- Night, in the pasta.

"Too much!


The pasta mansion's cafeteria is echoed by the magnificent clams.

There is only a large hall in the large mansion, and the table is commensurately large.

The table, which was long enough to attract up to 20 guests, was filled with cooking.

"Hey, I couldn't eat this morning, maid."

"That's not what I meant! I'd be glad to leave you!!

A girl holding a sword holds her head in the hands of a maid who puts out her tongue.

Your nightmare is back this morning.

Even though I thought it was going to be a dream, I couldn't believe it would be tasted again before I went to the floor, staring at the table with a fierce expression.

The hot air and fragrance of the warm ingredients are incredible, and even though it is cash, the hunger that has decreased is vigorously squeaking.

Still, I felt ill from now on, feeling hungry and full at the same time when I thought about packing it in the same way this morning.

"Wow, Sister Koro, wow!

"This is a wonderful thing."

Fortunately, there were two more guests.

The iron barrel man Rifi had just made light contact with seemed to be a friendly man for both Pasta and Futa, and the girl who seemed to be her daughter was still in love with Corona and Futa.

Of course, a girl won't be able to be a fighter.

Of course we're talking about meals.

No, no, no.

No, no, no.

Corona and the Girl - Luli - exchanging Peace Signs.

The figure of the father who watches it with a loose expression is difficult to mix, to say the least.

I would have made a little more pitiful expression in the arena, but I was convinced that if things changed, people would change.

"Ooh, it's gorgeous again."

"Don't you learn? That maid."

Reef shouted joyfully at the door that finally opened.

"Welcome, Victim One Two!

Smiling on the shoulders of two people makes the difference between height and height worse, but that's it.

"No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.

Paid to Fouta,

"I see. Be respectful of your diet."

Pasta pays me.

"You guys don't hit me hard!?

The fake brother and sister looked at each other and laughed joyfully, shouting at Reeve with a crying expression.

In that case, Reef couldn't get out.

I'm not sure who first said the worst table air championship. Even though I was first appointed, there was a rift between the two since then.

It is clear to me that such brothers and sisters have been restored. I couldn't help but feel relaxed by the bond.

And if the two of you see Reef's expression, it makes sense for you to perceive it.

"Bad, bad. Don't worry, dinner can be prepared and carried over tomorrow morning."

"So don't look like that, you stink."

After nodding at the words of two people who said, "Oh dear," Reef also took his seat.

Uta-sama, uta-sama...

"Yes, yes, yes, yes."

"Good luck!

"Yes, Corona, good luck. Thank you, it looks delicious."

"Whatever you hide, Huta's victory anniversary. You should be proud of yourself.

Thank you. Thank you.

As Huta sat down again, defenselessly receiving the fist that had been thrown out, everyone was already there.

I swore to myself that I would quickly finish watching Luli shine my eyes on the food in front of me.

Corona's eyes looked like they had been expecting her.

A gentle smile on the wind, Reeve put her arms together.

Then a pasta with a cheek stick waited for his words.

― ― For the first time, I became a champion

It was an honest feeling.

Was I a champion when I was Colosseum? That's how I've nodded before.

In fact, the title was so, and above all, I couldn't lose.

I am a champion because I have not lost the battle. That's what I would say.

However, after all, the champion for Futa is so vague and worthless that he can't drink it by himself unless it is consolidated by theory.

That's why today was extraordinary.

First time to be a champion. It was the first time I stood at the top.

The feeling is irrational. The moment the winning flag was handed over to Lilac, the cheers rose. Yes, I really felt the bite and the pieces inside me.

Well, this is the champion.

It was a long way.

If you glimpse at the reef, you can immediately recall the fierce battle of the qualifiers.

I didn't see the audience at first.

However, thanks to pasta, the position of commentator was acquired, and Huta's position was established among the audience.

He won the tournament and crossed several matches.

I'm sure you'll never forget your card with Izna Sicienzan.

The first big cheer shook your heart just by remembering that it was directed at you. That really was a great favour.

Maybe it wasn't that big for pasta.

However, thanks to her efforts there, the existence of Futa - the gladiator Futa - was rewarded for the first time.

That's why I wanted to repay you.

I thought it would be here if I gave it back.

A game with Lilac.

The way she looked forward to it would have turned her back in the end.

Just grab the first "victory". It can be said that I hit him from the front because I did everything I could.

When I delivered it to my dreams, I reached out with that wish.

I got my first victory.

Futa still believes that it was never too small for pasta.

Even though it was lost, the smile of that day would have been the most unprovoked expression from the heart ever.

And finals.

