"Don't be silly. There's no way he's gonna make it out of me before I die."

A few moments ago, I almost unconsciously vomited.

It is only natural to say that life is in danger.

However, it is also true that the truth is zero because of such times.

"... if you say it yourself, it's going to be vain."

For one thing, there was room to throw up and throw up and think.

The tragedy that was happening in front of me was fatal.

Solo (Air Aria)

From the jump, land with your right hand. The speed with which you swing your feet is like a sword.

It's just a blow to the neck of the enemy. The neck of a man turning in a disgusting direction, making a twisting sound of bones. The heel is swinging out without even passing through it.

More than a sword that could be swung up without hunting her that jumped into the middle.


Her fingers pierce her throat faster.


The dagger that swings down is shrugged down with just one small step.

As a result, he doesn't know how dangerous it is to take a step back.

Lucky, she glanced lightly at the back of the man who came down in front of her with the sword.


Mud Eater

Guyah, he makes a crushing sound and throws the body that is missing in the lower half of his face - the sad face of the knight who seems to have been his friend.

"The upset is slight, but it's a gap."

When his vision was blocked, his flying fist struck him in the face.

Make a dull sound--don 't blow it off.

Ah, I did it again.

I "pulled out" what was "a face" that stuck to my fist with an umbrella.

"If so, the monster is ahhhh!!!

No matter how horrible she may be, she looks thin.

How can we not win in a group?

Rush breeds fear and creates a survival instinct that pretends to be okay.

Two knights desperately attached to both arms.

"Kill it now!!


The knight in front nodded and waved his dagger vigorously - a moment ago.

Oh, I've never seen a humanoid gauntlet before.

The knight clinging to his arm was lifted as usual.

He screams with anguish just to prevent the blade from being used as a shield.

She tells the knight that she feels depressed by the upset that she has cut off her family.

"I liked your relentless allies."

"Chi, chi..."

"What is it? No, it's not."

The knight, holding on to both arms, hits the ground as it is.

As he stretched and relaxed, he now grabbed the men's feet and shook them down like sticks.

The swordsman's head in front of him and the man's head shaken like a stick bounce like a ripe fruit.

She noticed that she took the umbrella in the hand that had the man's foot and slowly opened it to prevent blood from returning.

"Not enough singing yet. All my soloists are ringing, and I can't hear you. Instead of screaming children, sing more songs - sing more songs!!

A recital (Aria) that takes away one life each time it moves its arm and leg, laughing madly.

She doesn't aim for Conrad. I didn't want to kill her, I felt like I was muttering somehow, but this guy Conrad didn't have the courage to penetrate her now.

"If not, it's a monster...!! The Knights report that they fought well with 10 men...!!

In the arena game, you said you were lazy.

Looking at Conrad in the middle of the battle, Pasta looked at the devastation of this battle with one cold eye.

--They told me not to kill Conrad.

That word alone was too much information for pasta.

I already know that Eilon B. Smiles and that woman made a deal.

I didn't know the exact details, but I could read Lilac's scenario in this situation.

Even though there was nothing I could do to help myself from reading it, the goal was to catch Conrad with his children as bait and hit the eye rune here.

She says she won't kill Conrad, so she'll come after you and be a farce.

In other words, he had the hand to treat her as a killer - perhaps even Huuta - and instead pressed all the sins of Iroon against Conrad, who tried to impersonate Iroon.

The Eastwood family is now decaying, and Iroon is a hero who captured a vicious aristocrat who tried to hunt his children in the sun.

Happy birthday.

--I don't like it.

Why didn't you honestly ask Pasta to be a fool?

There are several possible reasons.

I guess there's a point where you don't give me a chance to get in.

I don't want to borrow it, and there will be profit and loss aspects.

However, he threw out without a word of advice - he didn't even let Pasta understand because he thought he could die in the worst possible way.

And for that reason, what was her intent?

"It must have been everything I honestly thought when I ran away."

In this case, it was the harvest that made me realize that I was bound.

I thought about something extra, even though my life was in danger.

There is no need to transfer extra affection to people.

It's not enough to just step too far into a business partner and get caught up in some crappy women's war.

The way you dare remind me of that is certainly that woman.

This is not how you do it, but how best to be aware and pull back.

The point is that she wants to say:

I told you not to get too close.

"You don't have to tell me."

I felt a strange emotion. I realized that there was unnecessary warmth in the house.

The slightest thought of wanting to go home is "unlikely".

Pasta Pomodoro is a pseudonym after all. Even Beatrice M. Olba is the only remnant of love I've ever felt in the past.

The only thing that suits me best is the red hair, a symbol of hate that was spit on in the slums.

A good thug. You just use it and throw it away.

I should have told myself that I meant it.

Even though it is.

"... uhh, nonsense nonsense nonsense"

Are there any "qualifications" for bad guys to feel pain in their chests?

