"Gusun.... it's terrible, both of you."

"No, it's terrible, Richter....."

"Because Fouta makes incredible mistakes, you idiot!

Continue in Richter's private room.

That's what Prim said as he flattened the many dishes on his own.

"I'm so sad, I can't eat through my throat."

"That's what this kid is saying and eating."

The meal that Huta and Richter were slowly advancing settled into her belly as she was inhaled.

Richter looked at the sight as if it were a half-familiar sight.

"Speaking of which, why is Prim here?

"Why... it's Richter's escort."

With the sauce on her mouth, she takes it for granted.

No, you weren't there before.

"I don't know. I already know where the room is, and I'm with you wherever you are."

"Is that what it is?

"That's what it is."

Futa, think about it.

"For example, if I did Richter a little here, wouldn't it be too late?

"No, it's not about distance, it's about you. If you were going to kill Richter, there's nothing you can do at this distance."

"Really? If I tried to kill Richter, I'd be in time. Why don't you stay a little closer?

"No, if you try to bury Richter with a single shot, you won't make it, and if you try to kill him, you'll make it."

"Is distance so irrelevant?

"Yeah, it doesn't matter."

"Besides, do I have any human rights?

Richter, with his pathetic face, looked alternately at the two.

How many times have I been killed in this short conversation?

"People... rights...?

"What a difficult face. Do I have any human rights? You don't have one?

"Don't worry, Mr. Richter. There is no concept of human rights in the prime country."

"After all, barbarians...!!

What is human rights… and about Primes tilting their necks, Huta asked Richter.

"But the kingdom protects human rights. There's an image of people dying."

"People's lives may be lighter than in the Principality. The Constitution of the Kingdom also recognizes the existence of assassins..."

And Richter looks complicated.


"Sovereigns and lords are powerful. From the Constitution."


Huta understood that the status of nobility and royalty should be protected despite the fact that there is a council.

However, Futa thought.

... the Principality of Colosseum must have had that concept.

It was in the Principality. The concept of human rights.

"The Principality is the country of Colosseum?

"From there."

Richter beats the table unexpectedly and poorly educated.

"Speaking of Colosseum, Futa."

Throughout that Richter, the free Primes looked at Fouta.

"Izna, what's going on?


Izna Sicienzan. Former [Eight Flashes of Heaven] Woo no Tai Dagger who was accompanied by a motsuke without knowing.

He was currently detained under the royal castle.

I don't think he's been treated harshly, and I'm not talking about Lilac.

"You'll make up for what you did yourself."

"- Yes."

That's all Prim seemed to understand.

As always, I am sensitive to such things.

"Richter is making it really hard right now. Colosseum"

"It's not just about me, it's better to say that I'm being made.... that there really is no human rights at all."

"If the royal family is powerful, yes."

"Royalty, do something about that prince. There are still a lot of hole-savers. Oh, shit, I got angry when I remembered. I'll get you a drink."

Well, well.

Do something about Lilac.

Someone so strong and smart and yet so cute and weak?

Do I have to do something about it? What should I do about it? Isn't that supreme?

--Sadly, the biggest pit was right in front of me.

I remember about Richter adding alcohol, and one of the fountains related to Colosseum.

"Speaking of which, I've remembered something about the Colosseum."

"What is it?"

Richter returns with a bottle and starts pouring wine into the glass.

With his eyes twinkled next to him, he glanced at the prime in his hand with an empty glass. It was then when I tried to pour the liquor.

"Richter's going to enter, too?

"What about it?"


I stopped tilting the bottle.

"What is that? Are you kidding me?

"No, you're not joking. I saw Richter's name on the list of invitations."

"... whose trap is it?

"Eh, you didn't know?

In other words, the two of them make their expressions sharp. A quiet room.

A loud, nasty whistle.


"... hey, Prim"

"Huh!? What!? I'm not letting Richter enter on his own. I didn't ask the princess or promise to shut up with Richter!!!

"I don't drink to you!!!!!!"


Ignoring the tearful prime in shock, Richter returns the bottle he was tilting to himself. I had to let go of it.

It was going to get warm, but the lid didn't stick in there. Dare.

"Did you enter on your own....."

"Eh, no, that's..."

I guess I can't stand the gaze I'm staring at.

Prim cried as he cried.

"Because!! Richter, you're working hard!! It's pathetic to miss the chance to fight a sword!!

"No, ask Richter. I thought I already checked."

Previously, I only heard that Prim was going to talk to Lilac. I heard you, but I didn't think you'd shut up with Richter.

"Then you won't be satisfied with your job."

"Which is more important than work or fighting swords?!!!!

"No, it's my job...."

"Even if Huta said it, it's not convincing!!


Then Huta sank after all the good damage she had done.

Prim waves his hands like a waste and screams.

No, no, no! Richter, do something!


"Richter's eyes are falling apart!

The reason I didn't say a word earlier was apparently because I was dead thinking about my life ahead.

"But the princess did!


"I'm not lying!

"So what are you going to do with Richter's work..."

"You heard me!

The way Prim smacked his chest, he was so confident that he changed from what he had just done.

Whatever you're going to say, Huta once gave Richter an eye contact.

"Ooh... mmh..."

I accidentally covered my face.

"- I see. Will you take over my job when you grow up?"

"Mr. Richter, that's what you're holding... because it's a wine bottle, not a child..."

"Nothing much has changed."

"What do you mean!? Are you coming for a laugh!? Or is it a sophisticated, profound word that I don't understand!?

With the puzzled fouta around, Prim grabbed the two shoulders and smiled.

"Well, don't worry so much about your work! The princess made a lovely suggestion!!



"That's right!! If only I was busy with my work!!

Boasting, she tells.

"I'll help you!!!

"─ ─"

Calf and Richter fell.

"What!? Richter!?

"Mr. Richter!? Are you all right, Mr. Richter?

Huta, who picked up Richter, screamed.

"No way!! You're unconscious!!!

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