― ― Arena Spectacular.

Blown right hand gate.

When it boils, it cheers louder than when the eye rune appeared.

The figure of a young man walking with a sword to his waist, one of the white potatoes.


At last, Ayroon hung up his mouth.

Both the first round and the semi-finals. Not to mention the qualifiers.

Evidence of this is that she has been ready to start the fight even when she takes off her dress since before entering.

Here comes the king who once made the most of it.

Champion Futa.

"― Arena Spectacular Construction Memorial, 1st Martial Arts Competition"

Insane. The voice of the girl echoes throughout the venue.

"Who contributed the most to this calorie?"

There will be many answers to that question.

She leaves it to the fever to tell her that she has to seal everything up.

From the qualifiers to the finals, Eyroon? The host of this tournament, Your Highness Lilac? Certainly, the activities of the samurai, including them, will surely be carried forward. But... "

The walking man simply stepped into the cobblestone without looking back at the audience or intimidating the opponent.

Three qualifying rounds. I analyzed the strengths of every samurai and brought the heat to the guest seat. "

1 round of the main election. It conveyed the heat of the violent men who appeared, and they scratched the bird of the day. "

Semi-finals, a fierce battle that won't stand a step back before His Highness Lilac. The enthusiasm was beyond anyone's doubt, and now I'm proud of the calories of the tournament. "

The loud spectacle is already fully open.

That's what happened after the two girls took care of it.

Let's hear it again. Yeah, let's change the way we say it. "

For a moment. Even the sound of her little breath resonated in the arena.

Who deserves the crown of the 1st tournament!!

A fierce fouta cole.

Someday there stood a man who wanted this cheer more than anyone.

Pretend not to care about anything.

I felt extremely impressed. The more emotions you're about to overflow, the fever in your chest will roll, and the hot tears from the boiled tear glands will come off.

But endure it - she said.

Just a strange face, "Wall or Wall."

Without seeing any emotions, he gently places his sword at his feet.

Then I turned my wrist to lightly tone my body.

I defeated the most powerful man in the qualifiers. Your Highness, the mightiest of kingdoms!! Then there's no other way to bring home the winning title!! I thought so!!


The eyes that covered the money reflected only the eye rune.

Huta said, if we don't give Eilon B. Smiles - there's nothing there!!

Eilon B. Smiles has that personality.

That's what she told me.

The audience heats up instantly and explosively.

That would be the case.

Eilon's game has been watched with them.

The ability to overcome the qualifiers without difficulty was highly appreciated by some muscles than by Izna, who had made a tremendous breakthrough.

The guards who knew what Prim Lancaster was capable of appreciated the strength of the Iron.

And the strength of Richter L. Klimbroom, the second most powerful in the kingdom, deserves to be guaranteed.


The heat, the cheer, becomes clear as it grows.

― ― Fouta Pomodoro is dyed all over.

That's why this game is a "final", a battle worthy of winning!! It is worthy of the curtain of this martial arts tournament to decide the most powerful of kingdoms - that's what oniichan said!!!

Come here and remind me of my "commentary brother."

Its persuasive and incalculable calories are the earliest to climax in the finals.

Unstoppable Fouta Call.

There was nothing I could do.

Compared to Futa's previous trajectory, Iroon placed a heavy weight on "winning", but the content of the match definitely hurt his fans.

Speaking of which side to support, there is some kind of hostility that comes to Futa suddenly.

Of course, it was something I was used to for Iroon, and it wasn't worth caring about.

What surprised me was the degree of solidarity with the champion.

But that's also something.

Because he only sees himself in front of him.

Yes, it is.

It has nothing to do with cheering.

Me and you are the same Shura.

Let's hear it with a smile until the end!! The last commentary will tell you everything when you win!! Pomodoro!!

The proclamation finally raised her face.

I looked at the audience seat and looked back at the eye-rune.

"― ― The referee continued yesterday with General Mion. I am complaining about the advertisement today, but I omitted it. Thank you, Lord Treasurer.

