If so, the puddle bounced.

My feet, which were about a light early walk, gradually increased in speed, and my feet became fast feet, rushing feet, and my breath rose.

Running through a narrow alley with its tiny body, the fucking girl bites her teeth.

Looking back, the shadow of multiple men.

Pasta Pomodoro was being chased.

On my way home, I thought it was strange.

I noticed it was obviously on my way to my former Olba Chamber of Commerce residence.

There are multiple shadows that grow at sunset.

I shook my head asking myself if I had seen enough people to chase me. In the first place, he came out wearing a hood through the exit for the people involved.

At best, the only person who knew that he was Pasta Pomodoro, who could be organized and followed, was in the premium seat.

If Pasta Pomodoro wasn't the target, I thought he was the one who followed Beatrice M. Olba.

It is not that we have not devised a solution for the case where the identity is revealed.

Beyond standing prominently at risk, someone who eventually arrived at being a beatrix appeared and was ready to be chased.

Nevertheless, it's too early. I'm barely ready yet.

Besides, it is impossible to read that the French state and its officials are taking action knowing that the identity of pasta is a beatrix.

In the form of tissue, your hips should be heavy. In addition, it would be more profitable for them to come to the kingdom at the same time as they were exposed.

It should be extremely unlikely that you will be able to hide in the shadows and follow yourself.

But for a girl named Pasta Pomodoro.

The mere fact that someone was chasing me wasn't an exaggeration to say that my life was in danger.

There are many ideas for running around, and it is not a difficult future to wait for any possibility.

Think, think, think.

Keep running with your head around.

The number of chasers is increasing.

At first, when I felt behind the street, it was supposed to be at most 4,5 people.

However, after I perceived the signs and entered the alley, I was pushed by multiple people from the front and left and right as if I was packing it with a board game.

It's quick to think they're trained.

The more you run, the more you run, the more men you wait for before you run and follow you from the front.

As the pasta's feet gradually got faster, so did they.

It's like a beast hunting under pressure and hunting in a group.

Run through narrow alleys. At the crossroads, several men come out from the right and front.

Footsteps follow from behind.

There was no choice but to turn left and run for a while, and men appeared on one side of the branch again.

The number of people chasing her from behind continues to grow, and the speed at which they chase her continues to increase.

He's being led somewhere. I knew it.

I couldn't read whether it was a trail or a place to invite, or whether it was going to sink into a pond or something.

"Hah, hah...!!

If that's the case.

Oh, if this is going to happen again.

Now, maybe it's time for him to train a little and get some strength.

etc., distorting the corner of thought.

After all, I am a "business owner" and have no choice but to use my head. So exercising to build strength is inefficient. Even though I still believe in it, I shake my head like crap.

Just a little bit, but the affection shifted.

Similar situations, pointless stories of the past, and parts of each other's backgrounds that have been shared.

I told you from the beginning that it was not necessary for just a business partner. If you notice, this is pathetic.

Why are you so positive about the feelings you have?

Are you thinking on the premise that your feelings have shifted?

Why can't I scream if I don't think of them as fine dust?

Gu, bite your back teeth and shake your neck.

--if you really think it doesn't matter who they are.

If, as usual, you had a cool mind to spend as a token.

By now, it would have been better to go home with them than in an alley like this.

I'm not the only one in that house.

I have a maid waiting for me to come home and an extra escort back.

If we got them involved, we'd still have a better chance of surviving.

I'll do anything to save you.

I'll do anything to live.

It's a lie.

If only such a way of life were truly possible.

--I still haven't worked so hard for the Olba Chamber of Commerce.

"Kh, ahh...!!!

My breath rises.

I can't breathe. My lungs are burning and I don't feel my feet moving.

However, because the vision was moving forward, I had to paradoxically understand that it was running.

--There's nothing we can do about getting them involved.

--It is bad for those people to know about the existence of the Olba Chamber of Commerce villa.

--That number of people will be able to disperse it.

It's all just an excuse not to go back to that house. I understand.

Fouta couldn't make it to Lilac.

I'm not going to ask you to help me in the first place.

One day, when I ran into Richter's house, I didn't ask for help.

That's what Luli's father should have said when he was in danger, and Luli wanted his own help.

I don't think you can help me.

I don't deserve your help.

Are they locating their house?

If we let ourselves escape here, will we go straight to the Mansion?

"Stop it. - It's not worth it, but stay away from me."

Oh, really. To get closer.

"Bad guys aren't such bums. --Including me?

I can't feel my legs anymore.

When I think of them as very energetic, I realize that they've been forged too much.

I see.

Choices are narrowed down. You hired an assassin, you put up a pussy, that's a different kind of thing.

"We have an investigation into the murder. Beatrice is right, Eastwood is hiding the information."

"Ah, after all? Doesn't that mean that the second boy who just came to King's Landing is pretty bad?