The dishes are ready. It was by no means the only one who looked forward to winning.

Alone. Together.

This was my first battle with the Ayroon, but I was able to overcome it with a "fighting sword" from the front.

In retrospect, it was a dark day.

The tournament opened its eyes again, realizing that the curtain had closed.

I smiled bitterly when I realized that I had only spoken of the championship statement yet.

But I don't speak that well either.

"- I did it, cheers!!

"Just accumulate and accumulate!?

Unexpectedly, Reeffi is thrilled.

Lifting the cup matched the fouta, but she had no choice but to raise the cup together.



As for the maid with a full smile, Luli, whose situation was not swallowed up, laughed and agreed to the toast, congratulating Brother Ow on his victory.

"I haven't been there in a lot of places. --I 'm still glad you invited me."

The gently smiling wind also beats the cup with the lid.

Everyone is raising a toast.

Corona glanced at the pasta.

She played with the cup in her hand and looked at everyone.

― ― At Reef's celebration, I didn't think it would suit everyone until the end, and I was just eating.

I'm not still reflecting on that. There's no way you can toast with a smile after that.


See you tomorrow for the victory party.

That's what I promised.

Draw a small arc around your mouth.

"I won!!!! Complete Victory!!!!

I shouted so and hit the other cups with the momentum of zero.

The cafeteria is still bustling.

The alcohol also went in there, and one of the pasta went out to cool the burning body.

I often say it hits the wind at night, but I see.

Indeed, it is just right to cool down and calm your hot body.

Alcohol mixed up and made me too much fun to hang out with stupid people.

It's strange that I never thought it was a bad thing, but I'm sure I'm still drunk. That must be it.

The breeze is gentle and gentle enough to stroke your hair.

A small floral swarm in the garden flowerbed slightly smelled into her nose.

"- You were here."

At that time.

Looking back, the light leaks out the window.

Behind the bustling crowd across the wall, the young man appeared to have walked here with discipline from the front door.

"You didn't have to come looking for me."

"I thought you were lost."

"In your own house? That's not funny."

Sob, sob, and the sound of stepping on the lawn.

The lights leak out of the cafeteria and the stars.

Only two of the spring bugs play a slightly bell-like sound.

I looked for a balcony.

"Oh, because it hits the wind at night? I'm sure that's normal."

The balcony of this mansion is much larger than that.

However, I was told that it was quite a killing scene compared to the garden, and I only recognized it as being used to dry the laundry at best.

I don't see much of her entering and leaving the balcony.

It was remarkable compared to "sister".

"I like this one."

Say that, step back and step forward.

The sky looking up from here is far away.


"I don't hate balconies anyway. Aren't flowers rooted on the ground?

Looking down, flowers.

Beautifully arranged in the garden, a side of flowers shaking like a breeze.

"If it's stars and flowers, I just like flowers."

Crouching down, gently stroking the lining of the petal.

Her side, which touched the unknown flowers for Futa, was quite adorable, as was the alcoholic vermilion.

Speaking of which, Futa remembers.

"These flowers, are you alone for a moment?

"Yes, I'm taking care of it."

Huta opened her eyes slightly to the words that were said lightly.

Surprisingly, it was unexpected, and there were parts that were honestly convincing.

It was a fact that I often went out alone in the garden.

"When I do it every day, I don't get that much time at once... and I'm not as busy as I used to be?

"... I won't apologize."

"I don't want to hear such an empty apology. Just..."

A word that keeps sagging without even seeing Futa's face next door.

"I don't care so much about mixing up in this casual conversation anymore."


"You said you didn't care."


So she finally raised her face and smiled.

Looking at Futa, her eyes are calm and relaxed - and those who look at her are sad, as if they are accepting her sins.

"You won't forgive me, will you?

"... unless you apologize."

I didn't do anything wrong.

Well, then, yes.


Words like that dare to vaporize the bad times one day.

Fouta shut up a little, not knowing what she was drawing inside her chest after winning together.

She hasn't said anything for a while.

A quiet silence falls on the night of victory.

Hold on a sec.

"The first thing I did was sell flowers."

"... that's..."

"You don't have to look deep. I just thought it was a flower shop for kids."

A flower shop for children.

That sounds so cute, but Futa knows that her past is not bad.

I certainly never heard of it in detail.

I thought you shouldn't ask.

What inspired her to open her mouth?

--I 'm sure it's nothing.

There's been a stack up to now.

Because I didn't know Futa very well.

If her words were true, the girl in front of her would already know about Futa.

It's just that.

Like Futa told us about the past.

