One day, she said.

─ I hate losing.

"... I hate people who justify losing. I hate to see losers. I hate losing.... I hate to admit losing."

I'll do anything to win (...). I hate the weak. I want to kill all the mighty. "

--It was an unbeatable life.

Losing was the end of my life.

It was an unacceptable life to lose.

Once I lost, Beatrice M. Olba was "dead."

Still, even the hostiles lick their shoes and survive.

I'll do anything to survive. I've done everything.

"To win," she said.

Fouta kept thinking about the meaning of her words.

I understand.

It was an unbeatable life.

And perhaps he kept losing again and again.

He kept telling himself that he had not lost yet by "not admitting" his defeat, and said that it was a life that had crawled up desperately.

Otherwise, I hate to admit losing, and the words don't come out.

If she admitted her defeat, her life would have been over by then.

Huta was thinking.

But there was no answer.

So I asked.

"What's your" win "?

I heard about losing.

For her, defeat is death.

He says he's still fighting to win.

The opposite of losing is winning. That should be it.

But for her, winning means surviving?

If you lose, you die, a simple equation.

But then there's got to be a smarter way.

There must be no reason to make the Olba Chamber that big, or to make spectacular.

Fouta didn't get an answer even if she thought about it.

Why didn't you ask honestly from the beginning? It's called wilderness.

If I could think of myself, I would have fulfilled her wish without saying anything.

Yeah, that's why I don't always look cool.

The red girl in her eyes turned her eyes in surprise.

After wiping the tears away.

It's a win for me, isn't it?

I'm sure Futa won't forget that sad smile.

― ― Arena Spectacular.

The second round of the semi-finals between noon is today's main event for the second round.

She breathes out a little as she scrolls at hand in the fact sheet.

And I looked up at the sky with a distressing expression.

"... even though you don't look like this."

Though it is rational to return to me immediately, the melancholy has never dispersed.

I know. This game is the biggest one today.

And the way I've thought about it is the most "winning".

All you have to do is run without one or two.

That way, I'll surely let go of the scroll that I was clutching without knowing.

Originally, she didn't need a script. Scripts that have been filled in to the extent of scripting are only written so as not to interfere with the progress in the event of trouble.

Most of the scrolling is a real-time note.

Feelings and audience movements in this game. Remember to "take note" of what you said, so you can be mindful of your seats as well as the battlefield during the game.

At that time, I always fill in what I felt on my skin, and then use it.

To make money. Yeah, that's right.

Spectacular operation ahead, my position, the Olba Chamber of Commerce.

The more I think about it, the less money I have.

Looking at the scroll notes, there are a lot of things you can use in the future, and I'm not worried about today's game.

I don't think so.


If Lilac says he's not afraid, he's lying.

I don't know how far I can see my behavior and how far I can reach my palm.

But we still have to trust ourselves and push forward.

What we've been doing for a long time.

I crawled up to be crushed many times.

Maybe I don't feel like I'm using the idea of not wanting to lose, but I can't do anything if I care about something like that.

My guts are relieved.

Honestly, I don't feel anxious to hang out with Lilac from now on.

From the beginning, I chose not to fight her. It's easier to sneak a blade from behind.

But I chose this situation. I'm not anxious to take Lilac.

And strangely enough, I wasn't afraid to challenge Lilac with Fouta.

You should be able to doubt betrayal.

It was all his play. I changed my mind. I've been that woman's dog from the beginning.

Someday, I was always thinking and moving about that possibility.

If you let go of his hand like this, you'll end up upside down. I didn't even think about jumping into a state.

But now I can't help but understand.

I hope he's not a man who can play.

Thinking about that woman's dreams is not an obvious thing.

And then...

One. You made my dream come true. I've been scratching my feet all day, dreaming that I couldn't reach. He said he'd deliver it to me... and today he made it come true. "

That emotion, that past. Because I know everything.

What he wants most is clear enough to not know what to change his mind about now.