It is an unchanging fact that more than a dozen hundred human hearts have been twisted in the same way.

I get irritated.

I've lived away from humans. Because I knew this would happen.

Then why was he the only one who could forgive me?

Did you know the past? No. No.

You knew what you were trying to do? No. No.

Because you were alone? That's not true.

I won't forgive you.

Gu, I bit my lips.

He said that he would not forgive. And his hands were already blocked.

That's why they didn't bother to hate me. I thought that even if I didn't have to do that, I would only be connected by interests.

--I thought it was connected. I didn't realize that my feelings were already weak.

Solo (Air Aria)

Several knights were blown away and killed.

It should no longer be called a carpet of corpses. Every time she strolls gently, a strangely viscous sound of water resonates.

"--Well... you're the last one. After all, it was a good sport before the tournament, even though I was about to practice (sparring)."


Waving gold sparkles in the starlight.

The moment Conrad got cornered, it was the moment he took a step back.

"Over there!! I found it!!

Reflectively, the pasta turns to that voice. At the moment, she jumps in like a big back to protect her.

My family is supposed to be more reliable than they used to be.

― ― But how come you're so revealed in your willingness to protect yourself? No more words for the man in front of her.

Are you okay?

"... either way, right?"

"Ha...? Is the injury like a cut to the leg?"

Yes, it is.

Her reply, which is too weak, does not feel the shards of her usual petty cheekiness.

But while we're doing that, things are moving.

Conrad with his sword in trembling hands and, in some cases, Iroon B. Smiles standing to shelter the girl as the guards rushed over and killed the knights in vain.

"--What the hell is this?"

The voice of a silver girl who came out of breath gathered the crowd.

"So, Your Highness...!!

Conrad's groaning murmur didn't help her, and she looked at the golden girl standing beside her.

The golden girl pays her hair just as she learns it, and tells her all the same.

"I didn't want to forgive you because I was targeting this girl in a group."

What do you mean, yes or no?

Pasta raised her eyebrows slightly.

The guards glanced at the pasta that had been given to the girl, without being distracted by her cold heart as to whether she was a fairly playable woman.

"This kid - I know him, pasta!

"Ah, it's Futa's sister, Pasta!

The fact that Huta is standing in front of her, and it seems that the guards came under the name "Huta's sister is missing".

The two conditions overlap and the flow of judging her as "that pasta girl" is terribly smooth.

Pasta is the only thing that keeps your emotions cold.

Conversely, there is only one Conrad, who is frightened and opposed to the eye rune.

"Conrad, what do you mean? I didn't know you had a knight with you... and Eilon and Fouta's sister."

"That's... that's not it!! I tried to protect this monster from trying to kill her!!"

"Monster... Iron?

Conrad is bleeding on his head when he looks at this pile of bodies.

"I am Conrad Eastwood!! Eastwood, you son of a bitch! Which one do you believe in?

I couldn't say that the woman in front of me was "Aria."

He claimed to have killed himself and listened to his achievements in the royal castle. I can't tell you.

That Fouta's sister can't hold her side either. If this happens, I regret that I shouldn't have been able to speak at all, but the rest of the festival.

That's why I cut the credit card that I can cut off now.

Lilac is perfectly on our side. The guards are under Lilac's control.

I don't know what to say, but I'm gonna cut through here somehow.

Believe it or not, Lilac's eyes stared at it.

Her eyes are completely different from those she always sees.

"... Your Highness?

It's like I haven't seen Conrad. Clear, ice-cold eyes.

Yeah, like seeing a corpse, like that.

"What?" Lilac turns away from Conrad, who feels like frost on his spine and feels an unknown fear.

And face the eye rune.

Pretending to be afraid, Lilac chants.


Step by step, and step by step.

It was by no means a slow step, but somehow the guards felt the movement really slow.

It's a "conflict." Can I stop the princess from walking?

But what happens if we don't stop it?

It was the twin guards who squeezed their courage to stop them.

"Please wait, Princess Lilac!!

"Wait!! Your Highness!!"

I'm sure the princess doesn't know their names, Bill, Ben.

That's why she stares at them with a neat expression.

But Bill and Ben know.

I'm looking at the real thing. That's why I can say it clearly and unequivocally.

"This woman is" Aria "!!

"Definitely!! Dangerous, please step back!!

They must have squeezed their courage.

--After all, it is settled that Conrad was the one who crushed "Aria". There's no way you don't know that when you talk to them.

However, he was not allowed to hold back as a guard, such as presenting the princess in front of the killer.

There were two killers who stood back and said, "Oh, I want to fight more than ever." They were happy with the change.

Conrad shouts at the same time as the amazing Lilac.

Aria must have caught her already.

"- Then don't be stupid!!

The disguise doesn't accumulate when it is exposed here.

But ignoring Conrad's voice, Lilac looked at the eye of the eye.

And I put my hand on my chest.