She just felt a little zero again. That's enough to reveal your heavy memory, "enough to want you to listen", and the distance narrowed to the left.

Even though there was such a thing, and there was such a relationship as "don't forgive" and "don't apologize" to each other.

The feelings that underpinned that stance disappeared in a breeze sometime. It's been a long time since I've had any grudges or anger.

"Proprietor" is the job of selling things. --It was supposed to be easy for me to understand when I became a mother, but it was a good nuisance. When I started the flower shop thinking that if I was selling it, I'd be trampled down by wild dogs who insisted on territory. "


"In the end, nothing can be done without" power. "The villain who thought" strength "was" strength "and desperately waved violence. It's me, it's Iron, I'm sure."


That's why I'm not talking about anything.

You think if I hadn't had the talent of a manager, I wouldn't have been beaten up there?

"... no"

"Yes, it didn't change after all. If the kid who has just been thrown out lives without knowing right or left, it is only natural. It wasn't strange that he had been killed.... but I survived because I was a" business owner. "

Hmm, exhale and tell.

I had a brother.

In one word, Fouta opened her eyes.

I was listening as the story went. I was wondering if you opened your mind a little.


If you think about it, one day she said "brother and sister" and she was cloudy.

I couldn't hear it and stayed at my service.

"To be precise, it was just a violent device called" brother. "

"... what do you want from him?"

Didn't you want to play family shit?

So she threw up and lowered her hips to the lawn and looked up at the sky.

Unreachable stars blink.

"- I gave up selling flowers and wanted" power "to survive. There's nothing I can do about it, so it was the fastest way to get into a powerful guy. That's what I found out."


"You can do whatever you want with me. If you think about it now, you're a cheerful maseki. Whatever a single-digit kid said... but I was desperate, too, because there was no price to offer."


"It was terrible. Sure, he was strong. But there was something I didn't like, and it hit people right away. It hit something. I've been beaten so many times... I had to be his cute little sister. Behind that, I was desperate to survive by working on all kinds of projects... when he came back to the house."

She keeps murmuring her miserable past.

"--I have to say welcome back with a smile. Five shots will hit you. Three shots if you don't like the way you laugh? Well, I'm helpless, so I can only apologize."

"What a family thing. Don't you just want a convenient doll?"

"... then I wanted a convenient doll. And he had the power to get it. That's all."

I don't have any good memories of my brother.

That's what I told her about the past behind her.

"... isn't the word brother and sister disgusting?

"Nothing. Look, I'm just frustrated to think of a fucking woman named Lilac. - That's what I'm gonna do."

One day I shut my mouth about her.

"Then what happened?

"We got a request to clean up the slums we were cowing. They were about to kill us all, so we ran away first. --After that, the Olba Chamber picked me up."

"... I see."

Nod. Again.

"I see....."

"Nothing, twice."

"No, I'm sorry I had to ask you that."

"It might have been a little rough if they stepped in from there. It was nothing."

"... is this the past, too?

"... yeah"


Huta exhaled small.

I didn't know what to say.

Even though it is becoming difficult to say that Futa's brother and sister are good memories. Still, Futa doesn't regret handing over her "profession."

Not in her case again.

There was nothing I could do. I couldn't change anything myself. Then it will be cloudy. You didn't even want to hear one word about your brother.

But she even ate it and threw it all away for profit.

She lowered her hips next to her.

"... is there anything I can do? For example, the"


Stuck in words.

As always, I don't like myself not coming up with a friendly dialogue at these times.

In just one word, if her melancholy expression turns into a smile.

That's what Futa wants right now.

If you can laugh...

That's what I said, I reached out.

"I really want to be a brother and a sister."

I could only tell you straight after all.

The moment I murmured, the night wind blew.

She turns her eyes in surprise. The starlit blue shakes sparklingly, and I honestly thought it was beautiful.

However, she glanced at Futa's stretched hand.

The scratched hand.

She smiles small.

I took that hand.

I'm not like them.

The distance between the instantaneous Fouta and her shrinks.

The one sitting next to me came here. The height difference that would not have arrived will arrive now.

If you can't reach the stars, bloom like a flower on the earth.

That way, there you go, from what you want.

"I'm not going to be a brother or sister, not to mention..."

Whispering is around your ears.

Gently touch cheeks-something soft and wet.

She laughs in front of the open-handed fouta.

"--I will never put your burden on you."

That smile is strange.

Huta wanted a melancholy smile ahead of her.

Futa is not familiar with flowers. I don't know the name of any flower in this garden.

But Futa knew well the name of this flower that bloomed under the starlight.

I had never seen such a beautiful flower.

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