So don't worry about it.

Then why is she so melancholy?

"I'm putting it on.... that face."

"Shut up."

"The mask is also peeling off. Do you hold a stuffed animal?"

"Shut up."

"But hold on...."

My face is completely 9 years old.

As much as I sacrificed my shame for the camouflage, I hugged the bear's stuffed toy for nothing more.

Keep burying your face in your soft head.

Fouta must have returned from the summoned Lilac.

It's not like I don't know the dialog "I've put it on."

And that was what caused her depression.

"... hey"


A detailed inquiry, with his face buried.

When she couldn't see her expression, Huta, sitting next to her, asked in a breath.

He is so natural that he doesn't know which one is coming next.

Are you sure you want to do this?

"You're weak."

"I'm not weak. But..."

Looking sideways, she seemed slightly distorted in the corners of her mouth. Shake your head so you can't see it.

"It's not like that. Hey."


"Just tell me to shut up and follow. You are."


"Even in your room. Even in the study in the middle of the night.... in the dining room or in the kitchen. I'm not glad that you're paying attention to me any more."

"That's what happened. It's your fault."

"Yes, it's my fault. It's my fault."

Wherever the wind blows against her that bites her teeth.

She sighed at him as if she had given up. Deep, deep breath.

"... okay."

"Oh, I need it to win. Isn't that nice?"

"For me to win."

"We"? Don't ever make a mistake again. "

"Yeah....... oh, what did you just say?


She looks up unexpectedly as if she had been called by an unfamiliar phrase.

I'm still not feeling well in that look.

Still, it seems that he was able to wipe out most of his melancholy.

Master Lilac is seriously aiming for the apex.

"... yes"


It's a standing position, that is, a champion.

Not that woman's Colosseum. They're turning you into something that everyone's trying to cross you into. "

― ― Beyond Huta.

I'm sure that's not just about strength.

Lilac said earlier.

In other words, planning involves the part about how I raise spectacles.

I'm the face of this spectacle.

"Well, it's time to go to the waiting room. Thank you for explaining."

"... Futa"


On your feet, voices.

Turn around and grasp yourself straight - the same pale eyes as your sister.

"... I'll bet on you, right?

Minutes is a bad bet.

But nevertheless - I'm going to pick it up.


Now, the second semifinal match begins.

1 moment from the impact of the first match.

During this time of lunch break, the strange tense atmosphere had already abandoned.

The topic of the audience's deliberate exchange of words has shifted to the next game.

Even if the finalists were Ailoon B. Smiles.

Either Lilac, the kingdom's best user, or Huta, who won the most powerful Izna qualification, will be fine.

There is hope among them similar to such a sense of security.

That's why, isn't it? This time, waiting for the next game, was said to be relatively calm.

Like, for example, a group of extended picnic seats filled with holiday nature parks.

Everybody!! Please wait!!

There, the echoing voice is awkward and tense and cute.

The brilliant and energetic children immediately said, "Pasta!" and his crushed eyes shine.

Pasta, which is already gaining popularity mainly for girls, was also a thank you to the father who came to fight for Spectacular Sword.

Whether it's family service in the women's quarters or not, there's no resistance to coming to Spectacular.

It will be a little while before Pasta herself finds out that 80% of the girls who carry their feet to this arena are already aiming for Pasta.

Second semi-final match!! It's starting!!

Wow, a loud cheer.

Match cards appear in the field.

The flames and explosions that blow up on the wall pull the audience's mind back from the calm to the heat of the sword.

I will continue the actual situation! Pasta Pomodoro is here for you! But as everyone knows, oniichan! He's gone!

Wow, cheering and laughing like you see something smiling.

As you know in the arena, it's only natural that you don't have a commentary brother.

The audience that thought of him, who would be waiting in the waiting room by now, continued to hear the voice of pasta.

So this time, you came here to explain! Please!


Ah, uh, hold hands on this.