I'm Lilac, the commentary. As usual, pasta. Ladies and gentlemen, please go out with me. "

Here comes the smile of the sisters next door.

And quietly Lilac took his hand off the magic device.

"By the way, Fouta said this is the finals?

Pasta with your hands off the magic device and a slight movement of your mouth with a strange face.

"Yeah, that's pretty much what it looks like."

"... heh"

Well then ─ Let the game begin!!!

On the signal of General Mion, Huta stood up.

Totally useless today. The style that only fits your nails is still the same as the eye-rune in front of you.

The instantly swelling enthusiasm is a hue of fouta cole.

An eye-rune that still stands tall in front of you.

"... ahh. How long have you been waiting for this?"

"Have you had that much contact with me?

"Fufufu, yes, I understand how much you've been aware of - I understand."

I shake my neck loosely.

From her point of view, Futa's perception is quite natural.

In other words, it's like you admitted that there was a one-sided obsession.

I told Futa that I raised my eyebrows inexplicably.

"For example, if you had someone stronger and closer to the apex than yourself. The person is not interested in himself. - Don't you think it's natural?


I mean...

She just sees strength in Futa.

"You were strong. Most in my life. It had a strength that wasn't too loose."


"So, champion. I'm sure you've actually lost interest in the arena and quit? It was very, very regrettable for me."

Put your hand gently on your chest. She told her to talk.

"Oh - really. If I had been in time, I wouldn't have been bored.


Those eyes get mad.

Solo (Air Aria)

At that moment, Iroon kicked the ground.

Landing with both hands from a magnificent flip-flop, swinging your feet like a solitude, a complete surprise aimed at Futa's face.

But Huta avoids it in a small amount of Sweden.

As the wind dashed lightly, she raised her mouth with joy.

"Ahhhhhhh - let's sing, let's sing. Until we sink with bubbles!!

Avoidably, he turned his body upside down and was kicked in the back by a relentless sudden attack. But also, Futa simply avoids using a single piece of paper by shifting her right foot.

The movement of seeing through everything seems to understand me, and I can't wait to have fun.

"Former [Eight Flashes Under Heaven] Lacquered Dagger, Mermaid of the Corpse Mountain Blood River (Serene) -"

As she continues to evade all the storms of the beating, Huta pulls her mouth away.

But there was a continuation of the words.


/(adv, adv-to, vs) (on-mim) (on-mim) feeling better/feeling better/feeling better

A slight shaking of the trunk due to the upset.


Both carelessness and crevice are the food of her dress. The fist that plugs into the gap is a clean hit that definitely grabs the abdomen.


Futa's backjump, which completely killed the momentum, is still backwards under intense force.

Fouta was attacked first - the venue was screaming at the impact.

However, Futa gently rubs her stomach. I raised my face.

If you want to move a little to the pain, the eye rune who was shaking his arm without eating and tearing his throat is tough enough to face.

But Futa had no intention of attacking, she just avoided her blow and murmured.

Holder of the next Throne Challenge.

Is that so?


─ oniichan got hit first!!

A blow from the eye rune is heavy, and if you're training in a slender way, one of your fists is really fatal. But for Futa, it must have been light. That body is capable of dealing with any samurai, so much so that it looks at dealing with dull and durable samurai. I mean, "

I mean...?

The eye rune is simply lightweight in front of the fouta.

"Lightweight... you mean light?

Yes, take away the opponent's health with haste. Alternatively, it can be assembled once to make your arms and feet unrecognizable. That's the winner of the Eilon. It would be a bad idea to aim for the defeat of a single shot. "

As the commentary goes on, the audience cheers even more to the fouta that really doesn't get caught in the fist of Iroon.

It's a relief because you let me do it.

In their cheer, Pasta narrowed his eyes slightly.

I knew I was fighting with some kind of verbal exchange.

On top of that, Futa was attacked.

