was going on. Anyway, there's no way to skilfully extract something from her.


Even if I was asked, "Do you think so?"

With a difficult face, I could only shake my head.

"... I wonder. I don't know why Prim looks like that. I can't say anything."

I see.... that's right. I see. "

Tong, leaning against the wall, Prim nodded convincingly.

She also seemed to understand that Futa understood that she didn't have a wig.

Um... Remember when we first met in King's Landing?

"Is this your first game?

"I don't know if it was the first time for Futa, but it was for me. Your first game."

I'm sure that day is coming to mind behind her eyes as she closes her eyes.

Ooh, ooh. The long pattern danced in the sky vertically and horizontally, and the line of sight that collided was sharp.

That day's Prim was definitely...

He had a fever of hatred against Huta.

"... I don't think I want to talk to Prim with a smile."


Tilt your neck.

She looked up at the high ceiling.

The sound of rain is soothing.

It was a mistake.

Mistake. Huta often remembers what the word means.

I won't forget. I can't forget it.

Regardless of form, Futa will carry the sin she committed for the rest of her life.

That day, an eight-hundred long game took place in Colosseum.

It hurt Prim's heart terribly.

Did the champion who thought he was lonely get tired of fighting in Colosseum? I made a fool of the gladiator and disappeared from the world of battle.

That's what Prim couldn't forgive.

Let them admit it with their own hands and arms. They think they deserve to fight.

And he waved with his heart, and came unto the king's city: and he exchanged songs, and knew them for the first time.

The loneliness that Huta had.


I wonder what Huta thinks.

The phrase is as if it were received from someone else.

Prim whispers with his eyes blurred to the ceiling.

Those eyes have no strong will, no feelings, no power. I was just staring at the open ocean and the sky leading to the ceiling.

"I thought we had a discussion before we turned our backs on him."

"... that's..."

Once you're done, you can clean it up.

It's just some kind of escape. The essence of what she wants to ask is never to spread the vision of the future by talking about the branches of the past.

I'm sure I'll be her now, and I'm worried about something.

They're looking for clues, vague, and trying to dig up things that can be used from the past.

Futa gently lowers her head and thinks.

If Prim was angry, he would face Futa from the front. What if we were able to do this in the form of a dialogue?

"... I don't know."

For example, if Fouta receives a question from the front about the prime. I'm not saying I'm a stranger, but I wasn't so interested in it, and I was asked in words that I wanted to hear - was it possible to respond politely?

Even if it was impossible and possible, could such a place have been set up somewhere?

The situation of the venue, the situation at the time, and the situation of the person.

All of this is fluid, and if you just hang one button differently, the world will change.

One more step, if you're too late to take it.

Corona's neck could have fallen that day.

So the more seriously you think about it, the less you get the answer.

It's just...

Well, somehow Prim nodded sadly, and Futa shook her head slightly.

"Next time, I'll come up with the answer. At that time, it might not matter anymore."

"Ahahah, thank you.... but if Futa doesn't know, maybe it's worth thinking about."

The words "think" came out of the prime, and there was only a slight surprise.

When I looked at her, I smiled unchanged.

"... to Richter. I was told."

"What are you doing?

"... about the first round of the tournament"

Murmuring is a factor that makes her feel painful as if she had somehow broken her heart like this.

One round of the main election.

Prim Lancaster enters the game as a bonus - a lost match.

You don't even want to remember it, but it's in her chest.

"It was a terrible game, wasn't it, Futa? You know," I'm so worried about the killer. "


"I... thought I could win. Fighting a sword won't beat you. But he wasn't fighting a sword. I don't like losing with that kind of hand, and the sword itself has become stupid.... ahaha, I really wondered what I've been doing..."

Fu, she leans down like she's relaxed.

Beautifully cured forehair seems to be more luminous than usual - combined with rain and moisture, it seems beautiful and girly.

Futa still couldn't tell if it was good for her.

I'm sure you're not mistaken as a seller, that change clearly shows that you're working hard on "the job you can do now."

Why, on the other hand, are you not wholeheartedly welcome when you are dazzled that you are trying to do something with all your might?

Looking around her worried chest, she continued.

"But... If that's how I recessed myself, Richter."

"What did Richter say?

In response to the query, I noticed that for the first time Prim looked at Futa from the front.

Futa's expression reflected straight into her eyes like an amethyst.

It's not hate. I don't hate it either. I'm not even jealous.

Her eyes reveal a slight envy and a sense of abandonment.

"'Fouta beat Iroon with the Sword of Fighting.'"

"... that's..."

No, I was really shocked when I heard about it.

I thought I'd cry.

That's exactly what Prim said.

Huta didn't know what to give back, so she got stuck in her words.

That's true. Fouta used her "gladiator" against Iroon.

And I won.

I won't cover that fact, and I won't cover it.

Now Fouta can be proud of her victory.

You can share the victory with the audience - and with the people you care about.

That's why victory is not yours, so you must be proud.

Even if you want to hide the victory - and thus humbly intersect.

"I didn't know."

Yes, Prim went on.

Without knowing what it was for a moment, Huta lowered her eyebrows a little.

I didn't know.