"I trust you now look like you're sheltering Futa's sister. Are you..." Aria "?

"Sometimes they call me that. It was hard to get out of the table when they arranged for a nomination."

― Was that so?

Lilac nodded as she opened her eyes, and Eyroon took off her bloody dress gloves.

Becchan made a dull noise and fell to the ground without paying attention to it, and she continued.

"It's true that you broke up in this man's territory."

"Now, if you admit to being an indiscriminate mass murderer....?

Aria's confession.

Conrad shouted, "I can't help but see what I've seen."

"That's right!! He killed all kinds of guys!! That's right!!

Scream, because I didn't deny it before.

That's why I thought it was just right to cover my sins.

But once Conrad couldn't notice the eye contact between gold and silver.

"I fight only samurai. We don't deal with women and children."


Conrad loses his word.

With a slight consternation on his face, Lilac continued to speak in haste.

"Wait a minute, please. What do you mean - there are still a lot of girls killed in King's Landing!!

There were also numerous notifications to the guards.

The guards listened carefully to my father's call to find my daughter and help me, desperately searched for her - and hated the existence of Aria.

That's why I asked you that question.

Sarasara Iroon B. Smiles cares about her hair.

"Thank you... I've never had a woman or a child with me. The man often referred to the group as hunting, grabbing women and children, and was pinched in the orphanage. It's up to you to move on to the crusade."

The guards and Conrad heard the story of the orphanage being turned into a castle.

Well, Conrad certainly can't deny the possibility of taking the orphan, and that information route is also possible.

When that happens, yes.

This is how these knights were chasing Futa's sister.

"La, Princess Lilac....."

The guards are civilians.

They are not familiar with the power society of the aristocracy.

But they were confident that their beloved princess would not go astray.

It was because she was at the top of the guards that a civilian organization was formed to maintain law and order in the King's City.

It is then that they are twice as sensitive to the tyranny of the nobles.

And I believe in the princess.

This is the result.

--Everyone no longer sees the eye rune.

Conrad A. Eastwood. Everyone's looking for something.

"I'll call you later at the royal castle. At the very least, I will allow you to step into the King's East Wood villa. In the name of Princess Lilac."

La, Lyla ―

It's the princess's name to shout.

But the last thing a man saw was a weak, deep window lady like the one he'd seen before.

"... I will ask you about the situation at the royal castle. Conrad A. Eastwood."

It's not a good word to take a step and whisper in your ear.

"You're obscure, and I really appreciate it."

- It was a "rape male."

After Conrad was taken away by Lilac and his guards.

"Ah... really. You really were with that princess."

"... it's been a while."

Relatively, Eilon B. Smiles and Fouta.

After a long time, she said nothing had changed, and the eye-thinning fouta was really more enjoyable than the eye rune.

"It's going to be so much fun to start here. But... if I have an appointment with that princess, I will definitely drag you down from the top of the tournament."

I see.


As she sings, she leans back with her umbrella in one hand.

Well, good evening.

Watch out for those who walk away gracefully.

Huta immediately looked back.

Are you okay, pasta?

"... always."

She, who played with her shortened hair, stood alone with trembling feet and without the support of the wall.

Her rough breath was calm, calm was restored, and she finally had a white expression. More than usual, she had an atmosphere that even felt "nostalgic". Huta frowned slightly.

"No, but I'm in danger of being abducted..."

"It's not a nice guy to be around. Now that I'm angry with each and every one of you, the world won't change."

Her stunned gaze seemed like a mockery of what Fouta ran for.

Normally, Futa, who is supposed to be one of the villains here, murmurs to her with a slightly different vibe.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing? I was just wondering if you weren't here. How dare you throw up such heroic dialogues when you're desperate to be" safe. "


"You knew it was a farce. Whatever happens to him, come here, cut that play, make Iron a hero, discredit Conrad, check mate. Don't you see?"

"Hey, pasta."

Unexpectedly, Pasta shook away her arms.

"--you came here!! Simply!! Because you knew I was going to... throw you out like this!!!

Who set it up?

It goes without saying that.

I knew I couldn't measure my emotions. But I didn't want to think that she knew her feelings better.

Not to mention

It is only humiliating to be "known" to be messed up by a man like this.

"- It's not going to make any difference. Stay away from me."

Words to keep away and turn your back came out as many times as possible.

I don't like such a self.

I don't want to see what kind of face you're lowering.

Even though it is.

"Are you going to walk home with those feet?"

"You're used to it! A scratch at best!! I have to tell you I don't want to be touched by you!?

Turn around, stare and scream. The man in his eyes - I hate the look on his face.

He would have turned his back in the first word.

The way you talk, the distance, the way you push it all, you're supposed to be the same as that day.

Why are you staring at yourself with such a troubled face?

I chewed my back teeth and threw up.

"Your hands should already be blocked. Never worry about me again."

It began to rain.

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