Pasta is not a samurai. But even that Ocean Big Wave's rotten fought so hard that he could easily take his first shot - I didn't think it was just a fight.

After all, it is thoughtful to stroke your lips - a pre-investigation for the introduction that I did earlier in the Eilon room.

Why are you obsessed with Futa?

Yes, I asked her.

Pasta remembers her answer well.

--The champion is a symbol of those who crawled up from our mud. That is what deserves the strongest name. Is that why you're so wrong to want to do it yourself?

Who climbed up from mud.

Pasta certainly smelled the same as herself from the eye rune.

Oh, what a man of profession.

She lowered her eyes small. I looked at my hand off the magic device and murmured.

"You're... different from us. You're an idiot who jumped into the mud himself."

I don't know that from the side.

At that time, I didn't tell Eilon the fundamental difference.

"Take responsibility."

Eilon B. Smiles may have felt it on his own.

Still, it doesn't change the causation you created.

As a result, there are people chasing us all the way to King's Landing.

It must be for her - and for him.

Beatrice M. Olba makes that rational decision.

Return to Pasta Pomodoro and speak up.

Well then, this is where the sights come from!

...... yes


"No, you won't understand if the situation is interrupted, right?

I'm not so skipped!! So what happens if Iroon gets a blow from oniichan?

That, and Lilac take a beat.

It depends on Futa, right?

Pasta didn't know what it meant.

Probably samurai territory.

Lilac's gaze never leaves the battlefield.

You can only tell me, and at the same time, you get angry with yourself for some reason.

I realized once again that I hated the princess in front of me, who made it look like she was hungry.

"What do you mean?

But that's another job.

Two choices. Do you want to go out with Eilon or...? "

It wasn't impossible.

There are several ways to gain the right to challenge a champion.

The first is to reach the Eight Flashes of the Dagger and face the throne battle once every 10 days.

One is the reverse nomination from the champion. To be declared challenged.

The first is to win a tournament between the Eight Flashes at the end of the season.

For Futa, it is the eight hundred long game that is the bitterest memory in life.

The next day, the final day of the tournament would certainly have been scheduled.

I didn't know what happened to the finals.

But... yes.

Eilon B. Smiles vs. Minasse Lowell

I can somehow remember that it was a card.

The fact that the finals were celebrated by the first women - they disappeared secretly.

If Iroon had won, she would certainly have been in charge of the next challenge to Fouta.

My fist flies.

As Huta avoided, she dropped her arm.

And that's the only correct answer. Evade, receive and, in any case, be the starting point of her joint moves.

Don't underestimate Eilon's slender body. Look at that tight limb. It exerts more force than you can see, and I'm sorry if it's assembled to be a foul.

"One more day. The sooner I could have challenged you, the more regrettable the nights would have been."

"I see....."

"Yes - so please enjoy yourself today! Come on, sing - sing!!

The way Eilon B. Smiles fought was similar to that of Richter L. Climbroom.

I put my best effort into it without any effort.

However, if there is a difference between the two - Richter is always at his full strength, while Iroon is always getting more power up his butt.

Seeing your own blood makes you run wild, and you don't care if you get hurt. And considering the fatigue of the opponent, the more Ayroon fights, the better he carries.

The unexpected "Night Imagination (Nocturn)", fists and fists thrown at each other.

Eyroon, who continued to neatly evade all of Futa's emission, performed his own killing technique with pleasure.

"... I can't believe the eye rune is moving like that."

"Really? I don't know what a maid does!

I don't know...

Reeve put her arms together with the maid next door, and for some reason a strange girl started sitting next to the maid.

A grand man who looks like a guardian nods as if he understands Reef's intentions, but at the same time, what a delicate face this situation is.

"Yes, perhaps Miss Iroon would be better suited to her personality."

Is that so, uh, a wind?

Wind nodded and looked straight at the eye of the eye.

In his eyes is a reflection of those who also live to kill.