That's what I just heard. If we were discussing this, it would have been different..... "

Ah, just now.

"- Yes, I still don't know."

She kicks the ground with her tedious toes, but she has no power.

However, there is no girl who innocently competes for how far the stone around it can fly.

"I don't know. I don't know. I don't know."

Small, murmuring solitary remarks.

The slightest darkness that illustrates her anguish must have sufficiently closed her mind.

"... there's so much I don't know."

What didn't go wrong?

No. Was something wrong in the first place?

Is there any fault with me? Shouldn't I hate the other person?

--Isn 't it just a story of strength that Fouta beat Eilon?

Disbelief in the arms of a samurai whispers.

"Darkness. I seek no faith in my cross."

Since I came to King's Landing. Have you ever won a proper victory?

Away from Colosseum, I was proud to have experienced many things and become stronger. But the results are mixed.

Even if everyone leaves the tower of hot sand and becomes equally powerful - is it the earliest limit that they will only be defeated again?

Normally, the energy that should shake the damn thing doesn't move as if it were blocked from the source.

Or that day.

She may have been sealed as she breathed.

Oh, I see.

Now I can't breathe properly.

--Even if I know, I can't do anything about it.


The look on Prim's face was a terrible smile.

"'If you throw it out before we talk, so will it.' That's what Richter said."

"You threw it out...?

"I don't know."

Shaking her head without strength, she narrowed her eyes.

I remember talking to Richter one day.

She didn't have the strength to get out of bed, scolding her.

There are good and bad things for any human being, things that cannot be transferred, places that can be transferred. That's all I'm talking about. "

You mean we can understand each other when we talk?

It might be. You denied Iroon, and you were just like him. "

That's all he said, turned his back.

"Where are you going?

Ha, don't get in the picture. You're not the only one who has to take care of him. "

You deny Iroon, you're just like Iroon.

The words badly stuck in Prim's heart.

"For example, yes, for example."

Fouta turned to her and said.

The answer to Prim is that we don't have a fouta yet.

On the day we first met in King's Landing, we don't know if it would have been resolved if we had discussed it.

But yes. If the Primes who deny the Iron are the same as the Iron.

On top of that, if Richter says, 'Fouta has won.'

I'm sure that's not a question of strength, Futa thinks.

"For example, if I were to oppose Eilon. I intercepted them with a gladiator... I see. I thought he was coming to kill me, and he was fighting."


If there is, there must be a difference.

Recall the first round of the main election.

Prim was defeated by Ayroon with his "undefeated" hand.

If it was Futa - it was always in my mind that Eilon would use such a hand.

That, in the end, benefited from imitation.

Fouta sees the principle of the other person's behavior. That's why I was just working with it.

I see, Futa ridicules herself because she may be part of an unbelievable, boring "fighting sword."

It's never just a bad thing.

Understanding your enemies is something anyone can do if it's permissible.

It won't work at a glance like Futa, but it's not something I can't do.

Maybe that's what Richter said.

I wondered why you said something like "Fouta beat Iron." I see.

She was depressed and didn't even get out of bed - that's how she's standing right now.

For Primes today, only the feeling of "no part of it" is the support wand, Futa knows.

"... that's not a" fighting sword "."

I see. But it had nothing to do with Eilon. "


Huta glanced gently at the tremor of her fist.

I know how you feel.

However, I don't have the words to multiply.

I have won the Iroon and I know how to fight her.

But that's why it doesn't make sense to give a detailed account of Iroon's background.

It's like forcing the current Primes to feel sorry for the Iron.

Rather, she is the one suffering.

"- That day."

As you can see, Futa murmurs.

Think back to the day you first met Prim in King's Landing.

"I don't know if it was resolved when we talked about it."

It's just that I understand why Prim's been shaking that story.

Richter said, "Know who you're dealing with."

She seems to be straight around accepting it as a fool's honest "discussion."

"I think what I'm talking about with Prim makes sense."


"Whether we can understand each other or not. It's not Lilac or Richter, so I can't tell. Experience, knowledge... faith. I'm sure it's a material for judging whether or not you can understand all kinds of things, but I don't know. However, if we discuss this, we can come to a conclusion within ourselves. That's why I think it means something."

It may not be necessary for Lilac or Richter.

It is also an odd process that Futa does not need in the fight.

So it's strangely ambiguous.

But you could have made emotions into words.

I hate it. I don't accept it. Wrong.

The "meaning" of talking to someone who has bounced away.

This is what I'm sure I can do because I have time to spare.

I can only do it because I have nothing else to do.

Then it's not bad to make the time meaningful, Futa thinks.

"I took good care of Prim, too."


"You searched for Corona with me or pushed my back. If there's anything I can do, I'll help."

"Ahahah, thank you."

Laugh without strength.

But only a little. Light returned to her eyes.


"I'm sorry for the ambiguity."

"Yeah, because Richter won't crush me."

I'll think about it a little.

So smiling, she turned her back.

I wonder if there will be work in the shop after today.

He said to his back, "Good luck."

There's plenty of room in Futa right now to support someone.

It's just...


The voice cannot be heard by Futa.

Turn your back and murmur, just a little lip movement.

"Fighting the Sword is no longer fun."

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