'Yes. Rather, the bad guys are more likely to be from Eastwood. --Notify the guards here.

It was mostly girls around the age of 10.

Oh, I see. What I'm seeing right now is the girl of her age. In addition, I can say that it was quite prominent today.

They came out of the privileged seat by themselves.

Even after Conrad announced the murder, Lilac's guards were heavily guarded. Mostly, the limit of patience.

"... that woman"

How dare you pretend to dislike speech diffusion magic and make us think like this?

Though I was a little wary, I didn't expect to use myself for such a thing.

The point is, it's just a "fish out." I'm a bait.

I often told you to get rid of it before the tournament.

Then I shake my head with my life in mind.

Is my life guaranteed?

I should have shown you how good Pasta Pomodoro is for Spectacular.

I told you that I would not allow anyone else to follow me. It's probably not a lilac that can ignore anything you say about yourself as a "business owner."

But I'm not sure.

By now, if the situation had been so good, I would still have been proud.

Because of his trap, the baited self escapes to the designated point.

Then the woman packs herself. That's right.

But I don't know anymore.


Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

─ That's my neck. It's the cheapest. "

That woman, no way. I didn't expect to get that far into others.

How does her monopoly move with emotion so much that it doesn't end with words such as passion.

She couldn't read it either.

"Nh... don't break...!!

I don't know.

What scenario is he drawing?

Do you move to get rid of yourself rather than spectacles?

The balance cannot be ascertained by himself.

Unlike Lilac, who has manipulated people with emotion.

All she had to do was crawl the earth, and all she had to deal with was numbers.

He has not hesitated to behave aggressively, stirring up his opponents, dulling his thoughts and living with numbers for profit.

Death comes from someone who has love. Yes, I thought so.

"--Follow me, we're almost there."

"Don't let him escape."

Don't make too much noise, will you?

After an exchange of whispers, they just hunt her down.

Imagine what you're waiting for, yeah. Probably no life.

Death comes from someone with love.

You should have known - this is it now.

If you sacrifice yourself for someone else, you will be devastated and killed.

I was shown it in front of me.

Hold someone and forget your power. Quickly, they'll take your feet and wipe you out.

I was shown it in front of me.

That's why we're just trying to be efficient. I thought so, but now I can't read my emotions.

Hyu, there was a sound of the wind cutting.


Haha, she falls asleep like no other.

In sight,\ 39248; behind a dirty alley with a smell - a dull glow.

I can see that this arrow has been plundered on my hot feet. The thought was terribly calm.

"... hey, don't you cry?"

"Unfortunately, I'm used to this hand pain."

Slowly, get up.

But it was packed.

The blonde man who brought the thunder and the men in front of him.

A man with a distorted mouth as if he were hunting or enjoying something, leaning forward and stepping back.

"--It's a fatter liver than I thought. I don't like cheeky women. Let's take it easy... and be honest."

"... it's like showing a gap in your own battle.... Conrad Eastwood"

"Oh, you know what?"

The bad guys are pretty sure.

I haven't seen the disgusting side so many times.

He only turned to Lilac and bit his back teeth because he wanted me to spit out that filthy desire.

"Well, there were circumstances when I came out on purpose. That's why I enjoyed it. Take your time at the Mansion. I have other things to do."

"... yes. I'm going to be killed just like the kids who took me."

"Heh... did you know? I need you to tell me where it came from."

Where time has been earned, the situation may not change.

It's just the sunset darkness. Maybe there's a way out with a hood on.

Living foot scratch. Yes, relative to the mind.

"What happened to the child's body?

"Come on? After I got tired of turning it over to my men. I'm trying to keep my feet off... Were you friends, too? Or are you scared?

"Nothing, just..."

"I feel sorry for you." for the misfortunes of people like you. "

"Between us."

The man in front of you will not understand the meaning of words.

Just give me a little time to find a way to live.

She was hopeful, but the reality was heartless.

"--I 'm starting to wonder if I'm really nine years old. Because it is unusual, is that okay again? Maybe you don't have to save your life?

"That's your hobby, letting me trust you with a glimmer of hope and beg for my life? There was someone like that."

"... well. I probably don't have time for long stories."

Conrad's life is to take him.

Men are faster when they try to run away with their tongues slapped.

I never said, "Help me."

Even in this situation, I didn't feel like talking.

For example, if this was Lilac's situation.

I don't deserve to be helped by the only person who might help me.

The only person who might be able to help me is not able to take this hand.

I'll lick your vengeance shoes if you're saved. Yes, even if she's determined.

It's obvious who's beneath the only one who might be able to help.

Even if you knew and overlooked this situation, there's nothing strange about it.

By the way...

Why, Conrad?

I suppose he went out of his way to take the risk.

"- Hello everyone. It's a good night."

― ― Time goes back, shortly after the third round of the final qualifying match.