"Her battle is different from mine. A defenseless cannon that does not take its own life, pain, or suffering. It's just a battle for the mighty... In that sense, she resembles a gladiator."

"I don't want to be with you!"

"Hahaha, it's probably a different profession. There is no doubt that he is like a gladiator. The difference between finding value in battle and in victory is much bigger than you think."

Gladiators say the stronger the better.

I'm sure Iroon thinks it's better to win.

Because the gulf is not filled - Iron B. Smiles hates Prim Lancaster.

--I... hate him.

As a matter of fact, the feelings were not one-way from the Primes, but held against each other.

"Killed is the best way to lose. The instinct to survive in the battle demonstrates its true value. Her sharp senses are not the gladiator's battle sense, but her survival instincts as a creature. If that's the case, it's because the person who poses a threat is more likely to be able to prove her worth."

"You know a lot."

"... hahaha. It's one thing because it's old age."

The day I first met her. Wind often remembers the famine like a tiger in his eyes.

It was as if I didn't have a hobby for skinny lions.

If Wind was in perfect condition, I don't know if Luli and I were safe.

Ma'am. So, because the Fouta imitates the eye rune, the eye rune is even more powerful by enjoying killing each other?

"Yes, that's right."

"I see... I hate you."

"I guess. It's just..."

At the tip of her narrowed eyes, Huta kicks her in the eye and blows her off with her soles.

"--I don't think Master Huta is going to do that."

Eyroon felt uncomfortable at the end of the blow.

Now - if I jumped up and assembled my feet, it wouldn't be strange to take away one or two of my feet.

Why, with his face raised, Huta shook his head.

"... eye-rune. Bad."

"What is it?

"Differences between all (...) parts (...) (...) (...) (...)"

Eyelon's expression, dyed with joy, loses its color.

"I was never strong."

Even if I made a mistake, I didn't have the strength that wasn't too loose.

"I wasn't anxious for strength."

However, I just wanted to prove that there is a place where I can work even when I'm unemployed.

"The arena was the only place I held onto."

You can't lie to yourself about losing interest.


I'm not like you.

"Eh... champion, you"

"I'm sorry, I've quit naming champions."

"... that's a lie..."

--The invitation was broken and discarded.

I thought it was the same Shura. I thought what I was looking for was the same.

I thought I had a crush on the boring arena.

I thought the feeling was the same.

"Why, with all that strength...."

"This is not strength. It's just power. I'm not strong."

"It was a lie...!! This is strength!! Power is strength!!

Or eyes that are seen open.

The storm blew out.

─ Wow!

This is - fighting spirit. That's the best thing I've ever done. "

Yeah, but the eye rune has to be switched on.

Well then...

At some point, Lilac leans over the tea cups she has at hand and tells her.

Aren't you in?

"--Ah-ha... Ah-ha... Even you seem to be mistaken... then yes. If you don't get it right... the stronger the better... the better. Otherwise, it's strange... ahhhh..."

Loosely, the body of the eye rune is shaking.

Her expression hidden in her forehair remained invisible.

Yeah, but the wounds...

The assumption is just wrong. Her switch doesn't just mean she's traumatized. "

Looking back - the abandoned church on a rainy day.

Lilac M. Fangini, who was late to respond, said, "It can't have been switched on."

Then why?

"Her switch is about hurting herself."

Put it on your body. Mind your own business. I'm sure that's the same thing for her.

My heart is deeper.

The relative fouta exhaled.

"Maybe it's nothing to apologize for."

I apologized for not being able to respond to her thoughts.

But apologizing for the way I am now would be different.

I didn't live for her.

But I'm not going to trample her feelings.

There is not much I can do.

--Fouta was happy.

There was even someone watching me that day.

The shape may indeed have been distorted.

But that day was still enough.

Not now.

That's all I'm talking about.

"So, come on."

Grip your fist and stand up again.

"Your partner is mine."

I'll tell you from the front.

It's my sword.

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