"... shall I? Wow, I really made a noise. This is amazing."

Please introduce yourself!

Izna Sicienzan. I can't explain it to you, but it's not very nice.

The audience excites when I hear about Izna Sicienzan.

That's true. I don't think people who are not in a privilege will come to the commentary. However, he was also known as the "best man in the qualifiers". Iroon's victory until the finals didn't make him feel as if his position was shaken, but nonetheless everything in his game took away the audience.

If so, Izna answers the welcome cheer.

So, this one's hot.

It's hot.

What, what????

It goes without saying that the heart of the venue was synchronized.

Er! That's why the fact sheet goes like this!

A pasta that pushes forward the air of the venue suddenly anxiously.

And from now on!

The rustling and scrolling sound is slightly echoed.

To the referee, eh?... eh, do you read all this?

Hah, pasta with a sigh, I'll do what I have to do because it's my job.

"Thank you, Sir Richter L. Klimbroom, for carrying the dreams and hopes of the people. From today's Judge General Mion.... let's do it. Yes, it's not a generic name..."

A girl in a butler's uniform waving her hand in a smiling field.

I wonder why Richter took on this referee, even though he had a game, and his work would be piling up.

I heard the story about the referee's neck, but I didn't think he would be a substitute.

It's not a Richter game, so I'm hoping you'll give me a fair deliberation.

So, everyone is waiting!! Athlete admission!!

As the audience boiled waiting, the entrance gate on the left sprayed an explosion with white smoke that became familiar as soon as possible.

A new round in your memory. It was happiness, but the sword business, the spike of the wretched Konzesh, must have burned into the eyes of many people. "


The elegant step-by-step approach is reminiscent of the eye rune of the first match.

But why? After all, the sophisticated atmosphere of the princess's walk is more sophisticated and more beautiful than the eye rune.

"Called the kingdom's best user, she said she was actually looking forward to the game. You probably don't know why."

This game.

I looked forward to this game, which was neither the final nor the first match.

There is only one answer to be derived. There is no other opponent.

But surely the audience doesn't know the connection between Huta and her.

That's because oniichan was the only one who recommended her as a privilege. And then she taught me this. --I would love to play a game with him on a prosperous stage.

Oh, my dear voice.

No one knew the name Fouta Pomodoro.

He suddenly appeared as a commentator from a completely unknown place.

I don't know where I scouted.

But I had already found the man who dropped Isna Sienzan somewhere else.

The fact that the "kingdom's strongest" is looking forward to this game also raises the audience's fever when I think the boulder is Princess Lilac.

What is a prosperous stage? Is this a game of the kingdom tradition? Or to play the leading role in the kingdom's theater? Fufu, I'm sorry. Everyone knows that, right? --If you're happy with that, this guy didn't build this place!!

She responds gently with a wave of hands to a bursting cheer.

The white hands wrapped in gloves may not feel very samurai.

But still she is the strongest in the kingdom. The supreme sword that can obey all samurai who participated in this martial arts competition.

I gave him one of the bonuses because of this day. A prosperous stage, of course, is this place. This day, and right in front of you!!!

A small leap into Battlefield cobblestones that lightly sets the pace. Its lightness outweighs that of Prim Lancaster.

Everyone will have seen the opponent's strengths. Perhaps above her. Few people thought so. But she is "the strongest of kingdoms". I can't break my knees here to prove her name!!

Come on, man!

Its name is already high in heaven, but what we seek is the summit of these samurai. Will the Princess's sword, which has descended from heaven, reach its peak?! Here comes Princess Lilac M. Fangini!!

The rosy blossoms of court wizards accompanied by an explosive cheer.

Against the backdrop of the rising glitter and white petals, she pulls out the konzesh and looks beautiful.

Pasta once leaned and exhaled deeply, because of the fuss and her visible appearance.

"... is that good?

The murmur will not reach you.

But he said he didn't care. And I said this is the winner.