The third round of the final qualifying match - this is... I wonder if I'm dreaming... The scene is exactly the same as the first round of qualification and the second round of qualification. The only difference is the number of people. On top of the piled losers, you can relax in a deep window!! I can still win with my umbrella in one hand, Iron B. Smiles!!!

There is still "up" in the eye rune. But it seems that there was no one who could pull it out. "

You mean you're not serious! I'm looking forward to it!

In cheer, she said.

Ayroon B. Smiles walked under the light as usual.

As if I had forgotten that I had been arranged as a killer, I didn't know that there was a man who beat his fist with anger.

"He" has no reason to know that it doesn't really matter to Eilon to arrange appointments in the first place.

"Shit... I haven't had any new tools in a while..."

What did he call "tools"?

His associates understood it roughly.

A "tool" for catching, playing with, and throwing away.

It was his entertainment and his diversification.

Daily frustration, or again.

That's all.

Even though the killer is gone, the number of guards going around has not "somehow" decreased, so "hunting" has not been successful recently.

What I saw at that time was a "live seat" that looked good from the premium seat.

She was positioned in front of Conrad, "facing away", and she was visible from the opposite side where the field sandwiched.

I wanted her to gather the audience's ears at a glance.

If you're sitting in a live Spectacular seat, you must be related to Lilac.

I would also like to discuss in detail the story of my achievements before the main election.

This is how you get two birds by throwing a stone.

Conrad nodded to do so and immediately visited Lilac after the match.

"- What's the matter, Your Highness? He looked so worried."

"Conrad... No, you know what? I have a problem."

Conrad, who visited the Spectacular office where Lilac was, called out to Lilac with a faceless expression.

I want to talk about myself right now, but I don't have anything to be noble about.

When asked, Lilac shook his head with a distracting expression of asylum that made him feel weak.

"Can't you talk to me?

"No... I mean... that. Conrad caught the killer, didn't he?

"Yes... yes."

That's what Conrad thought.

Did you realize that Iroon is very similar to Aria in the Arrangement?

For a moment, he either deludes or scolds, or loses his choice before he opens his mouth.

Lilac sighed blatantly relieved and kept on like this.

"I'm glad... the eye-runes are just similar. I have to apologize later....."

Iroon resembles Aria. That's good.

However, I was concerned about the continued words. It's like, yeah.

"Have you seen him? Iroon... with His Highness."

"What? Ah, yes. Someone who has passed the qualifiers is a little bit. Where do you live?"

"Ho ho"

I'm not going to end Spectacular in a combat tournament. Conrad knew about that.

That's why you should spit on good people.

But that didn't matter to Conrad.

Luckily, if she knows where Aria is.

You can only change the lies you used in the moment into the truth.

"Can I ask you more?

"What? Why?

"Don't worry. However, I wanted to give those who passed the qualifiers a reasonable environment. Or are you going to invite me to the royal castle?

"Yes, no. I didn't even think about it, like that."

Out of the question, it went well.

The princess appeared to be impressed by the evidence.

"I don't think it's the kingdom from the name."

"Yes, that's right. Until today, Ayroon has been staying at Aitail Church in District 12."

"Until today?

"Yeah... only during the qualifiers."

I see, I see.

If you let me go to the main election and then there's going to be a new murder, it's a mess.

Besides, if we don't definitely take out "Aria" as Eastwood, we won't have trouble getting confused later.

It seems to have been quiet for a while now, but the way things went crazy in East Wood territory wasn't unusual. The same tragedy cannot be repeated in King's Landing.

Immediately, let's make the famous innocent real. That's what he asked.

"By the way, you know, live? Is the girl who was being molested in His Highness's liver?

"Huh? Oh, Pomodoro brothers and sisters? My brother is a guest of mine, and he talks about various foreign swordsmanship."

"Hmm... what about my sister?

"You're a smart kid. I'm going to talk to you in Spectacular again today. Unlike my brother, I just stopped by on my journey... and as for me, I'd like you to stay."

"Yes, I see. Well, it's each person's life."

How convenient is that?

"Talking to Her Majesty alone will certainly be a good food for her life to come."

Is that so?

"Yes, that's right."

This is how you get two birds by throwing a stone.

Again, Conrad nods.

Eilon and the girl who said she was coming home.

I would definitely not get it at the same time.

"Well, thank you for your election tomorrow, Your Highness."

"Ah, yes. I'll do my best."

Conrad, nodding haughtily, leaves the room.

― ― I knew he would come at this time today if I flicked his honor in the main election.

Regardless of what happens tomorrow, I can also predict that I will not make plans today.

I can't fish out if I'm just a girl.

I won't hurry if it's just Iroon.

But let's just make you think it's a good time.

"Yes, goodbye. Okay, next."

Of course he didn't hear the rhetoric murmured behind Conrad.

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