Then there's no reason to stop.

That's because pasta is the path Pasta Pomodoro showed us.

At that time, when all the white petals were scattered and a moment of silence dominated the venue, she was small, but the words were clearly shaped by the magic device.

"... yes, let's talk about the old days."

And the gate on your right explodes.

I know who's coming out. He also explained how much Lilac was looking forward to. I'm sure the audience knew why he was chosen for the privilege.


─ Just because it's strong doesn't mean it's gorgeous.

No one in the world knows that word.

But Izna, who was next door, looked at the pasta next door as if it had been played, and the golden girl who was bandaged there slowly raised her face in the corner of the venue.

- And in this room.

Though only slightly, some people know a man named Huta.

It is the same arena, even though it is a distant foreign country. It is no wonder that there are customers who are hobbyists.

That's why I knew I'd see it.

Then we'll talk about it. That was what I was thinking.

"Once upon a time, there was a champion who was so despised in Colosseum in one country. His artifact, which builds the myth of defeat, mimics the other artifact. The technique, backed by its incredible strength, was flashy, and its popularity as a gladiator was irresistible."

The tone of speech is pompous.

The game with Izna reminds me of what I was told.

The fact that Izna looked better is irreversible.

Fight, fight, fight. Still, I wasn't rewarded. Oniichan was a hater. "

Son, she snorts a little, but spits on herself in her heart.

That's right. This is the winner.

Invoke a dark past for the opposite.

I would have done it in the old days without changing one's complexion. I'm good at imitating crying.

Then pretend to be a party and shake the hearts of the audience.


To put it plainly, it was bad.

Emotions come out when something happens. No matter how well you act, your "party nature" and your "feelings" will only be white if you don't put them around you. The feeling of immersion, the thoughts you raised, the heart of that day that will be revived as soon as you dig up your memories.

Pasta is never "good at acting". I don't have that talent.

That's why her true mind is so exposed that the more she tries to put her feelings into it.

Izna lowered her eyebrows.

Eyroon narrowed her eyes.

The audience who was in Colosseum that day - slowly lowered their eyes.

Colosseum has been banished and there is no place to go. I finally got some sunshine in King's City, which I visited at the end of the wandering. Everyone loved oniichan. "

Good for you, oniichan.

Her words refresh the hearts of the audience.

- That's right, it was bad.

It's obvious from the audience.

Everybody, now. I'm sending a cheer to Futa.


"Welcome to King's Landing!!

"I'm not kicking you out!!

--Emotions come out anyway. No matter how well you act, your "party nature" and your "feelings" will only be white if you don't put them around you. The feeling of immersion, the thoughts you raised, the heart of that day that will be revived as soon as you dig up your memories.

--Pasta is never "good at acting". I don't have that talent.

--That's why her true mind is so exposed that the more she wants to put the other person on her emotions.

That sort of thing.

It was irrelevant from the end when the audience was put on the word "good, oniichan" in the previous match.

Her heart is already close by. Whether or not she was with Fouta that day no longer amounts to something.

I 'm--oniichan won and everyone was so happy!! That's why! I'm so glad we had a match in cheer today!! Oniichan!

There was an athlete who was once judged to be devoid of flowers.

There was an exiled man.

But I don't know. That magnificent step by the young man who emerged from the smoke.

Today, in the "prosperous stage"! Show me what you can do!! Fouta Pomodoro!!

Explosive cheers are directed at the huta - and the pasta.

It will surely surpass the most popular princess in the country in every sense - the winner.

Please. Please.

In the overwhelming cheer, she groaned small.

Just once.

Just once.

Let me win.

Two people facing each other in front of their eyes.

He raised his face only once. I nodded with my eyes facing the reality seat.

Let's win.

I felt that my heart was getting through.

- What's your "win"?

--It's a win for me.

I'm sure Futa won't forget that sad smile.

--I 've only tasted losing, so I don't know.

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